May 3/17, 1982 Council Meeting
r scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter
The meeting was called to order at 7:]0 O'Clock p.m. by presiding
Arthur T. Bacon. All Council members were present. Also resent
was City Attorney Charles Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chi R. E.
Litt Acti re Chief Hubert Cochran, Public Works Director Jim David, Parks
and reati rector Reavis, Librarian Doris Morris, Civil Defense
Director Jim ar ey, Buil Inspector Dan Steely and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Jim Hawkins, followed by the pledge to the flag.
There were no citizen reports.
Jack Shinall made a motion that Pat Cole be
ty Board representing Ward 5. for a 2-year term.
which carried 7-0. Attorney Camp suggested that
the resolution be adopted as previously read at the
inted and selected by Mayor and Council be accepted
come effective as of tonight. Jack Shinall made a
ted as previously read and the appointed members
Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
r Bacon read a portion of a letter from Reed Realty
annexat of acres on Church Road, Land Lots 341 and 380, and
RM-12 to Residential Townhouse District. The application was read
We the undersigned,
land area by ac
con t i g
who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the owners of
the area described below, which is unincorporated
f Smyrna, hereby apply to have said area annexed
r the provisions of the Code of Georgia Annotated,
-912 (Georgia Laws, Acts 1966, Pages 409, 410, 411,
, Pages 1011, 1012; said property to be annexed
ows, to wit:
All trac cel of land lying and being in Land Lots 341 and 380
of t 7th Dist 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia, and being more
particularly described as follows:
at an iron pin located at the northwest corner of Land Lot 380
he corner to Land Lots 341, 342. 379 and 380); thence
north 89 degrees utes 56 seconds east along the north land lot 1 ine of
Land Lot 380 (south land lot line of Land Lot 379) 705.95 feet to an iran
pin found (said iron pin being located 500.60 feet westerly along said north
I and lot line of Land Lot 380 from the westerly right of way of South Cobb
Drive. also known as State Road 280); thence south 32 degrees 51 minutes
s west 566.03 feet to an iran pin found; thence south 64 degrees
es 58 west 408.78 feet to an iron pin found; thence north 00
degrees 16 m seconds west 237.29 feet to an iran pin set; thence
north 21 deg nuteS 49 seconds west 382.60 feet to an iran pin set
inLand Lot 341 sautheas te r I y right of way of Chu rch Road (be i ng
a 50 foot right thence north 62 degrees 49 minutes east along the
southeasterly r of Church Road 124.94 feet to an iron pin found
at the northwest cOrner of Land Lot 380. said county and district, which
iron pin i f beginning. Said property being property shawn
an a plat K. E. Edwards, Jr. and S. C. Yaung by Paul E. Lee.
or. of Pelpe, Inc.. dated January 25 1974. revised
inal revision on December 16. 1974; ing the same
conveyed taA. A. Adair and Samuel A. Miller by Leroy Waid by
deed dated November 20. 1963. recorded in Deed Book 738. page 20.
y Records.
title holders of the fee simple title.
of the land area above described by
e ~alldated and the public hearing set
motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Continued - May 3, 1982
rs. Dellinger & I srae I requested
Mell Road. Land Lots 228 and 277.
te sixty percent (60%) of the oWn~rs of
area described below. which is
tiguaus to the ity of Smyrna, hereby apply to said area
into the City of Smyrn.;i under the provisions of the Code of Georgia
, Sections 69-904 through 69-912 (Georgia Laws. Acts 1966, Pages
,411,412.413; 1971.399; 1976. Pages 1011 1012; said property
to be annexed being described as follows, to wit:
tract or parcel of lying and being in Land Lots
District. 2nd Section. Cobb County, Georgia. and
described as fallows:
and 277
at an iron pin an the north side of Pat Mell Road west
red along the north side of Pat Mell Road from the t corner
intersection of Pat Mell Road and Mills Lane; said po beginning
at the southwest carner Lot 17 of Block 0 of Spring Sub-
vision. Unit Two, asubdivis an plat of which is recorded in Plat Book
198, Cobb County thence west along the north of Pat
367 feet taa paint in center I ine of a creek; thence north-
y, northerly and northWesterly as measured along the center 1 ine of
creek and follow ng its curvature 665 feet to a paint; thence easterly,
ightly south of eas 35 feet to an iran pin; running thence and con-
easterly in same ion 51 feet to an iran pin on the west
of said Land Lot 277; thence and continuing in the same easterly
an 186.3 feet an n; running thence and continuing in an
y direction. s southerly than the last mentioned call,
to an iran northwest carner of Lot 11 of said block.
