06-01-1998 Regular MeetingJune 1, 1998
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held at Smyrna City Hall. The
meeting was called to order by presiding officer Mayor A. Max Bacon at 7:30 o'clock p.m.
All council members were present. Also present was City Administrator Howard Smith, City
Clerk Melinda Dameron, City Attorney Charles E. Camp, Finance Director Claudia Edgar,
Budget Analyst Greg Van Antwerp and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Councilman Jim Hawkins, followed by the pledge to the flag.
Mayor Bacon recognized Gary Graham, Smyrna Stars Basketball team. Mr. Graham
announced the Smyrna Stars 13-year old team just won the State Championship; the 10-year old
team came in second and four of the five teams taken to the State placed in the final four. He
stated the two teams - 13-year old and 10-year old - will represent Georgia in the National
Championships in Florida. He stated they are a parent -funded, non-profit organization and are
trying to raise money to send the 35 children to Florida and they will be doing car washes,
selling candy, etc., and are hoping to have an alumni Campbell/Wills Basketball game on June
20, 1998, at the Smyrna Community Center. He asked anyone who would like to contribute to
this fund or participate in the upcoming June 20 game to contact him at 770-974-2879.
Mayor Bacon recognized Steve Rogers, President of Smyrna West Soccer Association. Mr.
Rogers thanked Councilman Newcomb for attending their fun -day held May 17 and stated there
were players from several teams present this evening that he would like to recognize. Mr.
Rogers introduced the following coaches, Richard Reed, Ben Smith, Tom Robinson and Clare
Morgan, Director of Coaches. The coaches then introduced the players for each of their teams.
Councilman Hawkins read a proclamation honoring the soccer association and its contribution
to the community. Mayor Bacon presented the proclamation to Steve Rogers. Mayor Bacon
and Congressman Bob Barr individually shook hands with each of the players and congratulated
them on their accomplishments.
Mayor Bacon recognized Joe Boland, Principal of Campbell High School. Mayor Bacon asked
Congressman Barr to present a crystal jonquil to Mr. Boland in recognition of his contributions
to the community. Mayor Bacon stated the city hosted the Jonquil Jog, which was co-
sponsored by the City of Smyrna and the Campbell High School Foundation. He then asked
Councilman Cramer to present Mr. Boland with a check for $5,000 as a donation to the
Campbell Education Foundation. Mayor Bacon then thanked him for his contributions to the
city and community. Mayor Bacon announced Mr. Boland will be transferring from Campbell
High School at the end of this school year to assume the post of principal at McCleskey Middle
School at the beginning of the school year this fall.
Mayor Bacon officially recognized Congressman Bob Barr. Congressman Barr stated it was
always a pleasure to come home to Smyrna and stated he was very pleased to have been a part
of tonight's meeting. Congressman Barr stated he was always available to his constituents and
asked anyone who needed his assistance to please call him.
Mayor Bacon recognized Representative Frank Bradford. Mr. Bradford stated he was always
happy to be a part of the council meetings and announced his campaign for re-election as the
District 30 Representative.
Mayor Bacon recognized David Casey, President of the Smyrna Kiwanis. Mr. Casey stated
there will be a public debate between the candidates for the Cobb County Solicitor's job on
Thursday evening, June 4, at 7:00 p.m. at the Smyrna Community Center. He urged all
interested persons to attend the debate.
*Councilman Wood stated Items 3-F, 3-G and 3-H will be tabled to a special called meeting to
be held June 22, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. (See narrative below.)
(A) Alcoholic Beverage License Request - Whiskers Tavern - 2997 Cumberland Circle,
Suite 100 - Retail Pouring of Beer, Wine and Liquor
June 1, 1998, meeting - continued
Mr. Smith this application was originally scheduled to be heard April 20 and was tabled to May
4 and then tabled to May 18 and at the applicant's request tabled to June 1, 1998. Mr. Smith
stated Mr. Thomas W. Altamura has applied to be the agent for this establishment. Mayor
Bacon stated this is a public hearing and asked if anyone was present who wished to address
this issue. There was none. Mayor Bacon asked if the applicant was present and he was not.
Councilwoman Capilouto stated Mr. Altamura was scheduled to be here on April 20 and did
not attend the meeting and later stated there was a miscommunication. Ms. Capilouto stated the
item was tabled to May 4 and again tabled to May 18 at which time Ms. Capilouto received a
fax stating Mr. Altamura would be unable to attend the meeting due to an unforeseen medical
crisis and the item was tabled to June 1, 1998.
Councilwoman Capilouto stated since Mr. Altamura did not attend tonight's meeting, it appears
he does not want to open a business in Smyrna nor does he want to be granted this license. Ms.
Capilouto made a motion to deny the application for the alcoholic beverage license for
Whiskers Tavern at 2997 Cumberland Circle, Suite 100 for the retail pouring of beer wine and
liquor with Mr. Thomas Altamura as the agent. Councilwoman Capilouto stated this denial is
for Mr. Altamura as the agent and not the location. Councilman Newcomb seconded the
motion. Motion for denial of the request was approved 7-0.
(B) Alcoholic Beverage License Request - Guadalajara Restaurante Mexicano - 3065 South
Cobb Drive - Retail Pouring of Beer, Wine and Liquor
Mr. Smith stated this is an ownership and agent change for this location. He stated Ms. Kathy
Diaz will be the agent for this establishment and resides at 535 Woodsong Way, Smyrna.
