08-19-1997 Regular MeetingMINUTES Downtown Development Authority (DDA) August 19, 1997 Present: Hubert Black A. Max Bacon C. J. Fouts Willouise Spivey Jim Wilson Gordon Mortin Chuck Camp Howard Smith Jim Pitts Max Bacon called the meeting to order. The following items were discussed: Max brought up the issue of refinancing jail bonds and turned the presentation over to Gordon Mortin. Gordon explained that DDA had to authorize refinancing. He presented an option of taking proceeds up front of $350,000. At the moment, interest rates have gone up, but we are preparing for issuance. Jim Pitts made a motion to authorize Mayor Bacon to direct financial advisors to go forward with refinancing when appropriate, and use savings to repay City for property. The motion was seconded by Jim Wilson. By unanimous vote, motion was accepted. 2. A motion was made by Jim Pitts and seconded by Hubert Black to change the bond administrator for DDA bond since 1994 per recommendation from Finance Director. 3. Members discussed downtown architectural guidelines, goals, and role of DDA.