October 4/18, 1971 Council Meeting
. 1971)
sh a procedure for an
log before and
fferent weeks n the
ertisements of
particular desert tion
and If a IP.
o the names of
on the amendment
ainst the amendment. On motion
Bacon. the motion was
In the county...." and substitute
shed In the City where other advertising
unanimous. Vote on the motion to
Ive to two. Voting for the motion,
mer Kuhl and Marston Tuck. Voting against
T. B..con.
A meeting was called for
of reviewing the year
. September 25. 1971 at 9:30 A.M. for the purpose
audit with Wallace D. Pate.
ton Tuck read
a I 1 fi ve be
p red
fol ows:
the Pollee Committee and motioned
1 . C ity
study grades at Old Concord and Jones-
Ineer and Pollee Department.
Road Intersection to the north
West Apartments at 60 M.P.H.
for both lanes. Motion seconded
Cobb Drl at Concord, in the
undo Ion r
at next meeting.
entl 1 of Spring Road from 40 M.P.H.
and al ow for uniform speed limits of
the City. The motion was denied five to one.
25, 35.
all ove rhead
.P.H. ,
35 M. . .,
of a second.
Imlt signs on Sprl (1) West end - Speed limit
license. (2) East - Welcome to Smyrna - Speed
speeders lose license tate Grants). Motion died for lack
follow the same procedure as in the
recommend a poll manager, two assistants,
seconded J. G. Porterfield and voted
officials to be submitted at October 4.
rs. Milton Bennett as Superintendent
Id stated Mr. Max Kaley had volunteered to be
will so be vote~ on at the October 4. 1971
ces new ordinances be added to the
. W. rreker to assign a code number
in Code Book.
fo r the C. A. Co 1 e
motion. Homer Kuhl
west dri veway and the
prepared on carnivals. including
in the City be made through the
Atkinson was asked to make
Marston Tuck commented on the ration of some restaurants not in accordance with
health department ations. Harold Smith appointed Marston Tuck. Chair-
man, and Hubert B1 to m..ke an inspection and report back at next meeting.
J. C. Porterfield rted that the water pressure on Rosalyn Lane was very low and
there was no fire rant on Rosalyn. Mr. Porterfield stated he had received two
bids on install ing a six inch 1 ine (Labor enly) from Powder Springs down Rosal
Lane. One bid from W. P. Lord was $ . the other bid from J. E. Lovern was
Mr. Porterfield motioned the low bid of W. P. Lord be approved. The motion was
seconded Hubert Black and voted unanimously.
Marston Tuck stated there were some fire plugs that were dry.
that he be furnished a list of these.
J. E. David asked
J. C. Porterfield stated he would write a letter to Litton Automated Business Machines
telling them the machine had not performed as we were told It would and would ask
that the macTh~ne be p eked up.
Meet i ng
ourned 10:30 P.M.
OCTO:BER 4. 1971
meeting of
L. Smith.
: L. W.
and Council was held.
1971 and called to order at
All Ccuncil :Members were
Charles. D. Scott Jackson. W.
and Etheredge. J. E. David.
. Proctor was absent.
to the Charter
7:30 P. M.
exoept Homer
Ward #4. Also
and a represent-
In the first order of business. M:r. W. J. Adams of Anderson Circle
Council as a concerned citizen over the d.rug traffic in
and what the of Police Department was
Adams was by Harold Smith that the
seeking to oo=ect the si tuation in S:rnyrna.
lice Department
M:r. Reddish of 3000 Pinecrest Circle
for three other citizens in protest
Pineerest Circle, Corn Road and
was properly
lice:nse but
t the City would
a concrete
railrcad. M:r.
and that the
look into the
Page 19
of Amerioan Legion Post #160 before
property the southeast
Road and being in Land Lot 485 be rezoned
to additional traffic, possible
business aotivities. On motion Counoil-
, the above desoribed
ial on unanimoue vote, to the
ving lane with ourb, gutter and sidewalk
side of King Springs Road and ourb.
seoond of Hubert
were no
wi th Counoilman
Lots 810
on behalf of Central Eleotrio
on the north side of Love Street,
plane submitted required a 20'
10'. The submitted'written
objeotion varianoe in rear yard
that fenoe on rear
brioked of
seoond of J. C.
