11-4-19 November 4, 2019 Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes - SIGNED - LFCity of Smyrna 2800 King Street
'7 Smyrna, Georgia 30080
Meeting Minutes - Final
City Council
Monday, November 4, 2019 7:00 PM Council Chambers
Roll Call
Present: 7 - Mayor Max Bacon, Councilmember Derek Norton, Councilmember Maryline
Blackburn, Councilmember Andrea Blustein, Councilmember Charles
Welch, Councilmember Susan Wilkinson and Councilmember Tim Gould
Also Present: 8 - Tammi Saddler Jones, Scott Cochran, Scott Andrews, Terri Graham,
Russell Martin, Dan Campbell, Landon O'Neal and Tina Monaghan
Call to Order
Mayor A. Max Bacon called the November 4, 2019 Mayor and Council Meeting to order
at 7:00 PM.
1. Invocation and Pledge:
Pastor Bush wished Mayor Bacon well on his future endeavors and thanked him for all
that he has done for the community during his years of service.
Pastor Richard L. Bush, Mt. Zion Baptist Church (1789 Hawthorne Ave) delivered the
Invocation and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Agenda Changes:
There were no agenda changes.
3. Mayoral Report:
Mayor Bacon announced that November 5th was Election Day and encouraged
everyone to get out and exercise their right to vote.
A. Proclamation in Recognition of Veterans Day Poppy Weekend (Nov
9-10, 2019)
Sponsors: Welch
Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch read aloud the proclamation.
Ms. Cheryl Waybright, from American Legion Post 160 Auxiliary Unit was present to
accept the proclamation. She said a few words including announcing that on the 9th
and 10th of November, they will be distributing the poppies at the Kroger as well as
Walmart The poppies represent much of what has been given individually as well as a
Mr. Welch presented the proclamation to Ms. Waybright and photos were taken.
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City Council
Meeting Minutes - Final November 4, 2019
B. '019-398 Proclamation in Recognition of Small Business Saturday, November 30,
Sponsors: Gould
Councilmember Tim Gould read aloud the proclamation in recognition of Small
Business Saturday.
Smyrna Business Association past President David Monroe and future President Nic
Dixon were present to accept the proclamation. Mr. Dixon spoke about owning a small
business and the great job that Smyrna has done over the years of attracting small
businesses. November 30, 2019 will be Small Business Saturday in the City of
Mr. Gould presented the proclamation to Mr. Monroe and Mr. Dickson and photos were
4. Land Issues/Zonings/Annexations:
There were no Land Issues/Zonings/Annexations.
5. Privilege Licenses:
A. 2019-376 Public Hearin - Privilege License Request 2019-376 - Wine
Manufacturing and Tastings - 300 Jonquil Drive - Arcanum Ventures LLC
dba The Viking Alchemist with Robin Kosoris as agent.
Sponsors: Blustein
City Administrator Tammi Saddler Jones provided the background information for the
agenda item. Mr. Robin Kosoris will be the registered agent responsible for the
manufacture and tasting of wine at The Viking Alchemist. He has passed the
background check and met all requirements including attending the required class.
He agrees to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the City. Staff
recommended approval of the privilege license.
Mayor Bacon announced the Public Hearing and no one came forward.
City Attorney Scott Cochran swore in the applicant, Mr. Robin Kosoris.
Councilmember Andrea Blustein asked the applicant some questions about his
Mr. Kosoris and his company will make, package, and sell meade at the proposed
Smyrna location. He hopes to be open for manufacturing as soon as all permits and
licenses are in order. A city license is required to get a state licence and the federal
license is already in place. The goal to be open to the public for Castings would be for
the fourth anniversary in March.
Councilmember Andrea Blustein made a motion to approve Privilege License Request
2019-376 - Wine Manufacturing and Tastings - 300 Jonquil Drive - Arcanum Ventures
LLC dba The Viking Alchemist with Robin Kosoris as agent. Councilmember Derek
Norton seconded the motion.
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final November 4, 2019
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Norton, Councilmember Blackburn, Councilmember
Blustein, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and
Councilmember Gould
Formal Business:
2019-399 Approval of Mayor's Re -appointment to the Keep Smyrna Beautiful
Board, Liz Davis. This is a four-year term to expire December 2023.
Sponsors: Bacon
Mayor Bacon said a few words about the wonderful job that Ms. Liz Davis has done
over the years. Since this is an appointee of the Mayor, he asked a Councilmember to
please make a motion.
