01-29-1991 Regular MeetingJanuary 29, 1991
The Downtown Smyrna Development Authority met January 29, 1991 at Smyrna
City Hall at 7:00 p.m.
Those attending were:
Hubert Black
Jim Pitts
C. J. Fouts
Jimmy Wilson
Charles "Pete" Wood
Willouise Spivey
Phil McLemore
Betty Smith
Harold Smith
Alton Curtis
Mayor A. Max Bacon
Phil McLemore showed a slide presentation of buildings of different
architectural designs, heights, etc.
Phil wanted he committee to give him some idea as to what type
architectural design and standards were preferred for Smyrna. Some options
discussed were:
Building design: The committee went with the architectural styles
consistent with Smyrna's period of history.
Building heights: Mandatory two story or fake facade
Boundaries: Most restrictive standards for the Village Green with reduced
restrictions for adjacent area.
Building Facades: Mandatory three elements of cornice, upper facade, and
lower facade,. (Lower facade mostly glass, elements run horizontally). No
blank walls on corner buildings.
Roof design: Commercial buildings are usually flat, but could be approved
one on one, as requested. Water drainage must be considered, preferable
run into storm drains.
Window and door treatment: Smyrna period. Large glass panes first floor
and wood trim window and doors.
Setbacks: Downtown commercial buildings are usually placed up to the
public sidewalk and share common walls with adjacent buildings. Width of
the sidewalk was discussed, maybe 10 or 20 feet wide, but it was decided
we should personally look at different projects.
Signage: This is something that must be looked at and studied thoroughly.
The Committee agreed with Phil McLemore that we should work with Mr. Neal
Holbrook on his property on Atlanta Road.
Next meeting scheduled for February 13, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.