04-06-1981 Regular Meeting (2)April 6, 1981
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter
on April 6, 1981 at City Hall. The meeting was called to order by presiding officer
Mayor Frank Johnson at 7:30 o'clock p.m. All Council members were present. Also
present was City Attorney Charles Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief
{ Everett Little, Assistant Fire Chief ':ubert Cochran, Public Works Director Jim David,
Civil Defense Director Jim Farley, Building Inspector Dan Steely, Parks and Recrea-
tion Director Bill Johnston, Jim Tidwell from the Bureau of Fire Prevention, and
representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Councilman Jim Hawkins, followed by the pledge to the flag.
There were no citizens reports.
Bid opening: Bids for four (4) new police cars were opened, read and are recorded
as follows:
Hub Ford
Carey Paul Ford
Beaudry Ford
Wade Ford
Nalley Chevrolet
Allen Russell Ford
Neal Pope Ford
Harry White Ford
Days Chevrolet
Elbert Coalson made a motion the bids be turned over to the Police Committee for
their recommendation back to full Council at a called meeting, at which time the
bid would be awarded. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Annexation: John Steely made a motion that the Nations' property, approximately
30 acres located in Land Lot 529, the,ilegal description being read and recorded
in the minutes of•Mar.ch 16, 1981, be annexed into the City of Smyrna and made a
part of Ward 7. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Validation of Signatures: R. B. Bennett, Sr., requested annexation of 13.49 acres
of property located in Land Lot 264 and the legal description was read as follows:
"We the undersigned, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the owners of the land
area by acreage of the area described below, which is unincorporated and contiguous
to the City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have said area annexed into the.City of Smyrna
under the provisions of the Code of Georgia Annotated, Sections 69-904 through
69-912 (Georgia Laws, Acts 1966, Pages 409, 410, 411, 412, 413; 1971, 399; 1976,
Pages 1011, 1012; said property to be annexed being described as follows, to wit:
All that tract or -parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 264 of the
17th District, 2nd Section of Cobb County, Georgia, and being more parti-
cularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at an iron pin located at the southeast corner of said Land Lot
264; thence running north 88.degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds west along the
south line of said Land Lot 264, six hundred twenty-eight and three hundredths
(628.03) feet to an iron pin; thence north 0 degrees 07 minutes 25 seconds
east, one hundred eight and ninety-seven hundredths (108.97) feet to,an
iron pin;:_then-ce north,0 degrees 10 minutes 19-seconds east, two hundred
seventy-seven and seventy-eight hundredths (277.78) feet to an iron pin;
thence north 0 degrees 23 minutes 53 seconds east, one hundred sixty-two
and sixty-seven hundredths (162.67) feet to an iron pin, thence north 0
degrees 18 minutes 44 seconds east, -two hundred twenty five and six hundredths
(225.06) feet.to an iron pin; thence north fifty (50) feet to an iron:pin;
thence north O degrees 13 minutes-12 seconds east, one hundred sixty-six and
sixteen hundredths (166.16) feet to an iron pin; thence south 78 degrees
14 minutes 44 seconds east, six hundred forty-six and seventy eight hundredths
(646.78) feet to an iron pi.n located on the east line of the above mentioned
Land Lot 264; thence running south 0 degrees 35 minutes 03 seconds west
along the east line of said Land Lot 264, five hundred fifty-one and sixty-
one -hundredths (551:.61) feet to an iron pin; thence continuing south 0 degrees
40 minutes 12 seconds west along the' east line of said Land Lot: 264, three
hundred eighteen and fifty-eight hundredths (318.58) feet to the iron pin
located at the point of BEGINNING.
Continued - April 6, 1981
Witness the signature of the record title holders of the fee simple title, or
his legal representative, of 60% of the land area above described by acreage:
John Steely made a motion the signatures be validated and the public hearing set
for May 4, 1981. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Mayor Johnson recognized R. B. Bennett, Sr., Rem Bennett and Roy Free, principals \ f
of Bennett Realty Company and congratulated them on their significant contribution
in the development of our city.
Rezoning: George E. and James O..Nations requested rezoning of approximately
30 acres located in Land Lot 529, from R-20 to RHR and FC. There was no opposition
to the rezoning, and the Planning and Zoning Board had unanimously recommended it
be approved. Jerry Mills made a motion the rezoning be approved. John Steely
seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. Max Bacon abstained.