Councilmember Susan Wilkinson made a motion to approve the Mayor's
Re -appointment to the Keep Smyrna Beautiful Board, Liz Davis. This is a four-year
term to expire December 2023. Councilmember Derek Norton seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Norton, Councilmember Blackburn, Councilmember
Blustein, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and
Councilmember Gould
2019-400 Approval of Ward 6 Re -appointment to the Parks and Recreation
Commission, Paula Weeks. This is a two-year term to expire December
S o�nsoorrs. Gould
Councilmember Gould spoke of Ms. Paula Weeks dedication to the community.
Councilmember Tim Gould made a motion to approve the Ward 6 Re -appointment to
the Parks and Recreation Commission, Paula Weeks. This is a two-year term to
expire December 2021. Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch seconded the
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Norton. Councilmember Blackburn. Councilmember
Blustein, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and
Councilmember Gould
Approval of Ward 6 Re -appointment to the Planning and Zoning Board,
Michael Seagraves. This is a two-year term to expire December 2021.
Sponsors: Gould
Mr. Gould stated that Mr. Seagraves has been a great addition to the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
Councilmember Tim Gould made a motion to approve the Ward 6 Re -appointment to
the Planning and Zoning Board, Michael Seagraves. This is a two-year term to expire
December 2021. Councilmember Derek Norton seconded the motion.
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final November 4, 2019
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Norton, Councilmember Blackburn, Councilmember
Blustein, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and
Councilmember Gould
Approval of Ward 4 Re -appointment to the Parks and Recreation
Commission, Tom Sconzo. This is a two-year term to expire December
Sponsors: Welch
Councilmember Welch talked about the great job that Mr. Sconzo has done on the
Parks and Recreation Commission.
Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch made a motion to approve the Ward 4
Re -appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission, Tom Sconzo. This is a
two-year term to expire December 2021. Councilmember Tim Gould seconded the
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Norton, Councilmember Blackburn, Councilmember
Blustein, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and
Councilmember Gould
Approval of Ward 4 Re -appointment to the Planning and Zoning Board,
Earl Rice. This is a two-year term to expire December 2021.
Sponsors: Welch
Mr. Welch noted that Mr. Earl Rice took over when the boundaries of his ward had
changed and has been a valuable addition to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch made a motion to approve the Ward 4
Re -appointment to the Planning and Zoning Board, Earl Rice. This is a two-year term
to expire December 2021. Councilmember Tim Gould seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Norton, Councilmember Blackburn, Councilmember
Blustein, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and
Councilmember Gould
Approval of Ward 4 Re -appointment to the Keep Smyrna Beautiful
Board, Karleen McNabb. This is a two-year term to expire December
Sponsors: Welch
Mr. Welch mentioned that Ms. McNabb has been his appointee to the Keep Smyrna
Beautiful Board for the past eight years and has done a wonderful job representing
Ward 4.
Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch made a motion to approve the Ward 4
Re -appointment to the Keep Smyrna Beautiful Board, Karleen McNabb. This is a
two-year term to expire December 2021. Councilmember Derek Norton seconded the
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final November 4, 2019
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Norton, Councilmember Blackburn, Councilmember
Blustein, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and
Councilmember Gould
7. Commercial Building Permits:
A. 2019-396 Issuance of a commercial building permit for construction of a warehouse
for Perfect Turf Landscaping - 1380 Spring Street - Paulding Commercial
Builders, Inc.
Sponsors; Blackburn
According to Ms. Saddler Jones, this agenda item covers a commercial building permit
that will be located at 1380 Spring Street for a business by the name of Perfect Turf
Councilmember Maryline Blackburn asked if there were any questions and there were
not. She also asked if the applicant was present and they were not at the meeting.
Councilmember Maryline Blackburn made a motion to approve the issuance of a
commercial building permit for construction of a warehouse for Perfect Turf
Landscaping - 1380 Spring Street - Paulding Commercial Builders, Inc.
Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Norton, Councilmember Blackburn, Councilmember
Blustein, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and
Councilmember Gould
8. Consent Agenda:
Ms. Tammi Saddler Jones read aloud the consent agenda for Mayor and Council.
