January 3/18, 1983 Council Meeting January 3. 19B3 meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order by presiding Bacon. All Council members were present. Also present was Camp. City Clerk Willouise Spivey. Police Chief R. E. Little. Acting Fire Chief Hubert Cochran. Public Works Director Jim David, Parks and Recrea- tion Director Sherry ~avl~. Parks Superintendent Br~ce Bates. Librarian Doris Morris. Civil Defense Director Jim Farley and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Elbert Coalson. followed by the pledge to the flag. There were no citizen reports. requested rezoning of property at 2911 Foster Street to Limited Commercial. Chris Whitener represented would be used for a small office for their e, and there would not be any outside storage. James much parking-would be needed, and the answer was Ition and Mayor Bacon read the recommendation of the they recommended the zoning be approved. James be approved. seconded by Jim Tolleson. Jack Shinall ng property and Mr. Whitener said his property abuts y refurbished the inside of the house and will After further discussion, vote on the motion carried 7-0. Murrle1 M. Whitener nt property f t e applicant and said company, Guaranteed Cab Williams asked Mr. 3 to 5 cars. There Planning and Zoning lliams made a motion about the zoning Light Industry. They have also renovate the outside. d rezoning of property at 706 Cherokee Road from rcial for his office. Northwest Insurance Agency. the Insurance business for 12 years and would like to office. Elbert Coalson said he noticed Mr. Styes sked how many parking spaces he would need. Mr. Styes d be on the side and he would have about 6 spaces. with Circle. There was no opposition and Elbert Coalson made approved. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 7-0. L. Styes re 1 to Limite said he has been in convert this house to his would have 4 employees and said customer parkin the entrance from Burb a motion the zoning be uested rezoning of property at 602 Pat Mell Road from There was no opposition from the audience. Mr. Nowlin the house into a real estate insurance office and the rear of the lot for personal or rental use. This roperty now and he felt that after the house was wou general appearance of the street. Elbert Coalson as cone nstructlon of the garage. which Mr. Nowl in planned store Cha ucts, and asked how far back it would be. Mr. id the lot eep and the garage would be about 100 feet behind Mr. Coalson sa ld admit the house was an eyesore but he would alk to the proper to the rear on Kennesaw Drive to see if they would have any objections. Mayor Bacon read the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board where they d the request primarily because of Mr. Nowlin's intention of building a e to turn it into a warehouse. and felt it would be spot zoning. Attorney Camp said if the property was rezoned Limited Commercial he would not be allowed to build a warehouse or garage of any type. Jim Tolleson asked about the zon n either side of the property. Mr. Nowlin said there was a beauty shop on one with a residence on the other side. Mr. Coalson said he would certainly like to have Mr. Nowlin's business in the City but due to the location. existing tra lem on Pat Mell Road and his intention of using a warehouse in the back, motion the request be denied. James Williams seconded the motion which carrl with Jim Tolleson and Sarah Jones opposed. L. Leveto sted rezoning of property on Matthews Street in Land sldent dential Townhouse District. There was no opposition the audience. aid there was approximately 15 acres on the site the surrounding p primarily composed of multi-family and industrial. Mr. Leveto said they had new set of plans and would try to build as many fee simple townhouses as e. and still preserve the natural vegetation. The units will sell for appr y $45.000 to $60.000. James Williams asked how he would anticipate. Mr. Leveto said there were none at this time. they would not any. James Williams made a motion the zoning be ap ded by Sarah Vote on the motion carried 7-0. e License: Rita Clayborn requested a business license to operate a massage In conjunction with a full service beauty salon at 2790 Hargrove Road. Jack Shinall said the application submitted was notccomplete and made a motion the request be tabled to the next meeting. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. inued requested a liquor, wine rant at 2617 Cobb Parkway. was not able to be p also be tabled to the next meet carried by a 7-0 vote. E 1 be rt Food (n ant package 1 i their appl made a motion the carried by a 7-0 vote. Cobb Drive requested a r of appl icant being Robert Earl Sharber. in order and the police inves;tigation be approved. Sarah Jones seconded the iance on the height restr s for Timberland Street. This was allow Randy Shirley time out were having. Randy s complaints of the tower. which was ly sound. He said he would gladly work anyone The tower has been up imately it approximately 40 or 50 Max Bacon recently. Randy said that radio nts but he has tried to el them He has a letter from FCC stating that regulations. There were two people in Randy said he had correctl:'\d the problem working on others. but lowering the antenna The tower is now 100 feet and he said as high as 200 feet. to go Road objected and said he did not think interference for an entire neighborhood. the interference problem. he said he another neighbor is operating a CB ce problems and presented a petition had no objection to the radio tower. Jack situation and he has heard both sides. inance making an exception for one ition he would have to make a motion the motion. Jim Tolleson said he with the neighbors complaining. Mr. Andrews. ith the equipment Randy is n9 and said ing whatsoever on the problem. carried 4-3 with Max Bacon, Jones There COmmercial bui lding permits to bring before counci 1. requested a resident s at 821 McLinden Cavender he has always done. but be self- business phone at his also to ins stated the petition signed by had several signatures. Mr. Cavender said home. but the ones not signing the petition the neighborhood. Jim Hawkins>msde a motion seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Max Bacon said we were one of the last mun g classification and read the proposed ies to follows: for retired persons, where the vehicular of the is rsely affected; where proper zoning and where aes cs of thecQmmun I ty wi 11 ished in the City of Smyrna: A distrl for customary have at least 50% of units. not uses. number Lot Area: 80.000 sq. ft. MInimum Floor Area: Efficiency - 450 sq. ft. January 3. 19B3 - Continued Minimum Floor Area: 1 bedroom - 450 sq. ft. 2 bedroom - 750 sq. ft. 3 bedroom - 900 sq. ft. Minimum Lot Width: 100 ft. Minimum Yard Adjacent to Public Streets: Arterial - 75 ft. Collector - 50 ft. Local - 50 ft. Minimum Side Yard: 35 ft. 40 f1:. Minimum Rear Yard: Maximum Cover: 35% Maximum Height: 3 Stories Max Bacon made a motion the ordinance be approved, seconded by Jack Shinall. After discussion. the moti"on and second Were withdrawn. Max Bacon made a motion the amendment be advertised for 2 weeks, with the public hearing held the first meeting in February. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Jim Tolleson said there was an unopened portion or spur of rive at the northeast end which had been properly advertised and ade a motion It be closed and abandoned. Max Bacon seconded the which carried 7-0. Conveyance Deed: James Williams made a motion that the portion of an abandoned street or alley located behind the home of Richard Pecha on Brown Circle be conveyed to him. with Mr. Pecha to pay all cost involved. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Jack Shinall made a motion the minutes of December 6, 1982 be approved as submitted. SaMah Jones seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Jim Hawkins made a motion the minutes of December 20. 1983 be approved as submitted. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (Wa ) Jim Tolleson called for a Sanitation Committee meeting for 1 council. Jim Tolleson said he would like to speak to every taxpayer in the county with the exception of Marietta. Ing their recent annexations of Richway and Peoples Restaurant. Each time they x a company the size of Richway. it cost each citizen 60~ per day. If it continues. the cost will soon be up to $iO per day, or more. Jim said somebody has to do something. and the PTA may be the key. If enough people would get upset over these annexations, maybe the legislators would take some action. Jim said he had called. and couldn't get their attention any longer. The people of this cOMnty have to get mad and call their legislators. Mr. Tolleson said about Marietta continuing to was time to do some lobbying again. Jim Hawkins said