October 4/18, 1982 Council Meeting
October 4, 1982
Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter
Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30
Mayor Arthur T. Bacon. All Council members were
torney Charles Camp, City Clerk Wll10uise Spivey,
hief Hubert Cochran, Public Works Director
r Sherry Reavis, Librarian Doris Morris,
'Hara, Building Inspector Larry Dunn and
lman Elbert Coalson, followed by the pledge to the
Stoddard, candidate for State Court Judge.
several yard signs she had removed from
and said that nothing has changed in the
people cannot be fined unless they are
made the following statement concerning
lewed several fine applicants for the position of
made the effort to apply and to the Civil
he reviews, the committee would like to express its
committee's selection process, it has been
activity is both within the Fire
Ity and various i ts have sought to
e on the Civil Service Board, the Public Safety
il. We do not feel that this is in the best
ainly do not believe that It is fair to the applicants
be unfair to the person nominated because
of cronyism or antlcronylsm from the
and do justice to the City
best Interests of the City and in fairness
atlon be made and that all applicants be
s made with the Interest of obtaining the best
retaining him, and In hOPe that the different
not for just their own interests, but for the City.
the responsibilities of Fire Chief until
all applicants be rejected and Hubert Cochran
Fire Chief, seconded by Max Bacon. Jim Tolleson
ason to put aside the rumors, late night
nt the best man qualified for the job.
test given and personal interviews were-given
ther passing or failing. The Civil Service Board
Jim said he thought we had the names of the three
Bacon read a letter from Pete Paulsen, one of the three recommended by the
Board, requesting that his name be withdrawn from consideration for
made a part of these minutes) signed by some
Cochran supporting him for Fire Chief,
should have been given to his 27 years of
served the City this many years
Service Board, but the
ion. Jim said he felt
er ~~rther discussion,
October 4, 1982 - Continued
a license to operate a cab company
questions from anYone in the audience.
1750 Atlanta Street, which Is outside
without a license, he can deLiver Inside
Mr. Sweat said he previously worked for
better serv i ceto the Smyrna area
have It vehicles andci,fe I tthat 5 would
said they would like to move their
location. Jack Shinall made a motion
license to operate Inside the City
Icense could be approved. Max Bacon
Construction COmpqTIY requested a variance on bul heights
for Bethel <Bapti St Chu rch on Sp ring St reetfqr an add] t Ion
exlstlngeducClj;;lonal llty. Mr. Harrison saId at present
at roof , ,and they are propos I ng a pitched roof which accounts
feet In height. Attorney Camp told Mr. Harrlsonth",t ",bout 2
Air Force had presented a report to Council concerning possible
flying aircraftlnthl,sareaand wanted to Inform him of that. Max
motion the variance be approved, seconded by Jim Hawkins. Vote on
ri ed 7-0.
reques ted
tab led to
foot on the front bui ldlng set-
present and Max Bacon made a
Jim Hawkins seconded the motion
Bacon said his committee had met with
machine business to establish a new fee
machines. Max made a motion the fol]ow-
Centers -
plus ~25 per machine, not to exceed $]500
$35 per machine
the motion. our present fees are
$3.00 per machine, and $25 for Individual machines.
r amuse-
they felt there should not be a cei] ing
vendor of these machlne.spays for one-
that one of the biggest problems we have
restaurants, etc., which are not permitted
was $ 1 7
, or have a
Rimme] said
fees on them
a little high. and did8't
than the game rooms were
cities In the area
felt businesses
machine. In
or ]5 machines
Ing ordinance Is
pay t he I r f a I r
think I twas
being charged.
said the
taxed on
ion from
they have
, Treasurer of Mil
felt the proposed I
for Indiv
Ion fal led by a 3-4
Wi]llams opposed.
and wou I d ] I ke to
against the
the total license fee.
made a mot Ion
a 7-0 vote.
