August 2/16, 1982 Council Meeting
August 2. 1982
scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter
at Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order by presiding
hur T. Bacon. All Council members were present. Also present was
rles y Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief R. E. Little,
Public Works Director Jim David. Parks and
. Civil Defense Director Jim Farley, Librarian
the press.
by Jim Hawkins, followed by the pledge to the flag.
Larry McDonald had been detained in a meeting and
on during the meeting when he arrived.
two rezonings on the agenda tonight had been with-
for property on Woodruff Drive. 19.72 acres from
he other was property owned by R. L. Ruff at the
ad, from Office & Institutional to General
two letters requesting the applications be with-
d said if these people reapplied the notices would
osted. as before.
There were no citizens reports.
Jim Tolleson
1 1 Road
2. the legal
u 1 y 6. 1982
made a motion that property in Land Lots 702, 738 and
IS Cabin) be annexed into the City to become a part
ion having been read and made a part of the minutes
Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
ted rezoning of the above mentioned property from
Mr. Poole said the building has been there since
aurant in 1939 and was still zoned R-20 in the
destroyed by fire, he would not be able to re-
y and desired to have the property properly
ed into the City. Mayor Bacon read the minutes
d meeting where they unanimously recommended the
was no opposition, and Jim Tolleson made a motion the
ted. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried
ed rezoning of property at 1566 Spring Street in
istribution. This request was tabled at the
being present. Mr. Argo said he planned to
lot, hopefully before the end of the year.
se will be torn down. The rezoning was being re-
xpand his present business. There was no opposition,
the zoning be approved. James Williams seconded the
Privil License:
f thel
tabled at the July 19t
Ann Bunting, applicant
d she was not emplo
i ce r . J
an empl
1 i censes was
license. Mr. Albrigh
specifically author
ces. Mr. Ca
Miss Bunting
on from the
the next council meeting.
vote, with James Williams
ardo Mexican Restaurant, 2728 Spring Road requested a
and liquor pouring license. This request was also
ng due to the applicant not being present. Martha
nt with Attorney Keith Albright. Miss Bunting
restaurant but her father worked for the company
asked if Miss Bunting could be the licensee
ing any actual affiliation with the corporation.
latest ordinance revisions for alcoholic
ent designated by the corporation to hold the
s Bunting had been appointed as agent. and
license and be responsible for upholding the
would need a letter from the company. assuring
authorized agent. and totally responsible.
made a motion the license be approved, pending
Miss Bunting is their legal representative, by
inall seconded the motion which carried by a 5-2
rt Coalson opposed.
McDonald presented Red Cross Certificates of Merit
, Smyrna Police Officer J. C. Puryear, and Theodore
for administering CPR to Mrs. Kathryn Etheridge
driving her car. This is the highest award given
es were signed by President Ronald Reagan and
tional Red Cross. Mrs. Etheridge was successfully
August 2, l~82 - Continued
Mayor Bacon called for a 5 minute recess.
Business License: Rita Forscher applied for a business license for an hourly-
rate babysitting service, "Time for Children" to be located at Cumberland Crossing
Shopping Center on Hargrove Road. Mrs. Forscher said she had been notified by
letter from the State that they do not consider this a child care facility and
this type service would not fall under their present regulations. Mrs. Forscher
said this service would benefit parents who are going to be using the shopping and
entertainment facilities in the area and felt it would be a vital service to the
community. Jim Tolleson said the City Code of Ordinances does not have a category
for babysitting services such as this and made a motion the license be granted as
a child care facility. Sarah Jones seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0
Mayor Bacon recognized Mr. Roy Orr, Administrator of Smyrna Hospital and thanked
him and his staff for their efforts in the emergency treatment and convalescence
of Mrs. Etheredge.
There were no commercial building permits to being before council.
Jim Tolleson said the City was continuing in its efforts to do away with all pumping
stations and "upon Jim Davidls recommendation. made a motion the station at Rolling-
view Drive and Barbara Lane be replaced with gravity flow sewer lines. Max Bacon
seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Max Bacon made a motion that stop signs be erected on Dunn Street at Legion Drive
and also Shawnee Trail at Creat Trail. Jim David had recommended these signs
be installed and felt it would slow traffic on these streets. Jim Hawkins seconded
the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Approval of Minutes: Jim Hawkins made a motion the minutes of July 6, 1982 be
approved as submitted. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0
vote, with Jack Shinall abstaining.
James Williams made a motion the minutes of July 19, 1982 be approved as submitted.
Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Committee Reports: (Water) Jim Tolleson said he and Mayor Bacon had met with the
County today and will meet again Wednesday night at 6:00 with all council members,
concerning the water and sewer boundary line agreement.
(Streets) Max Bacon said the new street lights had been installed in the down-
town a rea.
(Li bra ry)
Doris Morris gave a report of summer programs taking place in the library.
(Privilege License) Jack Shinall said there was some concern tonight about the
legality of the liquor pouring license issued and he would be in touch with Mr.
Camp tomorrow to be sure we are in compliance with our local ordinance and State
law, and would advise Ms. Spivey if there was any problem.
(Parks) Sherry Reavis said Smyrna won the swimming and diving championship and
several members of the swim team will advance to the State finals.
Announcements: Mayor Bacon asked everyone to be present for the meeting on
Wednesday night; next council meeting will be August 16, 1982.
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:l8 p.m.
Augus t 16, 1982
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held August 16, 1982 at
Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by
presiding officer Mayor Arthur T. Bacon. All Council members were present. Also
present was City Attorney Charles Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief
R. E. Little. Acting Fire Chief Hubert Cochran, Public Works Director Jim David,
Parks and Recreation Director Sherry Reavis, Librarian Doris Morris, Building
Inspector Larry Dunn, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley and representatives of the
August 16, 1982 - Continued
Invocation was given by Councilman Elbert Coalson, followed by the pledge to the
s: Thomas Williams of Carolyn Drive thanked Mayor Bacon and CouncIl
r extra efforts in controlling the dogs in his neighborhood and said there
has been a remarkable change.
said the
we were
to Larry
any that
right of ways were decreasing and asked Mayor Bacon
el iminating them all. Mayor Bacon said we had hi red
d his main job will be to enforce the sign ordinance
Service Board presented a letter of recommen-
h the names of three candidates to fill the position
ted were: Jen (Pete) Paulsen, Sam Kenneth Gosa
t Coalson made a motion the names be turned over
their consideration, with a recommendation back
seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
by Plantation Lighting would be moved down
had not arrived.
requested a variance of l6.7 feet on the rear yard set-
construction of Smyrna Frame & Art Shop, at 1154 Concord Road. Mr.
had two letters stating this his property is suitably zoned under
usiness. Jim Hawkins said that Limited Commercial does
felt this would be a retail sales store. Attorney
t have a classification for art and frame shops
e sales, which would be allowed under Limited
would be a very attractive building and his plans
Concord Road and exit onto King Springs Road. Jim
erious drainage problems at this location and Mr.
ged for proper water-runoff. There was no opposition
said he also owns the home adjoining this lot and
owner to the rear stating he has no objections.
should apply for rezoning on the property and
ed, seconded by Jim Tolleson. Mr. Cole said he
se he was told the property was properly zoned
t was a matter of interpretation of the ordinance,
be classified as office sales. After further
the second, and the motion to deny died for lack
a motion the variance be approved, seconded by
motion carried 5-2, with Jim Hawkins and James Williams
of Plantation Lighting requested a variance of l4 feet
to add onto the existing building. There was no
e a motion the variance be approved. Sarah Jones
ried by a ]-0 vote.
Atlanta Road requested a variance on their
from 20 to 15. Mr. Edward Mock represented the
rflow of parking occur. cars could be parked
approximately 4,000 square feet was paved with
and Elbert Coalson made a motion the variance
the motion which carried 7-0.
ed a variance at 860 Concord Raod for construction
requires a 20,000 square foot lot under General
os said his lot contains approximately 18,000 square
d comply with the front, side and rear yard set-
combined with Fat Boy Restaurant, which he also owns.
Hawkins made a motion the variance be approved.
which carried by a ]-0 vote.
A. Rape applied for a residential permit to
service from his home at 1513 Roswell Street.
e conducted by telephone and he would go to
ce their vehicle. There will not be any work
e. James Williams made a motion the license
on. Vote on the motion carried 7-0.
August 16, 1982 - Continued
Commercial Building Permits:
Inspector Lar ry Dunn and reco
bu i 1 ding pe rm its we re p resen ted by
t for construction of
Tolleson made a motion
ett. Max Bacon seconded the
& Art Shop
total esti
, subject to
Jim Hawkins
a permit for new constructiqn at 1154
qf $50,000. Max Bacon made a motion to
of the Fire Marshal. Vote on the motion
Williams opposed.
mot i on that
of the Wel
, to be pa
approved from the General FLindto pay
fo r the phys i ca 1 f game fie 1 d
lments. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion
app roved f rom the Gene ra 1 Fund to pay
Smyrna Park. The.:b i d.sfor . the fence
James Williams seconded the motion.
the motion was his
full amount. Vote on motion carried
for two a i r
as follows:
the Civi 1 Defense Departmeot>were opened,
Equipment, Inc.
i lle, Fla.