he supp move down Cobb Parkway Jack Shinall said this months ago when John Smith Chevrolet annexed into Marietta. The Cobb County need to realize that these businesses that annex are shir responsibility to our school system. If these businesses do not want to support our school system. then why should we support them. Jack said he did not. rary) Doris Morris said income tax forms are available at the library, and Prentice Hall Federal Income Tax guide. Mayor Bacon said he appreciated the cooperation he has received this past year and everyone had worked well together. We will have to double our efforts this year and stand up to the task of making Smyrna a better place to live. The next meeting will be Tuesday. to attend the Mayor's Day meeting the legislative delegation. 18th and Mayor Bacon urged all council hich will be a good time to see the members of Mayor Bacon said this Thursday. or the next meeting. he would be making changes in committee assignments. With no further business, January 18. 19B3 The scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held January 18. 1983 at Smy The meeting was led to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding offi Arthur T. Bacon. All Counci lmen were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles Camp. City Clerk Willouise Spivey. Police Chief R. E. Little. Acting re Chief Hubert Cochran. Public Works Director Jim David. Building Inspector!...arryDunn. Librarian Doris Morris, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley. and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Jim Hawkins, followed by the pledge to the flag. There were no cLt;izen reports. Gene Ledbetter requested a residential use it for r. Ledbetter said he and his wife were comme rtists and ssion to use the space In the house to do their art i~h is used for storage. He has owned the home since 1958 and there until ago. Mr. Ledbetter had a petition signed by 19 families living stating they had no objections. Jim Tolleson said the difference Permit and home occupation license is that the Ledbet living Jim said If they did not own the home he would not consider granting but since they do, and he had known them for several years he felt should be given, with the understanding that there would be no signs, In traffic and no deliveries. There was no opposition from the audience. and Mr. Ledbetter had agreed they did not want any commercial use in Mr. Ledbetter has 3 or clients in Atlanta and would only be doing the location. Jim made a motion the permit be approved, Jim Hawkins. Vote on motion carried 4-3. with Max Bacon. Jack James Will iams opposed. s land Cl i ffs and have would to bui ld about the insta Benchmark Homes requested rezoning of property in Land Lots 598 and 599 for construction of Phases 2 & 3 of Vinings North Subdivision. group in opposition. and Bel inda Davis representing Benchmark d representingthe.opposition were sworn in by Attorney Camp. Boggs was also In the audience available for questions. Ms. she would be one of several agents selling these homes but was also involved as she lived inSmyrna and had children in Smyrna schools. would allow for 19 additional lots in the subdivision which. due to would allow them to build the same quality homes they have in Cedar Green Forest. at an affordable price. The lowest price home they would be $78,900 with others ing to close to $100,000 and did not plan ng under 1500 square Ms. Davis said they were also concerned on Atlanta Road <and were willing to spend money to have a light the intersection provideicl approval was given by the State. Larry plans as the homes would appear in the present zon also appear under the R-15 zoning. Max Bacon said the iginally develop the property told council the price range of would 25,000 andthere1NqSSOme concern this may affect ue of cedar Cliffs. Mr. Boggs.said the final plat on Unit I has not been yet; they were waiting for the outcome of the hearing tonight before construct i on. 3625 Hickory Circle spoke for the opposition and said owners of had met with surrounding neighbors previously, and they agreed at R-20. Mr. Arnold said he did not think today's prices to do with the rezoning of this property. Over 60 of these homes Drive for ingress and egress and the street will not accommodate 1 traffic. Also, the Planning and Zoning Board had alre.ady recommended request be denied. Mr. Arnold said he would 1 ike the zoning to remain at R-20. 