June 7/21, 1982 Council Meeting
June 7, 1982
Bui Iding
scheduled meeting
1982. The meeting
All Counc
Recreat i
of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter
was called to order by presiding officer Mayor Arthur
present. Also present was Police Chief R. E.
hran, Assistant Public Works Director Vlc Broyles,
Reavis, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley,
representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Jim Hawkins, followed by the pledge to the flag.
Mayor Bacon stated the rezoning request on Powder Springs Street from R-15 to
Residential Hlghrlse had been withdrawn and read a letter from Ruth C. Hammond,
applicant, dated June 4, 1982 requesting that It be withdrawn.
Sue Brissey
ght several yard
read a letter
these signs,
sale signs
Mayor to
r thel r job
of the illegal signs being placed in the
that she had removed on Concord Road. Jim
all city employees asking their help In
may be.
Mr. Bill Taylor thank Bacon for announcing at the opening of the meeting
that the rezoning on P Springs Street had been withdrawn and also thanked all
the councilmen they had contacted for listening to their reasons of objection.
Presentation: Mr. Bob Arnold, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission
pr a plaque to Pat Cole for her service to the commission, but was resigning
a position with the Hospital Authority Board.
Charles McLane requested rezoning of property on Concord Road, Land Lot
R-15 to Limited Commercial. There was no opposition. Mr. McLane said
the building would be used for a Chiropractor or Doctor's office. Also he had
agreed masonry front to the building and a portion of the front lot would
be main n grass. Jim Hawkins made a motion the zoning be approved. Jack
Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
K. E. Edwards, Jr. and Slade C. Young, applicants, requested annexation
In Land Lots 341 and 380, fronting on Church Road, the legal description
having been read and made a part of the minutes of the May 3rd meeting. There was
no opposition and Sarah Jones made a motion the property be annexed, to become a
part of Ward 7. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Edwards, Jr. and Slade C. Young requested rezoning of property just
RM-12 to Residential Townhouse District. Mark Reed was spokesman for
sand sal plans were to build fee simple townhouses. The RTD
on allows units and they will build 65 units, which reduces the
r the pre 12 classification by 20 units. Jim Hawkins asked If
ully stud plans to be sure he would not need to ask for variances
later date. Mr. d he had, and felt reasonably sure there would be no
for variances by reducing the density from 71 to 65 units.
There were two ladies opposed who owned adjoining property and were concerned with
water runoff onto their property. Mr. Reed assured them the engineers were working
on this now, and they would be working with the City engineers and would meet all
the gulatlons and requirements to control water runoff. After further discussion,
Sar Jones made a motion the rezoning be approved. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion
which carried by a 7-0 vote.
natures: Thomas J. Northcutt, Jr., Chrlstopha Northcutt Sanders
Northcutt Bennett requested annexation of property in Land Lots 702,
703,738 and 739. The application was read as follows:
We the undersigned, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the electors resident
in the area described below and who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the
owners of the land area by acreage of the area described below, which is
unincorporated and us to the City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have said
area annexed Into t of Smyrna under the provisions of the Code of Georgia
Annotated, Sections through 69-912 (Georgia Laws, Acts 1966, Pages 409,
410, 411, 412, 413; 1971, 399; 1976, Pages 1011, 1012; said property to be
annexed being described as follows, to wit:
that tract or parcel of land lying and being In Land Lots 702, 703, 738
an 739 of the 17th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia, being more
particularly described as follows:
June 7, 1982 - Continued
at an iron pin set on southern right-of-way line of Spring Road
a 100-foot rlght-of-Wi3Y) the point of Intersection of said right-
line with the line common to Land Lots 738 and 775, aforesaid District,
and County, and runn thence South 09 degrees, 07 minutes 33 seconds
said line common Land Lots 738 and 775, a dlstanceof 740.83
an Iron pin set on the northwestern right-of-way 1 ine of Campbell
(having a 50-foot right-of-way), thence South 39 degrees, 39>mlnutes 33
secqnds West, along said right-of-way line of Campbell Road, a
distance of 1,024.67 feet to iron found; thence North 51 degrees, 07
20 seconds West a di of 500.35 feet to an angle iron found;
South 38 degrees, 52 m 23 seconds West a distance of 600.22 feet
angle Iron found; thence 51 degrees, 07 minutes 40 seconds East
a distance of 500.42 feet to angle iron found on the northwestern right-of-
way line of Campbell Road; In a southwesterly direction, said
northwestern right-of-way C<;Impbell Road, the followl and
distances: South 38 degrees, nutes 43 seconds West a dis of 252.95
feet to a point; along the arc of a 736.15-foot radius curve, distance
