11-01-1982 Regular MeetingNovember 1; 1982_. The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter on November 1, 1982 at Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order by presiding officer Mayor Arthur T. Bacon. All Council members were present except Elbert Coulson who was out due to a death in the family. Also present was City Attorney Charles E. Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief R. E. Little, Acting Fire Chief Hubert Cochran, Public Works Director Jim David, Parks Superin- tendent Bruce Bates, Librarian Doris Morris, Building Inspector Larry Dunn and representatives of the press. (Jim Farley also in attendance; see minutes of December 6, 1982.) Invocation was given by Max Bacon followed by the pledge to the flag. Mayor Bacon read a proclamation for Youth Appreciation Week sponsored each year by the Smyrna Optimist Club and presented the proclamation to a representative of the club. Citizen Reports: Harold Thompson, a resident of Havilon Way at the corner of Concord Road complained of speeders on Concord Road resulting in numerous wrecks in his yard. Mr. Thompson said that last Friday night the back window of his car was shot out costing him $450 to replace, and Saturday night his new automobile was egged. Also, his home has been broken into tw'ice. Mr. Thompson said the caution light at the intersection and the guard rail that was installed was effective for a period of time, but now something further must be done. Chief Little said he had talked with Mr. Thompson about a year ago and they had spent a considerable amount of time patroling the area but he did not have the manpower to keep a patrol car there at all times. Radar cannot be used because of the inclines and curvature of the road. Mr. Thompson said the county had done a survey there and it was their opinion that a traffic light would create even more accidents. Chief Little said he would go out to the site tomorrow with Jim David and see what could be done. Jim Tolleson said if we were undermanned in the police department he was not aware of it. Chief Little said all vacancies have been filled, but we simply -do not have the manpower required to cover the population of the City. Mayor Bacon recognized Barbara Williams, candidate for Cobb County Board of Commissioners. David Wallace with the Smyrna Jaycees asked permission to have a bucket brigade at the intersection of Spring and Hargrove Road on December 4th and 5th. Mayor Bacon asked him to discuss his plans with Chief Little. Annexation: James Williams made a motion that property owned by Fred M. Shope on Jonquil Drive, Land Lot 631 be annexed into the City to become a part of Ward 3, the legal description having been read and made a part of the minutes of October 4, 1982. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. Annexation: James Williams made a motion that property owned by Earnestine Johnson Vinson, Angela Vinson, Betty Johnson & Annie Johnson at 1810 Teasley Drive be annexed into the City to become a part of Ward 3, the legal description having been read and made a part of the minutes of October 4, 1982. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Annexation: James Williams made a motion that property owned by Willie D. & Beverly D. Sellers at 1804 Teasley Drive be annexed into the City to become a part of Ward 3, the legal description having been read and made a part of the minutes of October 4,, 1982. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. Annexation: James Williams made a motion that property owned by Thomas E. & Mary K. McNeal at 1808 Teasley Drive be annexed into the City to become a part of Ward 3, the legal description having been read and made a part of the minutes of October 4, 1982. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Annexation: James Williams made a motion the annexation request by Jerry D. and Earl M. Arrowood, Land Lot 633 on Matthews Street be tabled and continued to the next meeting. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Annexation: Mayor Bacon said at the October 4, 1982 meeting, legal descriptions were read for -the annexation of a portion of Cobb Parkway and South Cobb Drive and asked if there was any opposition to the &nnexation of these roadways. Being none, Jim Tolleson made a motion the annexations be approved. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Variance: Fred M. Shope requested a variance from 50 feet to 20 feet on the side building line for new construction of a heating and air conditioning repair shop on Spring Road. Mr. Shope said the existing house would be remodeled and used November 1, 1982 - Continued as an office in conjunction with the shop, which will be a new construction. James Williams asked Mr. Shope how much space he would have for parking. Mr. Shope said they now had about 8 spaces but are required to have 13. He said they were willing to pave some of the front area to meet the required number of parking spaces. James Williams made a motion the variance be approved. Sarah Jones seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Residential Business License: Sandra Towe requested a residential permit to operate a mobile beauty shop from her home at 995 Valley Drive. Mrs. Towe said she would not be operating in her home, but would go to the homes of invalids, shut-ins, etc. Mrs. Towe had a letter from her neighbors living within 300 feet stating they had no objections and there was no opposition from the audience. Jim Tolleson made a motion the permit be approved. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Commercial Building Permits: Fred M. Shope requested a commercial building permit for a 2,000 square foot building on Spring Road at an estimated cost of $32,000. Upon the recommendation of Inspector Larry Dunn, Max Bacon made a motion the permit be approved subject to approval of the city engineer and fire marshal. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Butch Hill represented West Lumber Company in their request to use special promo- tional effects for a sale on November 5, 6 and 7 as follows: 1. Extend two weather balloons with flags attached to them 100 feet in the air. 2. Move portable sign underneath permanent sign from October 29th until November 6th announcing promotion. 3. Place flags from roof of building to products displayed on sidewalk. 