01-08-1954 Regular Meetingloo Cont:'. of Regular meeting January 8, 1954. Mayor Duncan presiding with Councilmen G.R. Yarbrough, N.F. Brenner, V.R. Siddall; John Colier, and'H.L. McEntyre present. A large group of Citizens came before Council asking them to give careful consideration and rofuse to renew any old beer license and give any new beer license. Motion by V.R. Siddall, seconed by G.R. Yarbrough that Mrs. Price not be permitted bo bring trailor back into City. Voting unanimous. Motion by G.R. Yarbrough, seconded by V.R. Siddall that the salary of the court recorder seta.btt$60.00 per month. Voting unanimous. Moting br V.R. Siddall, seconded by N.F. Brenner that Mr. John Kelley be elected as Court Recorder for the City of,Snyrna. Voting unanimous. Oath of Office given to Mr. John Kelley by Mayor Duncan. Moting by H.L. McEntyre, seconded by V.R. Siddall that the clerks salary be set at $300.00 per month. Voting unanimous. Motion by John Collier seconded, by H.L. McEntyre that the assistant cierk,be hired at $1.00 per hr. Voting unanimous. Motion by H.L. MCFntyre, seconded by G.R. Yarbrough that Harold Willingham be rehired as City Attorney for 1954 with retaining fee of 025.00 per month. Voting unanimous. Motion by H.L. McEntyre, seconded by John Collier that the budget on Police Car and trucks -be set for 03,350.00'. Voting unanimous. Motion by John Collier, seconded by G.R. Yarbrough that the budget on Parks be accepted. Voting unanimous. Referred to Water and Sewerage Committee to investigate and study i the City's buying surveying equipment. Motion by H.L. McEntyre, seconded by V.R. Siddall that $1,500.00 be set aside i- i for replacing truck and equipment. Voting unanimous. PA- FX-Mayor Gibson came before Council asking that the building cost be reduced. I Motion by H.L. McFntyre seconded by G.R.'Yarbrough to pay Charlie Dobbs $ 25.00 for the use of his car in connection with the work done by the members of the tax assessors board o f 1953. Voting unanimous. Motion by N.E. Brenner, seconed by G.R.0 Yarbrough that W.L.Westbrooks be hired as Plumbing Inspector for 1954: Voting unanimous. Motion by G.R. Yarbrough seconded by H.L. McEntyre that Bob Taylor be employed -as Building Inspector for the City of Smyrna. Voting unanimous. N.E. Brenner Not voting. Motion by G.R. Yarbrough seconded by rd.F. Brenner that meeting adjourn until Tuesday January 19, 1954 at which tine.the regular meeting would continue. ayor ,. . . G . Duncan oun n • G.R. o C .R. Ya C er Coin, , He en B dwin man: John'Col. ier ounciiman: .L. McEntyre oun a Councilman: N. Brenner Gentlemen: The following is submitted for your consideration and action: I POLICE idTD KIM, DrPART :..,Y S A -raise chief of police salary from 280.00 per month to `p315.00 per month; he shall assume the entire responsibility of the department; he shall assign his officers the hours and/or watch as he sees fit. He to be given the authority to suspend any officer for any cause,until further action of the polite comm- ittee, arid- ,review board. B•°Create the position of lieutenant at a salary of w275.00 per month; he will be in charge of the second watch unless other- wise directed by the chief and will report directly to the chief. C-Create the,position of sargent at the salary of ;;265,00 per month; he will be in charge of the third shift unless other- wise directed by the chief, he will report to the lieutenant or chief. D-Raise the patrolemen's salary from w250,00 per month to "260. 