subdivision; running thence southwesterly, southerly, and south-
y along the rear of Lots 11. 12. 13 and 14 of said block, unit and
subdivision. 447.2 feet to an iron pin at the northern mast corner of said
17 id block, unit and vision; thence southwesterlY along the
ne of Lot 17. 40 feet to an iron pin; thence southerly along
side of id Lot 17, 165 feet to an iran pin an the northern
Mell Road and the paint of beginning.
of the record title holders of the fee simple title,
ive, of 60% of the land area above described by
a motion
, which shows
the date of
mot ion wh i ch
be validated subject
an the plat, and 165 feet on
hearing be set for June 7, 1982.
carried by a 7-0 vote.
George C. Childs, Jr. requested a transfer
nglicense at Peking Gardens, 2526 South
Department stated their investigation did
would prohibit the applicant from obtaining th~ Ii
Secretary of the corporation, and he and his emp
of the City. Jack Sh i na I I made a mot i on the
Coalson seconded the motion which carried by a
the malt
Dr i ve . A
not reveal any
Mr. Chi Ids
w.ere fami 1 i ar
ransfer be
7-0 vote.
a transfer of the
, 3350 South Cobb Drive.
se be
Ie to
for three
to General
Land Lot
sai Planning and Zoning Board had recommended the zoning be approved.
Bar said this was an odd-s and because of the widening of New
Spring Road it was very difficult ld on the 50-foot setback. Letters were
presented from the adjoining landowners stating they had no objection to the re-
zoning Or variance needed. Their plans are to construct a small retail business,
and Mr. Lang has ag truct a fence on the north and west sides of the
property. There was ion from the audience and Max Bacon made a motion
the rezoning be approved. ~ames Williams seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Vari E. C. Long requested a variance on the side yard which abuts residential
p , from the 50 feet required to 17 feet. Max Bacon said he had talked
with the adjoining property owners and they were in agreement with development
of the property and had no abjections to the variance. Max Bacon made a motion
the variance be granted subject to installation of a 5-foot chain link fence an
the north and west sides of the property line, with some type of shrubbery planted
along the fence. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
V Paul R. Lamons requested a side yard variance for an addition to his
b s. Lamons Magic Mirror at 1318 Concord Road to build within 10 feet of the
property line. The addition is to be used for an exercise room, with a hot tub,
etc. Max Bacon made a motion the variance be granted. Jim Tolleson seconded the
motion which carried by a 6-1 vote, with ~im Hawkins opposed.
1 Business Licens : Ann Bowes requested a residential business license
k floral ar nts in her home at 545 Pineview Drive. Mrs. Bowes
said she is already making arrangements, but the license will allow her to buy
material at wholesale prices. A petition was signed by adjoining neighbors stating
they had no abjection to license being issued, with the exception of one
person. Mrs. Bowes said was familiar with our ordinance and would not be
doing advertising was no opposition and Sarah Jones made a motion the
license granted. Shinall seconded the motion which carried 6-1. with Max
Bacon opposed.
Morris F. Hyles requested a license for Stan's Park and Pawn,
Drive. Mr. Hyles said he was famJ I iar with the ordinances and
the total requirements far operating this type business. Sarah ~anes made a
motion the license be granted. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Commercial building permits were presented by Inspector Dan Steely as fallows:
(I) First
at a total
and 1
Baptist Church at 1275 Church Street requested a permit for renovation
estimated cost of $41,000. Plans have been approved by the Fire Marshal
tions Department and Max Bacon made a motion the permit be approved.
11 seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(2) Glen Robinson, R Value, Inc., requested a permit for'construction of a new
metal buil at 3255 Atlanta Street to be used far warehousing of insulation
products. 1 estimated cost of construction is $36 750. Elbert Coalson made
a motion the permit be . subject to approval the Fire Marshal. Jim
Hawkins seconded the mo ich carried 7-0.