Ward 5.
of land
percent (60%) of
who constitute
the area
of Smy
unde r the
through 69-9]2
to have
411, 412, 413; 1971, 399; 1976, Pages 1011, 1012; said
being described as follows, to wit:
or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 631 of the ]7th
County, Georgia, and being a portion of Lot 8,
lat of thereof describing said
page ,Records of Cobb County,
described as follows:
southwes ter I y
marker at the
Jonqul I Drive
Or! Lots
a d stance of
of 75 feet to
plat and subdl
Lots 8 and 9,
Jonquil Drive
the I y,
the ture
he easterly side of Jonquil Drive 117.6 feet
heasterly side of Jonquil Drive from a concrete
rsectlon of the right-of-way of Love Street and
Int of beginning also being at the line dividing
said plat and subdivision); running thence easterly
to an Iron pin; running thence southerly a distance
n at the line dividing Original Lots 8 and 9, said
nnlng thence westerly along the line dividing Original
of 200 feet to an Iron pin on the easterly side of
ce northerly, northwesterly, and northerly along
ly, and easterly s Ide of Jonqui I Drive and fo] lowing
distance of 81 feet to an iron pin and the point of
Witness the sl
or his ] ega I
acreage: s/
record title holders of the fee simple title,
of 60% of the land area above described by
, JR.
James WI ams
hear i ng for
a 7-0 vote.
the signature be validated and the date of public
Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by
rnestlne Johnson Vinson, Ange]a Vinson, Betty Johnson
ation of property In Land Lot 665, 1810 Teasley
was read as follows:
constitute sixty percent (60%) of the electors
below and who constitute sixty percent (60%)
by acreage of the area described below, which
s to the City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have
ty of Smyrna under the provisions of the Code
ions 69-904 thro -912 (Georgia Laws, Acts
, 412, 413; 1971, 1976, Pages lOll, 1012; said
ing described as fo]lows, to wit:
of land lying and being in Land Lot 665, 17th District,
Georgia and being Lot I, Block B, Section A-I, Rose
per plat recorded in Plat Book 15, page 95,
Georgia and being more particularly described as
the center formed by the intersection of the south-
Teasley Drive and the southwesterly right of way
thence southwe along the southeasterly
a distance of t to an iron pin at the
d plat. bloc on and subdivision; running
line div I and 2 a distance of 110
theasterly 108.44 feet to an Iron pin on the south-
Hester Park Drive; running thence northwesterly
ri of way of Hester Park Drive a distance of 1]0
point of beginning.
area descr I bed
title holders
the I and a rea
Imple title, or
ibed by acreage:
October 4, 1982 - Continued
made a motion
1,1982. Jim
be va] idated and the pub] Ic hearing
the motion which carrIed by a
Wi I ]
, Beverly D. Sellers reque?t.e<:! annex-
ley Drive. The appl ic",tlon was read
410, 4 11, 412,
",nnexed being des
percent (60%) of the electors
who constitute sixty percent (60%)
of the area described beloW, which
City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have
under the provisions of the Code
through 69-912 (Georgia Lgw?, Acts ]966,
399; 1976, Pages 1011, 1012; said property
, to wit:
tract or parcel
2nd Section of
Hills Subdi
pgge 95, Cobb
being In Land
ia and being Lot
as shown on plat
being more parttcul
BEGINNING at a point on
rly from the
of Teasley Drive 290.0 feet
southeasterly side of Teas]ey
Hester Park Drive, If s",Id street
inste",d of a curve; running thence south-
of Teas]ey Drive 80.0 feet to a point;
to a point; running thence north-
thence northwesterly 160.0 feet to
~rlve and the point of beginning.
tbe:;;ignature of 60% of>the electors resident In the area described
itle holders of the fee simple title.
of the land area above described by
made a mot i
1, 1982.
be val idated and the Public hearing be
the motion which carried 7-0.