00 per month. E-Until Civil ;service can be established in the police and fire departments, create a -review board comosed of six (6) men, one each fro:ji the following clubs: Business Men, Kivianis, Libons, American Legion, Chamber of Commerce and the chairman of the police and fire departments committee. Thi6 board shall review all repromends, suspensions and discharges and till make other reca.miiendations to the mayor and covnc; l that would be of benifit to the departments. F-The time has come when it is an absolute "MUST" that the City Of a:�i�riiu�11 time fire department; please seriously consider the following: On the property owned by the City at the corner of Spring and Ding atreets erect a building simular to. a garage apartment, (construct with cement block) for the purpose of housing the two 13) fire trucks and to provide quarters for the firemen, This building to be located at the rear,of said lot,and would later be utilizer -for storage and other essential needs as time demands. G-Employ two (2) firemen for full time duties at a salary of "W'200.00 per month. We are at present paying � 1200.00 per year rent which could be applied to the above cost. i" t Councilman McEntyre had preformed a job which merits recognition by i:ayor and Council. He has displayed outstanding ability in his p reformance as chairman of the police and fire departments committee during the year 1953, Thanks lir.P'iack for a job well done. Il BUSINESS LICENSE COP' 14ITTEE A-.ake a thorough study of business license fees checking and comparing other cities with that of our own. E-Take into consideration the protection we are due our local inerchants and businesses. III SAUITATION DLPARTMENT A -As a health and sanitary measure our city should have two(2) garbage collections each week. I am sure that councilman Siddall as chairman of sanitation will exert every effort possible to promote such a preposal without additional cost to the tax payers. IV PARKS ADD BUILDIi;GS DEPARTME'11T A -The city of Smyrna is in dire need of recreational facilities for our youth, the recent pack p reposal was defeated; lets smile, forget and start another program that will be accepted, I an sure that Councilman Collier and his committee will get the ball rolling on -this matter at once, Councilman Yarbrough will continue his expansion in the water and sewerage department.. Glenn has done'a fine job and we are sure of the con�inu.ed progress. We welcome Councilmen Brenner and Siddall into the council,We are sure with their ability and enthusiasm much will be accomplished, I solicit your cooperation and support and pledge you mine to make the year 1954 the Ynost successful veae in history. 'G,lj.Duncan Iiayor City of Smyrna,Ga. RETAIL CREDIT COMPANY DIT CONFIDENTIAL I ftstrict. Agcy., Prod., Branch I cti z ect. No. d SFavaz OFFICE REPORtiQ ---------------- .