06-10-1985 Special Called MeetingJune 3, 1985 - Continued reviewing them at the end of each year before they are renewed. Kathy Brooks made a motion a 60 day moratorium be placed on residential business licenses, effective tomorrow morning. Hugh Ragan seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Moratorium - Multi -Family Zonings: Max Bacon said Hensley Schmidt had completed the study on multi -family zonings but they have only been able to meet briefly with the Planning and Zoning Board to review it. Max made a motion the moratorium on multi -family zonings be extended to the first meeting in August. James Williams seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Committee Reports: (Library) Doris Morris reported on library activities. Bob Davis welcomed John Davis to the Civil Service Board. (Streets) Max Bacon said he would like to meet with the Street Committee briefly after the meeting adjourned. (Parks) Sherry Reavis said all 3 pools are now open and reported on other activities in the Parks Department. Jack Shinall made a motion the rules be suspended to allow a motion to appoint the new City Administrator. Hugh Ragan seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Jack said that with the full support of Mayor and Council and through a very diligent search, they had decided on their choice for City Administrator. Jack made a motion that John C. Patterson be appointed, effective July 1, 1985. Mr. Patterson is presently the City Administrator of Conway, S.C. and very qualified for this position. James Williams seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Hugh Ragan also welcomed John Davis to the Civil Service Board. Jim Farley reported on the Emergency Management Department warning system. Attorney Camp said he received word today that our annexations and voting changes under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act has been approved by the Justice Department and includes everything through March of this year. Jim Hawkins said he wanted to let the people know how very much he appreciated the members of council for the long hours they put in on different projects that are underway. Jim said he thought the City was very fortunate to have John Patterson accept the new position and thought he would do an excellent job for the City. Jim said the elected officials would still be the governing body of this city and they were simply hiring a staff to see that the City is run on a business -like basis. This appointment is to better serve the people. Jim Hawkins reported that Mayor Bacon was back in the hospital due to a temporary setback and wanted him to know that everyone's prayers were with him. With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ************************ June 10, 1985 A special called meeting of Mayor and Council was held June 10,' 1985 at Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by presiding officer Mayor Arthur T. Bacon. All Council members were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles E. Camp; Assistant City Clerk Melinda Dameron, Parks and Recreation Director Sherry Reavis, Eugene Jerrel and other representatives from Executive Golf, Inc. and representatives of the press. The purpose of this meeting was to approve the first amendment to the concession and development agreement between the City of Smyrna and Executive Golf, Inc. for the construction of the golf course at North Smyrna Park. Mr. Camp said that everyone had received a copy of the amendment and knew the contents. Mr. Camp June 10, 1985 - Continued said that basically, the amendment changes the amount of money received by the City, number of years and the right of first refusal for the first 5 years. One of the representatives of Executive Golf stated they have applied to the Cobb County Industrial Authority for approval of issuance of revenue bonds to finance construction. If approved, the Industrial Authority will actually hold the lease on the property and Executive Golf., Inc. will sub -lease from them. Also, they would expect to begin construction as soon as a letter of inducement is received from the Authority, hopefully no later than July 15th. Hugh Ragan said that last week he had expressed some concern over the extension of the contract from 35 to 45 years but he did not now have any problems with the contract and could support it as written. After further discussion, Jim Hawkins made a motion the first amendment to the concession agreement be approved as sub- mitted. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Max Bacon then made a motion the Mayor be authorized to address a letter to the Cobb County Industrial Authority supporting the need for construction of the golf course. James Williams seconded the motion which carried 7-0. With no further business, meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m. ************************ June 17, 1985 The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor- and Council was held on June 17, 1985 at Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding officer Mayor Protem Jim Hawkins. All Council members were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles E. Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief R. E. Little, Fire Chief Larry Williams, Civil Engineer Mike Hutchinson, Assistant City Clerk Melinda Dameron, Parks Superintendent Jimmy Hinson, Emergency Management Director Jim Farley, Librarian Doris Morris, Building Inspector Scott Stokes, and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Bob Davis, followed by the pledge to the flag. Jim Hawkins stated that Mayor Bacon was still not feeling well and could not attend the meeting tonight. Also, Max Bacon called earlier and said he would not be present because he was sick and had gone to the doctor- today. 1 Citizens Reports: Duchess Garrard of 2642 Hickory Acres Drive stated her back yard backs up to the Martha's Vineyard development under construction and said she has found large staples and glass in her swimming pool from the construction. She talked to the developer and he said there was nothing he could do because these are sub -contractors. Also, there seems to be some jurisdictional problem since the development is in the county and Mrs. Garrard's home is in the city. Jim Hawkins asked Chief Little to get with the county police and make a joint trip out to the site. Jack Shinall stated they have also had several other problems with the development and asked Mike Hutchinson to get with the county building department to be sure they are in full compliance. Public Hearing - Revenue Sharing: Jack Shinall said the Revenue Sharing budget for 1985-86 totals $190,370 and read the proposed list of expenditures by department. She Brissey questioned the purchase of a car and. truck with landscape equipment for the Parks Department and said they seem to be constantly buying vehicles. Sue said she didn't think the City could afford it and hated to see the Parks Department get bigger than the City. Jack Shinall said the Parks Department operating budget was reduced by 6% this year and was the only one actually less than 1984-85. There were no further questions from the audience and Jack Shinall made a motion the Revenue Sharing budget be approved as presented. James Williams seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Approval of 1985-86 Budget: Jack Shinall thanked everyone that worked on the new budget and said this was a team effort. The total of all funds is $11,073,356 as follows:.