and Mary K. McNeal requeste<:! annex-
n Land Lot 665. The app 1 icat I on was
, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the electors res Ident
below and who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the
land area by qCre",ge of the area described below, which is
and contiguou5tothe City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have
into the<C1tYof Smyrna under the provisions of the Code
,SectJons69-904 through 69-912 (Georgl",Laws. Acts
410,4] 1 , 41z,<413; 1971, 399; ]976, Pages lOll, 1012; said
annexed bei ng described as fa] lows, to wit:
tract or parcel
Rose Garden
Page 95,
fa I lows:
lying and being in Land Lot
Georgia, being Lot 2,
on., per plat of survey
, Georgia Records, being
the 17th
side of Teasl stance of
Ion fo rmed by 1 y
rly side of Teasley ce
rly side of TeasleY distance
northwest corner of Lot said block
along the ] inecHvl ding said
thence running northerly a dIstance of
a distance of 70.7 feettoa point
ated at
ing northweste
10 feet to the
corner of Lot 1, said block and subdivision; thence
the line dividing said Lots] and 2 a distance
Also, al] that
]7th Distr
Sect ion
In Plat
descr! bed
of land lying and being in Land Lot 665 of the
County, Georgia, being Lot 3, B]ock B,
Subdivision, per plat of survey recorded
County, Georgia Records, being more particularly
sterly side of Teasley Drive a distance of
Intersection formed by the southeasterly side
ter side of Teas]ey Drive; thence running
side of Teasley Drive a distance of
r at the northwest corner of Lot 4, said block
hence southeaster he line dividing said
160 feet to a po rner; thence running
f 80 feet to a tuated at the southeasterly
subdlvlsi ce running northwesterly
and 3 a distance of 160 feet to the point of
of the electors resident In the area described
record title holders of the fee simple title,
60% of the land area above described by
public hearing be
carried 7-0.
D. Arrowood requested annexation of property on
The application was read as follows:
itute sixty percent (60%) of the electors resident
o constitute sixty percent (60%) of the
of the area described below, which is un-
City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have said
r the provisions of the Code of Georgia
(Georgia Laws, Acts 1966, Pages 409,
76, Pages 1011, 1012; said property to be
fo]]ows, to wit:
land lying and being In Land Lot 633 of the 17th
County, Georgia and being more particularly
t side of Matthews Street 631.0 feet south
e Intersection of Matthews Street and Roswell
t 1,105 feet to a point; proceeding thence
proceeding thence east 200 feet to a point;
to a point thence west 1,305
thence north a t ast side of Matthews
to the point of inning.
Witness the
or his 1 eg a ]
cord title holders of the fee simple title,
60% of the land area above described by
ure be validated and the public hearing
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
of property In
October 4, 1982 - Continued
unincorporated and contiguous to the City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have said
area annexed into the City of Smyrna under the provisions of the Code of
Georgia Annotated, Sections 69-904 through 69-912 (Georgia Laws, Acts 1966,
Pages 409, 410, 411, 412, 413; ]971, 399; 1976, Pages 1011, 10]2; said
property to be annexed being described as follows, to wit:
A]l that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 633 of the 17th
District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia and being more particularly
described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the east side of Matthews Street 300 feet south from
the southeast corner of the intersection of Matthews Street and Roswell
Street; proceeding thence north 89 degrees 45 minutes a distance of 1,105
feet along an old hedge row to a fence corner; proceeding thence south 330.5
feet to an Iron pin; proceeding thence east 1,]05 feet to a point; proceeding
thence north along the east side of Matthews Street 331.0 feet and back to
the point of beginning.
Witness the signature of the record title holders of the fee simple tlt]e,
or his legal representative, of 60% of the land area above described by
acreage: s/EARL M. ARROWOOD
James Williams made a motion the signature be validated and the public hearing
set for November 1, 1982. Jack Shlna]l seconded the motion which carried by a
7-0 vote.
