August 1/15, 1983 Council Meeting August 1, 1983 The regular scheduled meet~ng of Mayor and Counc~l was held pursuant to the Charter on August 1, 1983 at C~ty Hall. The meet~ng was called to order at 7: 30 0' clock p.m. by pres~d~ng off~cer Mayor Arthur T. Bacon. All Counc~lmembers were present. Also present was C~ty Attorney Charles E. Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Pol~ce Chief R. E. Little, Acting Fire Chief Hubert Cochran, Publ~c Works Director Jim Dav~d, Parks & Recreation D~rector Sherry Reavis, Assistant City Clerk Melinda Hiatt, Building Inspector Larry Dunn, C~vil Defense D~rector Jim Farley, Librarian Doris Morr~s and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Elbert Coalson, followed by the pledge to the flag led by Boy Scout Troop 317, and Mr. Irving Levine, Leader. Citizen Reports: Mr. Harold Hobbs with the Smyrna L~ons Club requested perm~ss~on to hold a bucket brigade on August 6th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the ~nter- section of Hargrove and Spring Road. Mayor Bacon said he should coordinate h~s plans w~th Chief Little. Sue Brissey said she had been complaining about businesses ~n Smyrna that do not have their parking lots paved since January 3rd and she fel t favor~ t~sm was being shown in some cases. There ~s one bus~ness in particular that is flaunting the fact that they have not met the requ~rements. J~m Hawk~ns sa~d a show cause hear~ng was held June 29th and everyone ~n violat~on was g~ven a reasonable amount of t~me to have the~r park~ng paved. After further d~scuss~on, Mayor Bacon told Mrs. Br~ssey that she would be placed f~rst on the agenda at the next meetj_ng and they would discuss her gr~evances. Hear~ng: Max Bacon made a motion the hearing of the appeal of the Recorder's Cour-t dec~sion by H. G. Hand, Jr., be tabled to the next meeting since some of the wit- nesses could not be here tonight. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Rezoning: South Downs, Inc. requested rezoning of approximately 26 acres on Camp- bell Road in Land Lots 702, 703 and 739 from RMC-8 to Residential Townhouse Dis- trict. Ken Minchew was sworn in by Attorney Camp along with Wade Lemmerick, ~n oppos~tion. Mr. Minchew presented plans of the development and said he felt this would be an upgrade in zoning. They were requesting the classification be changed from condominiums to townhouses w~th the same density, 9~ units per acre. These un~ts w~ll be pr~ced from $70,000 to $90,000 and built to meet the present market demand for garages, sky l~ghts, etc. Mr. M~nchew said he felt this development would apprec~ate the adjacent propert~es ~n the area. The entrance w~ll be off Campbell Road between the railroad tracks and Aunt Fanny's Cabin and the one approved entrance from Campbell Road was purchased from Johnstown Properties. Jim Hawkins asked Mr. Minchew if he would need any variances later, and Mr. Minchew stated they would build within the zoning code. They had a copy of our ord~nance and knew what the requirements were. Mayor Bacon said there would probably be retention ponds and asked who would be requ~red to maintain them when the development was sold out. Mr. Minchew said at h~s Afton Downs development the retention ponds were sold with the homes. The in~t~al building act~v~ty causes most of the water runoff and after development ~s completed a great deal of maintenance is not requ~red. Attorney Camp said there is some maintenance required on retention ponds and there are d~fferent ways to handle it. One would be to dedicate them to the C~ty which would constitute an easement on that particular lot just l~ke any other sewer easement. Mr. Camp sa~d he had seen some that were accepted by the City after l or 2 years. Mayor Bacon asked if he planned any accelerat~on/decelerat~on lanes and Mr. M~nchew sa~d the final plans would have these lanes on it. J~m Tolleson sa~d George Lane had promised a 100' buffer when he developed the property and asked Mr. Minchew ~f he would do the same. Mr. Minchew said h~s plans were done from Mr. Lane's, and they showed a 50' buffer on the ra~lroad tracks side, w~ th a 100' buffer on the Poplar Creek side. Mr. Wade Lemmerick spoke in oppos~t~on and