03-01-1954 Regular Meeting165 The regular meeting of the Mayor and Council was held at the City Hall, March 1, 1954, 7:45 P.M. Mayor G.N. Duncan presiding at the meeting with the following Councilmen present, H.L. Mc-Entyre, V.R. Siddall, John Collier, and N.E. Brenner. Minutes of previous meeting read. Mr. McCollum and a group of residence on Hickory Hill Street came before Council in regard to the width of the paving on said street. Refferred. to Street and Sidewalk Committee. Motion by N.E. Brenner, permit The Little League donate 50 lbs grass seed Voting Unanimous, seconded by John Collier that we Baseball to use City Park and to And mulch for the ball park. Street lights for Hickory Hill, Benson, Trailwood and Kennesaw Drive referredto Councilman John Collier. H.G.' Po,ss requested something be of West Spring Street. Refferred with V.R.. Siddall as Chairman, started at once on the widening to Streets and Sidewalk Gommittee Letter dated February 23, from Kennesaw Land Company read. requesting additional service. Refferred to Water and Sewerage Committee. Application of J.B. Parks for Chairman of Tax Assessor Board read. Motion by John Collier, seconded by G.R. Yarbrough that Mr. Parks be elected as Chairman of Tax Assessor Board. Voting unanimous. Motion by V.R. Siddall, seconded by G.R. Yarbrough that the water rate on all water used over the three thousand minimun bill be raised to 40,& per thousand, effective March 1, 1954, Voting unanimous. John Collier appointed to'the Library Board to represent the City. Motion by V.R. Siddall, seconded by G.R. Yarbrough that Mr. Ilatts be ath orized to purchase new garbage truck. Voting unanimous. Motion by John Collier secondedby V.R. Siddall. that Mr. Watts be athorized to buy complete welding outfit. Voting unanimous. The disposing of old fire truck referred to Fire, Police, and Finance Committee. Green Acres Church on Pat Mell Road requested to be brought into City, referred to Planning and Zoning. Motion by N.E. Brenner, seconded by G.R. Yarbrough that fruit and vegestables benders business license be set at $20.00, Voting unanimous. Councilman G.R. Yarbrough appointed the following men to serve on the Planning and Zoning Committee. T.H. Wood, D.E. Freeborn, A.A.. Heinlein. J Motion by N.E. Brenner, seconded by John Collier that we pay the legal bills of City Attorney Willingham in the amount of $2,500.00, Voting unanimous. Motion by N.E. Brenner, seconded by G.R. Yarbrough to adjourn. Meeting adjourned. Mayor, G . Duncan V,C;, J e - Je�L'A# ounc loran, V.R. Siddall 0, CoLtndi-i H. Mc t re Clerk.� A Helen Baldwin �� t Co nc loran, N.E. Brenner Councilmen, G.R. Yarbrough Ti■� U�^':y'� Counc an, John Collier