Mayor Bacon said our police department has been having difficulty in establishing
jurisdiction on certain roads In the City, where property was annexed and the
roadway not Included. We contacted the State Department of Transportation for
permission to annex a portion of South Cobb Drive and Mayor Bacon read a letter
from Jim McGee with the Department of Transportation stating they had no objection
to the annexation. Attorney Camp read the legal description to annex a portion of
South Cobb Drive and Cobb Parkway as follows:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots 780, 805 and
806 of the 17th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia, known as Cobb
Parkway (U.S. 41 Hwy.) being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at the center ]Ine of Cobb Parkway (U.S. 41 Hwy.) and the existing
city limits of the City of Smyrna, said property being a strip of roadway
200 feet in width, lying 100 feet on either side of the center line; running
thence in a northwesterly direction along the center line of Cobb Parkway
(U.S. 41 Hwy.) a distance of 1,690 feet.
Also, all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots 551, 552,
529, 528, 481 and 482 of the 17th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia,
known as South Cobb Drive (SR 280), being more particularly described as
BEGINNING at the center line of South Cobb Drive (SR 280) at Ridge Road,
said property being a strip of roadway 200 feet in width, lying 100 feet on
either side of the center line; running thence northwesterly a distance
of approximately 6,300 feet to the existing city limits at the Intersection
of South Cobb Drive (SR 280) and Wisteria Lane.
Jack Shinall made a motion the public hearing be held November ], 1982.
Williams seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Ordinance Amendment: Jack Shinall made a motion the proposed amendment to Section
]8-2 of the Code of Ordinances be tabled to the next meeting, to give the committee
time to meet again. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Commercial Bul]ding Permits: Commercial bul]ding permits were presented by
Inspector Larry Dunn and recorded as follows:
(J) Harrison Construction Company requested a permit for an addition to the
educational building at Bethel Baptist Church at an estimated cost of $153 000
Max Bacon made a ~otion the permit be approved, subJect to approval of the'Fjr~
Marshal. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
said that in 1974 the Mayor and Council closed
the City, but they were not advertised and posted.
that time some of the streets have been opened. Max made a motion the
dead-end streets be closed permanently after proper advertisement and
Barbara Lane.
Barbara Lane,
Brenda Drive,
Brenda Drive
Roll ingvlew
ing Creek
ing Drive,
Beach Va] ley
Ward 2.
Navaho Trail, southwest end
Shawnee Place, southeast end
Sioux Path, north end
Argyle Drive, east end
Hickory Place, south end
Ann Road, northeast end
Ward 5.
Hickory Acres Drive, west end
Jack Shinall
con suI t wit h
carried by a 7-0 vote. Max said he would
sure these streets are closed legally.
behind y owne
to Mr. Davis, with al
Hawkins seconded the motion
a motion that a IS-foot abandoned alley
IS at 1559 Roswell Street be quit claimed
expenses incurred to be paid by him. Jim
carried 7-0.
a motion that the existing 2" water line on Brown Road be
6" 1 t a cost of $4,018.20 to be paid from E&C Fund. Jim
the which carried 7-0.
that street lights be upgraded on Campbell Rdad from
ring Road from Atlanta Road to U.S. 41; and Concord
Drive, at a total cost of $7,000. Sarah
which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Parks Department be allowed to hang a banner
on At]anta Road at Spring Road October 7th; then
ta Road on October 13th; with the banner removed
Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
a moti
October 16th, f
Jonqui] City Fall Fest
a 7-0 vote.
Bank Street from Atlanta Road to King Street be
a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (rain date October 23rd) for the
James Wi]]Iams seconded the motion which carried by
$1200 be approved from the Contingency Fund to
ta Road in front of Be]mont Hills Shopping
ties has offered their assistance In the design,
close to the railroad right of way as they
motion. Jack Shinall said the Library also
to amend the motion to include $]00 for
Bacon seconded the amendment. Vote on the amend-
minutes of September 7, 1982 be approved as submitted.
which carried 7-0.
minutes of September 20, 1982 be approved as submitted.
Ich carried 7-0.
Jones said the Parks and Recreation Commission
to Mayor and Council that nothing be done
(Library) Doris Morris re
Morris for the exce] lent
on library activities. Jack Shinall thanked Mrs.
is doing.
Elbert C
and not
had expressed a desire to donate a tree each
ver we wanted. and would like to have each
Jim Hawkins said he
council would realize
few city employees who felt they could threaten
going to scare anyone, and would end these threats.
thought very little of these people to make accusations,
wi th them.