of 2J5.53 feet to a point (sa arc having a chord lying to the southeast of
said and bearing South 30 , 17 minutes 27 seconds West a distance
feet); and South 21 , 54 minutes 12 seconds West a distance
feet to an Iron pi the point of Intersection Id north-
western right-of-way line of 1 Road with the northern right-of-way 1 ine
of the Loulsvi lIe & Nashvl lIe road (having a 66-foot right-of-way); thence
In a northwesterly, westerly, southwesterly direction, along said northern
right-of-way line of the Louisville & Nashville Rai 1 road, the following courses
and distances: along the arc of a 1,293.96-foot radius curve, an arc distance
of 1,106.28 feet to a point (said arc being subtended by a chord lying to the
south of said arc and bearing South 86 degrees, 57 minutes 24 seconds West a
1,072.89 feet); and<South 62 degrees, 27 minutes 50 seconds West
of 193.06 feet to an iron pin set on the 1 ine common to Land Lots
702, aforesaid District, Section, and County; thence North 05 degrees,
49 seconds '.>Jest a dist<;lnce of 455.40 feet to an iron pin set on said
Lot Line; thence continuing North 05 degrees, 28 minutes 49 seconds West,
said Land Lot Line, a d of 20.00 feet, more or less, to the point
rsection of said Land Line with the centerline of Poplar Creek (said
so being hereinafter referred to as the "Traverse Beginning Point");
In a general.ly northeasterly direction, along the centerline of Poplar
, and following the meanderings thereof, a distance of 2,520.00 feet, more
, to the point of Intersection of said centerline of Poplar Creek with
d southern right-of-way 1 Spring Road (said point also being here-
inqfter referred to as the Termlnat ion Point"); (The said centerline
of Poplar Creek having a t line described as follows: Beginning at the
Traverse Beginning Point, and running thence North 53 degrees,S!? minutes
49 seconds East a distance of 443.79 feet to a point; North 29 degrees, 10
28 seconds East a di$tanceof 430.28 feet to a point; North 31 degrees,
27 seconds East a distance of 329.83 feet to a point; North 28
09 minutes 07seconqsEast a distance of 269.60 feet to a point;
degrees, 37 minutes 2.6 seconds East a distance of 428.58 feet to
a point; North 43 degrees, 18 minutes 25 seconds East a distance of 245.09
feet to a point; and North 13 qegrees, 46 minutes 16 seconds East a distance
of 365.57 feet to the Traverse Termination Point;) thence North 87 degrees,
30 minutes 00 seconds East, along said southern right-of-way line of Spring
Road, a distance of 1,208.63 feet to the iron pin set and point of BEGINNING.
The above-described property Is shown as 72.171 acres on, and
according to Boundary Survey prepared for A. G. Spanos by W.
Geor~iaReglstered Land SurveyorN.o. 1873, Benchmark Eng i
di3ted November 25, 1981, last revised December 8, 1981, which
survey Is Incorporated herein by this reference and made a part
Is Boutwell,
plat of
of this
and except from the above-described property, the following:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 702 of the 17th
District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia, and being more particularly
described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point at the Intersection of the Northeasterly right-of-way
W&A Railroad and the Northwesterly right-of-way of Campbell Road; thence
degrees, 52 minutes 2.2 seconds West along the Northe<;lsiterly rlght-
the W&A Railroad, 45.62 feet to a point; continuing Northwesterly
June 7, 1982 - Continued
the Northeasterly right-of-way of the W&A Railroad, along the arc of a
having a radius of 1,420.15 feet, a distance of 482.14 feet to a point;
Westerly and Southwesterly along the Northerly and Northwesterly rlght-
of the W&A Railroad, along the arc of a curve having a radius of 1,041.41
a distance of 467.67 feet to a point; thence South 70 degrees, 17 minutes
conds Wong the Northwesterly right-of-way of the W&A Railroad,
feet to nt; thence South 66 degrees, 04 minutes 38 seconds West,
along the Nor rly right-or-way of the W&A Railroad, 101.26 feet to a
point; thence 64 de es, 23 minutes 35 seconds West, along the North-
westerly right-or-way of e W&A Railroad, 103.97 feet to the West line of
Land Lot 702; thence North 0 degrees, 37 minutes 42 seconds West, along the
West line or Land Lot 702, 46.71 feet to a point; thence North 64 degrees,
38 minutes 29 seconds East, 86.32 feet to a point; thence North 66 degrees,
11 minutes 35 seconds East, 105.95 feet to a point; thence North 70 degrees,
23 minutes 14 seconds East, 92.86 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly and
Easterly along the arc of a curve having a radius of 1,083.41 feet, a distance
of 486.53 feet to a point; thence Southeasterly along the arc of a curve
having a radius of 1,462.15 feet, a distance of 496.4 feet to a point;
thence South 69 degrees, 44 minutes 13 seconds East, 46.17 feet to a point
on the Northwesterly right-of-way of Campbell Road; thence South 22 degrees,
51 minutes 22 seconds West, along the Northwesterly right-of-way of Campbell
Road, 41.12 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Said parcel being the same as
conveyed by Sellers unto the State of Georgia for the use and benefit of the
Western and Atlantic Railroad by three (3) certain Warranty Deeds dated
Ma rch, 1982.
