03-07-1977 Special Meeting65 MARCH 7, 1977 A special meeting of the City of Smyrna Planning Commission was held at City Hall, March 7, 1977 and called to order at 5:30 o'clock P.M. by Chairman, Al Brooke. Those present were Allen Potter, Sam Owens, Tom Corso, Richard DeBord and Anita Greathouse. The first order of business was a request from C. Dyre Eubanks, to rezone 1307 Concord Rd., located in land lot 522 from R-15 to 0.1. . Property being described as follows: All that tract of land lying and being in Land Lot 522 of the 17th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Smyrna, Georgia. Be- ginning at a point on the West side of Clara Street, running West along the North side of Love Street, now known as Concord Road, 175 feet more or less, thence running North 225 feet to an iron pin, thence running East 90 feet more or less, thence running North 65 feet, thence running East 85 feet more or less to the West side of Clara Street or Alley, thence running South along the West side of Clara Street 290 feet to the point of be- ginning. Less the amount of feet taken by the City when they widened Love Street (now Concord Road) known as 1307 Concord Road according to present number of houses in Smyrna, Georgia, according to Plat Book 168 - Page 539 - Book 153 - Page 579 - Book 176 - Page 149 Cobb County Records. Mr. Scoggins and Mr. Carmichael were present to represent Mr. Eubanks. Mr. Carmichael is the purchaser of the above property. He stated that he wanted to use the existing building for a Funeral Home. He also stated that some alterations in the building would be necessary and that he hoped in the future he would be able to add a Chapel. After some discussion Tom Corso made a motion to recommend the property be rezoned as requested, but, stated that they should submit a plat of the parking lot and other plans to Mayor and Council. Vote on the motion was unanimous. The second order of business was a discussion of the proposed changes in the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Tim McGarry of Kidd and Associates was present to discuss these changes with the Commission. The proposed changes were not thoroughly discussed therefore it will be necessary to continue discussion at the next regular meeting. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 P. M. Chairman, Al Brooke