James Wi
year to
October 4, 1982 - Continued
tree dedicated to some individual who had contributed to the community. Mayor
Bacon suggested the first tree to be planted be in honor of Mazie Nelson.
(Fire) James Williams said the Fire Department had completed painting all the
plugs in the City.
(Inspections) Max Bacon said his committee had met with several businessmen from
Smyrna concerning our temporary sign ordinance, and it was a good meeting for
everyone concerned. Max said they felt our fees were not out of line, but their
biggest concern seemed total enforcement of the ordinance.
Max Bacon asked if the "no tu rn on red" sign on Sp ring Road at Campbe 1 1 Road cou I d
be changed to be effective during school hours only, as he has been receiving
complaints about traffic backing up on Campbell Road. Jim David said the sign
could be changed to be effective during certain hours of the day.
(Water) Jim Tolleson read a proposed ordinance amendment which will require
deposits for water and sewer service. Jim said this would be brought up at the
next meeting for a vote. Attorney Camp advised that a rate of Interest should
be established with passage of the ordinance, and also In the last paragraph
concerning fines, we might add that a fine would be charged plus any service used.
Announcements: CMA meeting at Smyrna City Hal] on October 12th; next council
meeting October 18, 1982.
With no further business, meeting adJourned at 9:00 p.m.
October 18, ]982
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held October 18, 1982 at
Smyrna City Hal]. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by
presiding officer Mayor Arthur T. Bacon. AI] Council members were present except
James Williams, who was out of town. Also present was City Attorney Charles Camp,
City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief R. E. Little, Acting Fire Chief Hubert
Cochran, Public Works Director Jim David, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley,
Librarian Doris Morris and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Reverend Harris Fennel] of the Smyrna Assembly of God,
followed by the pledge to the flag.
Mayor Bacon Introduced Don Jones, candidate for State Court Judge and Cody Holman,
candidate for State Senate and welcomed them to the meeting.
Presentation: Sarah Jones presented a plaque to Jim Brooks, who resigned from
the Parks and Recreation Commission. The plaque was in appreciation of his faith-
fu] service from October 1979 to September 1982.
Citizen Reports: Mrs. Callene Calvert of 2]44 Kennesaw Way said that two weeks
ago a car came into her yard with a Cobb County police car behind it. The driver
was charged with Driving Under the Influence, driving with no license, and the
car was towed away. The officer then told her family that they would be arrested
for harboring a fugitive. Later, members of the Smyrna and Cobb County Police
Departments came with a search warrant and said she had been dealing with narcotics
and stolen merchandise. Mrs. Calvert showed pictures to council of the mess they
made in searching her home, and said they confiscated Jewe]ry, guns and other Items.
Elbert Coalson said Mrs. Calvert was in his ward and he had talked with her about
the Incident. He turned the report over to James Williams who Is Chairman of the
Public Safety Committee, but Mr. Williams has been out of town and not able to
contact her. Mayor Bacon told Mrs. Calvert he would come to her home tomorrow
morning, and felt this should be looked into pretty thoroughly.
Mike Montgomery, a resident of Church Road complained about the new development
adjacent to his property, Hunting Trace. Mr. Montgomery said he was having a
very bad problem with water runoff onto his property and the developers are not
living up to their commitment, or building according to the plans that were
approved. Mr. Montgomery said that Vlc Broyles had already been out to the site
and agreed that the water runoff was bad, but said there was nothing the City
could do at this point. Mayor Bacon asked Jim David and Vic Broyles to meet with
Mr. Montgomery early the next day to see what could be done.
d the Cedar Cliff Homeowners Assocla-
to alter the definition of single
more than two (2) unrelated Individuals.
are more than two unrelated individuals
grandfather clause. Max Bacon said
he homes have not sold and are being
Harold said there were restrictive
think It would prevent this situation
s. 730 Concord Road requested a transfer of the wine,
license, the applicant being Lynette A]ligood
letter from Chief little stating their Investigation
would prohibit Mrs. Barnette from obtaining the
transfer be approved. Sarah Jones seconded the
Jim Hawkins abstaining.