Mayor Bacon asked Ms. Diaz to come forward. Mayor Bacon stated this is a public hearing
and asked if anyone was present in opposition to the granting of this alcoholic beverage license
request. There was none. Mayor Bacon asked the three owners, Ramon Onate, Julian Magana
and Jose J. Onate, to also come forward.
Councilman Hawkins asked Ms. Diaz if she has ever held an alcoholic beverage license before
and she responded she has not. Councilman Hawkins asked Ms. Diaz if she is an employee of
the restaurant and she responded she is. Mr. Hawkins asked Ms. Diaz if she had ever worked
in a restaurant before and she responded she has worked for Krystal and the Monterrey
Mexican Restaurant. Mr. Hawkins informed Ms. Diaz that the responsibility if violations
occur at the Guadalajara Restaurante Mexicano will not totally be her responsibility but she will
be the first person to be contacted if any violations occur. He further stated if violations occur
she would be subject to coming back before the Mayor and Council and answer any questions
and could possibly be fined. Mr. Hawkins then asked Ms. Diaz if she has read and understands
the City of Smyrna's Alcoholic Beverage License Ordinance and she responded yes.
Councilman Hawkins cautioned Ms. Diaz that the ordinance for Smyrna is different from other
counties and Cobb County and that the City of Smyrna does conduct sting operations.
Councilman Hawkins stated he was concerned by the fact that Ms. Diaz has not held an
alcoholic beverage license before even though that is not a requirement for obtaining the
license. Mr. Hawkins asked Ms. Diaz if she was aware that each person in the restaurant,
serving alcohol, must be fingerprinted and permitted. Ms. Diaz stated this has already been
done. Councilman Hawkins stated this item was tabled from the May 18 council meeting to
allow the Police Department sufficient time to complete their background investigation.
Councilman Hawkins stated for the record that the Police Department investigation revealed
nothing that would preclude the issuance of the license.
Mayor Bacon stated the reason the three owners can not apply as agents for this establishment
is due to the fact they are not currently U.S. citizens. He then asked the owners if they are
making arrangements to become citizens. One of the owners responded he is. Mayor Bacon
stated the previous business (Aye Carramba) at this location did experience problems at this
location. Mayor Bacon encouraged Ms. Diaz to card people whenever there was any doubt
about their age. Mayor Bacon asked when the restaurant planned to open. Ms. Diaz responded
as soon as the license is granted. Mayor Bacon then wished the restaurant good luck.
Councilman Hawkins told the owners that if Ms. Diaz leaves their employment, it is their
responsibility to notify the city that she is no longer the agent and to apply for a license in
someone else's name. Councilman Hawkins made a motion that the alcoholic beverage license
for the retail pouring of beer, wine and liquor for Guadalajara Restaurante Mexicano, 3065
South Cobb Drive, with Ms. Kathy Diaz as the agent be approved. Councilman Scoggins
seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
June 1, 1998, meeting - continued
(C) Variance Request - Northeast Intersection of Windy Hill Road and Benson Poole Road
- Reduce 50 Foot Front Yard Setback to 37 Foot Front Yard Setback
Mr. Smith stated this is for the development of an Amoco market at this location and the
reduction is for a proposed island canopy for a service station. He further stated the applicant
states in his letter of hardship that the required decel lane on Windy Hill Road makes it
necessary to have the requested reduction to develop the site. Mayor Bacon stated this is a
public hearing and asked if anyone was present in opposition to the granting of this variance
request. Those persons stepped forward and were administered the oath by City Attorney
Councilman Cramer asked Mr. Dawson to come forward. Mr. Tony Dawson, Harkleroad and
Associates, 2296 Henderson Mill Road, Atlanta, stated his client is requesting a variance from
the current zoning regulations which states that a structure shall not be placed within the 50-
yard setback in the front right-of-way. Mr. Dawson stated the property is located at the corner
of Windy Hill and Benson Poole Roads and is approximately 1.3 acres and encompasses Evans
and Associates Land Surveying Company. He stated his client is proposing a typical gasoline
service station with a stand-alone type building, underground storage tanks and a canopy with a
six -dispenser island. He further stated in developing this property they propose installing a
decel lane and by doing this they have to dedicate right-of-way along the frontage which pushes
the front right-of-way back to the interior of the site. He also stated by doing this, the 50-foot
required building setback encroached about 11 feet into the canopy and when this was
determined they requested a variance to reduce the front yard 50-foot setback down to 37 feet.
He stated this will allow them to place the canopy in the front yard setback.
Councilman Cramer asked Mr. Dawson if the property is currently zoned General Commercial
and he responded that was correct. Councilman Cramer then asked Mr. Dawson if his
company had explored the idea of a driveway from Benson Poole Road as an access. Mr.
Dawson stated they only have approximately 47 feet of frontage along Benson Poole Road and
they did not feel that was enough frontage to pursue an access off Benson Poole. Councilman
Cramer stated he would like to explore that possibility and perhaps it would make it easier for
customers for exit at that drive and then be able to make a left turn at the traffic light.
Councilman Cramer stated the required decel lane does place a hardship on the applicant.
Councilman Hawkins asked if the encroachment will affect the pillars of the canopy or the
canopy itself. Mr. Dawson responded it would affect the overhang portion of the canopy. Mr.