Councilmember Derek Norton made a motion to approve the consent agenda as read
aloud by City Administrator Tammi Saddler Jones. Councilmember Tim Gould
seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Norton, Councilmember Blackburn, Councilmember
Blustein, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and
Councilmember Gould
A. 2019-406 Approval of the October 21, 2019 Mayor and Council Meeting minutes.
B. 2019-373 Approval of the October 21, 2019 Pre -Council Meeting minutes.
C. 2019-403 Approval of the October 17, 2019 Committee of The Whole Meeting
D. 2019-374 Approval of 18th Annual St. Patrick's Day Celebration(s) in the Market
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City Council
Meeting Minutes - Final November 4, 2019
Village Saturday, on March 14, 2020 11:00 am - 11:00 pm (music ending
at 10:00 p.m.), Sunday, March 15, 2020 11:00 am - 10:00 pm and
Tuesday, March 17, 2020 3:00 pm until 10:00 pm.with request for set up
to begin on Friday, March 13, 2020 beginning at 7:00 am. with reopening
at midnight on Sunday along with use of the traffic circle in the Market
Village for the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, March 17 with
associated closure requested for 10:00 a.m. until reopening at 11:30
p.m. on Tuesday, March 17.
Sponsors Welch
E. 2019-377 Approval of Atkins Park Annual Crawfish Boil Saturday, April 25, 2020,
from 11:00 am - 11:00 pm and Sun., April 26, 2020, from 11:00 am
-10:00 pm., a two-day, outdoor New Orleans style Crawfish and
music -centered event. Approval is also requested for placement of a
beer trailer/station at the intersection of W. Spring Street and King Street
(pavers across from City Hall) to sell to persons attending the Spring
Jonquil Festival which is managed by JRM Management on the same
Sponsors . Welch
F. 2019-404 Approve the closing of the following streets for the Smyrna Parks and
Recreation's Home for the Holidays: Bank & Stephens (at the dentist
parking); W. Spring St. (at the Gazebo); Bank at Village Walk; Village
Green Circle at Atlanta Road; Community Center parking lot entrance
from Village Green; and library parking at Village from 4:00 p.m. - 11:00
p.m. on Tuesday, December 3, 2019.
Sponsors: Bacon
G. 2019-402 Approval to use Council Chambers for Smyrna Market Village HOA
Meeting, Wednesday, November 20, 2019 from 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Sponsors: Blackburn
9. Committee Reports:
Councilmember Tim Gould encouraged everyone to get out and vote. He spoke about
a group of involved citizens who along with the Community Development Department
worked for over a year on a Tree Ordinance which will benefit the City's tree canopy.
Councilmember Susan Wilkinson invited everyone out to the Veteran's Day ceremony
that will take place on Monday, November 11 th at 11 am at the Veteran's Memorial
Park on the comer of Bank Street and King Street.
Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch thanked everyone who came out to the Keep
Smyrna Beautiful 35th Anniversary celebration. He also encouraged everyone to get
out and vote.
Councilmember Maryline Blackburn welcomed new City employees. She congratulated
Keep Smyrna Beautiful on their 35th anniversary. Ms. Blackburn thanked the Tree
Board for the tree scarves project. She concluded her report by encouraging everyone
to get out and exercise their right to vote.
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final November 4, 2019
Councilmember Andrea Blustein reminded everyone that polling stations would be
open from 7:00am to 7:OOpm and that they should get out and vote.
Councilmember Norton encouraged everyone to get out and exercise their right to vote.
10. Show Cause Hearings:
11. Citizen Input:
There were no show cause hearings.
Ms. Andrea Blustein, 2407 Country Park, would love the opportunity to serve one more
four year term and to continue working with the residents of Ward 2.
Mr. Steven Jones, 2823 Spring Drive, encouraged the citizens to get out and vote for
Mr. Derek Norton for Mayor. He spoke about some of the accomplishments that Mr.
Norton has done as the Ward 1 representative.
Mr. Ryan Campbell, 2004 White Cypress Court, spoke about his history in the City of
Smyrna. He is running for Mayor and encouraged everyone to get out and vote on
November 5th.
Ms. Susan Wilkinson, 2805 Stone Creek Road, spoke about running for re-election
and encouraged everyone to get out and vote. She looks forward to another term
serving the residents of Ward 5.
Ms. Maryline Blackburn, 1034 Huntington Trace, spoke of her history here in Smyrna
and Georgia and about her accomplishments so far as the representative for Ward 3.
She asked for support and votes for re-election for Ward 3.
Mr. George Mercurius, 5000 RidgehurstDrive , paid tribute to the Mayor. He thanked
} him' bk his work to make the City what it is today and wished him well on his future
endeavors. , .
I+laydf�acon reminded everyone to get out and vote.
12. Adjournment:
City of Smyrna
Mayor Bacon adjourned the November 4, 2019 Mayor and Council Meeting at 7:44 PM.
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