sa~d when the property was zoned for condom s they were told one th~ng but now they are plann~ng something different from was planned. Also, he was not sure th~s was an upgrade ~n zoning and did not his property would appreciate. He was also concerned because the devel t would be fee simple, with no homeowners assoc~at~on to ma~ntain the property. Mr. Lemmerick said counc~l had made an agreement for condom~niums to be built, and they should stick by that. Mr. . t' ants and the answer was yes. Cam~ asked Mr Minchew if he had restrlc lve coven , it is hand~ed by the mut- 0""m~ said the 'City could not control this type covenant; MX' August 1, 1983 - Cont~nued ual owners. The C~ ty doe!;! > however, have an ord~nance to control any homeowner who does not ma~nta~n his property. Mayor Bacon read the minutes from the Plann~ng and Zoning Board meeting where they recommended the zon~ng be approved. .Max Bacon asked Mr. Minchew ~f he would re-route h~s construction traff~c to use Spring Road ~nstead of Campbell Road and the answer was yes. J~m Tolleson made a motion the property be at 9. 5 un~ts per acre, subj ect to rece~pt Propert~es rel~nqu:ish~ng h~s ingress and seconded the motion. rezoned to Resident:ial Townhouse D~strict of a letter from George L~ne, Johnstown egress from Campbell Road. J~m Hawk~ns Max inal and carr:ied Max B~con, he could not support the mot~on because he voted aga~nst the orig- :in 1982. Jack Shinall sa~d he also voted against the or:iginal zon~ng should live up to their original comm~tment. Vote on the mot~on with Jim Tolleson, J~m Hawkins, Elbert Coalson and Sarah Jones for; Jack Shinall and James Will~ams opposed. Anna Frick represented Peppertree Subd~vis~on ~n the~r request for a on Lots 7 A and 8A, to reduce the rear yard setback to 5 feet. Ms. Fr~ck Leveto was out of town and could not be here ton~ght and, eXpla~ned that was be~ng requested to save two very large h~ckory trees on these lots. sa:id he asked Mr. Leveto about var~ances his f~rst time here and would not have to ask for any. However, he did not l~ke to see the b~g trees come down and since they had a letter from the adjo~ning proP<lrty owners he would support this, but would not s1J.pport any add~t~onal var~ances to the property. James Williams made a motion the var~ance on the rear yard setback be approved from 40 feet to 35 feet. Sarah Jones seconded the mot~on wh~ch carr~ed 6-1, w~ th Max Bacon opposed. the to the or make a the 5-2, Hammock requested a var~ance on the rear yard setback from 30 feet at Cumberland Crossing Shopping Center on Hargrove Road. There was no Mr. Hammock said the var~ance would only abut the park~ng spaces at center and was needed due to the sloping embankment on the s~de next Jim Tolleson asked ~f th~s would el~minate any park~ng spaces and no. Mr. Hammock said the adjacent property owner would neither contest wr~tten statement suppOrting the var~ance. If the var~ance is approved, store w~ll pe built, fac:~ng Hargrove Road. J~m Tolleson made a mot:ion approved, seconded py Elbert Coalson. Vote on the motion carried Williams and Max Bacon opposed. Var~ance: to lO International Auto Service requested a variance on the rear yard setback 50 feet to 35 feet for construction on the corner of South Cobb Dr~ve and Bank Street. Ne~l S. Morr~sroe r<lpresented the appl~cant and stated Gary Reese owns the property ;3.nd he was represent~ng h~m as well. Mr. Morrisroe said they would like to bu~ld a mult~~use auto serv~ce center and had a letter from Mr. Ralph Templeton, the adj acent property owner, stat~ng he had no obj ection to the variance. Prelininary plans of puilding were presented and Mr. Morrisroe sa~d tbey reta~n as many along the creek line as possible. This will be a center type setup with a muffler shop, quick tune up shop and t~re store scheduled. There are currently two curb cuts on the property, but they only requ~re one from South Cobb Dr~ve. The repa~rs w~ll be made ~n a area and there w~ll not be any ~noperative cars s~tting outs~de in lot. he they had not de:e~n~tely dec~ded on the type bu~lding planS they w~ll need a side yard variance on the presented a letter from the ~djacent owner of that to the variance on that