Hawkins then asked how far the pumps would be from the road. Mr. Dawson responded they
would be approximately 40 feet from Windy Hill Road property line, the actual right of way of
the road but if you include the four feet of sidewalk, the two -foot landscape buffer you are
actually talking about a distance of close to fifty feet. Councilman Cramer asked Mr. Dawson
if they would consider landscaping along Windy Hill Road and Mr. Dawson responded they
have submitted plans for landscaping as required by the City of Smyrna as part of an overlay
Councilman Lnenicka asked Mr. Dawson to describe the type signage they plan to have. Mr.
Dawson stated since they are in the overlay district they are allowed and will apply for a
monument -type sign approximately 8' in height and 32 square feet of total signage. Mr.
Lnenicka asked if this would be placed in accordance with sight distance requirements as
determined by the City Engineer and he responded that was correct. Mr. Dawson stated they
have shown the placement of the sign on their plans it is 20 feet from the right of way in
compliance with the city's requirements.
Mayor Bacon recognized the owner of Foreign Cylinder Head Exchange on Benson Poole
Road. He stated he is concerned about a gas station being located on that street since traffic
speeds on the street and the close proximity of the gas pumps to the street. Mr. Cramer
explained the canopy is the only thing that will be encroaching on the front yard setback and
not the gas pumps at all. He stated he was also concerned about left -turning traffic from the
proposed gas station onto Windy Hill Road.
Mayor Bacon recognized Mike Kazani, owner of the Corner Mart Citgo Station at the corner of
Windy Hill and Benson Poole Roads. He stated he has seen a couple of fatalities during the
past two years and his business is not allowed to have left -turning traffic exit onto Windy Hill
Road. He stated he is required to have right in/right out only. He stated if Mr. Dawson is
allowed to have left -turning traffic exit his business onto Windy Hill Road (going east) that
June 1, 1998, meeting - continued
would be a safety concern to him. He stated his patrons enter his business from Benson Poole
Road and then exit (right turn only) onto Windy Hill - west bound.
Councilman Cramer suggested to Mr. Dawson if customers wished to make a left turn onto
Windy Hill Road they be required to exit onto Benson Poole Road and go to the traffic light
and make the left turn at the traffic signal. Mr. Cramer stated the city would explore the
possibility of a right in/right out only on Windy Hill Road and also exiting onto Benson Poole
for a left turn onto Windy Hill Road (east bound) from the intersection where the traffic signal
is located.
Mayor Bacon suggested the council stipulate that the plans be subject to the overall approval of
the City Engineer.
Mr. Dawson stated they would like to have a drive coming off Benson Poole but only have
forty-seven feet of frontage and they assumed the opportunity for access was not possible. Mr.
Dawson stated he would take that suggestion back to the City Engineer and come up with some
type of drive that they might be able to get on Benson Poole Road. Councilman Cramer asked
Mr. Dawson what was originally planned for the property and Mr. Dawson responded because
of the building setback restrictions on that property, they really can not do anything with it
because there is no area on which to put a building.
Councilman Lnenicka asked Mr. Dawson if he and the City Engineer were to meet and the City
Engineer recommends the entrance on Windy Hill be a right in/right out only and they be
provided with an entrance on Benson Poole for customers wishing to go to the light and turn
back east on Windy Hill, heading to South Cobb Drive and Atlanta Road, would that be
agreeable to his company. Mr. Dawson responded yes as long as they can get the customers in
and out. He further stated as long as they can get back on Windy Hill, if they are granted an
access off Benson Poole, he did not see a reason why customers would feel they are being
restricted from getting back on Windy Hill Road. Councilman Cramer stated the only
restriction he saw was preventing customers turning left into the station - coming eastbound.
He stated if the city makes sure there is proper signage it would not restrict the traffic
(eastbound) from turning left onto Benson Poole and entering the station. Councilman
Lnenicka asked Mr. Dawson if his company would promise to maintain the property in a clean,
orderly, weedless condition that would do credit to the City of Smyrna and the business. Mr.
Dawson responded they would and further indicated the area is pretty heavily wooded and they
are not in the habit of destroying trees if not necessary. He stated that the natural state the
property is in now is how they will leave it.
Mayor Bacon recognized Mike Kazani again. Mr. Kazani stated his concerns over the existing
metal light poles on the property near where a driveway onto Benson Poole would be located.
Councilman Cramer stated he has heard the concerns expressed tonight about the high traffic
concerns along Windy Hill Road and the possibility of getting an access to Windy Hill Road to
allow the customers to exit and use the light to make a left turn on Windy Hill Road.
Councilman Cramer made a motion that the variance request at the northeast intersection of
Windy Hill Road and Benson Poole Road to reduce the 50-foot front yard setback to 37-foot
front yard setback be approved subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Councilman
Hawkins seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0 (Councilman Newcomb was away
from the podium during the vote.)
(D) Rezoning Request - Mill Pond Road - Rezone 9.68 Acres from RM-12 and O.I. to TD
Mr. Smith stated the applicant, David Knight of Knight Davidson Companies, is requesting the
rezoning in order to build fifty townhomes. He stated this is a 9.68 acre tract next to the
Bridge at Mill Pond and the overall density would be 5.18 units per acre. Mr. Smith stated this
was heard by the Planning and Zoning Board and was approved by a vote of 7-0. Mr. Smith
stated if the rezoning is approved, a land use change will be also be necessary. Mayor Bacon
stated this is a public hearing and asked if anyone was present in opposition to the granting of
this rezoning request. Mayor Bacon asked those persons to come forward and be sworn in by
City Attorney Chuck Camp.
