02-16-1991 Regular MeetingContinued - February 2, 1981 would not have any liability, since the City made the taps. Jim Hawkins made a motion to table this request, until the committee had a chance to look at the street. John Steely seconded the. motion which carried by a 4-3 vote. Voting for the motion was Jim Tolleson, Max Bacon, Jim Hawkins and John Steely...Voting against was Elbert Coalson, Jack Shinall and Jerry Mills. (Fire) Max Bacon said for the last few weeks his committee had been looking into the possibility of updating some of the fire equipment in the area of fire trucks. They have met a company from Ohio to get some prices and met today with a company that offers a lease/purchase option. Max said he hoped to be able to work out an agreement with someone to update our equipment.to what they feel would be adequate. Max said his committee had been studying the city's health insurance for the past several months, after receiving a 30% increase in premiums. Some of this was due to inflation and some due to the high claims experience. 'They are looking into several different areas where we can save money, and possibly give the employees better coverage. The present policy with Prudential does not expire until September so we aren't.under any obligation now to renew. (Water) Jack Shinall said the meeting with the two engineers who bid on our sewer study would be Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Johnson appointed Jack Shinall and Jim Tolleson to serve on a budget committee and charged each councilman to have their budget completed by July 1st. He asked .� Jack and Jim to work together, with the department heads and City Clerk to begin our budgetary proceedings and get it underway. Mr. Coalson said he thought we were starting in the right direction by having Ms. Spivey and Mr. Pate helping us and he wholeheartedly recommended Mr. Shinall and Mr. Tolleson for this committee. Jack Shinall said there was no way he and Jim could work together on this budget without full cooperation from council. Jerry Mills said he would give his full cooperation, but if there were any increases asked for in this budget he would not vote for it. Next council meeting will be February 16, 1981... With no.further business, meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. February 16. 1981 The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held February 16, 1981 at Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding officer Mayor Frank Johnson. All council members were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles E. Camp, City'Clerk Willouise Spivey,•Police:Chief R. E. Little.' Assistant Fire Chief Hubert Cochran, Water Supervisor -Larry Dunn, Parks & Recreation Director Bill Johnston, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley, Building Inspector Dan Steely, and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by John Steely, followed by the pledge to the flag. Citizens Reports: (1) Mr. Stroud requested permission to hold a road race using the same route that they had last year. Most of it will be outside the City, but he.had given a map and all information to Police Chief Little. John Steely made a motion that the road race be approved. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. (2) Nancy Puffe, representing the Save Old Smyrna group, presented a rough draft of the landscape plans for the right-of-way on Atlanta Road. She asked for help in the form of money.and.the use of city equipment. .She also asked for use of City Hall on March loth at which time they will present plans to all the people of Smyrna. They hope to get all the civic groups and citizens interested in this project and invited everyone to attend the meeting. Elbert Coalson stated that they met with the group Thursday afternoon and he did offer his help. Variances: (1) Jim Tolleson stated that McDonald's.was asking for a variance from the sign ordinance on the present permanent sign located at 2591 Spring Street, from 35' to 80' height in order that it would be visible from Cobb Parkway. Jim said he saw nothing wrong with this and.made a motion that -the -variance be approved. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by a 5-1-1 vote. Jim Hawkins voted against the motion and Elbert Coalson was away from the table at the time. Continued - February 16. 