s~de. Mr. Morr~sroe both varianc;;oS, depending on wh~ch type bu~ld:tng they sa~d the prop;;orty was posted for the rear yard variance rule on an add~tional variance ton~ght. Mr. Morr~sroe $~id yard variance, would probably be the d~rect:ton they agree to any fol:iage that may be the variance the rear yard setback Pel mot~on wh~ch carr~ed 4-3. Voting fOr the Elbert Coalson and Jim Tolleson, with opposed. and the Mr. if Jack Max Commerc~al bU~lding permits were presented recommendation, the follow~ng approved: by Inspec- August l, 1983 - Cont~nued (1) C. J. Fouts requested a permit for new construction at 2158 Atlanta Street at a total estimated cost of $l25 ,000. James Will~ams made a motion the perm~t be approved SUbject to approval of the C~ty Eng~neer and F~re Marshal. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carr~ed 7-0. James Will~ams said there would be a d~ff- erence ~n the fee for this permit because apparently Mr. Fouts had prov~ded a copy of his contract with the builder stat~ng the cost of construct~on would be less than our rate of $25.00 per square foot. Revenue Sharing: Willouise Sp~vey stated the ant~c~pated funds from Revenue Shar~ng for 1983/84 was $178,312, with $135,810 unexpended from last year for a total of $3l4,122. Ms. Sp~vey also read the proposed l~st of expenditures by department. There were no questions or comments from the aud~ence and Jim Tolleson made a motion the 1983/84 Revenue Shar~ng Budget be adopted. Jack Sh~nall seconded the mot~on wh~ch carr~ed 7-0. Residential Bus~ness L~cense: John A. Brown requested a resident~al bus~ness l~c- ense to operate a custom drapery company from his home. ]VIr. Brown said the work would not be conducted ~n his home and there would be no inventory, signs or parking. There was no oppos~tion and Mr. Brown also had a pet~tion s~gned by the surround~ng ne~ghbors stating they had no object~on. J~m Tolleson made a mot~on the l~cense be approved. Sarah Jones seconded the mot~on which carr~ed 7-0. Business L~cense: Richard P. Veach requested a business l~cense for Oakdale Taxi Serv~ce, 4274 S. Atlanta Road. Mr. Veach said his off~ce ~s ~n Oakdale, but he would like to be able to make p~ckups in Smyrna. Th~s ~s a one man operation and he has two cars; a 1972 Plymouth Satellite and a 1971 Plymouth Val~ant. There was no oppos~tion and Jim Hawk~ns read the letter from the police department stating the~r investigat~on of the applicant was favorable. Jim Hawkins made a mot~on the l~cense be approved. Elbert Coalson seconded the mot~on wh~ch carried 7-0. Jim Tolleson said we had taken b~ds on the removal of the water tower but since that time he has had several requests to have it painted and restored. Jim made a motion that b~ds be requested for the September 6th meet~ng on restorat~on and removal of the tank. Jack Shinall seconded the motion wh~ch carr~ed 6-1, with Elbert Coalson opposed. B~d Open~ng: B~ds for installat~on of the Woodland Arms grav~ty flow sewer lines were opened, read and recorded as follows: 1) Laslie & Company $63,082.80 2) Beacon Industries $74,349.50 3) D&H Construction $75,938 ($138 per foot to bore Cherokee Road) 4) Unity Construction $76,389.21 5) Lovern Construction $99,942.65 Jack Shinall made a motion the bids be turned over and the Water & Sewer Committee be authorized to Tolleson seconded the motion which carr~ed 7-0. to the award City Engineer for review to the low bidder. J~m Approval of M~nutes: approved as subm~tted. Jim Tolleson made a motion the m~nutes of July ll, Elbert Coalson seconded the mot~on which carr~ed 7-0. 1983 be James W~lliams made a mot~on the m~nutes of July 18, 1983 be approved as subm~tted. Jim Hawkins seconded the mot~on which carr~ed 7-0. Committee Reports: (Fire) Hubert Cochran sa~d somet~me between nOW and September. Sarah Jones for 800 feet of hose to go w~th the truck. the sa~d new truck would we al so need to be del~vered request b~ds (Parks) Sherry Reavis State swim meet. Also, for the season. sa~d K~ng Spr~ngs Pool would be closed August 10-13 for the on August 22nd, Jonqu~l and Church Street pools w~ll close Jack Sh~nall sa~d that Clarence Canada had served this c~ty for h~s son Billy needs a l~ver transplant. If anyone can