Mayor Bacon recognized David Knight. Mr. Knight stated they are asking the City of Smyrna
to rezone a 9.68-acre tract from RM-12 and 0&1 to TD Conditional for the use of fifty
townhome units. He stated the property is currently zoned RM-12 (7.5 acres) and O&I (2
I, Melinda Dameron, Clerk of the City of Smyrna, Georgia, DO HEREBY CERTIFY
that the foregoing pages constitute a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Mayor
and Council of the City of Smyrna at an open public meeting duly called and lawfully assembled
at 7 : 30 P . M., on the 6th day of April , 1998, the original of said resolution
being duly recorded in the Minute Book of the Mayor and Council, which Minute Book is in my
custody and control.
I do hereby further certify that the Mayor and following members of the Council were
present at said meeting:
A. Max Bacon, Mayor Jim Hawkins
C harlene Capilouto Jack Cramer
Ron Newcomb Wade Lnenicka
Bill Scoggins Pete Wood
and that the following members were absent:
and that said resolution was duly adopted by a vote of
Nay 0
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the City of Smyrna, Georgia, this the 6 day
of April , 1998.
(S E A L)
WHEREAS, pursuant to an amendment to Article VII, Section VII, Paragraph I of the
Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1945 (Georgia Laws 1970, p. 1117 et seq.) and now
specifically continued pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly (Georgia Laws 1986, p. 3957
et seq.) as a part of the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1986, and under the provisions of
Georgia Laws 1989, p. 4382 et seq., known as the "Downtown Smyrna Development Authority
Act" (collectively, the "Authority Act") there was created a body corporate and politic,
designated as the "Downtown Smyrna Development Authority" (hereinafter sometimes referred
to as the "Authority") and the Authority is deemed to be a political subdivision of the State of
Georgia and a public corporation, which Authority has been duly activated and organized and its
members are now performing their duties and are serving in the furtherance of the purpose for
which the Authority was created; and
WHEREAS, the City of Smyrna is a public body corporate and politic and a municipal
corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of Georgia; and .
WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized to undertake the acquisition, construction,
remodeling, altering, renovating, equipping, maintaining, and operating of buildings, both private
and public, and the usual and convenient facilities appertaining to such undertakings and extension
and improvement of such buildings; the acquisition of parking facilities or parking areas in
connection therewith; the construction, reconstruction, alteration, changing and closing of streets,
roads, and alleys; the acquisition of the necessary property therefor, both real and personal; and
the lease and sale of any part or all of such buildings, including real and personal property, so as
to assure the efficient and proper development, maintenance and operation of such buildings,
streets, roads and alleys deemed by the Authority to be necessary, convenient or desirable in
connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City has determined that it is necessary and
desirable and in the best interest of the citizens and taxpayers of the City that certain lawfully
available funds on hand of the City be advanced to the Authority to be applied toward the cost of
the acquisition, construction, renovation and equipping of a fire station and related facilities and
equipment for the redevelopment of the downtown area of the City of Smyrna, and to pay
expenses associated therewith (collectively, the "Project"), which Project will be leased to the
City pursuant to that certain Fourth Amended and Restated Lease Contract, dated as of September
1, 1989 (the "Lease"), as supplemented or amended; and
WHEREAS, from time to time the Authority has issued its revenue bonds to finance in
whole or in part undertakings such as the Project and has leased such undertakings to the City
pursuant to the Lease; and
WHEREAS, certain regulations under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
(the "Code"), including specifically Section 1.150-2, require that the City must declare its
"official intent" to be reimbursed for funds advanced by it to the Authority to enable the Authority
to acquire and construct the Project for which the City will be repaid by the Authority from
proceeds of a tax exempt bond issue of the Authority to finance such acquisition and construction;
WHEREAS, the City will make and has made advances to the Authority to enable the
Authority to make certain expenditures with respect to the Project for which the City will be
reimbursed with proceeds of tax-exempt bond issues to be issued by the Authority.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of
Smyrna, as follows:
1. The City intends to advance certain funds to the Authority to enable the Authority
to finance on an interim basis the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of a fire
station and related facilities and equipment for the redevelopment of the downtown area of the
City of Smyrna, and the payment of expenses associated therewith, which the Authority will
finance with bonds the interest on which is excludable from gross income under Section 103 of
the Code in an aggregate principal amount with respect to the Project that is not expected to
exceed $3,000,000. The Authority, on behalf of the City (as lessee of the Project pursuant to the
Lease), has incurred or will incur in calendar years 1998 and 1999 expenditures relating to the
Project, which will be paid from funds advanced to the Authority by the City for such purpose.
The City intends to be reimbursed by the Authority for such advances from the proceeds of the
above -described bond issue.
2. The Clerk of the City of Smyrna is hereby directed to place this resolution in the
minute books of the Mayor and Council and to make such resolution available for public
inspection at the main administrative offices of the City.
3. Any and all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with this resolution are
to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed.
4. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon adoption.
June 1, 1998, meeting - continued
acres). Mr. Knight stated the surrounding property is The Bridge at Mill Pond Condominium
development. He further indicated Wade Ford is located in close proximity to the property as
is the Paces Springs II subdivision (which they are developing). Mr. Knight stated Delmar
Gardens is located across the street from the property. Mr. Knight stated the property can
currently be developed for ninety condominium units under the existing zoning and that is only
the 7.5-acre RM-12 property. He stated they are proposing to develop the site with private
streets and indicated they have grouped the buildings in units with two, three and four unit
buildings. He stated this is a traditional neighborhood and some of the garages are rear entry
and drive -under rear entry garages with some of the plans indicating front -entry garages. He
stated they are proposing the townhome units be priced from $110,000 to $140,000 and the
units will be typical in elevation similar to the ones they developed in the Village on the Green.
