04-26-1976 Regular Meeting47 April 26, 1976 Those Present Tom Corso Al Brooke, Chairman Jack Strickland Allen Potter Sam Owens Anita Greathouse Those Absent Jack Miles Charlie Floyd The scheduled meeting of the City of Smyrna Planning Commission was held at City Hall, April 26, 1976, and called to order at 5:30 o'clock P.M. by Chairman Al Brooke. Also present was Mr. Kuhl, Mr. Bill Darby and Mr. Jim Tolleson.Jerry Mills Councilman from Ward III was also present. The first order of business to come before the Planning Commission was that of Jerry Parks. Mr. Parks was refered to the Planning Commission by Mayor and Council. Mr. Mills from Ward III (Councilman) spoke to the commission and told them Mr. Parks problem and how he had tried to come to an agreeable solution at which time Mr. Parks denied having said any- thing in reference to moving the fence. Mr. Brooke, Chairman of the Commission informed Mr. Parks they could not make any decisions on the matter and said he should go back to Mayor and Council. The second order of business to come before the Commission was discussion'on Cherokee Rd.. They had some discussion on what is currently located on Cherokee Rd. and what they think would be good on Cherokee Rd. Their intrest is in possibly changing the Future Land Use Plan. Mr. Kuhl , Mr. Darby and Mr. Tolleson were present and made some comments. Mr. Bill Kinney land owner of Cherokee Road property was also presnet and shared his views on the matter. The Planning Commission after further discussion decided to have an informal meeting so they could go out and look at the entire street. (There meeting will be April 28, at 6:00) There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 P.M. G Chairman