participate ing projects go~ng on, the fam~ly will certa~nly apprec~ate it. 10 years and now in the fund ra~s- (L~brary) Doris Morris reported on library act~v~t~es. August 1, 1983 - Cont~nued Jim R~ta said ~t would said he had received a request that the stop sign at removed. J~m asked members of counc~l to observe the be placed on the agenda for the next meet~ng. Clifton Road ~ntersect~on and and James our rem~nded everyone of the public hearing on August 3rd concern~ng garbage service. (Finance) meet on Jim Tolleson said the salary study ~s underway and the committee would and make a suggest~on to counc~l. said there would be a the Local Option paper about the tax were taxes down for the property owners. Jim s~oners meeting on August 16th w~th Sales Tax. Jim said he felt mis-informat~ve and thi.s is the county comm~s- some of the news- an effort to hold Willou~se Spivey stated a new law would go ~nto effect January 1, 1984 whereby voting prec~nts would have to be divided by census l~nes rather than Land Lot lines. They met th~s morn~ng w~ th Vernon Duncan, and h~s off~ce has agreed to handle the reapportionment changes necessary to comply. This will cause a sl~ght change in some of the wards and due to the changes, Ward 3 w~ll be using Hawthorne Elementary School as a poll~ng place after the election this year. These changes in boundary lines will have to be approved by January 1, 1984. Mayor Bacon sa~d he hoped everyone would contribute to the Billy Canada fund if they have not already done so. They have ra~sed enough money to place his name on the computer for the transplant but they w~ll still need money to help with expenses. Hubert Cochran said our in some of the shopp~ng are still coming ~n. f~remen centers. had collected $500 Saturday by ask~ng for donat~ons They turned ~n $1,250 th~s morning and the donat~ons W~th no further bus~ness, meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. ************************ August 15, 1983 The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held August 15, 1983 at Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presid~ng officer Mayor Arthur T. Bacon. All Council members were present except for Jim Tolleson who was out of town. Also present was City Attorney Charles E. Camp, C~ty Clerk W~llou~se Spivey, Police Chief R. E. Little, Acting F~re Ch~ef Hubert Cochran, Publ~c Works Director J~m David> Parks & Recreat~on D~rector Sherry Reavis, Building Inspector Larry Dunn, Civil Defense Deputy Director Dick 0 'Hara, L~brar~an Doris Morr~s and representat~ves of the press. Invocation was given by Max Bacon followed by the pledge to the flag. C~t~zen Reports: Bob Arnold of 3625 Hickory Circle commended Sherry Reav~s and her staff for a jOb well done at the State sw~m meet. Everyth~ng went l~ke clockwork, and was well organized. The only bad comments he heard were about the d~rect~onal signs posted on poles by members of the Parks Department. Darlene Dav~dson was concerned about the construction off Gann Road and wanted a clar~f~cat~on from Mayor Bacon as to what he had told Charl~e Jones. Mayor Bacon advised he told bim at this t~me l1.e could not tap onto the sewer l~ne, because it was full. If, when the Sewer System Evaluation Study is completed and the W~llowbrook line replaced, it m~ght be poss~ble for h~m to tap onto our l~ne. Rezoning: Ed Salem requested rezon~ng of f~ ve (5) Park from Office & Inst~tut~onal to Light Industry. Jones made a motion the property be rezoned. Max passed 6-0. parcelS ~n Highlands Industrial There was no opposit~on and Sarah Bacon seconded the motion wh~ch Sue Brissey aga~n stated that some businesses in the C~ty were enforc~ng the ordinances and some were not. Mrs. Brissey asked the cost of a 3/4 II commercial water meter told the cost was $870. Mrs. Br~ssey sa~d the Auto Cool bus~ness on Spr~ng had not paid for their meter. Also, she wanted to know why the sign ordinance could not be enforced. Attorney Camp read Sect~on 6-106 concern~ng the removal of signs by the City and expla~ned the procedure. Joe Boling was present and told Mrs. ord~nances of th~s city. At the last non-compliance. Br~ssey meet~ng he was totally in compliance with she had accused h~m of flaunt~ng