He stated the plan presented tonight is a representative plan and not the final one and will
equate to 5.18 units per acre over the total site with a proposed square footage larger than the
existing condominiums as currently zoned. Mr. Knight stated they are requesting the TD
Conditional zoning due to the fact that the current townhome zoning will not allow a site plan
such as being shown tonight with the courtyards and larger open space. Mr. Knight stated this
proposal is a different way to do townhome development than what is usually seen. He further
explained in.his plan there is a center courtyard that the units are built around which he feels
presents a better curb appeal and streetscape and they want to be able to place the garages in the
rear of the units.
Councilman Wood stated the property, which is a little over 7 acres, was brought into the city a
number of years ago and was zoned RM-12 - Condominiums. He stated the density was
considerably more than the proposed density for this development and the other property, a
little over 2 acres, is currently zoned O&I. Mr. Wood further stated this proposed density is
approximately half of what could be built there if someone wanted to build under the current
zoning. Councilman Wood asked Mr. Knight if the ownership will be fee simple and he
responded that was correct. Mr. Wood then asked about firewalls and Mr. Knight responded
he had met with Chief Williams and the Fire Marshals and the units will be sprinkled and all
the radiuses have been preliminarily approved by them. Mr. Wood asked Mr. Knight about
landscaping and he responded there is a lot of common area which will be maintained by the
Homeowner's Association and will be professionally landscaped.
Mayor Bacon recognized Robert Stein, attorney from the firm Weissman, Nowack, Curry and
Wilco, representing The Bridge at Mill Pond Condominiums. He stated they agree with the
concept of Mr. Knight's plan and his request for rezoning and actually applaud his request for a
reduction in the density. Mr. Stein stated they are asking the council for four added conditions,
which he presented to the City Clerk for distribution. Mr. Stein stated they are concerned that
there will be individual yards and if these are to be fee -simple townhomes there may be a
portion in front of the units that is not common area. He further stated Mr. Knight has
indicated the common area will be maintained by the homeowner's association. He stated they
would like to add the following, as a condition of zoning:
1. Requirement that the individual yards that may be a part of these townhomes also be
maintained by the homeowner's association. He stated this will preserve the aesthetic
2. Covenants for all the exterior maintenance for the townhomes to be performed by the
homeowner's association.
*3. A 35' undisturbed buffer. He stated from looking at the plan they were not able to
determine the size of the setback and are asking that this be an undisturbed buffer. He
stated The Bridge at Mill Pond has diligently maintained the property on its side of the
shared property line and has kept the trees in place. He further stated since some of
these buildings will be close they are asking for that property along the shared property
line with The Bridge at Mill Pond, not surrounding the entire community, be a 35'
undisturbed buffer. He stated with the exception of any additional plantings that the
ordinance provides for a buffer strip and utility crossings. He stated the buffer strip
requirements that are called for by the zoning ordinance is what they would look to
have applied to this 35' undisturbed area. (See narrative below - changed from 35' to
4. The typical streetscape submitted by Mr. Knight to be a condition of the zoning.
Mr. Stein stated those are their requests and asked Mr. Knight if he considers them to be
reasonable. Mr. Knight stated in reference to items 1 and 2 above, the landscaping will be
covered by covenants for the community. He stated he feels they can address most of these
comments in there. He further stated as far as the exterior maintenance on the townhomes,
June 1, 1998, meeting - continued
they will be fee -simple ownership and he needs to think about condition 3 above. He stated
item 4 is a typical streetscape and will not be a problem. Mr. Knight stated the 35' undisturbed
buffer will not work for them. He stated that buffer by zoning is a 25' buffer which is shown
on the plan. He stated if they lost ten feet in that area it would adversely affect that type plan
and stated the current buffer is 25' and not 35'. Mayor Bacon asked if the buffer is
undisturbed. Mr. Knight responded that was correct. Mr. Stein stated they could not read the
plan and the 25' is acceptable. Mr. Knight stated he and Keith Davidson have talked about
protecting the exteriors with the covenants since they are fee simple. Mr. Stein stated that
would certainly be part of the covenants but they wanted to be assured through conditions of
zoning that should Knight Davidson Companies not be the company that builds on this site, that
as a condition of zoning, whoever builds on the site would have the requirement to place those
within the covenants. He stated their condition, as asked, is that the exterior maintenance be a
condition of zoning and that it set be forth by covenants.
*Councilman Wood asked Mr. Stein if the above conditions meet their requirements. Mr. Stein
responded yes with conditions 1, 2 and 4 are acceptable and with condition 3 changed to a 25'
foot buffer. Mr. Knight stated they are not saying the association would fix someone's building
exterior if there is a problem, but they would govern the exterior by the architectural
covenants. Mr. Stein stated they were actually stating at The Bridge at Mill Pond that someone
would fix the exterior of the building and Mr. Knight responded that is a condominium and this
is a fee -simple townhome. Mr. Stein stated their concern is due to the attached nature of the
units and if an individual owner did not take quality care of the exterior that an association
would do so by painting an entire complex at one time and meeting the necessary exterior
maintenance standards. Mr. Knight stated the homeowner's association would have the right to
Councilwoman Capilouto stated she lives in a fee -simple townhome community and assured
Mr. Stein that they paint in her neighborhood. Ms. Capilouto stated the city does have
ordinances that the property owners have to abide by to also protect the outside appearance.
