04-19-1976 Regular MeetingSMYRNA CIVIL SBRVICB BOARD
APRIL 19, 1976
The Civil Service Board held a meeting at the Smyrna City Hall
April 19, 1976. The following members were present Frank Johnson,
Winston Burger,and Roy Free. Also present was Robert Burchfield , Clerk.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Frank Johnson at 5;00 o•clodk P.M.
The Civil Service Board held theii,regularly scheduled Quarterly
meeting on the above date with all members present . Also attending
the meeting was Capt. John Young (Police Dept.), and Chief Atkinson
(Fire Dept.)
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 P.M.
ank Johnson, airman
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Winato Burger
Robert gurchtield, erk