Bid Openi Max Bacon made a motion that all bids on the pickup truck far Parks
and Recre ion be rejected, unopened. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which
carried 7-0.
yar Bacon said he had heard from the newspapers that the
go ng nancial assistance in the construction of Pasadena
Boulevard but he has not received official notification, and was hesitant about
awarding the bid until we receive word from the State. The County will proceed
with grading prior t ing the bid. Jim Hawkins made a motion the bid award
be postponed to the June . 1982 meeting. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which
carried by a 7-0 vote.
Jack Shinall said the law
Wade Ford. Their bid
for. Since that t
not we should have asked for
rejected and rebid.
bidder far two pickup trucks for the Water Department
r 1983 vehicles which is what the specifications
there had been some discussion as to whether or
i982 or 1983 models. Jack made a motion that all
Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
id he had met with homeowners on Teasley Drive and
the closing of this street. It has been properly
be closed
carried by a
again that the street
Jim Tolleson made
ng of Pasadena Boulevard and new
ri Myers Drive. Jack Shinall seconded the
not be
a proposed amendment to the ordinance
as fo 11 ows :
the right to cIa
City, subj ect
r in Sections
sians of this Chapter, the City shall
unclaimed property coming possession
rictions and duties contained in this
B) All requests for use of
shall be made in writ
provided by the City Clerk,
i use and duration
such property is to
by any employee or agency of the
department of police on the form
II identify the property, statto thto
. intended department or individual and
request shal
. and Counc i 1
become the property
become ive upon approval of the department of
lice Committee and the unclaimed property shall then
the City of Smyrna.
James Iiams made a motion the amendment be approved.
the motion which carried 7-0.
Jim Hawkins seconded
a motion the
seconded the mot
April 5. 1982 be approved as submitted.
carried 7-0.
made a motion the of April 19, 1982 be approved as submitted.
ams seconded motion which carried 7-0.
Jim Tolleson made a motion
at the May 17, 1982 meeti
far the 1982-83 audit. be opened
iams seconded the motion wh ch carried 7-0.
made a motion bids
17. 1982 meeting.
for a new zoning map. to be opened
illiams seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
said we would begin
Department Head Reports at the next meeting.
(Li b ra
Doris Morris gave a report of activities taking
s) Elbert Coalson
to attend the annual
The registration
also requested $75.
1 ess than $500. it
ter from Inspector Dan Stee
Official Workshop to be
, hotel accommodations
It was decided that
approved by the committee.
in Albany.
, and
since this
Jack Shinall
our to
the site for an
the Department of Natu
landfill, stating they had
was insufficient cover material
period of time.
Resau rces
said they had been
of Birch St
ived about
look into it.
a problem with children and strangers an
arguments and fights. Complaints have
endale Apartments. and Jack asked Chief
I made a motion the be suspended to consider lett bids for
pickup trucks far Water Department, one far. Parks and one
Inspections. James Williams seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
a motion that
trucks. with max
Bacon seconded the
be requested far four (4)
day delivery. to be
which carried 7-0.
the next
Jim Hawkins said
Grants to update
lngs ago. $18,000 had
lization. Two of these
Continued - May 3. 1982
one at Cherokee and Atlanta Road and one at Campbell Road and Spring
light at Spring Road and Atlanta Road will be in operation shortly.
(Parks) Sherry Reavis reported that as of this Thursday, King Springs Park foot-
ball field will be off limits because it is to be plowed and regrassed. On May
12th, the 3-4-5-6 year old track meet will be held.
(Finance) Jim Tolleson ded department heads to have their Revenue Sharing
request ready befOre May Tax bills will go out May 21st and will be due
July 31st. Jim said the budget was holding up well and we may get through the
year without having to borrow money.
Mayor Bacon said that between now and the next meeting he would be making same
changes in committee assignments.
Announcements: Next council meeting May 17. 1982.
Elbert Coalson asked fOr an Inspection Committee meeting and Jack Shinall asked the
Water Committee to also meet briefly after adjournment.
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
May 17. 1982
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held May 17. 1982 at Smyrna
The meeting WaS called to order by presiding officer Mayor Arthur T.