Variance Requests: (1) Reed Konigsmark requested a front yard setback line
variance of 29 feet instead of the 35 feet required by ordinance on Lot 8,
Cumberland Corners, 1601 Walker Street. There was no opposition to the variance
request. Mr. Konigsmark explained that the duplex he is building is approximately
50% complete and when he started construction he could not locate the pins, so he
used the curb as a reference point for the setback and later found that the street
is not in the center of the right-of-way. Also, the framer made an error in
squaring the batter board strings. His was the first structure on that side of
the street so he did not have any comparisons to indicate that he'was too close
to the street. Jerry Mills made a motion that Mr. Konigsmark be fined $100 for
violation of Section 801 of the Building Code, to insure that he will be more
careful in the future. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
(2) Tom Yeager of Cumberland Crossing Shopping Center requested a variance from
Section 906.19 which requires 5.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross
floor area, to 5.05 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. This would
reduce the number of parking spaces from 368 to 338. Mr. Yeager explained there
is a Georgia Power easement behind his property and he had moved the building as
near to the easement as possible; you cannot go under the easement with any
building at all. In working around these constraints, it had cut them down on
their parking area. Jim Tolleson made a motion the variance be approved. Jim
Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
(3) Lincoln Properties requested three variances for their new construction, Lake
Park Project, on U.S. 41, as follows:
(a) Section 802 requires a maximum height of buildings of 35 feet, and
they requested a variance to allow a height of 63 feet.
(b) Section 901 requires 180 square feet per parking space, and they
requested a variance to allow 153 square feet per parking space, with
a two -foot overhang.
(c) Section 906.3 requires one parking space per 250 feet of gross floor
area. Lincoln Properties requested a variance to one space per 292
square feet, or 360 spaces instead of the 420 required by ordinance.
Jim Tolleson read the letter from Lincoln Properties requesting these variances
which he felt was self-explanatory, and made a motion the variances be granted.
Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
(4) Larry Cohran, 2569 Spring Drive, requested a variance from Section 801 of
the Building Code, to allow him to build a 30 x 40 garage within three feet six
inches on the side lot line. At the last council meeting, Mr. Cohran had a
similar request which was denied. Mr. Cohran has appealed that decision, but
came tonight asking Mayor and Council to reconsider his request. Mr. Cohran had
a letter from Trish Moore, the adjoining property owner at 2579 Spring Drive stating
she had no objection td him building to within 3 feet of the property line.
Following discussion, Jim Tolleson made a motion the hearing be continued until
the next meeting for further study. John Steely seconded the motion. Mr. Cohran
said he was asking Council to consider only the variance request brought before
them tonight, and not for action on the first request. Vote on the motion to
continue the hearing carried by a 6-1 vote, with Jack Shinall voting against.
Mr. Cohran asked that Jim Tolleson be disqualified from any decision made by
Council as he had a law suit against him now, and felt he should be disqualified
as a matter of law. Mayor Johnson said he could not do that, and certainly would
Continued - April 6, 1981
not deny him the opportunity to represent his people. As a.point of clarification,
Jim.Tolleson said h"is motion to continue the hearing applied to the variance.
request which was on the agenda tonight and did not pertain to Mr. Cohran's first
request. However, his appeal of the first variance request and the one on the
agenda tonight are so similar,,they might as well be discussed at the same meeting.
Jack Shinall said some of the.terms of the Planning and Zoning Appeals Board
members had expired, and he felt it was imperative that we re-establish this Board
as a working body.
Chief David Hilton of the Cobb County Fire Department was present to discuss the
possibility of the City of, Smyrna.Fire Department merging with the Cobb County
Fire Department in accordance with a recommendation.by the Grand Jury. Also
present was Commissioner Harvey Paschal. Chief.Hilton said he could not speak
for the Cobb County Board of Commissioners or the Cobb County Civil Service Board
tonight, but he wanted to lay out the plan up.to this point involving,personnel
and logistics, should the merger take place. The 52 Smyrna fire employees would
be merged within the county system with pay raises for many of them, since the
county has a higher pay scale. They would be merged on,a year-by-year,,basis,
meaning no loss of service time. If the merger takes place, it will hopefully be
done without the:,firefighters realizing any change. The only difference would
be that they would report to Chief Hilton, and he in turn would report to the
Board of Commissioners. Another portion of the merger would be the giving up of
the fire equipment, fire stations, and any portion of the fire service we have in
the City, Ata previous meeting, it was suggested that the City keep one of the
buildings, and that again would be left up to the Board of Commissioners and the
Mayor and Council,. Max -Bacon asked if any new equipment would be brought into
this area. Chief Hilton said fire equipment would be replaced as needed on a
periodic basis, just as the county does now.. They run their apparatus between
15 and 18 years before replacement, but there would have to be some logistic
changes made, such as moving an aerial ladder into the City. He has received
unofficial notification that the City's fire rating would be raised to 5 after
the merger, as is the rest of the county. It is expected that the response time
would be quicker, especially in areas such as Cobb Center. Also, highly populated
areas such as Smyrna are the ones the fire departments are most concerned with.