all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots 775,
d 739 of 17th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia, known as
11 Road (ha a 50' right of way) beginning with the centerline of
1 Road and southerly side of Spring Road, running thence south-
westerly and being 50' in width, lying 25' on either side of the centerline
of C 11 Road to the Intersection of the centerline of Campbell Road and
the rly rl way 1 ine of L&N Railroad (W&A Railroad and State of
Georgia) and the Isting city limit line of the City of Smyrna. Said road
right of way lying parallel to the southern boundaries of the above described
Witness the signature of 60% of the electors resident In the area described
below: s/GARY LEE SUPER, 423 Campbell Road; JOE G. HICKS & REGINA KINSEY
HICKS, 503 Campbell Road.
Witness the signature of the record title holders of the fee simple title, or
his legal representative, of 60% of the land area above described by acreage:
Jim Tolleson made a motion the signatures be validated and the public hearing be
set for July 12th. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Validation 0
Wimberly N.
Street. The
Thomas J. Northcutt, Jr., Christopha N. Sanders and
in Land Lot 775 on Spring
read as fo 1 lows:
We the undersigned, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the owners of the
land area by acreage of the area described below, which Is unincorporated and
contiguous to the City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have said area annexed into
the City of Smyrna under the provisions of the Code of Georgia Annotated,
Sections 69-904 through 69-912 (Georgia Laws, Acts 1966, Pages 409,410,411,
412,413; 1971,399; 1976, Pages 1011, 1012; said property to be annexed being
described as follows, to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being In Land Lot 775 of the 17th
District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia, being more particularly described
as follows:
s 738 and
t-of-way 1 I ne
15 minutes 50 second
by the Intersection of the line common to Land
rict, Section, and County and the Northwestern
11 Road, and running thence North 01 degrees,
along said line common to said Land Lots 738 and
June 7, 1982 - Continued
of 740.37 feet nforced rod found located on the Southern
1 ine of Spring a 100 foot right-of-way); thence in
direction along rn right-of-way line of Spring Road
courses and South 88 degrees, 40 minutes 05 seconds
of 205.20 a point along the arc of a 14, .940 foot
an arc distance of 605.75 feet to a point (said Ing a
the north of and bearing South 89 degrees, minutes
a distance of feet), and North 88 degrees, 55 minutes
a distance feet to a point; thence South 34 degrees,
seconds East a of 44.44 feet to a point on the North-
1 I ne of 1 Road (a 50 foot right-of-way); thence
tern ri line of Campbell Road along the arc
foot radius curve rc distance of 157.63 feet toa point
a chord lying to the southeast of said arc and bearing South
54 degrees, 51 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 157.62 feet); thence along
said Northwestern right-of-way line of Campbell Road South 54 degrees, 05
minutes 00 seconds West a distan.ceof 533.85 feet to a point; thence along
said Northwestern right-of-way line of Campbell Road along the arc of a
2,2.45.860 foot radius curve distance of 444.87 feet (said arc having a
chord lying to the southeast d arc and bearing South 48 degrees, 24
mlnl.ltes 35 seconds West a distance of 444.14 feet) to a point and point of
aBove described property Is shown as 7.5674 acres on, and described
acc;ordlng a survey prepared for Argy 1 e Rea I ty Company by Roger L Cordes,
Georgia Reg stered Land Surveyor, dated January, 1982, which plat of survey
is incorporated herein by this reference and made a part of this description.