$ I ,885. 10
Service Co.
rk Dr.
, Georgia
$l,980.00 (Alternate to bids specified)
(Alternate bid)
Equipment, Inc.
be . referred to comm
seconded the motion whi
eql,.lipment, and Willouise
r recommen-
by a
id the
bids be
Wi II owb rook pump i ng
Two bids will be
to run lines th rough .a
from the railroad to
as yet. Sarah Jones
to be
mot ion
system be purchased from
bids, since Motorola
r existing system.
on a lease-purchase
recorder was
seconded the motion whi
tha~ counci 1 cou 1 d app
t ration ,.James Wi 11 i ams h
For the dqrat ion of th'
ad .... IS
mlol$tratlon continue the lease.
August l6, 1982 - Continued
la e Rate: Jim Hawkins said the State had factored our tax digest
eas roperty assessments by 9%, and made a motion the millage rate for
reduced from l3.75 to l3.25 Which was the recommendation of the Finance
Jack Shinall said he would vote against this motion because it would be
a tax increase. Bacon said he was also opposed and felt we could
one mill and st' enough in excess funds for unbudgeted items
ave to be paid s budget. Jim Hawkins said with the new tax
a $60,0 ld increase $lO.OO per year and felt the one-half
was just he excess funds are needed for future growth and
will a to give a 5% pay increase to all city employees,
deserv Shinall said he felt we had not budgeted correctly
ding t is we could approve a one mill rollback and still have
in unb Also, he would not vote for a 5% increase in pay
ity received a l7k% increase over the last 2 years. After
ussion, J seconded the motion to reduce the millage from
25 which y a 5-2 vote, with Max Bacon and Jack Shinall opposed.
vot i ng for
on the
all employees including department heads receive
by James Williams. Max Bacon said he would
study the salary scale to see if it can be
reases for employees at the top of their range.
the scale. readjusted and would like to compare
approving an increase. Following discussion,
5-2, with Max Bacon and Jack Shinall opposed.
Tolleson made a motion
H. Cook be set
the motion which carri
the hearing of the appeal of recorderls court by
first meeting in September. Jack Shinall seconded
a 7-0 vote.
the City adopted a resolution regarding the
mortgage loans under the Housing Authority of Cobb
resubmitted for approval. Willouise Spivey
ce in this ordinance and the one previously
aph. The original ordinance called out the
one calls for one or more series of bonds.
Mayor be authorized to sign the resolution. Jim
ich carried by a 7-0 vote.
be set for
by a 7-0 vote.
ay in September would be Labor Day and we would
Elbert Coalson made a motion the first meeting
, September 7th. Jack Shinall seconded the motion
arade permit be issued for Smyrna Athletic Association
s on August 21st. Jack Shinall seconded the motion
de a mot
r opening d
which carried by a 7
ts) Elbert Coalson read a letter from Vie Broyles
'ects requiring approval, and said they would be on the
(Library) Doris Morri
entries which were all
the summer reading program had ended, with 37 contest
ay at the Library.
(Privilege License) Jack Shinall stated that all business licenses for alcoholic
beverages have been paid for the year.
said that Mr. Gene Golden had been hired in the Inspections
within the next few weeks we will see a great improvement
Max Bacon said there are several businesses in Smyrna now that do not have paved
parking. including entrances and exits, and would like for all these to be required
to have their parking lots paved,
Max Bacon recognized Commissioner Harvey Paschal present in the audience.
(Sanitat ) Jim Tolleson said the supplier of our underground garbage can units
ne on thei r prices again. We are sell ing the units for $100 now, and are
$ll2.93 for them. This will be brought up at the next meeting to increase
to our customers. Also, he has received questions from citizens about our
August 16, 1982 - Continued
means thel i
a new one.
rliners upsidedown.
out and they should come
Mayor Bacon remlnded<everyone of the Jonquil Breakfast on Wednesday
counci 1 meeting on September 7th.
business, meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Eu ene Golden, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly
as Building Inspector of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing
I will thfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said
the best of my ility, without fear or favor, and in all my actions
as BUILDING INSPECTOR act as I believe for the best interest of the said
City. So help me God.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 9th day of August, 1982.
, do solemnly swear that I will well and truly
of the City of Smyrna for tne ensuing term,
enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City
of my ability, without fear or favor. and in all my actions as
L act as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help
me God.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 9th day of August, 1982.