— - FPOR FROM (If not sity in hoadimg) (State whether ormer addr., Kind of report Coverage Pol., File, Claim No. Date of Birth (or Age) Class I -JI t (I `s:` I .` , ,Y1:ITA, 0' f ; •� 1954 :-Y, T 13 �'l. All of'fico s ano, rionbers of Pol$.rn T,�npnrtnsc,nt of s id city, ineltuling chiefq shall be *md-r -,.W govnrnod by direct'. n and sainory s; on of t1).A Poltco Coma-it-:eee. Al' o- le-ru ar rie rbe, a of said dAprrt-nnt sh^11 nnsitn in! contirrae n tt;e4.r rospectivt• mploy"Pnt duri.nir go6d beaea vier, ef`'e3c1nnc7 nrl(l ob d'!enco tin arch. reasonable vilos n.nO rnjtiilritif-,no no tufty fr vra ti-o to tiT-A be proscrT.boo-1 by a -id Pol`ces CoviTlittee Awl tho CcnineLl of said city. SYC'itiICH #2. If -in fo l-,orsi.rrC, def4nitlons, ,its iwid Vini,einea."terp W 11, apply. t. 1 e) ;; ? �' p rt- _ T,..r.;"+ %!ho trcarczs"-e nbo"s of t`,e }'olte.e repatrt- mentlP as use =. *,~<;n, s:lnll r-iean and inc:l5idei the3 City kf±,rs~all which o1inll be consurtuod to `• e, cyr r n n Mief of r licef -nd all off tco,-s of tnid dep:ar tnentp trio patrolrien, plain clot iesmanp rand sue .ri of fir pears<Nns as such Police C.catr,-itte*e rny firnl and destipate to proporly be wick riesrrbe s, rospect vely, of VAid Police tepnrtme nt. =.C.Tl. 11, #3. Ties Coiuic . i- of r>rr rrwn a a -all rrtal:n rules L-nel roguls Lions to caa y out t!je niwposo of t 's net, €w" for exam!.nr:ti )ns nrle, for ep, ointr±onts rnnd ronovals to ac,cordanco with its pr(W-siorw, SrTTI 1144, IM10 chr.ef of t' :e F't)l'.ce T�opn.rtTnont n", n1l, front reenber l ip of is dopnrnont, make nny 3°ec(xu-.endnt3.. )n for pronoti on to fil ''. any vacancy Vint may Occur rind n.l pr notions sand vaacanci-s wani be fil:le(t by t1he Police Con ittee. :-;a'.d Comr ittee s n` 1 Ttake rulal t attcl regal-W. ns regliluti.ng t1to eligibility for promotion. 'The Cidef a't?•��.: ):nvn authority to donote :-rrt nembrir of t!,e deps-r-t- went with t jo consent and approvnl of the Poi' ce Oorrtitt;en; provi< et1 that upon wr Itt:en deranrT filea l vt?z the Ponce Ccamitttne *223Ut-K,31ttx i BJRX w4 thin five (Inys stfxt.-aft frf)-- the dnto 66 the order ,ff demot' ,.ln the person w�-.rxm it is pro r)snd to d r-inte shn"l1 be givon n public tiollring by the Corr,itteo boo re ahbh dorotion s-nll be r"nnl. 11if+ Chicf" st-n'll hrkve sut'i`rity to sus and nny r,c nbnr of his depsirtf- not panding a tir' ng by *ia Police Co-, ittee In t-ag etjesnt V,et'o is n roeluct n to winbor of rTen, t icla mulber 's t't)(+sa1 by •rnyor Rile (cninetl, 7,)o 1--,st r~+n.n so -Irn(l shitl' be first; to he drap*-At9 Rn,l son on In a;icc a qta t on. i'f'TI�`W Al'- a -.licents for pinen or postt'lnn on poi tc•.e Oppnrt�-ont: ewsl l files thw r a 1°.catt �r. 'In wr it'nf 1,o'f ore the Vr,l.ire Co--itt.es rani nl nptll'icants must be snb,jo,-�t to a xar�tna�a.ttnns b )Vi wri': An nrid oral. C".i' i 11 t6. Tho CoT- ittee tarinll contr `l nn conduct nl'. o nrinnt;i .ns. Public ten ohn 11 be Even lb dny Tarirer to enme by potatireg; notleo in c'ty ksl I, cast office arar' pub,`.shim; in 1 Cobt:: C otnty nespf,por care' 1 t n•ne pr yer at lo,,4t one notteto no nf'oresn t.de S C'T7 il 07. 