May 2/16, 1983 Council Meeting
May 2 , 1983
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Char-
ter on May 2, 1983 at Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order by presid-
ing officer Mayor Protem Elbert Coalson in the absence of Mayor Bacon who was
in Washington. All councilmen were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles
Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief R. E. Little, Acting Fire Chief
Hubert Cochran, Assistant Public Works Director Vic Broyles, Parks & Recreation
Director Sherry Reavis, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley, Librarian Doris Morris,
and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Max Bacon followed by the pledge to the flag.
Sarah Jones read a proclamation for Respect for Law Week, May 1-7, 1983. Sarah
also presented a cake to Chief Little in celebration of his 70th birthday and
told everyone that cake and punch would be served after the meeting. There were
five pOlice officers in the audience who were recognized and Chief Little thanked
Mayor and Council and praised the department.
There were no citizen reports.
Privile e License: James Garland Peek requested a beer and wine pouring license
for s Pizza, 2410 Atlanta Road. Attorney John Karazoulas represented Mr.
Peek, who could not be present. There was no opposition from the audience, and
Jack Halpern, owner of Belmont Hills Shopping Center spoke and said he felt this
would be a first class restaurant, and an asset to the community. The restaurant
will be located in the building which was fOI'merly Commercial Bank and will be
renovated inside and out. Jim Hawkins read the letter from Chief Little stating
the police investigation was favorable and stated the applicant met all the ordi-
nance requirements. Jim Hawkins made a motion the license be approved, seconded
by Sarah Jones. Vote on the motion carried 6-0.
Ottis E. Cheatham requested a residential business
license for 5 Reed Street. Mr. Cheatham said he would be selling aluminum
and vinyl siding by telephone and there would be no outside storage or signs.
There was no opposition and Jim Hawkins made a motion the permit be approved.
Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
Sarah Jones stated the Fire Committee had met and recommended the
aerial fire truck be awarded to Emergency One. The truck will be ob-
tained through a lease-purchase agreement for 5 years, with a $50,000 down payment
and the balance of the down payment be paid from interest on Certificates of
Deposit. The delivery date will be 90 to 120 days from date of order. Sarah made
a motion the truck be purchased from EmergencY One. James Williams seconded the
motion which carried 6-0.
TEFRA Hearing: Attorney Camp stated that this was a public hearing which had
been discussed at the last meeting and properly advertised in the newspaper to
see if there was anyone for or against the Cobb County Housing Authority issuing
revenue financing bonds to finance mUlti-family housing rental facilities in
the City of Smyrna for The Hills of Post Village. There were no comments from
the audience and the pUblic hearing was closed.
Jack Shinall made a motion the Resolution, read by Attorney Charles Camp, author-
izing the Housing Auth y of Cobb County to issues its revenue bonds for the
purpose of' f'inanci residential rental f'acilities for low and mod-
erate income families located within the City of' Smyrna, to The Hills of' Post
Vill Ltd.. be approved. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried 6-
O. of Resolution to be made a part of' these minutes.)
James Williams then made a motion the following
the need for a housing authority in the City of
the motion which carried 6-0.
Resolution be read to
Smyrna. Jim Tolleson
May 2, 1983 - Continued
WHEREAS, it has been
that exists an
Smyrna, Georgia; and
determined by the Mayor
urgent need to provide
and Council
of the City of
housing in the
Ci ty of
WHER4~S, it has been determined by the Mayor and Council that
of safe or sanitary dwelling accommodations in the City of
persons of low income at rentals they can afford; and
there is a shortage
Smyrna available to
WHEREAS, the Housing Authorities Law (O.C.G.A., Section 8-3-1, et seq., as amend-
ed) (the "Act"), enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, creates
for municipality in the State of Georgia a public body corporate and politic
to be as the "Housing Authority" of such municipality, which shall conist
of a.board of seven Commissioners to be appointed by resolution of the governing
body such municipality for initial terms of one, two, three, four and five
years and thereafter for staggered terms of five years; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council have determined that there is a need for a Housing
Authority to function in the City .of Smyrna to help finance the cost of providing
an adequate supply of housing for the people of the City of Smyrna; and
Mayor and Council, after thorough investigation,
it desirable and necessary that a Housing Authority be
the City of Smyrna with all the powers granted it by the
to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of providing
in order to fulfill the present needs expressed herein;
to func
to finance
RESOLVED, that Commissioners shall be appointed by Mayor
to serve for the aforementioned terms of office, by Resolution adopted
practical and convenient.
BE RESOLVED, that in the event that a Commissioner at any time ceases
to sident of the City of Smyrna; his eligibility to serve as a Commissioner
shall C.aase, and his term of office shall end.