the his James W~lliams told Mrs. Brissey he felt str~ved to please her and give her the spent on her requests. the Council and employees of answers she wanted and many city had had been th~s hours Hear~ng: H. G. Hand was present to appeal the decision of Recorder's Court. Mr. Hand, Off~cer Willix and four other witnesses were sworn in by Attorney Camp. Mr. Hand said he was ~nvolved ~n an accident, and at Recorder's Court held July 14th, was found guilty of follow~ng too close. Mr. Hand said when the acc~dent occurred he was traveling north on Atlanta Road. There was some damage to the front of his car, with extens~ve damage to the rear. Mr. Hand sa~d the cars in front of his were stopped and he also stopped 10 to 15 fee't behind the car ~n front. He put h~s car ~n park waiting for traffic to move when he was hit from the rear. The impact caused him to hit the car ~n front, and that car in turn struck the car ~n front of her. Mr. Hand said that two separate acc~dent reports had been made for the same acc~dent wh~ch was not feasible and very much ~n error. Also, Mrs. Hess~on, the dr~ver of the car ~n front of him had been allowed to change her story after the f~rst report was made. Mr. Hand sa~d he was not ~ssued a citation unt~l 3 days after the accident, which was based on Mrs. Hess~on's changed story. Mrs. Hession sa~d the two cars in front of her had stopped and she looked into the rear v~ew m~rror and observed Mr. Hand's car moving; ~ t had not stopped. She was h~t from the rear and very shortly thereafter was hit aga~n. Mrs. Hession said she had not changed her story; after Mr. Hand was excused to get medical attent~on she was quest~oned by Off~cer W~llix. She never at any t~me after the accident amended her story. Mrs. McClure, She had been stopped. Mrs. scene. the dr~ver of the lead car, said she also was h~t twice from the rear. stopped for several seconds because the cars in front of her were also McClure also said that Mr. Hand was the f~rst person excused from the Mrs. Robinson said she was struck by Mrs. Hess~on's car and the impact was so hard, the front of the car went under her bumper. She also felt two jolts. When she looked into ~mpact. company v~ew mirror, she noticed Mrs. Hession's car was stopped before the she left, she talked to Mr. Brooks to get the name of his insurance since he was the last car, assumed he was at fault. Mr. Brooks said he was follow~ng Mr. Hand and when traffi.c slowed down he saw Mr. Hand h~t rear of another car. The roads were wet and when he hit h~s brakes h~s car sl~d into Mr. Hand's. Mr. Brooks sa~d he d~d not observe any brake lights or parking lights on Mr. Hand's car. Mr. Brooks sa~d he was driving a Toyota and drove ~t away from the accident and did not see how he could have caused the extensive damage to the other cars by h~s ~mpact. He was or~ginally charged w~th the ent~re wreck until Mrs. Hession spoke up and sa~d she was hit twice. In court he was fined for driving too fast for condit~ons. Officer Willix said the roads were very slick and the traff~c heavy. Upon his arrival he observed 5 cars, w~th the bumpers on the front 3 cars locked. Mr. Hand's car was approximately 10 to 15 feet away from the car ~n front of h~m. Mr. Brooks was charged w~th too cond~t~ons for the s~mple reason that the roads were wet which means you should slow down. Mr. Hand sa~d his leg was hurt and asked to be excused to see a doctor and have himself checked. Officer Will~x sa~d he offered to call ambulance, but he declined. Mr. Hand told him he was struck wh~le s~tting st~ll and based upon that information he went back to Mr. Brooks. Mr. Brooks told h~m there were two acc~dents and he was told to wa~t unt~l all the facts were together. At one point, Mr. Hand got out of his car and walked around. Before releas~ng him, Officer W~ll~x stated that as ~ t then stood, Mr. Brooks would be charged with the accident. When he talked to Mrs. Hess~on again she said she had felt two dist~nct impacts. When he went to the stat~on to prepare the reports he attempted to contact Mr. Hand but could not reach h~m. He was off for two days, but left word with the d~spatcher to contact Mr. Hand. Off~cer W~ll~x said Mr. Hand was charged