03-27-1950 Special Meeting217
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A special meeting of the Mayor and Council was held at the City Hall
March 27, 1950, 7:30 P. M. The following Councilmen were present;
P. P. Shaw, H. L. McEntyre, R. S. Brinson, C. W. Jones, and Stanley
McCalla. Mayor Gibson presided oyer the meeting. Harold Willingham,
City Attorney and Lex Jolley present also.
Purpose of the meeting to discuss the possibility of expansion of the
Water and Sewerage System.
1= The Mayor stated the need for expansion'Is,great, and within the next
few weeks there could be installed at least 78 meters if the funds were
Mr. Willingham stated the County is willing to work with the City of
Smyrna in the water system of extending lines. Also stated these four
propositions to be decided upon=
1. 10" line owned jointly --County willing to give new contract.
2. County or City to furnish Concord Road.
.3. Price per thousand gallons, water to be sold.
4. County or City to furnish water for Spring St( 2 or 3 sub-div. develop)
Motion made by R. S. Brinson and seconded by C. V'1. Jones to give Lex Jolly
and Mr. Brooks authority to see if old bonds can be swapped in on �350,000.
Revenue Certificates for expansion of water and sewerage systems.
Voting for R. S. Brinson, C. W. Tones and H. L. McEntyre. Voting against
P. P1 Shaw and Stanley McCalla.
Motion made by R. S. Brinson and seconded by C. �i. Jones for County to
let contract out Concord Road connecting to City main and have option to
buy line at construction cost before end of the year, option to expire
December 31, 1950), or before County sells any water, or until such time
as City buys lines and City agrees to sell County water at .20¢ per M
gallons. If City of Atlanta water rates go up, these rates to go up in
proportion. Voted unanimous.