09-27-1978 Special Called MeetingSEPTEMBER 27, 1978
The City of Smyrna Planning Commission held a special called meeting at
City Hall, September 27, 1978 and was called to order at 5:30 o'clock
P.M. by Chairman Norman (Jack) Miles. Also present was William Nall,
Allen Potter, Tom Corso and Anita Mullins.
The First order of Business was a request from the Lula Mae Petty Estate
to rezone 1323 Concord Road, in Land Lot 559 from R-15 to L. C. . Property
being described as follows:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in
Original Land Lot 559 of the 17th District and 2nd
Section of Cobb County, Georgia, and more particular-
ly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the northern side of Love
Street 286.65 feet westerly from the western side
of Atlanta Street as measured along the northern
side of Love Street and from this point running thence
northwesterly along the western line of Lot 1 for a
distance of 151.1 feet to a stake; thence southwester-"
ly for a distance of 47.8 feet to a stake; thence south,
126.4 feet to the northern side of Love Street; thence
easterly for a distance of 80.65 feet back to the point
of beginning.
Mr. Vic Miltiades the prospective buyer was present to represent the Lula
Mae Petty Estate. Mr. Miltiades stated he wanted to use this building as
an Insurance office. After some discussion Tom Corso made a motion to
recommend the rezoning request be approved as submitted. The motion was
seconded by Allen Potter and vote for the motion was unanimous.
The second order of business was a request from Buel Johns to approve the
Preliminary Plat for Cooper Lake Hills Sub -Division. Jack Miles made a
motion to approve the Preliminary Plat which had been approved by the City
Engineer with some changes and in accordance with the City Engineers letter
which was attached . The motion was seconded by Tom Corso and vote for the
motion was unanimous.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 o'clock
Chairman - Norman (Jack) Miles