C-1, inoluding 20' rear
Canada, the
known as 8
anyone present
Leon Hood. and
and eeoond of
be used for
looated at 3180
Arthur T. Baoon.
was approved on
build a
, and rear
yard would
Page 20
5. On motion of Councilma.:n C. O.
was gran:ted a to install a 20 f X
existing sign South Cobb Shopping
second of J. P. White. Colite Industries
f double faced lighted sign an
on unanimous vote.
City George W. Carreker explained the basic contents and
nuisance, and polution ordinance. After lengthy discussion
Council. the ordinance was referred to Councilman J. P. White for
mendations at the ~ Council meeting.
coverage of a
and recom-
portion of
Porterfield reported that he was going to pick up
on Atlanta Street owned by D. P. R.
) and that Bobby was still
City Attorney George W. Carreker
and would be filed with Cobb County
on special master hearings on Concord-Love
a deed for that
in the
on an appraisal
reported that
. 1911 to
5. 1
had been
Report on Old Concrod and Jonesnaw Road
deferred to the nerl meeting by Councilma.:n
of grades and accident frequency was
Mayor and Council received and opened bids on fencing for double tennis court at
Jonquil Park as follows:
Sears Roebuck & Company
AAA Fence
Acme Company
All bids were referred tc Parks and Reoreation Committee for checkout and recommendations
at the next meeting.
Bids were requested for one base Civil Defense Department and one mobile
unit for Fire Department. Bids were received as follows:
Gen. Elec.
$ 651.00
$ ------
$ 885.00
$ ------------
$ 1300 or *$11
less installation
$ 1209.25 installation included
* Same Model less noise blanket.
Bids were referred to Fire and Civil Defense Committee for oheckout and reoommendations.
Bids were received on one 4-wheel drive vehiole for the Civil Defense Department as
trade in
$ 4171.54
$ 4260.54
Smith Chevrolet
trade in
Trade City Motor Co.
On motion of Marston Tuck and seoond of Hubert Blaok bids were referred to Civil
Defense committee for oheckout with authority to purchase from low bidder if speci-
fications cheok out. Motion approved by unanimous vote.
Councilman-Marston Tuck
was in process of being
ordi.:nance for of 'oar.n.ivals. tents, etc.
up, but he had nothing to repo:r::t at present.
stated that the state ent had requested
that might bond fin
those roads in lengthy disoussion of
Conoord-Love Street, Ward Street. Atlanta Street oonnector.
Herodian Powder Spri.ngs. Church Street. Old Conoord,
Road and Street. Mayor Harold Smith and
as Chairman of Committee. agreed to meet and compile
within our oorporate limits.
were: Atlanta
ling Springs
a listing of priorities
City of'
of' Library
met and adopted a new set of'
members to seven members, one member
Councilman. The Library Board members
Norma Dameron
Mrs. Tsd Davis
Mrs. J. C. (:Betty) Johnson
Mirs. Max Mo=is
Mrs. James R. Waddleton
Mrs. June :Braund
Mr. Terry Rush
members of' this board.
and have the power
on motion of' Counoil-
six year terms on a
a chai:r:man among
off'ice. All i::he above
Councilman J. P. Whii::e,
man Tuck, second
unanimous vote.
contacted :Max
and info to Mrs. Milton as
along with i::he Cobb Couni::y Eleoi::ion Co:mm:ii::i::ee as follows:
for Cobb County,
Mrs .
Mrs .
Mrs .
) Jones, Jr.
co:mm:ii::'tee members to receive 00 each and will assisi::
't in 'trai.ni:ng workers and conduc'ting elec'tion. Each Councilman
named election workers for each polling plaoe as follows:
Ward #1: Mrs.
Su'therland, Linda S. Wells, Nola C.
Mr. Charles W. Barre'tt, Peroy Rearle. Bill Cu:mrn.:ins. Rarold Ransf'ord
and J. T. Thu:rm.ond.
WaI'd #3:
WaI'd #4:
Johnson.Eunioe GI'ace, DoI'a Wood, and Lucille Aus'tin.
