05-12-1975 Regular Meeting29
a ca
May 12, 1975
Al Brooke Joe McHarg
C. E.Camp Jack Miles
Sam Owens
Bob Burchfield,Administrative Assistant
Anita Greathouse
The scheduled meeting of the City of Smyrna Planning Commission was held at
City Hall, May 12, 1975 and called to order at 7;30 o'clock P. M. by
Chairman Al Brooke.
C. M. Hamby
The first order of business to come before the Planning Commission was that
of C. M. Hamby , 1264 Concord Rd,. Request to rezone from F. C. to L. I.
Property being described as follows:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in cobb county,
Georgia, in the town of Smyrna and more particularly described
as follows:
Being all* of Lot No. 11 and the North half of Lot no. 12 of
the M. L. Petty Subdivision of the I sh,Dunn, property as shown
by plat of Knox T. Thomas, dated April 1910 and recorded
in Plat Book 3•, page 17, Cobb County Records, and being more
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the Eastern side of Concord Avenue
210 feet north of the Northern Corner of Concord Avenue and
Hunter Street and running thence North along the Eastern
side of Concord Avenue a distance of 90 feet or more or less
to Lot ## 10 of said plat; thence easterly 190 feet more or
less to a ten foot alley; thence in a southerly direction
along the Western side of said alley 63 feet more or less;
thence westerly through Lot ## 12, 168 feet more or less to
the point of beginning. Said property being a part of original
land Lot No. 523 of the 17th District 2nd Section of
Cobb County, Georgia.
Mr Leon Hood agent and prospective buyer of Mr. Hamby's property
was present. Mr. Hood stated his plans were to use the house as an
office with outside storage of materials from his contracting
business. He further stated that he had researched our Zoning Ordinance
Book and that this was the only possible category his type of
business would came under. After discussion by the Planning Commission
Al Brooke made a motion to recommend to Mayor and Council that
this request be denied because it does not comply with the
Future Land use Map of this area. Vote on the motion was unanimous.
The second order of business to come before the Zoning Commission
was that of Equity General Inc. , Spring Street. property .
Request to rezone from W-12 to G. C. Property being Described as
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots
594 and 631, 17th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia
and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at an iron pin located on the northeasterly right-
of-way line of Corn Road, said road having a 30 foot right-of-
way, 380 feet northwesterly from the intersection of the westerly
right-of-way line of Jonquil Dirve with the northeasterly right-
of-way line of Corn Road: running thence northwesterly and along
the northeasterly right-of-way line of Corn Road, 190.5 feet
to an iron.pin; rutining.thence, northwesterly, 71 feet to
an iron pin located on the southeasterly right-of-way line
of Spring Street, said street having a 100 foot right-
of-way ; running thence, northeasterly and along the 'southeasterly
right-of-way line of Spring Street, 374.06 feet to an iron pin;
running thence, South 0 degrees 02 minutes East, 462.5 feet to
an iron pin; running thence, northwesterly 150 feet to an iron
pin; running thence, southwesterly 133 feet to the iron pin
and the point of beginning, as per plat of survey for Equity
General, Inc. by A. S. Giometti & Associates, Inc. Registered
Land Surveyors, dated February 19, 1975,said tract containing
2.4245 acres. `
There was no one present to represent the Petitioner. After discussion
by the Planning Commission, Al Brooke made a motion to recommend to
Mayor and Council this be rezoned as requested because of the
following reasons (1) It is the opinion of the Planning Commission
that there is an error in the Zoning Map. (2) The Planning Commission
further felt that sufficient notice was not given to the owner.
concerning the Zoning Change. Mr. Burchfield as Zoning Advisor
stated that the City .had held public hearing and followed all
proceduresoutlined in the State Planning and Enabling Act.
Vote was unanimous.
Mrs. Rutledge and Mrs. Pinson from Spring Street were present to
ask the Planning Commissions Opinion on Rezoning their property to
Future Commercial. The Planning Commisseion recommended to defer
action on this property until further requestasare made by owners
of the surrounding property.
The Planning and Zoning Commission stated that they would like to
Commend the entire Parks & Recreation Department on the great job
they are doing for the Community and for all the good comments they
haft received.
Meeting ajourned at 8;45.