BE FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Commissioners elected shall organize, carry
out their duties and responsibilities and exercise their powers and prerogatives
in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Act as it now exists and as
it might hereafter be amended or modified.
BE RESOLVED, that resolution shall become effective May 31, 1983,
and and after such date the Authority shall be deemed to be duly created
and activated and shall have perpetual existence.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any and all resolutions in conflict with this resol-
ution be and the same are hereby repealed.
Jack made a motion the resolution be approved. Jim Tolleson seconded
the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote.
The next item on the agenda, appointment of board members to serve on the Housing
Authority, was tabled to the next m.aeting.
Commercial Building Permits: Commercial building permits were presented by Assis-
tant PuJ::>Iic Works Director Vic Broyles and upon hj_s recommendation the following
requested a permit to renovate the existing building at 2480 Spring
7-11 store at a total estimated cost of $51,000. James Williams made
permi t be approved, subj ect to approval of the Fire Marshal. Max
the motion which carried 6-0.
Jim Hawkins stated that on January 3, 1983, a proposed
was read, properly advertised and approved February 7, 1983, which
RM-16 classification. Jim said he felt council had acted hastily in
approving the ordinance and made a motion the RM-16 classification be deleted
in entirety. James Williams seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote.
May 2, 1983 - Continued
Approval of
be approved
Minutes: Jack
as submitted.
Shinall made a
James Williams
of April 4, 1983
which carried 6-
Jim Hawkins made a motion the minutes of April 18, 1983 be approved as submitted.
Sarah Jones seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
Committee Reports: (Finance) Jim Tolleson called for a Finance Co~nittee meeting
Thursday at 5: 30 and said the budgets were well under way. Also, the 1% Local
Option Sales Tax may be on the referendum this September.
(Inspections) James Williams reported that Gene Golden had passed his examination
and was now the Assistant Building Inspector for the City.
Doris Morris reported on library activities for the summer.
(Water) Jack Shinall said the sewer study is well underway. The preliminary re-
port shows that there are 12 minor problems that can be corrected very cheaply
but will result in a three-quarter million dollar savings from infiltration into
the sewer lines.
Jack Shinall stated we are still having problems with barking dogs, and recently
a case was dismissed by our Recorder' s Court Judge. Jack asked Attorney Camp to
review our ordinance concerning noises and have a report ready for the next meeting
as to whether or not it can be properly enforced.
(Fire) Sarah Jones made a motion the rules be suspended to allow a motion to
be placed on the floor. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
Sarah an emergency situation occurred at the main fire station yesterday
when t found 't];;e compressor in the air conditioning unit was burned out and
needed replacing. Two proposals were received; one from Dayco Ser-
vices at $1,417 and the from Cobb Heating & Air. Their bid was $1,484 to
replace the compressor and $1,693 to repair. After discussion, Sarah made a motion
that bids be requested, to be received within a 24-hour period and the committee
be authorized to award the 10N bi'i. James Williams seconded the motion which car-
ried 6-0.
Sarah Jones reminded everyone that tomorrow would be a State-wide election and
no alcoholic beverages could be sold before 8:00 p.m.
Sarah Jones said that Highland Park Road would begin this month through the new
1,000 acre industrial "park and with that in mind, would like to set in motion
the annexation of South Cobb Drive from Ridge Road to Highland Park. This would
enable our police department to have complete jurisdiction of the roadway when
they travel to and from the park to patrol there.
(Parks) Sherry Reavis reported on the success of the Spring Festival and thanked
everyone involved.
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
May 16, ]_983
scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held May 16, at Smyrna
The meeting was called to order by presiding officer Arthur T.
: 30 o' clock p.m. All Council members were present. Also present was
Charles E. Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief R. E.
Fire Chief Hubert Cochran, Publ ic Works Director Jim David, Parks
Director Sherry Assistant City Clerk Melinda Hiatt, Build-
Larry Dunn, Civil Director Jim Farley, Librarian Doris Morris
representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by James Williams, followed by the pledge to the flag.
read a proclamation recognizing the month of June as Recreation Month
Director Sherry Reavis he would present it to her after the meeting.
Sue Brissey complained of illegal signs in the and
she had removed over the weekend. Mrs. Brissey said she was
the Marietta Daily JOUrnal was distributing yard sale signs.