'Din C.nrr-it so a nil f!wntsh t'an ch'.ef wt ntuin of three vitWzest se °ros on c(r peatitive. fumTiinnntion -nd Cha of w.1 I sol.ect one of t".r e. All ap oInt-onts 3 ara11 L e �)n probation for ,at lovtst stx r-ftths sand no longer. DETAIL CREDIT COMPANY Form 106-4-52 PRINTED IN U. S. A. ect. No. RETAIL CREDIT COMPANY I, 1;strict, Agcy., Prod., Branch IrCp CONFIDENTIAL '�' SFRVIG� d OFFIM RBPORR FROM---_--___--- (Ij woi city i12 -heading) (atais whether sorew addr., .is.) Hind of report Coverage Pol., File, Claim No. Date of Birth (or Age) Class flLTCE PL L'V FOR CITY OF SY[;u, Gr..O'= I 1954 SECTiO!"t' ft. In all proceedi ,gs before the Police Coin ittee the city attorney sh-ai np;-e ., before the Corl Attee Rnd repre.ent the int(yrest of the city when ordered to do so by the Council. The person ;z,Anst wham char�es are preferred shall h ve riab to employ counsel to rep - re se nt ham, a id Co.,- i . tee shall h ve ri �0t to Bubo ena wi the s se :z, nd o r(-(, u ire roduct i on o ' ,_,ny books, p pers or recork= s m%t,rf i to s:Ad Issues ni: ild Co ittee shah. h ,ve pole, to punish := or contempt by a fine not exceeding Slo.C� or imprisonment not e=ceedtn five (;, ys. 19. Tn the course of . ny investig .tton by said i onimitte-e, 'Iy membe.. sh --ll have powe-i- to Aminister oaths to any SECTIiNh 10, The Police Comnitte shall have at -111 tit -.es :.,access to file records and d- to of Pol ° ce Cep-zrtment -nd on request to Ch"f or city clerk must be furnished with ny such record infjr7n Lion s -¢: y be aprrove ; by Coune i. L ,: nO M yor. SECTION -11. yv o. f i cer of employ ;e of the Police Dep-Irtmnnt sh=411 engage in ny pul'tical activity of °any nature 1krW the penalty for such act shy l�_ be dismissal under -above provis!uns this act. SECT10,4 ;, No member of s°►id dPp ,.rtm.nt shall in ny wise until make to threaten to dude, disch-r -e or .1emote, or to ch ;:nee o icilal rank of pay, ror w1thho.t ii-zg or neglecting to m1ce any cuntributi.;n of money or ;y v%lu,ble thing to any Pea s::)n, p,4rty or for :ny politic purpose or for sup ...)rt of -any canridrate. ELT '(A 13. '.ny mmb ,r of Pul ce Dep - tment urho shall wilfully or through culp ble neaiicrence, viol ate !Iny provisions of this act,Qr mil' cri-inaal statute of this -tate, or such ordi .aance of this city, or rules of the Police Com ii,teeshall be dismissed irom the se. vice of the city and chfi..l not oe su jject to reap --ointment, AP =LIk;4T1OkJ SUP EMPL,_YVIENT t 1. 4pplic rots must be between 25 :!nd XfC ye:.°.rs of =i re. round In mind nd body with guA cb arfacte-, mz,.rAsg -nd .habits. 2. i1pplications 1,i wrlV ,.i T shn.1� be f13.ed ­1 th city clerk or .,,ny member of Pull .e Ci -r 1 t ►,ee. P R SO � 3 E : is . ;he Chief of P.,11ce will mgint-An a piano nei. histos•y c rd for a c'h memo of foi,ce. This card will show name, a -#dress, telephone numuer. :•ate of employm -it, jots clnssific ,tion, rates of p y. promotio",s, dertut°,ns ;.id ny otl,e pe tinerat infoim' ttun. RETAIL CREDIT COMPANY Form 106-4-52 PRINTED IN U. S. A. I RETAIL CREDIT COMPANY G�EITO, %I trlct. Agcy., Prod., Branch SFRViGE Z et. No. d — M CONFIDENTIAL REPORT -----OFFICE FROM (If not eity in heading) (State whether former addr., etc.) Kind of report Coverage