Councilman Newcomb asked if it would be possible in the stipulations that there will be a
homeowner's association and covenants to include, as a minimum, that homeowners will have
to keep up the property to such and such a standard, and give the association the authority to
act when they don't. Mr. Stein then introduced Mary Touchedorf, member of the Board of
Directors at The Bridge at Mill Pond. Ms. Touchedorf stated she chose the association fee to
ensure the quality of her townhome. She stated there were a number of fee -simple homes that
were not well maintained and the association fee that she pays guarantees that she has a nice
community in which to live.
Councilwoman Capilouto asked Mr. Knight about the paint color schemes and if that is part of
the covenants and he responded yes.
Councilman Wood asked Mr. Stein since Mr. Knight stated the 25' undisturbed buffer was
acceptable did that address the buffer issue and he responded it did. Mr. Wood then asked Mr.
Knight if he planned to deal with exterior maintenance issues through covenants through the
mandatory homeowner's association and Mr. Knight responded that was correct. Mr. Wood
stated the typical streetscape was discussed as part of the plan and if this is approved, this is
part of the plan and plat, and if it is changed will require the applicant to come back and get a
variance. Mr. Wood stated the open spaces for recreation, etc., have been discussed. Mr.
Stein stated the only addition to that is for the homeowner's association to maintain whatever
small yard space there may be as a part of the development and within the lot lines. He stated
it looked like that might be small from the site plan but asked that they maintain that small
piece of yard space as well, not just the common areas throughout the community. He further
stated if it is fee simple, it may be a small yard.
Councilman Wood stated this does represent a substantial down zoning and that is certainly
advantageous to the current property owners and apartment dwellers in that area. He further
stated there will be substantially less units with larger units and obviously less traffic.
Councilman Wood made a motion that the request of Knight Davidson Companies to rezone
approximately 9.68 acres on Mill Pond Road from RM-12, Condominiums and O&I be rezoned
to TD-Conditional for Townhomes with the stipulations as follows:
1. There will be a mandatory homeowner's association and that association will have the
responsibilities for carrying out the covenants as prescribed on the added conditions of
zoning presented tonight under Added Conditions 98-007.
June 1, 1998, meeting - continued
2. Side yard setback along shared property line with The Bridge at Mill Pond
Condominiums will be 25' undisturbed buffer.
3. Typical streetscape will be as currently proposed on the plans submitted to the City of
4. Ownership will be fee simple.
5. They will meet all the fire codes pertaining to dwellings of this type.
6. There will be at least single -car garages and units where applicable or where possible
will have double -car garages
Councilman Cramer seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
(E) Land Use Change - Mill Pond Road (9.68 Acres) from High Density Residential and
Community Activity Center to Medium Density Residential
Mayor Bacon stated this is a public hearing and asked if anyone was present in opposition to
this land use change. There was none.
Councilman Lnenicka made a motion that the land use change at Mill Pond Road (9.68 acres)
from high density residential and community activity center to medium density residential be
approved. Councilman Cramer seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
(F) *Rezoning Request - Cooper Lake Road (20.4 Acres) - From R-20 to RAD
Mayor Bacon asked Councilman Wood to discuss Items 3-F, 3-G and 3-H. Councilman Wood
stated these three items pertain to the Cooper Lake Road annexation and rezoning. He then
stated the applicant, Russell Barnett, has requested that due to some modification changes that
prohibit any action being taken on the annexation tonight, that these items be tabled until a
special called meeting to be scheduled for June 22, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. He stated the city has a
petition for annexation and rezoning but under Georgia law, the city can not take any action on
the annexation until the issue of rezoning has been resolved. He stated the meeting scheduled
for June 22 will allow the applicant time to complete the plan modification and allow the city
sufficient time to properly advertise the meeting. Mayor Bacon stated this is a public hearing
and asked if anyone was present who wished to address this issue.
Mayor Bacon recognized Ann Daniel Winters, 5160 Civitania Road. Ms. Winters stated she
was not opposed to the development but had several concerns. She stated she was concerned
about the type of development and maintaining the integrity of the neighborhood. She further
stated her primary concern for the property is the high density. Ms. Winters also stated she
would like the council to consider the following three things when the rezoning is discussed:
1. Lower density which would be more consistent with the area.
2. Consideration of a generous buffer along the periphery of the property to help maintain
the watershed and protect both the wetlands and some of the other property in the area.
3. Protection of the wetlands because of the eight natural springs that could be adversely
affected by the development.
Mayor Bacon recognized Chester Moore, 5245 Civitania Road. Mr. Moore stated he felt that
type of development is totally out of character with that section of road on Cooper Lake Road
and coming down Civitania Road.
Mayor Bacon recognized Don Wade, 5092 Fawn Trail. Mr. Wade stated his main concern is
the prospect of a road entering into Civitania Road and asked the council to consider the danger
that would be caused if a road is allowed to intersect Civitania from the proposed new
Mayor Bacon recognized Tom Gianetti, 5086 Cavalier Drive. Mr. Gianetti stated he was
concerned about the everlasting impact a decision on the rezoning would leave on Cooper Lake
Road. He stated the area is rural in nature and feels if this issue moves forward, it would
change the character of the neighbor. He stated he was not opposed to development but was
opposed to the proposed high density.