Rose requested rezoning of property in Land Lot 452, 1009 and
from R-15 to Commercial. There was no opposition from
Rose said if the property was rezoned he would lease the two
that would compatible with the L. C. zoning. Jim Hawkins
City has with the Limited zonings on
asked if he was familiar with the ordinances, Section 901
which deal s with paved parking required and buffer Mr. Rose
familiar with the and agreed to comply with them. Jim
one of the houses rented and asked Mr. Camp if they would
vacate the house it is rezoned. Mr. Camp said the present
remain, but the house could not be re-rented after the zoning was
Jim Hawkins made a motion the zoning be approved. Jim Tolleson seconded
which carried by a 7-0 vote.
S. Cochran
807 from
Mr. Cochran
like to leave
there. They are
re;z,oning of approximately 3-3 acres in Land
Commercial to RM-16. There was no opposition
said he also owned 2 ~ acres on Highway
General Commercial and would have
negotiating with Sunday House, but; have
Cochran presented proposed plans of the
50% of the units would have to be one
will be from a paved road which was
5 years ago on the north of the
bought and renovated
future access through their development
read the minutes from the Planning
recommended for approval. Jim Hawkins
voted unanimously to the RM-16
the last zoning approved Williams
Elbert Coalson seconded which
as yet.
he understood
units. The
specificationS 4
Johnstown Properties
and they have also
loan is paid
me""ting where
the last meeting
, and this would
the rezoning be
with ,Jim Hawkins opposed.
Penny Jackson COley requested a transfer of the beer package
Gallon, Inc., 2254 Atlanta Road. There was no Jim
Ms. Coley if she understood the ordinances concerning sale of
alcoholic beverages and if she abide by said ordinances, and the answer
was Jim HaWkins read the report by the Police Department which
was and made a motion the license be approved. Sarah Jones seconded
the motion which carried 7-0.
William requested a beer and wine package license
2482 Carson was sworn in by Camp along
in Carson said they wanted to mov"" their store
the same Spring Road for about to the re-
Oil Station next door, which was only 50 or feet away.
them to sell gas at their store, which is the reason for
Carson said building would probably be with
the contract no alcoholic beverages could at the
Hawkins asked Mr. Carson if he was familiar ordinances
to abide by and the answer was yes. Mr. the
the police invest which was favorable. Jim that
does not requirements from DeVille
Mr. Donegan, had submitted a the dist-
which is only or 4 feet short. Max Mr. Carson
remodel according the survey, Which shows on the
side of the building and Mr. Carson said he was not sure, he had not looked at
the survey that closely.
Connie Paine represented a group of concerned mothers living at Chateau DeVille
Apartments and read and presented a petition signed by them. Ms. Paine said they
felt the store would be too much of an enticement for the children and it was
dangerous for them to cross the street. During discussion Ms. Paine said she was
under the impression if the license was denied, the store would close completely
but still objected to the license being issued. Ms. Paine said there was a conven-
ience store next door to the apartments that the children could safely go to.
Jim Hawkins said it had always been his policy to not vote for a
there was some question as to the distance requirements and made
license be denied. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
license where
a motion the
Privilege License: William Bannister requested a beer and wine pouring license
for the Sizzler Family Steak House at 2731 South Cobb Drive. There was no opposi-
tion. Mr. Bannister said they would not have a bar, but would like to be able
to serve beer and wine to their customers who wanted it with their meals. Mr.
Bannister said he understood the ordinances and agreed to abide by them and also
presented a letter from Our Savior Luther Church which is located across the street
stating they had no objections to the license being issued. Jim Hawkins stat;ed
the police investigation was favorable and made a motion the license be approved.
Sarah Jones seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Variance: Jack Shinall read a letter from Mr. & Mrs. G. B. Stoner of 1135 Bank
Street requesting permission to build a garage apartment at the rear of their
house for Mrs. Stoner's mother. Jack said he had been advised by our city attorney
that the only way this could be granted would be through a land use permit. Attor-
ney Camp said this is a hardship situation and is entirely different from the
case ve pending Also, a land use permit has to be renewed peri-
o r further on, Jack Shinall made a motion a land use perIni t
be granted to Mr. and Mrs. Stoner to allow the construction of a garage apartment.
Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 6-1, with Max Bacon opposed. Jack
Shinall stated the Stoner's also had a petition signed by the immediate neighbors
stating they had no objections.