:30a'c All Council members were present. Also present was
Willou . City AttOrney Charles Camp. Police Chief R. E. Little.
re Chief an. Parks and Recreation Director Sherry Reavis.
lic Works Director Jim David. Civil Defense Director Jim Farley. Librarian
Doris Morris, Building Inspector Dan Steely and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Elbert Coalson. followed by the pledge to the flag.
Mayor Bacon introduced members of Cub Scout Pack 777, Den 2.
rts: Sue Brissey said the City has an ordinance prohibiting signs
on utility poles, and asked why we couldn't enforce it. Jim Tolleson
almost a losing battle; the City removes signs constantly and it's
sible to catch the people putting them up.
assistance from the City in sponSoring a 24-haur lap-a-thon
handicapped. Mr. Monley was told to get in touch with
their plans with her.
Revenue Shar Hearing: City Clerk Willauise Spivey said each
department h h their list of requested Revenue Sharing funds which
was far in excess of would receive. and asked if there was anyone in the
audience who had any ans on haw this money should be spent. Bill Rogers
of Ward 5 said he felt an aerial truck should be bought fOr the Fire Department
since we have not received a commitment from the County as far as the merge is
concerned. Max Bacon said this was already included in the Fire Department's
request. Ms. Spivey said the final hearing far Revenue Sharing would probably be
the last meeting in June.
Hirst requested a malt beverage and wine package license
y, lanta Road. Sarah Janes said the survey map was not
attached to the application. but there was one on file in the Inspections Depart-
ment. A favorable report was received from the police investigation, and Sarah
Janes made a motion the license be granted. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which
carried by a 7-0 vote.
Bids for the 1982, 1983 and 1984 audits were opened. read and
$7,500 + aut of pocket expenses
$6,6551 + out of packet expenses
Weiss, Moore & Cu
Pate. Shiver & Looney
P s
Continued - May 17. 1982
motion the
back to fu
motion. Max Bacon
expenses would be.
turned over to the Finance Committee with
1 at the next meeting. Sarah Jones
the committee to also determine what the
Vote an the motion carried 7-0.
Bids an four (4) pickup trucks were opened. read and recorded as fallows:
(2) 2.3 Liter Engine
( I) 2.3 Lite r Eng i ne (I) 4- Cy 1 i i'lde r Eng i ne
w/Air Conditioning w/Air Conditioning
and AM Radio
Day's Chevrolet $6.708.86 each (1982 ) $7,284.31 ( I 982 ) $7, 189.96 (1982)
Nal ley. Chevrolet $6.469.53 each ( 1982 ) $6,978.00 ( 1982) $7.044.98 ( 1982)
Wade Ford $6,577.00 each (1983) $7,206.00 (1983 ) $7.258.00 (1983)
Anderson Chevrolet $6,783.86 each (1982 ) $7 ,359.31 (1982) $7. 131 .01 ( 1982)
Capital Ford Truck $6,589.82 each (1982 ) $7 , 102.61 ( 1982) $7.044.27 ( 1982)
St rather. Ford $6,386.00 each (1983) $6.958.00 (1983) $6,869.00 ( 1983)
Fouts Bras. Datsun $6,308.00 each ( 1982) $6,822.00 ( 1982) $6,898.00 ( 1982)
Max Bacon made a motion the bids be turned over to entire Mayor and Council. to be
awarded at the next meeting. James Williams seconded the motion. After discussion.
the motion and second were withdrawn. Max Bacon made a motion the law bid be
accepted, seconded by James Williams. After discussion. the motion and second were
withdrawn. Jim Tolleson then made a motion this item be moved to the bottom of
the agenda. to give Jim David, R.eavis and Dan Steely an opportunity to
bids and determine who low bidder would be. Jim Hawkins seconded
which <;;arried 5-2. with Jack Shinall and James Wi II iams opposed. Law
be announced 1 ate r in the meet i ng.