Hayes, Mrs. Glen:n M. Hughes, Mrs. Dot M. Reeves, and Mrs.
Ward #5: Frank M. E:r:nst~ Mrs. Grady L. Chaf'f'in, Mrs. C. W. Bradley, TeI'ry Clayton,
and Ti:mm,;)T MilleI'.
WaI'd #6:
Ward #7: Ed1tlard E.
Boyd. and
Donald L~ Braund, Vera K. BI'ooks.
Jim A. Smith, Mrs. Jean Blaok, Mrs. AI''thu:r L.
and poll woI'kers weI'e unanimously
seconded by Hubert Black.
D. Sco'ti; Jackson was named as
Jackson i::o receive $30.00
seleo'ted the
Ward #3.
Sco'tt Jaokson was
Page 22
The finan.cial
for August 1971 an.d year to date was discussed and the
was commended for being under the budget for the month.
On motion of Councilman J. P. White, second of Hubert Black, the mid-month
Council meeting in December, scheduled far the 20th, was can.celled on unani-
mous vote.
On motion of Councilman J. P. White. i:;he November lsi:; Council meei:;ing was
changed i:;o November 8i:;h, and i:;he mid-moni:;h meei:;ing was changed from November
15i:;h i:;o the 22nd, on unanimous voi:;e.
Mayor Harold Smith
thai:; Counoil consider i:;he merits of allowing
i:;o close Woodland Terrace in Land Lots 808 and 848 since
on boi:;h sides of i:;he street, an.d be ready for a vote at the
Mayor Harold Smii:;h stated that he was in process of assisting Jonquil Skai:;ing
Club on Hill Drive in gei:;ting of a temporary septic tank permit
from the Health
Joe Sims a of Mayes, Sudderth and Etheredge, requested Mayor
Harold to sign an. allowing the relocating of wai:;er
and sewer lines in the Cii:;y on South Cobb in the area of Concord Road.
Mr. Sims also stated thai:; the
these utilities could be
ways in which the relocation of
1. force amount where the City takes on the project and completes job with
own foroes.
2. By
work to contract an.d being reimbursed by State.
3. By letting the State take care of the whole
by themselves.
as being by far the
and second of' Hubert
f'or the Mayorts
utilities under third
Joe Sims
method as stated
Mr. Sims recommended the third
way. On motion of' J.
was aui:;horized to draft a letter
the Si:;ate to relooai:;e i:;he
above. Approved on unanimous
Councilman Arthur T. Bacon stated he had several about large
at Church Street Park advertising Karate. Councilman Marston Tuck
contact owner and have him remove the sign.
a list
Hubert Black reported he had
conoe:rni!"-€, recent
to have
those restauran.ts
lioenses not be issued until
secured in:fo:r:mation from Cobb County
of restaurants not
seven restaurants in
they would the
in December 1971
permit is obtained.
Meeting adjou.r:ned at 10:
P. M.
OCTOBER 18, 1971
and Counoil wa.s held, pursuant to the
on October 18, 1971 and oalled to order
ld STIli th. All Council were
S. Tax Assessor, G. W.
t. Public Works, N. Prootor, Leon Hood,
. Sudderth and Etheredge, and a rep-
Invocation was
of the election to be held November 6 1971,
oandidates present, a list
asked that eaoh candidate sign the form
d use in whether a
a letter will be provided for each
do. One watcher may be named
wa toher each eard may be named
the poll watcher will be on the letter
given to the poll m.a.:nager.