Pol., File, Claim No. Date of Birth (or Age) Class QUALIFICATTO S OF P�-,.LJCE DEP RV,, SIT XMBr, s: 0, Pakrolm:tn- 'ny grin between. ages of 25-50 years of age who Is of sound mind and body with gold; character -nd morals an.r� a citizen of Cobb County. Mast be able to piss st ndard writ an and ors:%l examinution with a mInluum score of 70. aG '14T: Above ou-, s�- alific-tijns plus minimum experience of two ye ",s in some Oh,'lse of police work, mill.,. %ry or c'vil. I'just pass standard ex-min,ittun Atb mrinimxm score of 75, Chief; Above quUtfic-itions, plus "' ye-,rs experlence In some i'orm of x-e-cognize ' police work, milit ry or civil. !4ast pn s stand,,'ti,d ex -.m with minimum score of W. AOT1k;E: Ii no quttlifiej rperso,el cltn ire selected b" 'I, I'V1 reb 31 of --tyly giver: ye -r such positions will be fIlled by a,-,pointf-ent fr?.)r,-, r:.nks on a temporl-try basis only, PAY SCALE FOR 3MYRN4 FOAIGE DEP'JIVIEN'A' : !Aj J*--IF250,00 ,if t , er 6 month 9 $260_0 W afte.1- I ye-tr 11265; W with one week vacation with p;iy. after 2 ye rs $275: " 0 -f \,415 a 0 0 0 0 SEWS, NT: $=.00 2 weeks v!-:ication with piy. $10,OC for each year in grade up to $320,00 CHIEF Ok" POLICE : M'0,000 2 weeks vacation with V'tlG,;.L for each ye,r in gr-de up to 1350,00 DUTIES : UF �� S OF SMYRN FOLIOE DEPT. P,IAIRUIaA N: T, enforce i ordinances of city of Smyrna, Geort,tla and to conduct themselves In gentlemn'nly fashion during such enf orcem,nt, To carry oitt the orders of their supe.1--tor of Icel s In all m, -, tev s pe� t: --.inInq to conduct of af f - Irs of City of Sm'Erna. I 'T: ah,ll be reesponsibie for ap:'ear=ince,, 'Iscipline oA training and effeclency of personnel, CHla-: He Mail h<ive supervision, co , ,nd 'ind �ontrul of and be responsible for entire m.-tintenance of the police 0ep rtment, the bul-di gs or (',,,ua*ters It occupies, includi lc, furni.sbIrigs, apptratus and ecu.�e,lns—ct!,oris --is wail keep rim fully Informed lgyni, fie r-h,i-1 'a s to , c bons 1:,ctTv ties 'of the depui,vnent. "FTAIL CREDIT COMPANY Form 106-4-52 PRINTED IN U. S. A. 1953 1954 An: Ott.50,00 per rao, 50.00 per Mo. r,,00,00 VIv,-YOR PRO Tk"", ....... a a a a d a a. i s 50.00 per mo. 56.00 per mo. GIOU. 00 0, Councilmen. ......• 25,00 per mo. 25.00 per Mo, 300, 00 �;QURT R4%'-d'0RDl-,R lo� ol 0 ................ per no 0 CLX .......... n,5.00 per 'Mo. 300, 00 ner wo, 6 ......... a ...... 0 er w 50003040pk,16. CHIEF'POLIG.-E ................... Z,W,oc per Mo, Der mo, 44&.-oo pea- m(j. 1313c. co PATROLM&N ".T-FREj por rao, 0360-00 SiINITARY TRUCK DRIVER• ... 200,00 per mo, 200.00 per Kao. 2400. 00 GITY F-Mi"lidN (T140 ) ........ 200,00 per mo, 4800,00 L101TY 1141III&AAN ( 1L Lv&i ) m ...... TO loluo Per Mo. 10,06 per Mo, 13zo. 00 CITY li-11,11"OHN-EX ................. A-- Aetfrou'LUR-ED 6,,�NITAIIGX - 45 hrs. $1, 90p� hr. Sf WiIT .PS�-�K alPT. STREI-Ta. ,AND A-i EORIA&M 25,00 per rjo, ,90¢ per hr. 225,OC per mo, 25,00 per rito, ,90/ Per 1-ir. 2215,00 per mo, 300.00 34kA, 00 V/ 2700.00 V &-L,"kRIES TOTAL '-$;'479 44.00 G ENER �,L FU tTD 1953 1954 arlauall LIGHTING .......... .......... 5, 442,50 51 wo. 00 5 "jco. GO LIGHT6 & HL-`-T G11' , 140, OCII 140,00 140.00 4 . 