Elbert Coalson said the citizens of this.town.had a lot invested, through their
tax dollars, in the Fire Department and it has always been one of the better
services we had to,offer. He felt there were a lot of things to consider before
going through with a merger. Chief Hilton said there was still a lot of research
to be done before a decision could be made, by either the City or County. Jim
Tolleson asked if services would be improved in.the City and Chief Hilton said
the response time would probably improve in some areas, and also additional
equipment and personnel would be available on first alarm response. It would
definitely eliminate the confusion of whether or not the City or County should
respond to a fire near the city limit lines which now separates jurisdiction.
Mayor Johnson said a merger would benefit. -our citizens in that we could cut our
tax rate by 3:6.mills, which is the percentage paid for fire district tax. Also,
he felt it would upgrade the fire departments through improvement of the type
vehicles; and quantity of vehicles available to,.respond. It"would also.•benefit
the employees by giving them an automatic increase in pay when they transfer to
the county pay scale, without loss of seniority. Mayor Johnson thanked Chief
Hilton for coming and explaining the proposed merger.
Commercial Building Permits:-. (1) Southern Bell requested a permit for additional
remodeling at an estimated cost of $30,000. Plans have been reviewed by the
Inspections Department and Fire Marshal and Inspector Dan Steely recommended the
permit be approved. John Steely made a motion the permit be approved,.seconded
by Jack Shinall. Vote on the motions.carried 6-0, with Jim Tolleson abstaining.
(2) Food Giant, 2370 South Cobb Drive, requested a permit to change the existing
refrigeration fixtures at a total estimated cost of $40,000. Plans have been
reviewed by the Fire Marshal and Inspections Department and Inspector"Steely
recommended they be approved. John Steely made a motion .the. permit be approved,
seconded by Jim Tolleson. Vote on the motion carried 7-0.
(3) -West Lumber Company requested a.building permit for 2600 South Cobb Drive
for a new construction at a total estimated cost.of $360,000, Plans have been
reviewed by the Fire Marshal and Inspections Department and Inspector Steely
recommended they be approved. James Pressley is the owner of.the property -and
was present. Jack Shinall asked Mr. Pressley about the buffer, and he said
there would be a 20-foot buffer which is more than required by ordinance. He has
also talked with the vice-president of West Lumber Company and was advised they
never operate after 8:00 p.m.; their hours are 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. There is
Continued - April 6, 1981
also a chain -link fence on the back of the property, with shrubbery on the out-
side. Jack Shinall made a motion the building permit be approved. Max Bacon
seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0vote.
Jack Shinall said he had noticed we had a liquor store on South Cobb Drive that
has gone into the nursery business, and asked Inspector Steely to check into it.
Elbert Coalson said all the Council members had received a copy of the proposed
Internal Controls System which refers to general.matters of City Hall and all
other city departments, as to how they will be run. Elbert made a motion the
Internal Controls System be adopted. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which
carried by a.7-0 vote.
Jerry Mills made a motion the minutes from March 9, 1981 be approved as submitted.
Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Jim Tolleson made a motion the minutes of March 16, 1981 be approved as submitted.
Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Committee Reports:.. Max Bacon thanked Chief Hilton and Commissioner Harvey Paschal
for coming tonight. Max said Chief Atkinson would be in the hospital for 3 or
4 days for some tests.
(Streets) Jerry Mills read a request from the Parks and Recreation Department
asking permission to block Bank Street from Atlanta Road to King Street from
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 25th for the Arts & Crafts Festival.
Also, that a banner be hung on the corner of Spring Street and Atlanta Road in
front of Smyrna Cable TV to advertise the festival. Jerry made a motion these
requests be approved. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Jerry Mills made a motion the following projects be approved, and paid from State
Grants funds:
(1) Ward 5: 379 feet of curbing on Powder Springs Street, plus seed
and fertilizer for a total cost of $825.
