11-04-2002 Regular MeetingMinutes Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Monday, November 4, 2002, 6:00 p.m., Second Floor Conference Room, City Hall Attendees: Doug Stoner Gordon Mortin Jim Pitts Scott Cochran C. J. Fouts Susan D. Hiott Hubert Black A. Max Bacon Gordon Mortin, underwriter of Knox Wall, described a summary of statistics and savings for the refunding of the bonds. Mr. Mortin noted that the total savings are $1,029,110.84 and the Net Present Value savings are $803,658.17, net of all costs. Mr. Mortin referred to the Costs of Issuance and quoted the total cost, excluding bond insurance and the underwriting fee, as $130,500.00. Mr. Mortin explained that the City originally expected a larger savings. Mr. Mortin noted his fees were approximately $71,000, and that some cost were reduced because of updated information, and that legal costs were reduced by the attorneys to improve the savings to the City. Motion: Mr. Black moved to adopt the bond resolution, execution of the bond purchase agreement and execution of the 5th Amended and Restated Lease Agreement. Dr. Pitts seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Mayor Bacon noted that Melinda Dameron, the DDA secretary/treasurer, had sent a letter of resignation. For the purpose of signing the bond documents, City Attorney Scott Cochran recommended nomination of a secretary/treasurer. Motion: Mr. Black moved to appoint Doug Stoner as secretary/treasurer. Mr. Fouts seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.