Witness the signature of the record title holders of the fee simple title,
orhJs legal representative, of 60% of the land area above described by
made a motion the signatures be validated and the publ ic hearing be
6th. Jim said that~ather than have the hearings on July 12th he
a motion later that the first meeting in July be set for the 6th.
seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Jim Tolleson made a motion that the previous vote on the pub11c hearing for July
12th be amended to be set for July 6th. Sarah Jones seconded the motion which
carried by a 7-0 vote.
Drs. Dellinger & I requested annexation of property Land Lots
Pat Mell Road, the description having been read the minutes
of the May 3rd meeting. Elbert Coalson said there were wrecked cars parked on
the property, and he did not know what their intentions were for the use. Mr.
Ralph 13",rrett of 166 Pat Mell Road said he was directly across the street from this
prope~ty and said there was approximately 10 wrecked cars there now, and would 1 ike
to have the annexation denied. Elbert Coalson made a motion the annexation request
be denieo,seconded by Max Bacon. discussion the motion and second were
withdrawn. Jim Tolleson said the annexation notice had not been advertised, and
Attorney Camp said without proper advertisement it would be Illegal to act on the
request tonight.
rlie Jones requested a variance at Sprlngwoods Subdivision on the
dth of nine lots located on cul-de-sacs. Mr. Jones said the prel iminary
before adoption of our ordinance for Residential Duplexes. Dan
our ordinance requires a 40' width on the front of the lot, The
that the minimum right of way should be 50', and If the
could increase the right of way, which is now 70', It would widen the
required 40'. Attorney C",mp said another method of accomplishing Mr.
wowld be to accept",contlnuous dedication of whatever footage he
give him a variance On the building setback lines on the front. This
a preferable method, without staggering the right of way on the street
Mr. Jones said If this was granted, It would not the
the original plans, had actually deleted M~. Camp
rpose of the front bul was to give unl appearance
on the street and Idlng line should red.
r discussion, Max a motion a 20' building variance
be granted, on the cul-de-sac Jim Tolleson sec.onded the motion which
carried by a 7-0 vote.
lots to
SlJgges ts
might be
1982 - Continued
Max Johnson requested a variance at Cumberland Townhomes to build seven
group from the required six, on two groups of townhomes. Mr. Johnson
said he would still be within the limits of the required density, and this would be
the only variance he would need. Jim Tolleson made a motion a variance be granted
to al construction of seven units to a group, on two buildings. Jim Hawkins
secon the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
s: Commercial building permits were presented by
recorded as follows:
(1) Cobb County Board of Education requested a permit to Install air conditioning
at King Springs Elementary School, at a total estimated cost of $75,100, and also
at Belmont Hills Elementary School at an estimated cost of $82,600. Plans have been
approved by the Fire Department and Inspections Department. Jim Tolleson made a
Ion the permit be approved. seconded by Sarah Jones. Vote on the motion carried
7- .
(2) Dominoes Pizza requested a permit for construction at 2754 Hargrove Road at
a total estimated cost of $20,000. Plans have been approved by the Fire Marshal and
Inspections Department. Jim Tolleson made a motion the permit be approved, seconded
by Max Bacon. Vote on the motion carried 7-0.
(3) Copperfield's Restaurant requested a building permit for 3250-C South Cobb
Drive, The Crossings Shopping Center, at a total estimated cost of $125,000. Plans
have been approved by the Fire Marshal and Inspections Department. Sarah Jones
made a motion the permit be approved. seconded by Jack Shinall. Vote on the motion
carried 7-0.
Jesus Thomas Diaz requested a liquor pouring license for
ican Restaurant at 2540 Atlanta Road. There was no opposition from
Mr. Reed Kennedy represented Mr. Dlaz. and said Mr. Dlaz was granted
and wine ing license In 1979 and he has managed the restaurant
Sarah asked Mr. Reed If Mr. Dlaz understood the limitation
on age and hours of operation. Mr. Dlaz said he did, and also understood the
ordinances. He said he has had no problems with minors in the past. Sarah Jones
said the application was in order and the police report was favorable, and made a
motion the license be granted. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a
7-0 vote.
proposed Revenue Sharing
made a motion it be approved. Jim Hawkins
Bids on replacement of the air conditioning system for City Hall were
and recorded as follows:
E. Smith Heating & Air
Cobb Heating & Air
(includes one-year free service on
Installation with manufacturer's
warranty on product)
Jim Tolleson made a motion the bid be awarded to Cobb Heating & Air, seconded by
Jack Shinall. Vote on the motion carried 7-0.