4. Run a high beam spotlight from 7:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. on Friday, November 5th. Attorney Camp said if this was approved, they would need to notify Dobbins Air Force Base of the use of the balloons, due to the height. Mr. Hill said these sales would run one Friday night each month in this store and all other stores in the chain. Attorney Camp said our ordinance would have to be changed to grant approval of these promotional effects one night each month and to do so, we could not deny other merchants in the City the right to do the same thing. Jack Shinall made a motion approval be given to use the promotional effects as requested the weekend of November 5, 6 and 7 subject to approval by Dobbins Air Force Base. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Bid Opening: Bids for a curbing machine were opened, read and recorded as follows: Hamilton -Bryant Equip. Co. $10,760 - 2% 10 days, net 30 days FOB: Salisbury, N.C. Delivery: 2 weeks ARO R. S. Armstrong s Bros. $10,135 - less 10% cash within 10 days of shipment FOB: Smyrna Available from stock Jim Hawkins made a motion the bids be turned over to the Street Committee with their recommendation back to full council. Sarah Jones seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Sarah Jones said that Mallett & Associates had reviewed and tabulated the bids opened September 20, 1982 for the Highview, Willowbrook and Deerwood outfall sewer lines and recommended the bid be awarded to D&H Construction Company, the low bidder at $93,032.50. Sarah said this would be a unit cost contract and cost could vary." Max Bacon asked if they would need council approval of any monies over the bid price. Jim Mallett said they had agreed to come to him first or approval if there was any additional cost involved. Sarah said they estimated completion of the project in 90 days and made a motion the bid be awarded to DOH Construction Company, to be paid from the E&C Fund. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. Mayor Bacon said he hoped that by the end of the year we could eliminate every lift station in the City. November 1, 1982 - Continued Jim Hawkins made a motion bids be accepted for a paint striping machine to be opened December 6, 1982, and paid from State Grants. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Jim Tolleson said we are low on garbage cans and liners with all the new con- struction underway, and made a motion approval be given to purchase 100 under- ground garbage cans at $73.10 each, and 500 liners at $10.53 each, at a total cost of $12,575. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Jim Tolleson said that in the past, when citizens need to purchase a new liner they are required to come to city hall and pay for the liner before it can be delivered. Tom Hill has been working on a new program and as of December lst, liners can be ordered, and the cost added to the customer's monthly water bill. Sarah Jones said that after Church Street and Jonquil pools were drained they found quite a bit of damage and these repairs will have to be made prior to opening next year. Part of the work can be done in-house, and Sarah made a motion that bids be requested for sandblasting and replastering of these two pools. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. Jack Shinall said if we are going to make repairs we should be sure they are done correctly, and will hold up. Bruce Bates said the dirt has been washing for quite some time and they have now found cavities under the shell and the walls are beginning to give in toward the center. Jim Mallett has looked at the pools and Sarah Jones said the repairs would be adequate. The City will tear out the decking and replace fill dirt where needed, but we cannot do the sandblasting and replastering. Jim Tolleson made a motion the minutes of October 4, 1982 be approved as sub- mitted: Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. Jack Shinall made a motion the minutes of October 18, 1982 be approved as sub- mitted. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Committee Reports: Sarah Jones said she had received numerous calls concerning a billboard on South Cobb Drive from people who felt the advertisement was offensive. Sarah said the courts have ruled that we cannot control the messages on billboards unless it is pornographic. Our ordinance states that as long as the structure of these signs is not changed they can remain until next year when ,the grandfather clause will expire. (Parks) Sarah Jones said the Halloween Carnival was a great success and gave special thanks to all the civic groups who participated, the Cobb Center merchants and city employees. (Library) Doris Morris said November 15-20 was National Children's Book Week and asked everyone to participate. Jack Shinall said his home he has been on council and was caught the first time. the City has ever had. had been burglarized again for the second time since thanks to the Neighborhood Watch Program, the burglar Jack said he felt this was one of the best programs (Engineering & Inspections) Max Bacon said the committee would meet again to go over the game room ordinance. Attorney Camp will review their recommendations and have it ready for approval the first meeting in December. (Water) Jim Tolleson called a meeting for November 9th for his committee to con- sider a new ordinance requiring deposits for water, sewer and sanitation service. Also, Jim said we had a sample ordinance used by the City of Macon for the committee to review prior to meeting, for awarding or regulating garbage pickup. Announcements: Mayor Bacon said we have received word that the reapportionment was approved by the Justice Department, but we have not received written notification. Mayor Bacon announced the results of the Civil Service Board runoff election as follows: C. Earle Cochran,-58 votes,:and G. Fred Bostick, 30 votes. Mayor Bacon said the Block Grant had been approved and we have already begun the engineering work on the Woodland Arms lift station. The county has agreed that this station is in worse condition of any in the City and hopefully it will be — ' replaced before the end of the year. The Hickory Acres and Ann Road lift stations should be eliminated by the middle of next year. With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.