3478 Shawnee Trail ted the Cedar Cliff Homeowners Association had talked with r previously and bad under R-20 with comparable to the ones in They weredalso conce with traffic congestion on At and reduc t ion in the va I ue of the i r homes. Mayor Bacon read the Planning and Zoning Board which was to deny the rezoning. Sub- and Bob this to had will the this Joel and the division. Ridge dat recommen- Jim 5130 Forest Mist div sion built by Benchmark and said the question was not the to be bullt. Also. we at i on of location. be AShwood said he lived in a home in Green they built good quality homes. work involved, but the for 3 years to get a t and At 1 anta Road. but the of Ashwood Drive said the main access Road and with the number of homes to be Forest Sub- Bacon homes approved 11 not NOVEN~ER 30, 1962 TO; JACK L. SHINALL 310 HICKORY ACRES DRIVE SMYRNA, GA. 30080 ZN REGARD TO THE TOWER AT 808 TIMPERLAND STREET, SMYRNA // "r / ~ I DO },OT O:E.J~crj' T() '.I'Lt,; EXISTING HEIGHT. [J I DO OBJECT TO THE EXISTING HEIGHT. THA.';],I' NAl"E DATE NOVEl~ER 30. 1982 TO: JACK L. SHINALL 310 HICKORY ACRES DRIVE SMYR1U. GA. 30080 Z:N REGARD TO THE TOWER AT a08 TIMBERLAND STREET~ SMYR~A DO :/';0'1' O:E.JLCf;' TO ''-'hI<; EXISTING HEIGHT. [J I DO OBJECT TO THE EXISTING HEIGHT. THfl NAr,'E DATE ADT;REF, S NOVEY~ER 30. 1982 TO: JACK L. SHINALL 310 HICKORY ACRES DRIVE SMYRNA. GA. 30080 ZN REGARD TO THE TOWER AT 808 TIMBERLAND STREET. SMYRNA TBJt 7'};8 l'U~lE DATE ;1"BDBiE$ S I DO };OT OEJEC'j1 TO Tli]", EXISTING HEIGHT. I DO OBJECT TO THE EXISTING HEIGHT. I NOVE~ER 30, 1982 TO: JACK L. SHINALL 310 HICKORY A DRIVE SMYRNA, GA. 30080 ZN REGARD TO THE TOWER AT 808 TIM~ERLAND STREET, SMYRNA ~ I DO },GT O:EJE.C'':' TO '21,lJj EXISTING HEIGHT. [] I DO OBJECT TO THE EXISTING HEIGHT. TRA NAfl"E DATE :A DT:RES S NOVElrnER 30, 19B2 TO: JACK L. SHINALL 310 HICKORY ACRES DRIVE SMYRNA, GA. 300BO ZN REGARD TO THE TOWER AT BOB TIMBERLAND STREET, SMYRNA I DO }\OT OI'.JECC' TO S'}L!.<; EXISTING HEIGHT. [J I DO OBJECT TO TRE EXISTING REIGRT. THA NA:p,'E DATE A.r):RE;::S ~OVEAmER 30, 1982 TO: JACK L. SHINALL 310 HICKORY ACRES DRIVE SMYRNA, GA. 30080 .I~ REGARD TO THE TOWER AT 808 TIA'lEERLAND STREET, SMYRNA I DO 1',OT OEJliCrp TLJ '.;:'}'l', EXISTING BEIGHT. [J I DO OBJECT TO THE EXISTING HEIGHT. NA};'E THA DATE 1~ J)J~RES S c\ January 18. 1983 - Continued bui It hand oppo be denied increase traffic by approximately 160 cars and the area could not much increase in traffic. Several others in the audience spoke in , and following further discussion Max Bacon made a motion the rezoning for the following reasons: 1) The development was submitted and approved less than 12 months ago as R-20. with assurances by the developer that it was economically feasible and would not have an adverse affect on the surrounding neighbors through traffic or price of the homes. 2} One of the considerations given for the original development approval and the consent of the City In opening the street access was the impact of traffic flow on the streets leading into the development, if developed as R-20. 3) The streets leading into the development are not adequate in width. under- surface. or paving to handle any more traffic than is projected. 4) Rezoning to R-15 would substantially increase the density of residents in the area, increase vehicular traffic, and have a substantial effect on the health and safety of the surrounding residential neighborhoods and would not create a reasonable substantial benefit to the developer other than allowing houses to be built at a greater density on smaller lots. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion. Jack Shinall said he would support the motion because these homes will letely surrounded by R-20 development and would downgrade the properties ately adjacent. Vote on the motion to deny carried 7-0. Richard E. Adams requested rezoning of property In Land Lot 560 at 1 Street fr 15 to Residential Townhouse District. Rob Berry repre- . Adams and McGee of 1389 Roswell Street, opposed, were sworn in y Camp. Mr. Berry said this was approximately a I~ acre site and their to build 12 fee simple townhomes similar to Afton Downs. housing 4 units ng. Mr. Berry said he felt this was a good location and would help bring construction into the area and maintain the residential surrounding. James stated if the ing was approved, Mr. Adams