Mayor Bacon recognized Lynn Johnson, Stoneybrook subdivision. Ms. Johnson stated she is
concerned about the loss of trees and the environmental impact of such a development on the
June 1, 1998, meeting - continued
area. Ms. Johnson asked the council to consider a building moratorium and asked the council
to leave Cooper Lake Road alone.
Mayor Bacon recognized Jack Booker, 5086 Stoneywood Circle. Mr. Booker stated he felt the
density is much too high and suggested it be reduced.
Mayor Bacon recognized Christine Famber, 631 Summertree Court. Ms. Famber stated she is
also concerned about the density and asked if there was anything that could be done to keep the
trees in that area.
Councilman Wood made a motion that the rezoning request for Cooper Lake Road (20.4 acres)
from R-20 to RAD Conditional be tabled to the special called meeting scheduled for June 22,
1998, at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Cramer seconded the motion. Motion to table was approved
(G) *Land Use Change - Cooper Lake Road (20.4 Acres) From Low Density Residential to
Medium Density Residential
Councilman Wood made a motion that the land use change for Cooper Lake Road (20.4 acres)
from low density residential to medium density residential be tabled to the special called
meeting on June 22, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. Councilman Cramer seconded the motion. Motion to
table was approved 7-0.
(H) *Annexation of Property - Cooper Lake Road at Civitania Road, Land Lot 329, 17'
District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia
Councilman Wood made a motion that the annexation of the 20.4 acres on Cooper Lake Road
at Civitania Road be tabled to the special called meeting on June 22, 1998, at 7:00 p.m.
Councilman Lnenicka seconded the motion. Motion to table was approved 7-0.
(I) Amend RAD Conditional Zoning at Windy Hill Road
Mr. Smith stated this involves a piece of property that the city rezoned RAD Conditional. He
stated the applicant, a division of Pulte Homes, is requesting that the entrance of the project be
relocated to the westerly side of the project and the number of lots be reduced from 83 to 81.
He stated the reason for this is a conflict with the Cobb County D.O.T. over crossing a strip of
property which was a concern to them. He stated the only substantive change in this other than
the reduction of two lots is simply moving the entrance from one site to the other. Mayor
Bacon stated this is a public hearing and asked if anyone was present in opposition to the
amendment to the conditional zoning. Mayor Bacon asked the engineer of the project to step
Councilman Scoggins made a motion that the request to amend the RAD Conditional zoning at
Windy Hill Road to move the entrance from the eastern side to the western side and to reduce
the number of lots from 83 to 81 be approved. Councilman Newcomb seconded the motion.
Mayor Bacon stated for the record this change is due to the conflict with Cobb County and this
proposed entrance location is not the recommended location where the ingress/egress should be
to the property. Motion was approved 7-0.
(J) Approval of Proposed FY 99 Budget
Mr. Smith stated the proposed budget for fiscal year 1999 is before the Mayor and Council for
their approval. He stated this budget represents a 6.42 % increase over 1998 and the budget is
projected to be $35,150,356 and is a revenue plan and a spending plan. He stated the
consolidated total comes from three sources - General Fund which represents $24,027,819
about a 7% increase in that area; Special Revenue - $2,867,251 a 13.55% increase;
Water/Sewer - $8,255,286 - a 1.79% increase. He stated the general government projected
cost for next year is $12,047,963 which represents slightly over a 5 % increase; Public Safety -
$11,119,174 - 4.32 % increase; Community Services - $3.673,728 and Public Works -
$8,309,491 for a combined expenditure plan of $35,150,356. Mr. Smith stated the General
Fund Budget total is $24,027,819 representing about a 7.29% increase from the previous year.
Mr. Smith commended the Finance Department, especially Greg Van Antwerp, and the
department heads for their work on the budget. Mr. Smith then presented the budget to the
Mayor and Council on behalf of the Finance Committee and the staff of the Finance
June 1, 1998, meeting - continued
Councilman Lnenicka stated he did not think there is any task more serious for the council each
year than to prepare the budget which is both a plan for revenues and expenditures. He further
stated the citizens entrust them with the money not to waste but to spend on their behalf. Mr.
Lnenicka stated that revenues for the consolidated budget may be of interest to the citizens. He
stated the largest single block is property tax - 24.07 % of the budget comes from property tax;
very close behind is the water/sewer revenue - 23.26%; the third largest category of revenue is
franchise and other taxes - 16.09%; and finally sales and service charges - 11.28%. He stated
there are five other categories of revenue that make up the balance but those are the largest
portions. He stated the percentage of the budget made up of property taxes has declined and
this council has made a commitment to continue to reduce the millage rate in the city to more
equitably spread the cost of the city over all the people that live here and use the city services.