Variance: Stacy Davis requested a variance on seven lots in Green Forest Subdi-
vision on front setback requirements. Mr. Davis said these were the last seven
lots on Green Valley Drive and they fall at about a 450 angle and to meet the
setback requirements he would not be able to tie onto the sewer 1.ine. Also, there
is a rock ledge on the back of the lots and Mr. Davis said it would cost him more
to correct these problems than he could afford. Sarah Jones said she felt the
lots were basically unbuildable and it could be a potential hazard to try and
build on them. Mr. Davis said the lots were desirable to some people and the final
plat of the subdivision did not indicate the lots were unbuildable. Mr. Davis
said it was possible he could build on them as they now exist, but he would not
want to. Sarah said if the variance was granted, we would need a letter from him
relieving the City from any liability should anyone working or living there suffer
from any accident or harm. After further discussion, Sarah Jones made a motion
the variance be tabled to the next meeting and asked all the other council members
to look at the lots and give their opinion. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion
which carried 7-0.
Commercial Building Permits: Commercial building permits were presented by Inspec-
tor Larry Dunn and upon his recommendation, the following approved:
(1) Brawner's, 3180 Atlanta Road, requested a permit for addition of a 2-story
building a total estimated cost of $280,000. James Williams made a motion the
permit b proved subject to approval of the Fire Marshal. Elbert Coalson seconded
the motion which carried 7-0.
Shinall made a motion the O. B. & J. D.
be annexed into the City to become
ng been read and made a part of the
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Logan property in
a part of Ward 5,
minutes of April
342 and
Elbert Coalson
Validation of Signatures: Atto:t"'ney Camp read an application for annexation of
property in Land Lots 306, 307, 342 and 343, as follows:
We the undersigned, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of
the land area by acreage of the area described below, which
the owners of
is unincorpor-
May 16, 1983 - Continued
and contiguous to the City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have said area
into the City of Smyrna under the provisions of the Cc>de of Georgia
Sections 69-904 through 69-912 (Georgia Laws, Acts 1966, Pages
410, 411, 412, 413; 1971, 399; 1976, Pages 1011, 1012; said property
to be annexed being described as follows, to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots
and 343, 17th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia
more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at the intersection of the northwesterly right of Church
Road and the centerline of a branch of Smyrna Creek; runntng south
86 degrees 29 minutes west.adistance of 890 feet to a pointgn the easterly
right of way of Old COI1GC>:l:'ci; thence northerly along the easterly right
way of Old Concord Road a distance of 424 feet, more or less, to the
of Smyrna Creek; thence westerly along the centerline of said
Creek, and fOllowing the meanderings thereof, a distance of 465
more or less, to a thence north 22 degrees 30 minutes west
distance of 1152 feet to an iron pin on the north land lot line of Land
307; continuing thence degrees 30 minutes west a distance
708 feet to a point; 89 degrees 23 minutes east a distance
feet to a point; east a distance of 307.16 feet to a
located on the right of way of Old Concord Road; thence
along the right of way of Old Concord Road a distance
feet to a point; north 69 degrees 28 minutes west a dis-
513.8 feet to thence southeasterly a distance of 468
point; thence south 88 degrees 30 minutes west a distance of
to a point; thence 9 degrees 49 minutes 38 seconds east
of 189.28 feet to point; thence south 63 degrees 35 minutes
a distance of 175. a point; thence southeasterly a distance
feet to a point the easterly right of WaY of Old Concord
Rpad; thence northerly easterly right of way of Old Concord Road
a distance of 580 feet iron pin; thence south 84 degrees 40 minutes
east a distance of 200 to a point; thence north 00 degrees 30 minutes
west a distance of 100 feet to a point; thence south 84 degrees 45 minutes
a distance of 200 feet to an iron pin; thence south 84 degrees 20
east a distance of. 540 feet, to an iron pin; thence south 1 degree
east a distance of 254 feet to a point; thence southwesterly
of 175 feet to the centerline of Smyrna Creek; thence south-
along the centerline of Smyrna Creek, and fOllowing the meander-
thereof, a distance of 613 feet, more or less, to the intersection
Creek and a branch of Smyrna Creek; thence southeasterly along
centerline of the branch of Smyrna Creek a distance Of feet, more
to the northwesterly right of way of Church Road and the point
to a
the signature of the record title holders
legal representattYe, of 60% of the land
of the fee
area above
simple title,
described by
made a motion the signatures be
20, 1983. James Williams seconded
validated and the Public hearing
the motion which carried by a 7-0
approved to
Mayor Bacon said at
the need for a housing
were presented to serve on the
in the
Ward 1:
3 :
Ward 5:
Ward 6:
Ward 7:
Jack Hamlim (4 years)
Appointment next meeting (5 years)
Stan Sullivan
Darlene Davidson
Paul Griggs (3
Appointment to next meeting (1 year)
Martha Akin (2
Jack Shinall made a motion the appointments be approved. Jim Tolleson seconded
the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
May 16, 1983 - Continued
Appointment to Planning & Zoning
had served on this board for the
they were moving out of the City.
ted to fill the unexpired term.
a 7-0 vote.