would also need a variance of approximately 20% on e lot size which was the next item on the agenda. Mr. Berry said he would ha 0 have the variance because the lot is 64,643 square feet and the ordinance requires 80 uare feet. Following a question from Max Bacon. Mr. Berry said the nearest Ily development was Lexington Apartments but there is quite a bit rty on the street. Jack Shinall said one reason for the 80.000 square requirement was to allow for an open area or recreation area on the de t. Mr. Berry said there was no way to get around the variance. due to the size of the lot. James Williams said they had discussed several alternatives including reducing the density, but they would still need the variance, and his main concern was the 20% variance involved. > Jim Tolleson said he thought a devel at location would add new life to the area and did not think It would people at all. Nancy McGee said to 14 units on a recreation area. site is located a very sound plan neighborhood also di Zoning Board meeting where said he had discussed with lowering the density James said he still had motion the zoning be deni hoped something could be more agreeable. Jack Shi was concerned about the s would conform very well 6-1, with Elbert Coalso Berry and Mr. Tolleson. She felt that 10 s entirely too much and there would not be any o a problem with traffic on Roswell Road and this curve. Ms. McGee said she did not think this was disapproved, and others she had talked to in the Mayor Bacon read the minutes of the Planning and they recommended the zoning be approved. James Williams Mr. Berry and neighbors in the area the possibility of re acceptable. maybe 2 units per building. roblem with the variance involved, and made a ed by Max Bacon. Jim Tolleson said he sincerely at a later date for something that would be d he would support the motion to deny because he the lot and traffic involved. and felt the lot lex zoning. Vote on the motion to deny carried The request for a variance by Richard E. Adams was not heard. due to denial of his zoning request. Variance: Sylvia Crawford requested a variance from Sections 402.21. 402.24 and 402.25 of the zoning ordinance allowing for rental of apartments on the property at 3079 Lee Street. There were several In opposition. Ms. Crawford and Milton January lB. 1983 - Continued Ing the sworn In by Attorney Camp. Crawford realize she was Ion of the ordinance by the could not rent units it would be a hards because derived to the mortgage, insurance. taxes, et.c. vJhen property the house and garage was being rented to rate Wa.s told by the company that the area was not for multi- but she woold because they had been so long. s burned she not rebuild. Max Bacon sa variance would allow her to rent the upstai rs of the house, t garage apartment. Ms. Crawford said she would limit the rentals to In the basement apartment, one person In the upstairs of house and 2 In the garage apartment. Ms. Crawford said she has the property and originally lived the house herself. She said are also on the street being used for rental property. Max Bacon said the City Ivlng complaints from neighbors about the number of cars being parked Ms. Crawford was notified she was In violation of the ordinance and given correct the situation. was bu i 1 t. M II ton . a res i dent iglnally owned the home lt the her husband, saying it was hip case He later converted the basement an ctty_ The neighbors then were under the Impression be their home and trusted they would remain there. When Mr. Ables the house to his son and since then the property has changed hands vii 11 i ams did not need 3 apar tmen ts in the ne I ghbo rhood. Chuck Camp what of action Ms. Crawford could take, and was not at liberty to advise her. Ms. Crawford said she could of the problems causing the complaints but no one has contacted Max Bacon said thIs is a totally single-family neighborhood and It. Max a motion the variances be denied, seconded by Jim Tolleson salwould like to see something worked out and Ms. Crawford had been sO>badly misinformed when she bought the property. said she had been misled when she purchased the property but would have to vote for the motion. Vote on the motion to deny the variance carried 7-0. Burger King requested a variance for new construction on South Cobb Mell Road. from the 10 foot buffer required to 5 feet on the Pat There was not a representative present. Elbert Coalson said he anything wrong with the variance but since they were not represented. request be tabled to the next meet I ng. t4ayor Bacon read a King requesting the variance and said this had already been plans reviewed by Council. Attorney Camp said If 11 felt clear and no one had any personal questions. they approve representatJontonlght. Vote on the motion died for Elbert Coalson <then made a motion the variance be granted. seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. 