September 7/20, 1971 Council Meeting " SEPTEMBER 20, 1971 The re larly scheduled mid-month meeting of Mayor and Council was held at City Hall. rna. Georgia I . and called to order at 7 30 o'clock P. M. by residl Id L. Smith. All Councilmen present except C. Also present were L. W. Charles, Clerk; D. Scott Jackson Tax Assessor, G. W. Carreker, CI Atto J. E. Id, . of Public rks; N. Proctor, George Ha of rth d Etheredge, a representative of the Atlanta Journal. rletta rnal and E. Invocation was given by Councilman Hubert Black. Mr. Glynn Cowart of 18 Birch Street appeared before Mayor and il with a complaint that when it rained his garbage can would float up an Illed with water and the rbage boys would not pick up the wet This was referred to the sanitat on committee for correction. There were no commercial building permits submitted for Council action. The North r Lake-Highv ew and weather permitting, would be ect was by the i a 11 y comp 1 e ted, The Concord-Havllon and Lake Drive hi rate accident areas were di repo that the signs had been errected but: the guard rails have ins ta led. It was been A report on Old Concord and Joneshaw high rate accident: area was Road Imp rOvemen t owners st:III needed. ct: was F 110w up on this I' in progress wi th ect was schedul of some r The Concord Road and Porterfi el d City . Cobb Street he was unab torney G. W. records. J. C. ri ghts- 3, ell proceed PAGE 15 INUATION OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1971) r legal procedure. to acquire 1"'1 -of-way. and voted un.animously. J. . Poterfleld copy of the 1910 m.ap and mall to all from Thomas Lane to Reed Drive was discussed. The W. Matthews Contracting Company was $27.928. reason of cost. the form of rd Lench in the was p romi s II delivery Is made. imously. .a motion that Council purchase the Packmaster In the amount of $15. .75. $3000. Net purchase price In six weeks. or the company The motion was seconded by Hube rt rove the contract of C. W. Matthews 1248.75 for paving an additional area at seconded by J. C. Poterfleld and voted and mailed September 30. 1971. rted he h.ad received a noises. Including mlni-bi and recommendations. of .an ordinance A copy was given the ordln.ance pertaining to curfew for the between 10:00 P. M. and 7:00 ns this ordinance shall not more than $ or by imprisonment days or both fine and Imprisonment. ack and vote on the motion was unanimous. BE IT of Smyrna, and it is bounds of any 10) o'clock p. m. ng hereio contained d of organized activity a player. coach or officlal activity. isioos of this ordinance shall more than $100.00 or Imprisonment both fine and Impr sonment. in conflict with the .above are County repared east side from s plan per Park was deferred to the sewers for the three apartment the next meeting PAGE 16 INUATION OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1971) for one radio and equl t to replace the old radio In Truck at the Fire Station. The mot on was seconded by J. C. Por.terfleld and voted unanimously. Mr. Tuck aerial st Mr. Tuck morning. also recommended fi re fi ting n the cl ty and was requested to that: the City uipment due r bui Idi commen t fu consider purchasing a snorkle Or other to the numerouS apartments being con- where this type ulpment would be needed. r at the meeting following Saturday was granted to secure bids on one rtment; one 1957 sedan motion was to be opened October 1972 and one ur T. On motion by Marston Tuck, rl 4-wheel drive vehicle for Clvll 1952 J to be traded In on this vehicle. Bacon the vote was unanimous. The bids On motion by Marston Tuck, seconded Arthur T. Bacon, authority waS ranted to secure bids on one two-way radio for Civil Defense Department wi Fire Department f uency. Vote on the motion was unanimous. Bids to be opened October 4, 1 on the lity the wo work at Jonquil Park by the National finished this week. ress was th a possi stated that the letter from the Georgia Health Department on water line construction was mostly in connection with Inspection proper disinfectant. lations Inson, October 1 ardl self-service gasollne stations were to be prepared on and the Bureav of Fire Prevention and submitted at 1971 meet:ing. Don On motion by Homer Kuhl, the Homes tion ordinance was to allow $2500 exemption to p owners or 01 r having three rs residence In the Ci, than and ten years residence. This to be included in the 1 House Bill and become effective January I, 1972. The mot:lon was seconded by Hubert Black. Vote on the motion was unanimous. It was agreed by Council the change could not be made retroactive. I nsta llati on of s ted that at on to be done to G. W. Carreker and br ng back to Council y constructed houses was discussed. it was the can Ius cost of Instal1ation the Install- at the time bulldi permi t is I Referred Arthur . Bacon to include In Sanitation Ordinance and r approva 1. Pe recommendations of Chief Robert L. Drake and roval of the Civil Service Board in letters dated July 21 and Sept r 17. 