Counoil with a that Council
property on , approximately
ground area. l'!a.rston Tuck motioned
oheckout by the City
Council in regard
recei ved any com-
notified him he was in
t and Council
after the hearing since he already been
a wrecker move the t=ck.
ion of the October 1971
o there being no one present
ction or use of the
to be present. If was
to hold another hearing on
Mrs. Souxis
consensus of
this property
in solving the problem
due to a new
picked up bus a
Porterfield and voted
traffic flashing
so at Bell Drive
Homer Kuhl and the vote was
treet were mentioned and this was
before Counoil
Speokled Bird news-
The motion was
on motion J. C. Porter-
license oommittee report at
and the vote was unanimous.
was filling his tanker
the truck had been
his report and follow up
looated at
C-2 for the
da;l;e for
Commercial buildi~ permits were by Buildi~ Inspector Leon Hocd and
upon his the Iollowi~ action is recorded:
1. Mobil Oil "to remove e:xis"ti~ service s"tation,
restauran"t shel"ters. and oons"truc"t a new 3 bay service sta"tion.
a"t South Cobb and Joneshaw to Old Concrod Road. Sidewalks, d:rainage.
loweri~ of grade at Joneshaw, sidewalks, and a traIIic light a"t the inter-
section OI Joneshaw and Old Concord were discussed. Romer Kuhl motioned
the be approved to a letter I~om "the S"tate
on curbs and gutters on South Cobb Drive, sidewalks on
Road and proper d:rainage. The motion was seconded by Arthur T.. Bacon and
voted unanimously.
2. :lYIJ:::'. Ronald A. Brown. a permit to erec"t a 5' x 6' lighted sign at
2280 Old Concord Road, Cobb Fun Ce:n:ter. T:b.e,' was approved on
unanimous vote by motion OI Ruber"t Black, seconded Ar"thur T. Bacon.
G. W. Ca:r:reker reported ten cases have been Iiled on "the R.O.W.
Conc:n~d and Love S"treet, "the heari~s to be held October 28
and October 29 and November 1, 1971. About the same number OI cases will be
Iiled Ior hearing on November 2, 1971 and the third fili~ will complete the
according to Mr. Carreker.
Councilman J. C. Porterfield sta"ted a "traffic control device was needed at the
intersection of Joneshaw and Old Concord and that he would check with "the S"tate
Highway Department and repor"t a"t "the next meeting.
Marston Tuck mo"tioned that the low bid of Acme Fence Company be to
"furnish and install a 10' high te:rm:is court fence at Jonquil Park, per City
o:f " T:b.e motion was approved unanimously on second
J. C. The price $2,140.00.
On motion by Marston Tuck, and second by Romer Kuhl, the bid Irom Motorola Communi-
cations and Electronics, Inc. in the amount of $651.00 for a mobile radio for the
Fire , was approved 'U:l:'lalli.mously.
Communication Associates was awarded the contract for the base radio station in
the amount of $1209. on motion by Marston Tuck, seconded by J. P. 'Wh.i, te. T:b.e
vote was unanimous.
Councilman Mars"ton Tuck stated the low bid from Trade City Motor
d:rive vehicle :for the Civil DeIense Department in i:;he
had been
Councilman J. C. Por"terfield repori:;ed i:;he coni:;raci:; had been signed for i:;he retire-
ment plan Ior Ci i:;y employees. A was called for Saturday mo:rni~ to agree
on a ca:r:rier prior i:;o at the Council meeting.
J. P. 'Wh.i,i:;e defe:r:red to the next meei:;ing recommendations on i:;he
The ordinance on inspection and fire oode for ca:r:ni.vals including tents were
Harold Smi i:;h stated a :meei:;ing would be held wi i:;h i:;he county this week on
top tweni:;y roads, urban and county coni:;raci:;
C. O.
7 and 20 minutes were deferred i:;o the next meeting, on l:lUiI,tion by
seconded by J. P.. 'White. The motion was unanimous.
,was made by Mr. & Mrs. Roy A:rnold to place
located at 6 Ai:;lanta Si:;reei:; while
fire. J. 'White motioned the
The motion was seconded by J.
the house
Councilman C. O. Canada submitted an for
under i:;he Emergency Hiri~ Act, date OI
1971. Mr. Canada :motioned the be Iilled as
requested the Parks Director to consider the
seconded the motion which carried.
a Parks Director to be paid
to be November 1.
of November 1, 1971 and
submitted. Marston Tuck
Mars-ton Tuok mo-tioned we ask -the Ci-ty A-t-tor:ney -to file a. oontinu.anoe
Ino. withou-t a date oalled au-t on the court calen-
on was seconded by T. Ba.oon and v01:;ed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned 9:18 P. M.
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