04-16-1947 Called Meeting4 1,
April 16, 1947
A called meeting of the Mayor and Council was held at the
City Hall on April 16, 1947, at 7:30 P. M. 4
Meeting was called by the Mayor for the purpose of awarding � !
Waterworks and -Sewerage Contracts.
All Councilmen were present: H. D. Durham, B. H. Hanson,
E. E: Jackson, H. P. McCollum, W.• A. Quarles.
Motion was made by Mr. Quarles,, -seconded by Mr . 'Jackson;
that the Sewerage System be constructed as far as possible
with the money available, under the supervision.of Merritt 1
and Welker, Engineers. Motion was unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Mr. Quarles, seconded by Mr. Hanson,
that Mr. C. A. McDaniel, as lowest bidder, be awarded the
Waterworks Contract. Motion was unanimously carried. 1
Motion was made by Mr. Quarles, seconded by Mr. Jackson,
that Greene & O'Donnell, as lowest bidder, be awarded the I
Contract for construction of the Sewerage System. !,
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
Minutes by Mrs. Pruitt.
Thelma D. Myers, Clerk
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