011 Company. 2400 Road requested a side the 10 feet requl 2 feet for an extension Mr. Allen Brevitz represented Kayo Oil and presented plans Ion for an additIonal pump. Mr. Brevitz said they and have done so well they need the additional Mr. Halpern. the owner of Belmont Hills Shopping objections to t or the extension of the have had a problem a gas leak. which is construction until the problem was Coalson made variance be granted approval Is gi ire Department, and also Enterprises they have no objection to the carried by a 7-0 vote. for a 24 x less said . and Mr. Mr. being ly not to a lance. Commercia 1 build i ng pe rm its were p recommendation the following pe by re Drugs requested a estimated cost of Cherokee Road. and a motion the permit i d the 50 foot ri ght and Atlanta Road. new construction at 2390 Atlanta Road ect to a 50 foot right of way on Atlanta City Engineer and Fire Marshal. Max as stated. seconded by Jones. would be from the centerline the road the motion carried 7-0. January 18. 1983 - Continued Red Lobster Restaurant requested a building permit for new construction on Parkway. Jim Tolleson made a motion the permit be approved subject to approval of the City Engineer and Fire Marshal. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Privilege License: Red Lobster Restaurant requested a liquor, beer and wine pouring license for their proposed new restaurant on Cobb Parkway. Judith Diane Earlywine. designated to hold the license and Edwin Anderson. legal repre- sentative for Red Lobs present. Jack Shinall asked Ms. Earlywine if she was familiar with the and her responsibility as agent to hold the license. and the answer was yes. Ms. Earlywine said she also held the license at their restaurant in Marietta. Jack Shinall said the application seemed to be in order and made a motion it be approved. Sarah Jones seconded the motion. Attorney Camp stated staurant should notify the City when a manager is appointed. Vote on tion carried 7-0. Privilege License: Kayo Oil Company requested a transfer of their beer and wine package license at 2400 Atlanta Road. Bettiann Jones applicant. Jack Shinall said this was a transfer and the application had been reviewed by the committee, and made a motion it be approved. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Jack Shinall made a motion that Sections 3-68 and 3-67(d) of deleted and replaced with the following, which a olic beverages on Thanksgiving Day. Section 3-6B - Same - Wine and malt beverages. Wine and/or malt beverage retail business shall be entitled to operate between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2 a.m. Monday gh Friday. and Saturday B a.m. through 2:55 a.m. on Sunday. No sa 11 be made between the hours of 3 a.m. Sunday and 8 a.m. on Monday or on Christmas Day. Establishments issued Sunday Sale Permits shall be authorized to open on Sundays between the hours of 12:30 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.. except when such Sunday is Christmas. Sales of wine or malt beverages on designated for the election of any official of the City or for 0 cipal office or purpose shall be prohibited prior to one hour fol the closing of the polls on such election day. Sales all other election days shall be as designated by the Georgia Code ated. This section shall apply to private clubs as well. ndment: - Sundays. holidays. election days. Except as hereinabove ed. n censee for the sale of alcoholic beverages shall permit his p ace of business to be open for the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sundays. Christmas Day. and all election days prior to one hour following the closing of the polls on such election day. Establishments Issued Sunday Sales Permits shall be authorized to open on Sundays except when such Sunday is Christmas. during the hours of 12:30 p.m. to 12:00 midnight as provided in Section 3-68 herein. Jim TOlleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jack Shinall made a motion that Section 3-40 of the alcoholic beverage ordinance be amended by deleting sub-paragraph (b) and replacing it with the following: Section 3-40(b) - Basis for computation of tax. The tax levied hereunder shall be computed on the basis of twenty-two c-ents ($0.22) per 1 iter of spirituous liquors sold or delivered as hereinafter set out; on the basis of twenty two cents ($0.22) per liter of wine sold or del ivered as here- inafter set out. computed proportionately on fractional size bottles; and for malt beverages. on a twelve (12) ounce container case, one dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) per State law and other sizes increased in proportion to the twelve (12) ounce size. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jack Shinall made a motion the fees for Sunday liquor sales be re-established at $500 for liqupr. beer and wine. and $500 for beer and wine only. These fees will put us in line with the county fees. James Williams seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. sabillty Jack Shinall said our employees are not covered by dis- a ty en s an he felt it was very important that they should be. The cost to add this benefit to the retirement program would be $1.920 per month and Jack asked everyone to study the sample ordinance for their consideration of approval January 18, 1983 - Continued Jim Tolleson said agrees It Is needed, but felt we should cost Involved and possibly aqopt it with the new budget would hate to see an~mployee become permanently di by benefits. This Is one area where Council has been lack forgetting about benefits fOT employees. Jim To 1 1 eson was a j 0 i nt meet I ng on Saturday with members of the and House of Representatives and the Cobb Board concerning s annexations. Jim said It WaS a good no one was ready to compromise. Jim said we shoulid stand fast and Carl Harrison's bill. Jim Tolleson said he h;:ld enjoyed working on this committee and they point at making som~ ch;:lnge in collection. We now have the lowest area but the equrpm~nt is old and we are spending a lot of vehicles on the road. Jim said they had figured what was actually pickup and there a $112.000 deficit being subsidized by the 1m said he would new committee to make a Ion soon not to franchise our garbage collection and eliminate the deficit account. this appo and to James Williams read a letter from Roy Free announcing his resig- Civil Service Board effective January 13, 1983. Th is the made by Mayor and Council.. James said Mr. Free has done a good job him for the time he has served. He also asked members of Council a replacement for this position. Jim Hawkins said Mr. Free has done a good job. and regretted he had resigned. (L at Morris said th~y 11 have State and Federal tax forms available for those that need them. J thanked Mrs. Morris for her enthusiasm and the good work she Is doing Jack Sh i na 11 sa I d he was a 1 so at the ,,'lnnexat i on meet i ng on Satu rday and sa i d this has to be resolved now, even if Mr. Harrison's bill fails. said it had been a pleasure working with Parks and Recreation underway In preparing for the busiest season ever. MaYOr At also In something said the annexations bY Marietta is more serious than meeting Bob Flowrnoy spoke, and Jack Shinall and ne speeches. Mayor Bacon said the City of Smyrna would this Thursday. This is everyone's battle. and it is is done because the annexations will not quit. rea 1 i ze . leson an ad me that Mayor Bacon read the new committee assignments as follows, effective today. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Jim Tolleson. Chairman Jim Hawkins Max Bacon PUBL I C SAFETY POLICE. FIRE & CIVIL DEFENSE Sarah Jones. Chairman James Vii 1 1 lams Jack Sh I na 1 1 INTENANCE Max Bacon, Chairman Elbert Coalson James \:1111 lams ENGINEERING & I NSPECT IONS James Williams. Chairman Max Bacon Jim Hawkins Jack Shinall. Chairman Jim Tolleson Elbert Coalson January 18. 19B3 - Continued PARKS & RECREATION AND I NSU RANCE LIBRARY. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. ALCOHOL & PRIVILEGE LICENSES Elbert Coalson. Chairman Sarah Jones Jim Tolleson Jim Hawkins. Chairman Jack Shinall Sarah Jones Mayor Bacon urged everyone to work together as a committee, and not individually. With no further business. meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m. 3 . WARD 5