01-07-2019 January 7, 2019 Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes - SIGNED - LFSMY NA
City of Smyrna
Meeting Minutes - Final
City Council
2800 King Street
Smyrna, Georgia 30080
Monday, January 7, 2019 7:00 PM Council Chambers
Roll Call
Present: 8 - Mayor Max Bacon, Councilmember Derek Norton, Councilmember Maryline
Blackburn, Councilmember Andrea Blustein, Councilmember Charles
Welch, Councilmember Susan Wilkinson, Councilmember Tim Gould and
Councilmember Ron Fennel
Also Present: 6 - Tammi Saddler Jones, Scott Cochran, Scott Andrews, Dan Campbell,
Ashley Youmans and Tina Monaghan
Call to Order
Mayor A. Max Bacon called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
1. Invocation and Pledge:
Pastor Michael Cason, Life Church Smyrna Assembly of God (4100 King Springs Rd)
delivered the Invocation.
Boy Scout Troop 220 out of Life Church led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Agenda Changes:
There were no changes to the agenda.
3. Mayoral Report:
There was no Mayoral Report.
4. Land Issues/Zonings/Annexations:
There were no land issues/zonings/annexations.
5. Privilege Licenses:
There were no privilege licenses.
6. Formal Business:
A. 2018-535 Adoption of Recreate Smyrna Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Sponsors: Wilkinson
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City Council
Meeting Minutes - Final January 7, 2019
City Administrator Tammi Saddler Jones summarized the background information.
The Parks and Recreation Department is seeking adoption of the Recreate Smyrna
Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The Parks Master Plan began in June 2017 and
has been an eighteen month process. The Recreate Smyrna Parks and recreation
Master Plan has been completed by Perez Planning and Design, LLC as per the
standards established by the City of Smyrna Parks and Recreation Department. The
plan has been transmitted to Mayor, Council, and Administration as each phase has
been completed for review.
Councilmember and Parks and Rec Committee Chair Susan Wilkinson thanked Parks
and Rec Director Richard Garland and his staff for their hard work on the plan as well
as Carlos Perez and his team. Ms. Wilkinson spoke of her insistence on including
meeting with neighbors prior to any substantial changes to the parks which was
included in the plan.
Councilmember Susan Wilkinson made a motion to adopt the Recreate Smyrna Parks
and Recreation Master Plan with a second by Councilmember Maryline Blackburn.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Norton, Councilmember Blackburn, Councilmember
Blustein, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson,
Councilmember Gould and Councilmember Fennel
B. Award RFP19-012 City of Smyrna Lattanzi Field (Ward Park) for a
backstop and safety netting system to the lowest bidder Quality
Diversified Services, 1975 Lost Mountain Rd., Powder Springs, GA, for
$164,962.50 funded by CDBG and authorize the Mayor to execute any
related documents.
Sponsors: Wilkinson
The background information was provided by Ms. Saddler Jones. Parks and
Recreation requested bids for the construction of a backstop and safety netting
system at Lattanzi Field using CDBG funds. Parks and Recreation, Purchasing and
Croy Engineering have reviewed the bid and recommend award of bid RFP19-012 City
of Smyrna Lattanzi Field (Ward Park) to the lowest bidder Quality Diversified Services,
1975 Lost Mountain Road, Powder Springs, GA for $164,962.50 and to authorize the
Mayor to execute any related documents.
Councilmember Susan Wilkinson made a motion to approve and award RFP19-012
City of Smyrna Lattanzi Field (Ward Park) for a backstop and safety netting system to
the lowest bidder Quality Diversified Services, 1975 Lost Mountain Rd., Powder
Springs, GA, for $164,962.50 funded by CDBG and authorize the Mayor to execute
any related documents. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Charles
"Corkey" Welch.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Norton, Councilmember Blackburn, Councilmember
Blustein, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson,
Councilmember Gould and Councilmember Fennel
C. 2019-01 Approval to fix and publish qualifying fees for upcoming 2019 City
General Election for Mayor and Council seats the qualifying fee for Mayor
will be set at $756.00 and for Council $567.00.