He stated the projected revenues are $35,150,356 and the city is very fortunate to be one of the
cities where revenues are actually increasing. Mr. Lnenicka stated contained within the budget
is a forecasted millage rate, property tax millage rate in the city, of 11.2. He stated this is a
tentative millage rate that is a decrease from the current millage rate in this fiscal year of 11.3
mils and continues a commitment that this council made to reduce the millage rate each year
they are in office in this term. He stated in FY 1996 the millage rate was 11.5; FY97 - 11.4;
FY98 11.3 and for FY99 - proposed 11.2 mils. He stated the millage rate will be officially
confirmed later this summer when the city receives the formal complete tax digest information
from Cobb County and usually in August or September the city can officially set the millage
rate in time for bills to be mailed this fall. Councilman Lnenicka stated there are some major
items included in the budget in terms of capital outlay - Computer Equipment - connecting the
city on fiber optic networks - $181,000; approval for bids for fire equipment - on the consent
agenda this evening - $769,000 (expected cost); twelve vehicles for the Police Department -
$264,000; Parks Facilities - $135,000; Public Works Department - $265,00 with the largest
portion being for equipment and motor vehicles and drainage improvements; Sanitation - new
leaf vacuum truck - $35,000 and $67,000 for motor vehicles which represents a new sanitation
truck and a route. Councilman Lnenicka stated in terms of positions there are nine new
positions in the FY99 budget with eight being full time and one being part time. He further
stated three positions are directly related to the growth of the city in the residential
neighborhoods: Community Development Department - one part time receptionist position;
Sanitation Department - one full time light equipment operator and a full time Laborer II;
Parks Facilities - one full time Crew Chief and one full time Laborer II; Police Administration
- one full time Records Clerk; Court Services - one full time Chief Probation Officer and two
full time Probation Officers.
Councilman Lnenicka commended Howard Smith and stated he has done an outstanding job of
putting together a budget for the city that is balanced and fairly dispersed among the various
departments of the city. Mr. Lnenicka then commended Claudia Edgar and Greg Van Antwerp
for their efforts and all the department heads and staff of the city who have contributed to this
budget as well as the cooperation of the Mayor and Council to set city-wide priorities. He
stated this is a proposed budget which he is hopeful will be voted on and adopted, it does not
necessarily mean that this budget will not be changed. He further stated the city will continue
to look at a number of personnel related issues for the employees in terms of making sure that
the city staff is the very best it can possibly be to serve the residents of the City of Smyrna and
that they are paid and treated as fairly and competitively as the city can possibly do within its
means. Councilman Lnenicka then asked Councilman Wood, Chairman of the Human
Resources Committee, to quickly outline the ongoing things the Human Resources Committee
is working on and stated they are continuing to study some areas and may bring back issues to
the council to adopt as an amendment to the budget.
Councilman Wood stated there are a number of things that deal directly with the city employee
benefits, compensation and insurance programs. He stated the Human Resources Department
has completed an RFP for an actuarial study that has been mailed to eleven organizations that
are in this business. He stated the purpose of this RFP is to have an outside, independent
organization with a lot of expertise in retirement plans perform this actuarial study and to
determine what our strengths and weaknesses are in the retirement plan. He further stated it is
the Mayor and Council's intent to, once the study is complete, review it and do the very best
they can to upgrade the retirement plan for all the employees. He stated also in the budget are
funds for a classification and compensation study which will be an update to the one performed
three years ago. He further stated the purpose of this study is to ensure that all the city's jobs
are classified properly and the compensation ranges are competitive. He stated the city is still
looking at long term disability insurance, medical insurance program and other initiatives that
June 1, 1998, meeting - continued
are going on relating to personnel matters and those will be brought before Mayor and Council
as soon as there is adequate information and the studies have been returned.
Councilman Lnenicka made a motion that the presented budget for FY99 be approved.
Councilman Wood seconded the motion. Mayor Bacon commended and thanked all the people
who put in countless hours working on the budget. Mayor Bacon then stated that almost six
months ago, the elected officials and department heads attended their annual retreat in Athens.
He stated during that time almost the majority of the time was spent discussing the benefits for
the employees. He stated they talked about trying to make sure the employees are paid well
and that they have a good retirement and benefit package. He further stated those things that
need improvement can not happen overnight - especially the retirement package. He stated the
current retirement package for the employees does not include employee contribution as it is
paid for totally by the city. He stated the city does feel there is a need there for improvement
and perhaps the possibility of allowing the employees to participate in the retirement system
which will in turn give them give them more money when they want to retire. He stated he
feels the salaries for the employees throughout the city are very competitive but there are areas
that need to be reviewed. Mayor Bacon stated he feels this budget will allow the city to look at
those salaries and if there are adjustments that need to be made, make those adjustments after
all the information has been received. Mayor Bacon stated he is satisfied with this year's
budget and feels it allows growth and the reduction of the millage rate. Mayor Bacon asked
Finance Director Claudia Edgar if she had any comments. Ms. Edgar thanked everyone
involved in the budget process, especially Greg Van Antwerp and Howard Smith, and the
Mayor and Council and the department heads in this joint effort. She further stated this budget
would not be possible without everyone's cooperation. Motion to approve the budget was
approved 7-0.
There was none.
There were none.
There were none.
(A) Approval of May 18, 1998, Minutes
(B) Approval to Use Council chambers -
and Fire Test Briefing
Tuesday, May 26, 1998 - 7 to 8 p.m. - Police
(C) Approval to Install Speed Hump on Turpin Road
(D) Approval to Change Name of Southern Manor Apartments to Madison Manor
(E) Approval to Request Bids - Three (3) Rescue/Pumpers Unit
Councilman Lnenicka made a motion the consent agenda be approved. Councilman Wood
seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
There were no committee reports this evening.
Mayor Bacon recognized Representative Frank Bradford who remained for the entire meeting.
Mayor Bacon announced Smyrna Night at the Braves is Wednesday, June 10, 1998, and he will
be throwing out the first pitch.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:03 p.m.
June 1, 1998, meeting - continued
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