w~th follow~ng too close and felt the acc~dents ~n front would not have occurred if he had not been. At the time of the wreck, Mrs. Hession was the only one who sa~d she felt t;wo bumps, but later on the other witnesses also said they felt The citation for Mr. Hand was made the same day, but they could not the time. Off~cer Will~x sa~d he was convinced that Mr. Hand's car was the acc~dent occurred and not parked, as he had stated. After be reversed 3-3 tie. Coalson., the tie discussion, Jim Hawk~ns made a mot~on the decis~on of Recorder's Court and the f'~ne refunded. Max Bacon seconded the mot~on wh~ch ended ~n a ing for was J~m Hawk~ns, Max Bacon and Sarah Jones; opposed was Elbert W~ll~ams and ,Jack Shinall. Mayor Bacon voted for the mot~on to break reverse the dec~sion. Mayor Bacon called for a 5 minute recess. is a hear~ng and th~s a motion S. Caswell requestedre:;:;oning of 1264 & 1286 Concord Road from Limited Ne~ghborhood Shopping. There was no opposit~on. Mr. Caswell said there shop at 1286 and 1264 ~s a vacant lot adjacent. During the show cause June 29th it was discovered that the flower shop was improperly zoned act~on ton~ght ~s to correct the zoning classificat~on. J~m Hawk~ns made the zoning be approved. Jack Sh~nall seconded the mot~on which carried 6-0. Donald L. RObinson request rezon~ng of 1314 Concord Road from Future to L~mited Commerc~al. There was no oppos~t~on but Jim Hawk~ns read a letter from Mrs. Glenn Yarborough express~ng her concerns w~th the ex~st~ng dra~nage problem and the ~ncrease of water runoff after add~tional pav~ng. Mrs. Rob~nson sa~d they had owned this property for 21 years and she was never aware of any drainage problem. However, she had no ~ntent~on of pav~ng the entire back of the lot and caus~ng a problem w~ th water runoff. Mr. Hawk~ns reminded Mrs. Rob~nson that a 10 foot buffer on the rear was requ~red and she could not pave any closer than that. Mrs. said they were going to pave the driveway and pave no more than one half yard for park~ng. is an exist~ng apartment bU~ld~ng in the rear and Mrs. said it would be torn down or used as future office space. 'I'he tenants will be moving out September 15th. Mrs. Rob~nson said she would take whatever steps were necessary to control any water runoff that she m~ght create. J~m Hawk~ns made a motion the zoning be approved. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which carr~ed 6-0. Commerc~al Build~ng Perm~ts: Commercial bu~ld~ng perm~ts were presented by Inspec- tor Larry Dunn and upon h~s recommendat~on, the following approved: 2539 Old Concord requested a perm~ t for construction of a gas an estimated cost of $20,000. Max Bacon made amotion the permit to approval of the C~ty Engineer & Fire Marshal. ,Jack Sh~nall motion which carr~ed 6-0. August 15, 1983 - Continued There were no b~ds received for the South Cobb Dr~ve repa~rs. Jack Sh~nall made a mot~on b~ds be requested again to be opened the first meet~ng ~n September. Max Bacon seconded the motion wh~ch carr~ed 6-0. Woodland Arms Construction, Sewer Line: Jack Shinall reported the b~d had been the low bidder at $63.082.80. awarded to Lasl~e Smyrna Athlet~c Association requested a parade perm~t for their open~ng day on August 20th. Mayor Bacon said they should coord~nate the~r plans w~th the pol~ce department. Jack Sh~nall said a very informative town hall meet~ng had been held to d~scuss the poss~bility of contract~ng out our garbage collection. There were approx~mately 30 people in attendance and the consensus of those was that the C~ty retain the service. There has not been a final decision made but ~t looks as if we may retain at least the residential port~on of the serv~ce. The major~ty of those present also said to raise rates ~f need be to bring it up to f~rst class cond~t~on. M~llage Rate: Mayor Bacon sa~d he thought we would reduce the millage rate but did not know how much. Hopefully a dec~s~on w~ll be made by the next meeting. Max Bacon stated that due to the variat~on in the reassessments, ranging from 7 ~ to 35% ~ t would be imposs~ble to lower the m~llage so that everyone's taxes would not increase. Some bills w~ll be h~gher and some lower. Jack Shinall said he felt we should also look