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final January 7, 2019
Sponsors : Fennel
Ms. Saddler Jones conferred the background information to the Mayor and Council.
Pursuant to OCGA 21-2-131 (a) (1), the goveming authority of any county or
municipality, not later than February 1 of any year in which a general election is to be
held should fix qualifying fees. The fee for municipalities should be 3 percent of the
total gross salary of the office paid in the preceding calendar year including all
supplements authorized by law if a salaried office. Qualifying fees will be published in
the Marietta Daily Journal which is the City's legal organ by February 1 st.
Councilmember Ron Fennel made a motion for the approval to fix and publish qualifying
fees for upcoming 2019 City General Election for Mayor and Council seats the
qualifying fee for Mayor will be set at $756.00 and for Council $567.00. Councilmember
Derek Norton seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Norton, Councilmember Blackburn, Councilmember
Blustein, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson,
Councilmember Gould and Councilmember Fennel
Commercial Building Permits:
There were no commercial building permits.
Consent Agenda:
Ms. Tammi Saddler Jones read aloud the consent agenda.
Councilmember Ron Fennel made a motion to approve the consent agenda as read
aloud by City Administrator Tammi Saddler Jones with a second by Councilmember
Derek Norton.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Norton, Councilmember Blackburn, Councilmember
Blustein, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson,
Councilmember Gould and Councilmember Fennel
Approval of the December 17, 2018 Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes
Approval of the December 17, 2018 Pre -Council Meeting Minutes
Approval of the November 29, 2018 Committee of the Whole Meeting
Approval of the December 13, 2018 Committee of the Whole Meeting
Approval for Atkins Park Tavern to extend premises for Smyrna
OysterFest January 26 - 27, 2019 during hours of operation.
Sponsors: Fennel
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final January 7, 2019
F. Approval of 2019 17th Annual St. Patrick's Day Celebration Weekend in
the Market Village Saturday, March 16, 2019 11:00 am - 11:00 PM and
Sunday, March 17, 2019 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM . Atkins Park Tavern
requests street closing for the 2019 St. Patrick's Day Celebration to
include West Spring Street from Atlanta Road and terminating at the end
of the fountain area at the corners of Atkins Park Tavern and Corner
Sponsors: Fennel
G. 2019-05 Approval of Atkins Park Annual Crawfish Boil Saturday, April 27, 2019,
from 11:00 am - 11:00 pm and Sun., April 28, 2019, from 11:00
am-10:00 pm. Atkins Park Tavern requests street closing to include
Market Village from Atlanta Road to the midpoint of the Market Village (at
the circular brick seating area) and City Hall for the duration of the
two-day event. The traffic circle to the midpoint section will remain closed
Saturday through event setup and end/cleanup on Sunday (bands -
outdoors - must end each evening at/by 10:00 pm) - with all of the Market
Village area to reopen upon conclusion of the event on Sunday evening.
Vehicle access to/through both sides of the Market Village parking areas
will remain open for the duration between the midpoint of the Market
Village and the pavilion directly in front of City Hall. Approval is also
requested for placement of a beer trailer/station at the intersection of W.
Spring Street and King Street to sell to persons attending the Spring
Jonquil Festival which is managed by JRM Management.
Sponsors: Fennel
9. Committee Reports:
Mr. Ron Fennel wished everyone a Happy New Year.
Mr. Tim Gould announced a Campbell High School Fundraiser, Dancing with the
Smyrna Stars, which will take place on January 19, 2019. This event will benefit and
help fund the build out of the new weight room and athletic programs at the High
School. Dancing participants from the City of Smyrna include Councilmember Maryline
Blackburn, Assistant City Administrator Scott Andrews, Sargent Louis Defense, and
Mayor Bacon will be acting as an expertjudge. He also thanked the Parks and Rec
Department for working on Lattanzi Field.
