11-10-1975 Regular Meeting35
November 10, 1975
C. E. Camp
Sam Owens
Jack Miles
Al Brooke
Bob Burchfield, Administrative Assistant
Anita Greathouse
Joe McHarg
The scheduled meeting of the City of Smyrna Planning Commission was held
at City Hall, November 10, 1975 and call to order at 5:30 o'clock P. M. by
Chairman Al Brooke.
The first order of business to come before the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion was discussion on an amendment to the City of Smyrna Zoning Ordinance.
A recommendation was submitted as follows: Request Mayor and Council ap-
proval of the following change in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Smyrna,
Georgia as inacted on the 1st day of March 1974.
Amend Article VII
Section 712 - G.C. - General Commercial District
To add after 712.41 the following:
712.42 - Archery and Gun Range (indoor).
The Second order of business to come before the Planning Commission was
that of Stephen E. Brown, Smyrna -Roswell Road property. Request to re-
zone from 0. D. to G. C. Property being described as follows:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land
-Lot 634 of the 17th District 2nd Section of Cobb County,
Georgia, being within the City limits of Smyrna, Georgia
and being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at iron pin located on the Southeasterly right
of way of Smyrna -Roswell Road which iron pin is located 568
feet in a Southwesterly direction from the east line of Land
Lot 634, which point of beginning is at the Northerly most
point of the property and thence running South 22 degrees 39
minutes 45 seconds East 156.4 feet to an iron pin; thence
North 54 degrees 16 minutes 25 seconds East 88.0 feet to an
iron pin; thence South 1 degree 56 minutes 00 seconds East
347.4 feet to an iron pin; thence south 88 degrees 55 minutes
29 seconds West 339.4 feet to an iron pin; thence North 4
degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds West 278.2 feet to an iron pin
on the Southeasterly side of Smyrna -Roswell Road; thence North
52 degrees 08 minutes 15 seconds East 275.6 feet along the
Southeasterly side of Smyrna -Roswell road to the point of the
Mr. Keith Rigdon was present to represent Mr. Brown. Mr. Rigdon stated
their main purpose for this indoor gun range was to promote safety and
encourage sports of this type. After some discussion Jack Miles made a
motion to recommend to Mayor and Council this be approved. Vote on the
motion was unanimous.
The third order of business to come before the Planning Commission was
that of R. Lafelle Ruff, Concord Road and Hurt Road property. Request
to rezone from R-20 to Parcel A - 0 ;'Parcel B - N. S. (Planned Shopping
Development) and Parcel C - 0. I. This property was previously reviewed
by this board on April 22, 1974. Property being described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point, marked by an iron pin, at the point
formed by the intersection of the northwest side of Concord
Road with the southwest side of Hurt Road; thence running
along the northwest side of the right of way line of Concord
Road, southwest 583.2 feet to a point; thence running north
610.5 feet more or less on the south side of Hurt Road; thence
running along the South side of the right of way line of Hurt
Road, east 607.3 feet to a point and the point of beginning
and consisting of 3.8 acres. Also;
BEGINNING at a point on the north side of Concord Road 583.2
feet from the point formed by the intersection of the north-
west right of way line of Concord Road and the southwest right
of way line of Hurt Road; thence running southwest 572.5 feet
to a point on the north side of Concord Road; thence running
northwest 520 feet to a point; thence running northeast 454.8
feet to a point on the south side of Hurt Road; thence running
east 517.5 feet to a point on the south side of Hurt Road;
thence running south 610.5 feet more or less to a point and
the point of the beginning and consisting of 9.7 acres. Also;
BEGINNING at a point on the northwest side of Concord Road
1155.7 feet from the southwest corner of the intersection of
Hurt Road and Concord Road; thence running northwest 520 feet
to a point; thence running west 566 feet to a point; thence
running south 363.6 feet to a point;;thence running southeast
683.1 feet to a point on the northwest side of Concord Road;
thence running along the northwest right of way line of Con-
cord Road, 335.7 feet northeast to a point,.and the point of
beginning, said property consisting of 8.6 acres.
Mr. E. G. Wilson was present to represent Mr. Ruff. Mr. Wilson stated that
their plans were to develop a very nice planned a shopping area and office
park. After some discussion on the above described property it was the
general consensus of the board to defer action on this for 2 weeks to allow
further study.
The next meeting is scheduled for November 24, 1975 at 5:30 o'clock P. M.
Meeting ajourned at 7:45. ('�Ci���Khw�..�-K