Board: Jim Tolleson stated that Charlie McCoy
past 4 or 5 years and was now resigning because
Jim made a motion that Marion Wilhelm be appoin-
Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by
Jim Tolleson made
be heard June 6,
a motion that the
1983. James Williams
Recorder' s Court appeal by David
seconded the motion which carried
by a 7-0
Jack Shinall made a motion that Sanford Place be made one-way north, immediately
after school is out June 3rd, for the remainder of baseball season. Jim Tolleson
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Max Bacon made a motion that Cedar Ridge Court be closed May 28th between the
hours of 5; 00 to 11: 00 p.m. f'or a block party. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion
which carried 7-0.
Willowbrook Sewer Line: Mayor Bacon said the bid price to install the Willowbrook
sewer line was $95,000 and prior to the work starting it was necessary to get
approval from the railroad to bore under their tracks. During the boring process,
the contractor hit pilings and found it impossible to bore all the way through.
Mayor Bacon said our engineer met with the County engineer and the railroad engin-
eer and they agreed there was about a 20 to 30% chance of boring all the way.
If it is necessary to tunnel and bore it will run considerably more. Mayor Bacon
said the contractor, D&H Construction, had now guaranteed to complete the bore
for a lump sum price of $150,000. Sarah Jones made a motion the addendum to the
contract to D&H Construction be approved for a lump sum price of $150,000, seconded
by Max Bacon. Jack Shinall said he would not support the motion because even though
the cost could be much more than it is at this point, the contract did call for
a second bore, which they are not doing and this is almost double the cost of
what was approved for line. Also, we could have asked for developer parti-
cipat as the and we may have gotten some financial help that way.
Sarah d we quite a bit of money invested in this project that
will have to be paid and we need to complete the line as quiCkly as possible to
keep the Environmental Protection Agency off our backs about overflowing sewer
lines. After further discussion, vote on the motion carried 6-1, with Jack Shinall
Woodland Arms Lift Stat:ion; Jack Shinall said the plans for the Woodland Arms
sewer line should be ready by next Monday. Council has already given approval
to request bids but we had to wait for the plans and were also held up by the
Federal government concerning wages and minority participat:ion. Jack made a motion
the bids be reviewed June 13th with the contractors present, with the bid awarded
June 20, 1983. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Elbert Coalson said the Insurance Committee met and upon their recommendation,
made a motion the workmans compensation remain with the current carrier, Morrison
Assurance Agency, with Northwest Insurance Agency. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion
which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Committee Reports; Elbert Coalson
Springs Street was holding too long,
said the light on South Cobb Drive at
and asked Jim David to have it checked.
(Parks) Elbert Coalson read a letter f'rom Parks
cerning vandalism at our parks. Mr. Coalson said
very costly to the City and asked anyone who might
to notify the park ranger.
Superintendent Bruce Bates con-
this is a serious problem and
see any vandalism taking place
Sherry Reavis stated that June 4th would be the Super Family Field Day; Father/Son
and Mother/Daughter Tennis TouX'nament, and the pools would all be open for the
Mr. Coalson asked Mr. Camp if he could report
Camp said it is complicated, but he is doing
have something ready by the June 6th meeting.
on the barking dog ordinance. Mr.
some research and wouJ_d hopefully
(Water) Jack Shinall said we weX'e continuing with the Sewer System Evaluation
Study and were also working on proposals for contracting garbage pickup. The com-
mittee has alreadY met with several major companies and outlined what we will
May 16, 1983 - Continued
expect and they will meet again
not know if a decision would be
is a lOt to consider.
full Mayor and Council. Jack said he did
before the new budget year because there
Doris Morris reported on library activities.
(Fin""Dce) Jim Tolleson reminded everyone of the budget meeting Mayl9th at 5:30
with all department heads. Jim s""id the Department of Transportation had certain
requirements to be met before we could begin the beautification program on Atlanta
Road and asked Jim David to check with them.
Next council meeting June 6, 1983.
would the last day of the SeSquicentennial and
homecoming and will be contacting SOme people within
Mayor Bacon said October 1st
they are trying to set up a
the next few days.
further business, meeting adjourned at 9,10 p.m.
I, Roland Williams do solemnly swear that I will well and
truly demean myself as Civil Service Board member of the City of Smyrna for the
ensuing term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of
said City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions
as Civil Service Board member act as I believe for the best interest of the said
City. So help me God.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 18th day of July, 1983
Arthur T. Bacon, Mayor
;:roK~ at:p
& SSQtq 11,"
'Ivas )