01-07-1952 Regular Meetingt
The regular meeting of the.Mayor and Council was held at the City
Hall January 7, 1952, 7:30 P. M.
Mayor J. M. Gibson presiding. oath of office was given by Mayor
J. M. Gibson to newly elected Councilmen C. M. Hamby, Harry Mitchell,
Jr., and Glenn Yarbrough. other Councilmen.present, C. IN. Jones and
John Collier. Assistant City Engineer, Ralph Lewis, Jr., present.
Minutes of special meeting December 27, 1951 read and held in abeyance
for retiring Councilmen to approve.
Mayor Gibson read appointments of committees Tor the 7ear,;1952.
Motion by C. M. Hamby:.to question authority of Mayor of raking
appointments of Electrical Board, Building Inspector, Civil Defense,
Zoning and Planing Board and Plumbing Board and to hold up on these
appointments, .seconded bye C. W. Jones. V16ting. for C. M. Hamby, C. W.
Jones, Harry Mitchell, Jr., and Glenn Yarbrough. Voting against
John Collier. Motion carried.
Mayor ask.that a ruling in writting be given by Attorney General,
Eugene Cook regarding above question.
Motion by C. W. Jones to add an.appropriation to the budget for the
Fire Department. There being no second, motion lost..
Motion by C. W. Jones: that the Electrical Inspector, Plumbing In-
spector, and Building Inspector be salaried employees to be paid from
the General Fund. There. being no second, motion lost.
Raymond Reed, B. F. Reed, Jr., Mrs. Stewart and Mr. J. F. Bradfield
came before the Council in regard to a notice being given them by the
Health Department stating that Southern Manor Apts. must be on sewerage
as at present, not being on sewerage it is considered a state of emer-
gency from a health standpoint.
Motion by John Collier seconded by Harry Vitchell to authorize immedi-
ately a survey to estimate the cost of sewerage for the Southern Manor
Apt. Area which is not on sewerage including Church St., Mann St.,
Davis and Stephens Sts. Voted unanimous.
Mayor's budget for 1952 studied. Motion by C. M. Hamby seconded by
Glenn Yarbrough to-ac.cept Budget of General Fund with the following
admendments: l.Clerk's salary to be decided on later; 2.Fire Dept.
Supplies, $400.00 and Kindergarten donation $ 180.00-to be added to
budget; 3.Miscellaneous be reduced from $250.00 to $ 100.00.
Voted unanimous as admended. Budget attached to these minutes.
Motion by John Collier seconded by Harry Mitchell to adopt Water
Dept. Budget. Voted unanimous. Budget attached to these minutes.
Meeting adjourned until 8:00 P. M. Tuesday night.
Co W. Jones
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