09-29-1976 Regular Meeting56 SEPTEMBER 29, 1976 The scheduled meeting of the City of Smyrna Planning Commission was held at City Hall, September 29, 1976 and called to order at 5:30 o'clock P.M. by Vice Chairman Jack Miles. Also present was Jack Strickland, Tom Corso, Sam Owens, Allen Potter, Richard DeBord, and Anita Greathouse. The first order of business was a request from Laura Alice Green Hamrick, William F. Carter and Sara Green Farrar, to rezone 1325 Concord Rd. located in Land Lots 522 and 559 from R-15 to G. C. Property being described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots 522 and 559 of the 17th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia, and being a portion of Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of ft,Addition to Smyrna, Georgia of the John C. Moore Estate as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 54, Cobb County, Georgia Records, and further being shown by that plat of survey by Clifton E. Phillips dated August 28, 1976, a copy of which reference, said property having a building thereon formerly known as 1341 Love Street and presently known as 1325 Concord Road, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin on the Northerly right-of-way of Concord Road (formerly Love Street) 3533:feet'Westerly from the intersection of the Northerly right-of-way of Concord Road with the- Westerly right-of-way of Atlanta Street, as measured along the Northerly right-of-way of Concord Road; continuing thence Westerly along the Northerly right-of-way of Concord Road for a distance of 100 feet to an iron pin, point and corner; thence Northerly at an interior angle of 91 degrees 01 minutes with the preceding call and proceeding thence North 2 degrees 51 minutes West along the East boundary of the property of the First Methodist Church of Smyrna for a distance of 267.4 feet to an iron pin, point and corner; thence Easterly at an interior angle of 89 degrees 01 minutes with the preceding call for a distance of 137.3 feet to an iron pin, point and corner located on the Westerly right-of-way of a 10-foot alley; thence Southeasterly at an interior angle of 114 degrees 10 minutes with the preceding call and along the westerly side of said 10-foot alley for a distance of 39.3 feet to an iron pin, point and corner; thence Westerly at an interior angle of 65 degrees 50 minutes with the preceding call for a distance of. 53 feet to an iron pin, point and corner; thence Southerly at an exterior angle of. 270 degrees 59 minutes with the preceding call for a distance of 231.0 feet to the Northerly right -of- way of Concord at an iron pin, being the point of beginning. Mr. Sams,Attorney for the property owners was present and stated that they wanted to use the present building for a Craft Shop. After some discussion Mr. Jack Strickland made a motion to recommend to Mayor and Council this proeprty be rezoned as requested. Vote on the motion was unanimous. The second order of business was a discussion on Smyrna's Map needs. Mr. Leon Bizzell and Mr. Smith of Metro Aerial Photography were present to discuss this matter with the Commission. Because of the enormous cost involved in the process which was discussed with the Planning Commission, they said they could not recommend the purchase only for their 57 use. The Commission also stated if the maps could be used by other departments as well it would be a nice set of maps for the City to have. Mr. Ed Finn of the New American Development Corporation spoke with the Commission and showed them their preliminary plans for the building they hope to erect in Smyrna. The Commission agreed the facilities were nice but told Mr. Finn that they could not make any recommendations as yet. The Commission stated that our ordinances would have to be changed in order to allow this type building. -At present our Zoning Ordinance does not allow a building over 35'feet in height and does not allow more than 12 units per acre. A special meeting was set for October 11, 1976 at 6:00 o'clock P.M.. This meeting will be to discuss changes in the Zoning Ordinance. The meeting was adjourned at 7;15 o'clock P.M. Vice Chairman , Jack Miles