Bids on a 14-foot, 1982 cab and chassis dump truck were opened, read and recorded
as follows:
Capitol Ford
2250 lb. ea. auxiliary
$14,189.13 (alternate - In stock)
d for dump
Wade Ford
$14,190.00 $14,990.00 (can meet del Ivery by 6/30/82)
(cannot make
delivery by 6/30/82)
June 7, 1982 - Continued
a motion the bids
council at the next
7-0 vote.
over to committee
Jim Hawkins seconded
Ion which
Jim Toll made a motion the bid for the 1982-83-84 audits
hlver & Looney. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried
Jim Tolleson made a motion the bldon four (4) pickup trucks be awa
Brothers Datsun. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
to Fouts
Jack. Sh ioall made a mot Ion the bid t for rep I acement of the WC'ite r 1 I ne on
Brown Road be tabled to the next meet ng. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion
which carrIed 7-0.
Approval of Fee Schedule: WI lloulse Spivey read a letter from Joe Thiel, Ass istant
State Fire Marshal stating that effective May 17, 1982, the City of Smyrna, located
In Cobb County has assumed full responsibility for all buildings and structures
located wIthin their jurisdiction.
The State Fire Marshal's office will still be responsible for the following duties
( 4)
( 5)
Penal Institutions - semi-annual Inspections only.
pertaining to HC'i4ardous Materials.
rslng Homes only upon request under contract.
ions upon request for assistance by Local authorities.
Ings and structures owned, operated or occupied by the State listed
Section 92 A 710.
The schedul e fee I s as fo 11 ows :
of Occupancy $50.00. GROUP II -
$25.DO. GROUP III - Plan Checking
cha rge .
Plan Checking Fee $100.00; Certificate
Ing Fee $25.00; Certificate of Occupancy
Fee, no charge; Certificate of Occupancy, no
James Williams made a motion the schedule be accepted.
the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Jim Tolleson seconded
a motion the #2 girls softball field at Jonquil Park be dedicated
A. Brooks, with the ceremony to be held June 19th. Jim Tolleson
motion which carried 7-0.
Mayor Bacon read and signed a proclamation declaring June as Parks and Recreation
Month In Smyrna.
Surplus Vehicles:
surpl us:
Max Bacon made a motion the following vehicles be declared
1972 Ford Galaxje 2U58H152921
1969 Chevrolet Pickup - C5149B826295
1967 Ford F-IOO - FI03NA4434]
1979 Chrysler - TH42L9A194595
1979 Chrysler - TH42L9A194590
1975 Ford Custom 500 - 5U53C178253
Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a ]-0 vote.
Jim Hawk made a motion the Mayor be authorized to sign a Resolution from the
Department of Transportation for resurfacing of 19 streets within the City, under
the L.A.R.P. program. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Jack made a motion to hear the appeal of the decision Recorder's Court
by Phillip R. Mulkey on June 21, 1982. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried
by a 7-0 vote.
May 3, 1982 be approved as submitted.
carried 7-0.
made a motion the minutes of May 17,1982 be approved as submitted.
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Cont i nued
ts: (Finance) Jim Tolleson said the adoption of the budget would
e agenda for the June 21st meeting.
on said that a
have not been col
businesses operating without
ay there was $13,950 outstanding In business license
The City Marshal will start closing these
a license, starting tomorrow.
Jim Tolleson announced for the benefit of the people In his ward, that there would
be an annexation and zoning meeting tomorrow night on the property on Campbell
Road at Spring.
Sherry Reavis announced that all the City pools were open to the public.
(Streets) Jim Hawkins said the pavement on Cherokee Road had been sanded. It Is
still not perfect, but the contractor said he wanted to walt one week to see If It
would hold up and if not, a I" overlay of asphalt will be applied.