1 1. and on motion by Marston Tuck the following named officerS were to Lieutenants in the Police rtment effective October J. 1971: Farmer. Willi H. . Ted L. KI , and Kent R. Sims. The motion onded J. P. Wh te. Vote on the motion was unanimous. Arthur T. Bacon recommended three changes in the It Beverage Ordinance as follows: I. Mr. motioned that Section 10. Ion or Revocation, be deleted and the fo lowl Inserted: "At t:he time suspension the Mayor, the holder of the malt rage license may before the ma t beverage committee the following for a head . If Ision of r d the license will relnsta until the next lar council a hearing wllJ he held. If the decision is upheld. t:he Jder of the 11 be no to appear at the next rugulariy scheduled meeting." The motion was se by J. C. Porterfield and vote on the motion was unanimous. 2. The second motion Arthur T. Bacon was a wavier provision In the 200 feet from a residence provl the residents did not object. J. C. Porterfield seconded the motion. An amendment to the motion was made by Marston Tuck that the wavier provision be 300 feet from a residence rather than 200 feet. The amendment WaS by Homer Kwhl. Vote on the amendment: was three for the motion: Hubert Slack. mer Kuhl and Marston Tuck. Voting inst the motio . White. J. C. Porterfield and Arthur T. Bacon. rold L. Smith the tie ~vote, voting for the motion which carried r to three. Vote on the main motion of 200 feet waiver lost two to four. For the motion, Arthur T. Bacon and J. C. Porterfield. Against the motion, J. P. White, Hubert Black. Homer Kuhl and Marston Tuck. PAGE 17 OF SEPTEMBER 20, I 1) 3. est<llb 11 sh <ll procedure for an head ng before Mayor and weeks In the vertlsements of icular descrl ion and i f a I p. rat on, the names of Vote on the amendment was five amendment. On motion by J. C. . the motion was amended further i in the county...... and substitute llshed in the City where other advertising unanimous. Vote on the motion to ve to two. Voting for the motion, r Kuhl and Marston Tuck. Voting against r T. Bacon. A meeting was called of reviewing the year September . 1971 at 9:30 A.M. for the purpose audit with Wa lace D. Pate. red ows: the Police Committee and motioned L t to study grades at Old rd City Engineer and Police Department. 2. tersection to the north t Apartments at 60 M.P.H. h lanes. Motion seconded 3. at Concord, In the ion seconded r next meeting. 4. from 40 M.P.H. 1 iml ts of led five to one. 5. (1) West end - Speed limit Welcome to Smyrna - Grants). Motion died for lack follow the same procedure as In the recommend a poll manager two assistants, seconded by J. C. Porte leld and voted officials to be submitted at October 4. . Milton Bennett as Superintendent Max Kaley had volunteered to be voted on at the October 4. 1971 or new ordinances be added to the . Carreker to assign a code number Code Book. for the C. A. Cole motion. Homer Kuhl west driveway and the unanimous. carnlva In the City be made Atkinson was asked to PAGE 18 (CONTiNUATION OF SEPTEMBER 20. 1971) Marston Tuck commented on the ration of some restaurants not in accordance with health lations. r Harold Smith appointed Tuck. Chair- man, and to make an inspection and report back next meeting. J. C. Porterfield rted that the water Lane was very low and there was no fire rant on Ros n. Mr. he had received two bids on Install ing a six inch line (labor Gnly) from Powde Springs down Ros.al Lane. One bid from W. P. Lord Was $764. the other bid f J. E. Lovern was 745. Mr. Porterfield motioned the low bid of W. P. Lord be approved. The motion was seconded Hubert Black and voted unanimously. Marston Tuck stated there were some fire plugs that were that he be furnished a list of these. J. E. David asked J. C. Porterfield stated he would write a letter to Litton Automated Business Machines telling them the machine had not performed as we were told it would and would ask tha t the mach'~ne be picked up. Meeting adjourned 10:30 P.M. ************************************************************************************** OOTOBER 4, 1971 The scheduled mee-r;~ng of at Georgia on by Harold L. Smith. Kuhl Also present: L. W. Leon Hood, George Hardy of ative of the Marietta and and Oouncil .was held. pursuant 1971 and called to order at All Cou:ncil Uembers were present Oharles. D. Scott G. W. and Etheredge. J. E. N. Proctor was abeent. to the Charter 7: P. M. Homer and a represent- In -the firs-t order of business. ]\/Jr. W. J. Adams of Mayor and Ccu:ncil as a ccncerned ci-tizen over -the Cobb Coun-ty, and what -the 0 Police problem. Mr. Adams was Harold Smith was ac-tively -to correc-t situa-tion in Anderson Circle -traffic in was -that the Smyrna. ]\/Jr. Reddish of 3000 Pinecrest Oircle for three o-ther citizens in a concrete Pineerest Circle. Corn Road and the railroad. ]\/Jr. Reddish was zoned "M" Industrial and that the business license, -that i:;he Cii:;y would look ini:;o -the ma,-ti:;er i:;o insure existed.