Ms. Susan Wilkinson announced an event co -sponsored by the Library and Museum
from noon until 5pm at the Library on Saturday, January 19, 2019. The purpose of the
event is to collect items such as photos, letters, and other records for the museum
relating to the history of the City in particular the Rose Garden Hills area.
Ms. Maryline Blackburn wished everyone a Happy New Year and expressed her belief
that this will be an incredible year. She welcomed new employees to the City. Ms.
Blackburn attended the Keep Smyma Beautiful tree chipping event that occurred on
January 5th and announced that over 1500 trees were taken care of at the event.
Concluding her report, Ms. Blackburn said hello to the Ward 3 residents that were in
attendance at the meeting.
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final January 7, 2019
Ms. Andrea Blustein hoped everyone had a nice holiday and was off to a good start for
the New Year.
Ms. Tammi Saddler Jones introduced her special guest, her four year old son Leland
who was in attendance.
10. Show Cause Hearings:
11. Citizen Input:
There were no show cause hearings.
Mr. Alex Backry of 3459 Shawnee Trail spoke highly of the 64% of the City who
participated in the recent election. He hopes that the same amount come out and vote
in the upcoming City election and suggested that the Council get out and involve the
taxpayers in affairs of the City. He was curious as to how the figure of $82, 836 for
median income listed in Money Magazine's write up on the City was calculated. He felt
that this amount was unrealistic and too high to be accurate.
Mr. and Mrs. Don and Bonnie Berry of 835 Flagler Circle came to talk about a skate
park at Cobb Park. They do not have a problem with the concept of a skate park but
feel that Cobb Park is not the ideal location as there is not enough parking and they
are concerned it will disturb those that live in the proximity of the park. They would like
Cobb Park removed from consideration. Ms. Berry has been a resident of the City for
ten years and Mr. Berry has lived in the City since 1956. it is their opinion that skate
parks belong in sport complexes and not neighborhood parks.
Ms. Jill Gordon -Edwards of 371 Hickory Acres Drive was there to speak about Cobb
Park and stated that she echoed the thoughts and feelings of Ms. Bent'. She thanked
Ms. Wilkinson for the added language in the master plan in reference of neighborhood
involvement. On the site called Next Door, there was much conversation in regards to
a skate park in Cobb Park and people did not want to see the playground equipment
go away. Ms. Gordon -Edwards feels that a skate park is a great idea but not at Cobb
Park. She also suggested adding a splash pad somewhere in the City and listed some
potential areas in the City where both a skate park and a splash pad could be located.
She suggested considering long term residents whenever making changes such as a
skate park in a residential park.
Mayor Bacon stated that Cobb Park has not even been officially discussed as far as a
skate park is concemed. He was told that there were conceptual plans out there but
he had not seen them.
Mr. Dustin Jones of 921 Bank Street SE did not sign up to speak but the Mayor
allowed him. He lives very close to Cobb Park and is against the skate park at that
location, however he thinks that it would be a good idea in another location.
Mr. Jon Jordan of 2805 Sanford Road, a lifelong resident of the City, came out to
speak about Cobb Park. He is not opposed to a skate park in the City but does not
want to see one at Cobb Park.
The Mayor closed out by reiterating the fact that there are currently no plans for a
skate park and he does know where all of this was coming from. There is a lot of
misinformation going around about the possibility of a skate park at Cobb Park.
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final January 7, 2019
12. Adjournment:
Councilmember Wilkinson spoke briefly about a recent workshop that had taken place
where locations for a skate park had been discussed. She also spoke of a group that
is advocating for a skate park and she felt that her constituents should know about it.
Mayor Bacon clarified that he has never seen any skate park plans.
Mayor Bacon adjourned the meeting at 7:37pm.
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