1981 (2) Walt Hopkins requested a variance on property located at 1326 Concord Road. Mr. Hopkins stated he wished to vary from the 50' on the rear property line, to 28'. Mr. Hopkins owns the property abutting 1326 Concord Road. He will still have to i conform with the 10' buffer strip. Max Bacon made a motion the variance be approved, i f seconded by Jim Tolleson. Vote on the motion carried 7-0. Zoning: R. R. Berry requested rezoning of property located on Roswell Road from FC to RM-10. Mr. Berry stated that he plans to build four structures on the property, similar to the ones being built on Matthews Street. He wants to build duplexes and triplexes, and the existing building will be enlarged as a triplex and will.comply in appearance with the other buildings. Jeff Dobbins, 'a nearby property owner, wanted to know what the buildings would look like. He stated he was not really against the rezoning, but would like to know exactly what was going there. Another resident, Mr. Whitmire, said he was against the rezoning. Mr. Berry said he would be glad to meet with the residents of the area and explain what he plans to do. Attorney Camp advised Mr. Berry that he would not be able to subdivide a lot, as each lot must have street access. ,Jerry Mills asked Mr. Berry if he would be willing to build just duplexes, and Mr. Berry stated he would. Mr. Whitmire said,he did not,think..the signs had been posted but one week and Dan Steely stated that they had been up for about 20 days. Jerry Mills made a motion the property be rezoned from Future Commercial to RM-10 for the purpose of building four duplexes. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Commercial building permits were presented by Inspector Dan Steely and are recorded as follows: �- (1) A permit was requested to build a Captain D's restaurant on South Cobb Drive at Ridgecrest Road. Dan Steely recommended that the permit .be granted, subject to approval of the engineers. Elbert Coalson made a motion the permit be granted. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which.carried by a 7-0 vote.. The cost of this project is approximately $100,000. Max Bacon made a motion the Mayor be given authority to sign the plat for Phase II of Cumberland Corners. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which.carried by a 7-0 vote. Jerry Mills made a motion that we spend $4,000-from State Grant funds to resurface Walker Street: Jack Shinall seconded the motion. John Steely said that he still thought we could go through the LARP.program for this resurfacing. Jerry said that we had a commitment to get the -work done at this price now, and if we waited it would only cost us more. Jack Shinall said that when -we --put in the sewer taps, we had to cut the street, and it needed to be resurfaced after the construction is finished. Jim Tolleson moved to amend the --motion to state that Jim David be authorized to -work with the.chairman of the Public Works Committee and come up with a priority list to be ready by the next council meeting, and this list be kept on hand for any councilman to inspect at any time. Jim Hawkins seconded the amendment. Jack stated that each,councilman should have some input into any list that was made. Vote on the amendment carried 5-2. Jim Tolleson., Max Bacon-, Jim Hawkins, John Steely and \�--� Jack Shinall voted for. Elbert Coalson and Jerry Mills voted against. Vote on the main motion to spend $4,000 in State Grants to resurface Walker Street passed by a 6-1 vote, with John Steely opposing. John Steely made a motion that the following fee structure be approved for the 1981 Parks and Recreation season. These fees are to be effective February 1, 1981. 1981 FEES 1980 FEES 1. Dayroom - Wolfe Room Residents $10.00 $10.00 Non -Residents $35.00 $15.00 2. Pool Party Church Street $40.00 $40.00 King Springs $50.00 $50.00 3. Pool Admissions Adults $ 1.25 $ 1.00 Children $ .75 $ .50 Passes (Summer Only) Family $50.00 $40:00 Individual $35.00 $25.00 Continued - February 16, 1981 4. Picnic Reservations ' Residents Free Non Residents $ 5.00' 5. Instructional Swim Class All Regular Classes $12.00 Free Free 1 810.00 Jerry Mills said he was going to vote against the motion but was not against raising the non-residents fees, though -he was against raising inside -city rates. Vote on the'motion carried'6-1, with Jerry Mills voting against.. Approval'of Ordinance: The Precious Metals Dealer License ordinance was read aloud by Jim Hawkins and Chuck Camp. During discussion it was agreed that Section 14A-41 section 'C' be amended by striking the word "pawnbrokers." In'Section 14A-47, the word "not" was stricken so that the'sentence reads, "No license granted hereunder shall be transferred. " Section 14A-63 shall read, "Articles not to be disposed of for 30 days after acquisition"'instead'of the 20 days. (Copy to be made a part of these minutes.) Jim Hawkins madea motion the ordinance be approved as amended. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Committee Reports: (Parks) John Steely commended Bill Johnston and the Parks Depart- ment for the great job they did -during Special Olympics with their bowling tourna- ment. John read a letter from the Department of Transportation with reference to the speed limit on North Cooper Lake Road and he made a motion that the speed limit be changed on North Cooper Lake Road from-40 miles per hour, to 35 miles per hour. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. John said the City of Griffin was going to court against the Atlanta Gas Light Co. about the recent cost increase. John made a motion that Attorney Camp be given the authority to enter the suit along with Griffin. Max Bacon seconded the motion. Jack Shinall stated that he thought we should give Chuck time to think about it and let him give his opinion at the next meeting.' Elbert Coalson asked if we were financially able to enter this suit. Chuck stated that he would contact the city attorney at Griffin and would research this and report back to council at the next meeting. John said he would like to encourage all the cities to participate in this protest to the gas company. Vote on the motion carried 7-0. Jerry Mills made a motion that this body send a letter to the Federal Energy Commission opposing the increase, seconded by Jim Hawkins. Vote on the motion carried 7-0.- (Police) Elbert Coalson read a letter from the Considine Company, Inc. to Capt. Sims thanking the police department for keeping the fire lanes open at the shopping center at South Cobb Drive and Concord Road. Elbert Coalson made a motion to surplus the following office machines: Name Model• Serial No. Calculators: Olympia CPD5410 70344 Olympia CPD5410 71662 Friden STW10572180E Friden STW102769 Unicom 1010P B363318 Adding Machines: Sears 1010 825547 Friden 213 213008564 Friden 213 213008563 Friden ABY108229771 Friden ABY8248441 Typewriters: IBM Model 12 6510635 IBM Selectric 4358853 Royal Emperor 3201-00200 Copiers: Apeco SuperStat 288 70117 Apeco SuperStat 180 x Continued - February 16, 1981 Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Elbert Coalson made a motion to surplus a generator and refrigerator from Civil Defense. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. All these articles will be included in the auction on February 28th. Jack Shinall made a motion that Phase I of the Sewer System Evaluation Study be awarded to Welker and*Associates at a minimum cost of $88,485 for all areas presently approved for Federal funding, at a maximum price of $152,430'. if we are able to receive approval for Federal funding which would include all areas of the City. Further, if`we find in a preliminary application for funding, that any areas have previously been studied and did not.require additional study, the cost of that area, in an amount agreeable to the City of Smyrna and Welker and Associates, will be deducted from the amount of the proposal. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jim Hawkins made a motion that the Mayor be authorized to sign the plat for Phase I, Afton Downs, subject to verification of adequate city water supply. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jim Hawkins stated the License Committee recommends that the fee for the Precious Metals Dealer business license be set at $150 and made a motion this be approved. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jim Hawkins made a motion the speed limit on Concord Road from South Cobb Drive to Atlanta Road be changed from 45 miles per hour to 40 miles per hour. John Steely seconded the motion. Mayor Johnson stated this speed limit was set by the State, and if it were changed we would be unable to use radar on that section of Concord Road. After discussion, the motion carried by a 7-0 vote. Max Bacon stated he had been working on trying to get more fire equipment. He has contacted Ron Owens with the Atlanta Regional Commission and found that there were no State or Federal funds available. Max said there would be a fire equipment demonstration at the Holiday Inn at Delk Road on Saturday, if anyone was interested. Jim Tolleson made a motion the next council meeting be changed from March 2nd to March 9th. John Steely seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jim Tolleson stated that due to all the new construction in the City, we are running short on underground garbage cans. He said the cost of each can was $65.35 and we need a total of 150 new cans. Jim made a motion that $9,800 be appropriated from the General Fund to purchase 150 complete garbage can units. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jim Tolleson stated the new console for the Fire Department was in, and we needed to get the new emergency number listed in the telephone book that comes out in May. He �. said the emergency number would be 434-6666 and made a motion that this number be listed in the telephone directory. John Steely seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Chief Little said he would need to replace two operators and would need a time recorder before he could put this into operation. Jim Tolleson said that petitions opposing Turner Advertising's sign at Hargrove and Spring could be picked up at Paul's Place on Spring Road. Jim Tolleson said that he and Jack Shinall had been appointed to the budget committee and asked how they should go about it. Mayor Johnson said it was the responsibility of the various department heads to formulate their budget, and then they were to go over the request and see what we could do without. He recommended they work through the various committees of the different departments. Mayor Johnson said he hoped the budgets would be ready by June 1, 1981. Being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 9:53 p.m. FRANK B. JOHNSON, MAYOR AMES E. TOLLESON, WARD 1 ERRY VS, WARD 3 4, �- � I -� - �-Z_ -: -e2 zllz:5� WILLOUISE SPIVEY, CITY C K MAX BACON, WARD 2 /dAMES M. HAWKINS, WARD 4 ELBERT R. COALSON, WARD 6 \ll-�/