(Water) Jack Shinall said we had a lot of water and sanitation customers who move
from their rental property and do not notify us to discontinue service. Our system
Is set up that a minimum bill goes out each month, and in such cases, these bills
go to the property owner. Jack said that if a property owner loses a tenant, he
should fy the Water Department immediately to discontinue service or they will
be char
Elbert Coalson said the sanding on Cherokee Road was a great Improvement. Also,
an Inspections Committee meeting would be held tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m.
(Library) Monl Myers reported on activities taking place in the Library, and said
the summer reading program would begin June 14th.
thanked Sue Brissey for the work she has been doing In removing signs
working overtime this weekend to remove any signs
Announcements: Mayor Bacon said that all councilmen would be leaving for the GMA
convention this Saturday; June 19th Is closing day for Smyrna Girls Softball and
the field dedication to Clarence A. Brooks; the next council meeting on June 21st.
Elbert Coalson reminded all political candidates that they are required to post a
bond with the City for their signs, to insure removal within 30 days of the election.
McGehee at 2570 Birch Street complained of rats In his neighborhood, and
lived there 3 years with the same problem, and no results. Jack
d there was a 50' strip of vacant land behlnc Mr. McGehee's
The owner Ii in Atlanta, and during the past 4 years the City has been
e him cl lot twice. Also, trash blows out of the dumpsters behind
cial bull ar there. Mr. McGehee was told the property owner would
n notice to cle the lot and if he does not comply, the City can clean the
and bill him.
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m.
June 21, 1982
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held June 21, 1982 In the
Council Chambers of Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock
p.m. by presiding officer Mayor Arthur T. Bacon. All Council members were present.
Also was City Attorney Charles Camp, City Clerk WIlloulse Spivey, Police Chief
R. E. Acting Fire Chief Hubert Cochran, Public Works Director Jim David,
Parks ation Director Sherry Reavis, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley,
Librarian Doris Morris, and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Elbert Coalson, followed by the pledge to the flag.
Citizen Reports: Sue Brissey thanked Mayor and Council for their support in helping
to clean up our city by removing signs.
be a
app roved.
of 547 Pqwder
tlng and income tax
regulations governing
through the mall,
had a Itlon from her s
JackShlnall made a motion
which carried by a 7-0
tlal permits.
would not
June 21, 1982 - Continued
showing a
Stephen J. ted a bee r pou r i
2538-B Atlan rah Jones said a su
300' radius of the location. Signatures were
n the 200' ri;'ldius, waiving the distance
his home was actually outside the 200'
famlll ordinances, and Sarah Jones
Jim ded the motion. There was
carried 7-0.
for Sub-
f rom all
wi th
I rement.
made a motion
no opposition
Phillip R. Mqlkey appealed the decision of Recqrder's
guilty 0.0 May 20, 1982 for falling to stop fqf" i;'l red light.
officerW. T. Martin were sworn by Attorney Ci;'lmp. Mr.
South Cqbb Drive at Powder Springs Street where he was
cross only held for 14 seconds. When he approached at the
yellow, the car behind him was very close and he fel d be
continue through the Ion rather than stop abrupt y possibly
collision. said he was aware that It Is illegal to
t, but felt t extenuating circumstances.
Id on the orig date, Mr. Mulkey was In contempt of
the case cont ceo Officer Martin said he observed
the Inte a red light, not a yellow 1 ight. The car
's turne<:iqntO SOl..lth Cobb Drive on the yellow light, but
enter.edtheJotersection, the light was red. Officer Martin
agreed with Mr. Mulkey that the 1 ight was yellow when he went through
Officer Martin said he was traveling north on South Cobb Drive
and Mr. Mulkey's vehicle crossed directly In f of him.
any vehicles behind Mr. Mulkey.
he worked in
In contempt of
decision of
carried by a 7-0
and was late for the first court date. and
After further discussion, James Williams
s Court be upheld. Jim Hawkins seconded the
bidder at $41 ,
Mallett said Mcintosh
was the engineer
ion of Pasadena
the low bidder on the
The second low bidder
agreed to do some
line Items from the two
, with Quarles Contracting
Paving Is properly bonded.
the City
ked Mr.
h Paving
made a motion
line be awarded
on. Jim
price on whether
road. could cost about
Bacon he had talked with
wi th i nthe next two weeks . Also,
after the grading is completed.