at the salary study being done before a f~nal dec~s~on ~s made. Jim Hawkins made a mot~on the stop to the request of several res~dents which carr~ed 6-0. s~gn on in the Clifton Road at R~ta way be removed due area. James W~ll~ams seconded the mot~on Sarah Jones made a mot~on that 25 mile per hour speed limit s~gns be posted on West Cooper Lake Drive. Max Bacon seconded the mot~on wh~ch carr~ed 6-0. Jack Sh~nall made a motion the Mayor be author~zed to sign a contract with the Depart- ment of Transportat~on for the paving of 22 streets in the City. J~m Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Mayor Bacon sa~d he wanted the Engineering Department to uncover the manholes on these streets or ra~se them before paving. made a mot~on that b~ds be requested for two new the next meeting. These will be the standard size to p~ck up garbage and trash at the same time. Max carr~ed 6-0. These trucks are already ~n the Revenue Request for Bids: Jack Sh~nall garbage trucks to be opened at trucks where we should be able Bacon seconded the motion wh~ch Sharing budget. Jack Sh~nall made a motion that b~ds be requested for two 1/2 ton p~ckup trucks for the Water Department to be opened the next meeting, and also paid from Revenue Shar- ing. James Will~ams seconded the motion wh~ch carried 6-0. J~ Hawkins sa~d when the Community Block Grant was approved ~t was his understand~ng that bids would be requested for curb~ng on McLinden Avenue. Medl~n Street and McCauley. After talking to J~m Dav~d, he learned the City would be able to handle these proj ects wh~ch will begin August 24th. Therefore, there will be no need to request b~ds, s~nce the City w~ll be doing the work and we w~ll be re~mbursed by the County through the Block Grant. Committee Reports: (Fire) Sarah Jones made a mot~on the rules be suspended to place a motion on the floor. Jim Hawkins seconded the mot~on which carried 6-0. Sarah Jones made a motion that b~ds be requested for 800 feet of fire new truck and 400 feet of l~ inch hose, to be opened the first meeting James W~lliams seconded the mot~on which carried 6-0. hose for the ~n September. (Parks) Elbert Coalson and Max Bacon both stated the Parks staff did an outstanding job on the Sw~m meet and should be commended. Elbert Coalson said he would go into the hospital for surgery on September 8th. He has had two people approach him about runn~ng for C~ty Council if he dec~ded not to run, and after serious study had come to the conclusion that he should not run. Mr. Coalson said he would not be able to go to the people to talk to them after h~s surgery and d~d not feel ~t was r~ght for him to run for office under those conditions. To do so would not be doing the people of Ward 6 just~ce, and he felt the people should be able to talk to the cand~date and make personal contacts. Mr. Coalson said the people had voted him in for 6 terms and he had done the best job August 15, 1983 - Continued he thanked his wife who has stood by him, ex-Mayors John Porterf~eld and and Mayor Bacon; Les Charles and Willoui$e Sp~vey, Mr. Coal son also the various department heads and sa~d th~s city had some of the greatest employees ever. Mr. Coalson said unt~l the end of th~s year he would be working just as hard f'O:r'his people as h.e ever did and wanted them to continue to call h~m. (Library) Jack Shinall told Mr. Coalson that he would be m~ssed. Dor~s Morr~s reported on library activ~ties. Jim sa~d he wanted to clarify th.at h~s vote dur~ng the any to be a reflection on our police department but he to opinion, Jim sa~d a remark was made dur~ng the recess by audience and he wanted to clarify his posit~on. was not, ~n have a right someone in the he had the highest regard for Mr. Coalson and his wife, and regretted aga~n. Mayor Bacon also sa~d he hated to see Elbert go and he st~ll could not believe ~t. on 25th at Jonquil & Church St:r'eet pools close August 22nd; at Al Fair's; Larry )\I(cDonald will have a c~ t~zens Hall; next council meeting September 6th. Mayor Jonqu~l meeting Breakfast on August he would be making s01J1e comm~ttee changes by this Friday. With no further business, meet~ng adjourned at 10:29 p.m. ARTHUR T. . BACON > MAYOR ELBERT R. COALSON, WARD 6