Jr. requested annexation of property on Spring Road
riptlon having been read and made a part of the
meeting. Max Bacon made a motion the property
Ward 3. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which
of property Just annexed from Residential
i] itlonlng and heating repair
very at Ildlng with cars coming
ot anticipate any outside storage as you
sting building on the property will remain,
read the recommendation from the Planning and
sly recommended the rezoning be approved, and made
as requested. Jim To]leson seconded the motion
roximately 18 acres on Spring
ron and Billy Floyd
opposition. Mr. Sheron said
artments. They made appli-
a favorable recommendation
concern from the local citizens
Sheron said they had studied
felt the best and highest use
sted rezoning
to RM-]2. Mr.
and there was no
umber]and Bridge
ago and recel
rd, but due to some
e last minute. Mr.
of down-zoning and
Bridge was a beautiful development and his only
y 910 apartment units within a one-half mile
fie Is terr ,and the accident rate has gone
them to hol f on developing the property
he would personally rather have a shopping center,
be doing Justice to the people in his ward to
had proven that a shopping center generates more
Also, they will use the existing entrance
curb cut. Max Bacon asked if they had con-
s of ingress and egress. Mr. Billy Floyd
tments and for security reasons, they have
only one entrance and exit. Also, since
different of the day there should not
already Jiving re, as far as traffic is
they would be wi]]lng to help with the cost of
when the State roved it, and the answer was
willing to con ute In any way they could to
Road. A representative of Carter and
fflc study and said this property would
t of shopping area which would generate
as they have at Richway.
be approved,
im Tolleson
d this zoning be
minutes of June 3, 1985)
October 18, 1982 - Continued
Variance: Fred M. Shope requested a variance for his property on Spring annexed
and rezoned tonight. Mr. Joe Boling said he would construct the building and
presented plans to Mayor and Council. The ordinance calls for a 50 foot buffer
on the side yard abutting residential property and they were asking to vary to
a 10 foot buffer. Mr. Boling said the extra footage would be needed for parking
and later on they may want to add onto the building. Jim Hawkins said that the
request as stated, was to vary from 50 feet to 40 feet and they would not be
able to act on this request tonight. Mr. Boling said he did not realize the
letter was Incorrect, but what they need is a variance from 50 feet to ]0 feet.
Jack Shinall made a motion this variance be tabled to the next meeting, to allow
Mr. Shope to reapply for the variance needed. Max Bacon seconded the motion
which carried by a 6-0 vote.
Variance: Afton Downs requested a variance of one foot three Inches on the
front building setback line for Jot 60. A representative for Afton Downs said
the building was built over the line in error and they don't know if the survey
was wrong, or if the pins were moved. At the time of closing It was brought to
their attention that the building was over the 1 ine. Max Bacon made a motion the
variance be granted and Mr. Minchew fined $200 for the building violation. Jack
Shinall seconded the motion which carried 5-1, with Jim Tol]eson opposed.
There were no commercial building permits to bring before council.
Business License: A publ ic hearing was held to consider the request by David
R. Sweat for a business license to operate A.A.A. Cab Company In the City. There
was no opposition. Mr. Wi]]iam Rogers asked if the City had ordinances and
requirements for cab companies to comply with. and the answer was yes. Jack
Shinall made a motion the business license be granted, seconded by Elbert Coalson.
Vote on the motion carried 6-0.
Mayor Bacon read a letter from Harris Fennell, Pastor of Smyrna Assembly of God,
requesting permfssion to use mobile housing during their new construction at
4200 King Springs Road as follows:
1. One mobile building not larger than 14' x 72' for the purpose of
temporary offices to be used for the church staff on a daily basis.
2. One mobile building 24' x 60' to be used for smaller meetings of the
church and for storage.
3. One mobile building not larger than 12' x 40' to be used as a construction
superintendent's office and storage.