lanlng of Pasadena Boulevard including
Paving Company at $413,146.12. James Williams
there could be some variance In the bid
cut through Spring Road or bore under the
Vote on the motion carried 7-0. Mayor
today, and the county would begin grading
Paving can begin work within one week
14-foot dump truck be
the low bid., the city eng
Ions more closely than the
trash piCkUp and should get
carried by a 7-0 vote.
felt this
bid from
us caught
there was a dead-end
water line on Brown Road wh
especially with the
be requested to replace
to be opened at
carried by a 7-0
- Continued
jack Shinall made a motion that 100 underground garbage can liners be purchased, to
be paid from the new budget. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Permits: Commercial building permits
as fo 11 ows :
al Bu
and recor e
presented by Paula
permit for new construction on Atlanta Street at
00. Jim Tolleson made a motion the permit be
the Fire Marshal. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion
H&M Transmission requeste
ted cost of $43,
ect to approval of
& Glo, 3307 South Cobb Drive requested a permit to enclose a 20 x 20 foot
the existing gas canopy at a total estimated cost of $9,600.00. Jim
ns made a motion the permit be approved, subject to approval of the Fire
Marshal. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which car:ried by a 7-0 vote.
(3) Ridgeview Institute on South Cobb Drive requested a permit for five new offices,
at a total estimated cost of $113,000. Elbert Coalson made a motion the permit be
approved, subject to approval of the Fire Marshal. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion
which carried 7-0.
Dollve requested a permit for an addition of four retail stores at
d Crossing Shopping Center, 2750 Hargrove Road, at a total estimated cost
Elbert Coalson made a motion the permit be approved, subject to
of the Fire Marshal. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(5) Taco Bellon South Cobb Drive requested a permit for a drive-In window addition
at a total estimated cost of $15,000. Elbert Coalson made a motion the permit be
approved, subject to approval of the Fire Marshal. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion'
which carried by a 7-0 vote.
made a motion t e fire and casualty insurance premiums tax be increased
%, effective ary 1, 1983. Sarah Jones seconded the motion which
7-0 vote.
Tolleson read the proposed 1982-83 budget as follows,
Increase for all employees, totaling $7,309,821 and made
Po 1 i ce
Pa rks
Shop - C rib
Emergency Management
$ 828. 1 52
650, 140
40. 177
Water Revenue
E & C
State Grants
Revenue Sharing
1954 Sinking
W & S Sinking
Jim Tolleson said this was a 16.27% Increase over last year, and expressed his
appreciation to Willou Spivey for putting the budget together and said she had
done a great job. Sarah Jones seconded the motion to approve the budget which
carried by a 7-0 vote.
Comm I ttee Reports.:
Doris Morris gave a report of library activities.
of extr
Shinall said the sanitation committee would be investigating the use
sters which would hopefully alleviate some of the trash problems, and
days hoped to have areCQmm~ndatlon in regards
vehicles. Al;;;o, he wou.1d 1 ike to get the
on the request for proposals for contracti
would be posted cmd any council member was
(Streets) Jim Hawkins said then" was a very Important referendum coming up this
fall and reminded the citizens that they can register to vote at our library.
Reavis said the July celebration would be held on Sunday
Park, beginning at 1:00 p.m., with free Ice cream, watermelon and
splay at 9:00 p.m.
ust a
Tolleson said as a point of Information, the total tax monies to be
year. from annexed prope.rtywlll be approximately $60,000. This Is
start, because the only building actually completed is the one. at Lincoln
that in Section9'd08of the Sign Ordinance we
eliminate the 10day>per i od of not I ce so that
remove signs Immediately, and also provide for a fine.
im said he would submit these changes for approval.
Bacon said he <;lppreclated everyone working together In
on time. AlSO, he. felt it was time council met together and
were doing <;lnd felt the committees were not \il!orklng together.
ed a meeting for ItJednesday night for discussion, and committee
made before the next meeting.
iness, meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
I, Larry Dunn . do solemnly swear that I will well and truly
demean myself as Building Inspector of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing
term, and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said
City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions
as BUILDING INSPECTOR act as I believe for the best Interest of the said
City. So help me God.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 6th day of July, 1982.
I, Larry Dunn , do solemnly swear that I will well and truly
demean myself as City Marshal of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term,
and that I will faithfully enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said
City to the best of my ability, without fear or favor, and In all my actions
as CITY MARSHAL act as I believe for the best interest of the said City.
So help me God.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 6th of July, 1982.