09-23-1947 Called Meeting50
September 23, 1947
A call meeting of the -Mayor and.Council was held at the City Hall
on September 23, 1947,.at 7:30 P.M., for the purpose of discussing
various matters in,connection with the water system improvements
with Commissioner McMillan.
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Lorena P. Pruitt, Mayor,
with all councilmen present except H. P. McCollums H. D. Durham,
B. H. Hanson, E. E. Jackson and W. A. Quarles.
Also present were Commissioner McMillan, Ernest Thomas, -and
Attorneys Willingham and Edwards.
Motion was made by Mr. Quarles, seconded by Mr. Hanson, -that
Henry Konigsmark, Jr., be given, license to operate a Feed, Seed
and Fertilizer Store under "General Merchandise" license for
,120.00 for the balance of the 1947 license year. This would not
cover the -sale of cigarettes, cold drinks, candy or similar
articles. Motion was unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Mr. Quarles, seconded by Mr. Jackson to buy
ten (10) tons of gravel to repair Zelan Wills' drive which was
damaged when water line was laid. Motion was unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Mr. Hanson, seconded by Mr. Durham, to have
following pipe lowered, ditches cut, etc: Lowering of six-inch
main on Powder Springs Street at an approximate cost of $477.00;
lowering of water pipe on Bank and Hamby Streets; cutting of -a
ditch on Walker Street for laying of water pipe to Weylan S.
Adams' house; cutting a ditch, for six-inch water main to Jonquil
Subdivision, at an approximate cost of $700,00. Motion was
unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Mr. Hanson, seconded by Mr. Durham, to issue
building permit to B. L. Walker, house to be built of cement
blocks, stuccoed and -painted white, and built according to plan
submitted. Motion was unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Durham, to allow
Earl Cobb to build a house for storing oil in front of his grease
rack. The building is to be made of cement blocks and painted
white. Motion was unanimously carried.
Plan for completion of her house was submitted by Mrs. Lessie W.
Caldwell and was approved, provided house is built to bonf orm to
plan across the front of the building.
Motion was made by Mr. Quarles, seconded by Mr. Hanson,that Bud
Moss, negro taxi driver, be charged $10.00 for the balance of the
year for picking up and letting out passengers within the city
limits. This does not give permission to operate a taxi stand.
Motion was unanimously carried.
per month Motion was made by Mr. Quarles, seconded by Mr. Durham, to accept
tT/ f r om Cobb county for each tap made by Cobb County en.. the
10-inch water main jointly owned by the City and Cobb County.
This rate only applies to houses. Should a tap be made for a
business establiohment, different arrangements agreeable to both
parties will be made. Motion was unanimously carried.
Petitions requesting passing of Ordinances for paving of streets
tee introduced and are attached at the close of these minutes
and made a part hereof; they are more particularly described as
.� Yf
September 23, 1947 (Cont+d.)
Petition No. 1: Presented by a Committee from Powder Springs
Street and signed -by twenty-eight (28) Property
Owners, this being a majority of the Property
Owners on said street.
Petition No. 2: Presented by a .Committee from .Highland, Street
and signed by ten (10) Property Owners, this
being a majority of the Property Owners on said
Petition No. 3: Presented by a Committee.fr om Fleming Street and
signed by five (5). Property Owners, this being
a majority .of the Property Owners on .said street.
There being no further.business the meeting adjourned.
Minutes by Mrs. Pruitt.
Thelma D. Myers, lerk