Mr. Fennel] said they would need these facilities for about a year beginning on
or about January 1, 1983. During construction, their regular Sunday worship
services will be conducted at a nearby school.
Attorney Camp said this council could not approve a request such as this to ex-
tend beyond December 31, 1983. and should be granted effective January]. 1983
and expire December 31, 1983. Mr. Fennell said he may need the buildings In
place sooner than that. Elbert Coalson made a motion the request be granted to
use m~bile housing for one year, beginning December 1, 1982 through December 1,
1983. Jack Shinall seconded the motion. Mr. Fennell said he would also need
sewer connections on one of the buildings, which would be subJect to approval of
the building inspector and fire marshal. Vote on the motion carried 6-0.
Request for bids: Jim Hawkins made a motion that bids be accepted for re-roofing
of City Ha]l and the Police Station per specifications prepared by Jim Mallett,
to be opened November 1, 1982. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried
Max Bacon made a motion that bids be accepted for three new police vehicles, to
be opened the second meeting In November. Jim To]leson seconded the motion which
carried by a 6-0 vote.
Elbert Coalson made a motion that bids be accepted for a curbing machine for the
Streets Department to be opened November 1, ]982. Jim Tolleson seconded the
motion which carried 6-0.
Jim Tolleson said that at the CMA meeting held October 12th, a resolution was
introduced requesting a special pollee tax district, similar to the fire tax
districts, where incorporated areas would not pay Cobb County taxes for police
- Continued
read the resolution as follows, and made a motion It be adopted
the six (6) municipalities of Cobb County, Acworth, Austell,
Kennesaw, Marietta, Powder Springs and Smyrna operate their own
Police Departments; and
separate Police Department to maintain the
ated area; and
six (6) cities pay,for the County Police
their own; and
pay for the Departments of the six (6)
through fines and forfeitures; and
city residents paying for services rendered In
d area of the County is known to al] persons and
rden; now
r assembled to call upon the Cobb Legislative
rs of the County of Cobb to end this
the creation of a special tax district to
ated area of Cobb County, just ]Ike the
tment Is presently financed; and
of the
wi 11 1 ikely result in a higher tax burden
area and a lightening of the tax burden In
is as It should be and may well result In better,
surer law enforcement in the unincorporated area
Jim Tolleson said this resolution would be sent
ld appoint a committee of 2 or 3 people to present
County De]egation and County Commissioners. Vote on
fees be adopted for amusement centers and
plus $25 per machine
the flat rate fee as was originally proposed and
a business license for amusement centers. Jack
carried 6-0.
id the City's liability Insurance was up for
out for bids at the next meeting.
(Parks) Sarah Jones reminded everyone of the Halloween Carnlva] at Cobb Center
on October 30th.
Jim David when the paving would begin on Cherokee
David said the contractor had Informed
have installed three new overhead lights in the
shelving. Doris expressed her appreciation to
s in cleaning and said she has received many
(Finance) Jim Hawkins said we are on line with our budget and the City Is In
better financial shape that we have been In several years. Jim said the thanks
should go to the preceding finance committee.
Max Bacon made a mot
on the floor. Jack
suspended to allow him to place a motion
the motion which carried 6-0.
Max Bacon said the
Halloween party on
C 1 i ffs
nd made a m
slon wanted to have a block
that Cedar Ridge Court be
October 18, 1982 - Continued
st from 6
Jack Shinall seconcledthe motion
to Allen Halpern for
trees and shrubs
Jim said work should
be some
les in
about people parking<tractor-
asked for clar'lficationof. the
not a 1 ] owed anywhere On city
6:00 a.m., for vehicles weighing
d have Jurisdiction If these vehicles
r ], ]982 and the Cobb County
had rece
too late
which carr
Barrow Wrecker Service for a
agenda. Jack ShInall made a
on the floor. Jim To]]eson
a motion
. October
Wrecker Service be issued a parade
Shinall seconded the motion which
With no further business, meeting ",dJourned at 8:55 p.m.