(2) Ward 4: Overlay of a portion of Church Street and curbing, at a
total cost of $2,250.
(3) Ward 2: Curbing both sides of Lee Street at a total cost of
Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Jerry said he had not received a request from Elbert Coalson, and Mr. Coalson
said he would like to have approximately 20 feet of sidewalk on Cherokee Road
in front of the Post Office. Mayor Johnson.said.he had written the Board of
Education concerning this request, and recommended we wait several weeks to hear
from them.
(Water) Jack Shinall said he had an engineering agreement, grant application form
and resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and apply for necessary funds to
perform the sewer system evaluation study. Jack read the resolution and made a
motion the Mayor be authorized to sign these documents, subject to legal counsel
review before being signed. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which carried by
a 7-0 vote. Jack said one area of the City had already been studied, and was
included in the original bid price, so Welker and Associates has lowered their
original bid by $16,000.
(Police) Elbert Coalson said
on January 7, 1981, Officer John Everett of the
Police Department fell
at his home and injured his back. The Jaycees held
a fund
raising barbecue for him
about 2 weeks ago, to help with his expenses.
Everett has used all
his accumulated sick leave and vacation and is still
in bad
shape. Elbert made a
motion that he be given 2 weeks additional sick
to be made up when he
is able to return to work. Jim Tolleson seconded the
which carried by a 7-0
Coalson commended the
Smyrna Police Department, Cobb County Sheriff's
and Marietta Police Department
for the good work they have been doing in
drug arrests.
(Parks) John Steely said the Parks Department has put together a brochure out-
lining our facilities and programs available. This brochure can be picked up
at the Parks and Recreation office.
Continued - April 6, 1981
John Steely said each year the City sponsors two girl's softball teams, the Smyrna
Kiwanis and Jonquil City Kiwanis. The sponsorship fee is $150 per team, and John
made a motion funds be approved to sponsor these two teams for the 1981 season.
Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
John said the Parks Department will begin their afternoon movie program again,
with one on April 14th and another on April 16th, beginning at 1:00 p.m.
John expressed appreciation on behalf of himself and the Parks and Recreation
Commission to Wit Carson and the other county commissioners for the 250 feet of
pipe being put in at Jonquil Park.
John said the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation would have their tennis tournament
beginning April loth.
Announcements: Next Council meeting April 20, 1981.
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.
April 7, 1981
A special called meeting of Mayor and Council was held April 7, 1981 in the Mayor's
office at City Hall for the purpose of awarding bids opened April 6, 1981 for
four (4) police cars. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:30 o'clock
p.m. All Councilmen were present except Jim Tolleson.
Elbert Coalson stated the Police Committee had recommended that only Wade Ford and
Cody Chevrolet, the winner of the State contract, be considered. Wade Ford's bid
for four (4) LTD police package cars was $7,976.69 each. Cody Chevrolet's bid
for four Chevrolet police package vehicles was $7,708.00 each. Mr. Coalson said
he would like to buy from Wade Ford but it would cost the City an additional
$1,074.36. It was brought out that Wade Ford was the only large dealer in the
City, they pay taxes, and that we should deal with them.
After further discussion Elbert Coalson made a motion the bid be awarded to Wade
Ford for a total cost of $31,906.36. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried
by a 6-0 vote.
Meeting adjourned.
April 20, 1981
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held April 20, 1981 at Smyrna
City Hall. The meeting was called to order by presiding officer Mayor Frank Johnson.
All Council members were present except for Jim Tolleson who was out of town. —Also
present was City Attorney Charles E.-Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief
Everett Little, Assistant Fire Chief Hubert Cochran, Fire Prevention Captain Jim
Tidwell, Parks and Recreation Director Bill Johnston, Water Department Supervisor
Larry Dunn, Building Inspector Dan Steely, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley, and
representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Councilman John Steely, followed by the pledge to the flag.
Citizens Reports: (1) Sandy Brown, 2551 Spring Drive, read and presented a petition
to Mayor and Council bearing the signatures of 29 residents of the area, opposing
the variance request by Larry Cohran on the agenda for tonight.
(2) Jimmy Henson with Cobb County Parks and Recreation requested a parade permit
for Rhyne Park Recreation Club for Saturday, April 25th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00
a.m. Jack Shinall made a motion the permit be approved. John Steely seconded the
motion which carried by a 6-0 vote.