03-29-1954 Special Meeting167 A special meeting of the Mayor and Council was held March 29, 1954 at the City Hall with Mayor G.N. Duncan presiding with the follaiing Councilmen present, H.L. McEntyre,_ V.R. Siddall, G.R. Yarbrough, N.E. Brenner,. John Collier Motion N.E. Brenner; seconded by V.R.' Siddall that the Fire and. Police Committee be given athority to dispose cf the Old fire truck. as they see fit. Motion N.E. Brenner, seconded V.R. Siddall.that the License Committee reconnend that the A&?P Tea Co., be granted 1• beer license for off the peemiees consumption. Voting for N.E. Brenner, siddall, Collier, and Yarbrough, Voting Against,,McEntyre. Recommended that H.L. McEntyre contact the underwriters association and get man to come out and discuss future fire riates. Motion by H.L: McEntyre seconded N.E. Brenner that the Fire and Police Committee reconnedn that Mr. Tanner be hired. asthe 7th Policeman. Voting for, Brenner, Yarbrough, Siddall and McEntyre, Against, Collier, Motion by G.R. Yarbrough, Seconded by N.E. Brenner. That in, l:iew of the original agreement passed at the 17 of November 1953 meeting of City Council that Cobb Heights Subdivision pay the . sum of 1,750.00 for water service. Also, this sum to be refunded in its entirety by credit of $25.00 for each meter installed,, this credit to begin with the 26th meter .installed and continue througYi the 95th me ter installation within Cobb Heights Subdivision. Motion by V.R. Siddall Seconded by G.R. Yarbrough.to adjourn. Meeting adjourned. POLICEMAN'S OATH OF OFFICE In. J , do solomnly swear that I will well an u y emead myself as Policeman of the City of Smyrnav and that I will, faithful, enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability, with out fear or favor and in all ,action as Policemman, act as I believe. for the best interest of City. So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me this, 7th, day/)bf April, 1954.