0 H. f T �-T ION, RY ........ ).'�U.00 no. Go 00 3"A19, 3 1,• 339.53 -339. �53 .LIBR.',,RY ...................... 360.00 360,00- "CCOUNTING -UL;IT.,v. 650. oo 6bo.co G 50. ou - s.., ... T A 500"00 600.0c, 500.00- ............... INW HAC E ....... 20138655 Coo, ()o coo 1 00, U&;ITION L—)Ull!Alsb ............... 105,00 105. 00 1051,00 ,-'iUVEaTI8ING 50.00 50,00 501 1 U() - PULIG6 G;-.R & 5c-"O.,j-o -�50.00 w. 00 3)3- j.- RKS D6p,kRrMhNx .................. lfouo.00 1, 12006.00 R.b;N T F IRLi STAT IOI� 4 11 4 19200,.00 2U0,00 1 200. 00 S4RE4T ABPr",$JR5 ................ 6$000.00 r) 9 U()G. ou 6: 000. 00 MISCELL ' '4NSWS 20c,()O 200, C� 200, 00 - ............ K Iifl� !!,RG - 'iiDEN i L21N N 1 3w. 00 loc'. 00 i3o.00- 0 0 9 0 0 . I " 4 . .4 . 4 POILICE, & J."I'L ail,71-LI66 350.00 360. X 350.0() ....... FLIL, D.Wk,�RTAtNT * 4 7 v * . * t 2to3o.00 40000.00 4,000.00 NOT6 ji-RING STRL6T BUIL-DfAil' , ...... 1 � 000 s 00 11 coo. Go ltouc,()o G-6 & OIL ALL DEPTS. 14*. ?. a -* 20756.12 30000.00 u 1000 1 CIO TOT ,L it: - ,tom ROE TOT L 309274,53 47 ,424., 00 TUT .1, 770 a 1953 1954 ski aid `,.L,LY DV ,.L0R.h..Yl `I' iJX 40 386.14 43 t 50C , OU 43' 500.0U BUSINESS LIC 10 f 54,97 l j 2001,00 10 20 OG Beer Tax 6, 014. 40 6 0 500, (k r , 50C OL POLICE FIW 100803,50 11* 500.00 110500,00 IAI0CZLL-,, NNZOUO .ILPINY $ UHF 21000, 00 31 G00.00 310001 00, 14 051. bo 1f), 000.00 161 O("0.00 vi:,Ta DEP-.?Tf `,,NT 2NO00.00 2 000:.00 20000.00 cOial)TRUC IQN bUND 060.oc, 290co.00 r I`£7TAL 0 zbL.;,IO479424.00 QrilL;i'.L i,iO. 30,E >Fa 4.53 TO T,L ::ilk' .i:�iis i� TOT::;i, INCOME ( i c3 � a� ass; 700.00 r : i.:AcLI 0l0`1..4r 0 ft zvi.i176d D.i:IV:S:L2J.il":.t.J.iY .B. ._d,.,..w..-.. ..w..... .�J Ei.Ci•. {t.� ,,. ,.._.........r...•..,-----,.,._...+..•+-.,�.....,,e-...---•_- _-__-.,..e....._�,..._........-•._ 1953 1954 fq,St.'°.°,� COBB CO. tr<';.`i t BILL 168411.35 13� 000.00 :500.00 180 0( 00� t'�UO,00 RiNTTiC: © ICw 3x' LIES �S84.1ry.J;.'i� 32 s VO 432.50 450,00 450.00 POST.tkGEj�.(���iJ 4I�s.4L� a.d i f� $d Y �SV 45,00 p53d week o.co Der wee ��0tl !, L.��.I �10D r�e�° 2 mo. 3,7-20,00— Jx sVaK�` fit, s(�ELU 4 '}*£�C";�� �- 2, 000 r7 1if alit aSLXII TO "SA10 F-}_.— 2 000, 00 ; UO per ter, 2' 000 � 1 "o .") , 00 $sir r �i�' � 1, r�t?l1, f �3 v THOW L j r I6 T ,p � 3 y 2'7 0.00 �`t'` t e•�.,�y TOTAL L"Xk'.&NSE AT€ai, & SEWr`�.,YiE D�:F"-..Hi N.t / REVENUE i/WI I Cs, GU*OQ _ r.. %-500 �0 A NIO THLY A;r ,i !iA JOINT COUNTY BILLS VLJ✓ �5().(� � Ml��.5C1¢�0 l Ii3 i1'..LL , t I04d 1"?-V 187.04 21' 9"7 b.00 1800E?, GO 25000,00 l �;w ta�kO g C)0 -- 000. 00 5E TOTAL INCOME LVTA9LitiNSS 17#480,00 a.i - 0 CONSTRUCTION J ZNSE J.L.IfOLM31 Supr"'. 4. S. R ID-0 L y moss MOSS GLORGE COOK FOREST BFOIID d T .41 r -i ILl' J HOLP11, - CiXIL MCCOLLUM TROVIA.S L. GIII�T TUT,-,L To ".-I oil It-IND — TOT-.L ij4WNT FOR OP&q: PION 1954 1953 1954 ANAU;`iLL,i. 40680600 40 6 80 1 00 4 680.00, 50,00 per 55, CG- per A , 2: $60. 00 - 55,00 per 55,00 pev wk. 2 C160 1. 00 - 1,CO per fir, 45,\G peer A, 2 37) 4 0. 00, - 1*00 Der Hr, 45,00 per 14- a 20340.CMG - 1.00 per fir, 4 5. 00 per W, 340, 00 - 1.co per Hr, 45000 per wk, 21340, QO 3.00 per Hr. 3,00 per hr . 1,OCR, 00 2007C-0,00 60#00c..Do 39�;2'40.00