Bids fOr the zoning map were opened.
read and recorded as follows:
, Suddeth & Etheredge
Presnell Associates
Sam McCullough
Mallett & Associates
J. S. Ross & Associates
$ 4,844.84
$ 3,933.00
$ 3.250.00
$ 5,676.00
a motion the bid be awarded to Sam McCullough, provided he can
map within the neXt> 60 days, and if not, to be awarded to the next
Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
made a motion bids be accepted far replacement of the air conditioning
Hall, to be opened at the next meeting. Max Bacon seconded the motion
carried by a 7-0 vote.
made a motion bids be accepted far a 14-faot dump truck, approved in
budget, to be opened at the next meeting. Jack Shinall seconded the
ich <;;srried 7-0.
authorized to sign an to the
sa i d we have been havi ng problems with sewer
, which is a health hazard.and has cost the
If the grant is approved, it will cover up
stations with a gravity flaw line. Jim
carfted by a 7-0 vote.
a sewer
iderable amount of
the of replac
the motion which
said the grant application could not be submitted wi
and made amotion that $8, 784.36 be .app raved for eng
the Wi I lawbroak, Htghview and Deerwood sewer lines.
ion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Attorney Camp sai
housi ng authority bond
lable at an interest
Cobb ty. These
loans to
raved by Mayor and
read the resolution (a copy to
it be approved. Elbert Coalson
r had signed a bill
issue which wi 11 make loans an
of 13.5% or less, handled th
be regUlar loans, far first-time homeowners.
Ie within the City of Smyrna,a resolution
izing them to do sa. Jack Shinall
part of these mi nutes) and made a mot ion
the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Continued - May 17, 1982
Max Bacon made a motion the following streets be closed temporarily
(1) Dunn Street from Legion Drive to Hunter Street - May 22nd. rain date
May 23rd - from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
(2) Shawnee Trai I from Cedar Ridge Drive to cul-de-sac - May 29th - from
2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
(3) Creat Trail from Creatwood Trail to Tecumseh - June 6th - from 2:00
p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Sarah Jones seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
departments would be notified by letter.
Max said the police and fire
(Finance) Jim Tolleson said the tax bills far the first half
11 go out tomorrow, and the second billing will go aut in September.
meeting for Saturday, May 22nd at 9:00 a.m. to go aver the budgets.
Jim Tolleson asked Attorney Camp about the status of the trailer case on Spring
Drive. Mr. Camp said they were still waiting; the Case is pending on appeal and to
his knowledge, the court recorder has not yet sent the record to the Supreme Court.
Mr. Camp advised that nothing be done until the case is settled.
(Public Safety) James Williams read a letter from Georgia Municipal Association
regarding H.B. 1587 providing that municipalities with a papulation of less than
45.000 may adopt and enforce the State Minimum Fire Safety Standards. Municipal ities
are authorized to retain the fees charged for review and approval of
ans and issuance of Certificates of Occupancy. Once the responsibility
it c ransferred back to the Safety Fire Commissioner. James
the as follows:
The City of Smyrna hereby adopts the State Minimum Fire Safety Standards
under authority granted under House Bill 734 and amended as Hause Bill
1587 of the of Representatives and hereby elects to enforce
the Same, pr Wever where any conflict in the existing City Fire Code
shall appear, the more restrictive application shall be in effect.
Schedule of fees far Plan Checking and Occupancy Certificates shall be
signed by the Mayor and Fi re Marshall after approval by Caunci I and fi led
in the Office of City Clerk showing effective date thereon.
seconded the
not foresee any additional liability an
resolution. James Williams said the Fire
d be sent to the State if the ordinance
rules be suspended to vote on the ordinance.
arried 7-0.
the part of
Department is
is not adopted.
Max Bacon
Fire Marshal Jim Tidwell
inspections except
chec ow'
said that currently, our fire department is doing all
tals, with the State receiving the fees for plan
James Williams made a motion the ordinance be
an seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(Streets) Jim Hawkins made a motion the rules be suspended to allow him to place
a motion on the floor to install a push control button on the light at Spring and
Park Road. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Jim Hawkins made
a motion that $550 be approved from State Grants for a traffic control push button
to be installed at the Fire Station an Spring Road. Jack Shinall seconded the
motion which carried 7-0.
Jim Hawkins said he had received quite a few calls concerning zanings an Concord
Road between Atlanta Road and South Cobb Drive. There seems to be same question
as to what can and cannot be enforced in the way of yard requirements. Jim said
that under General Commercial and Limited Commercial zonlngs, you cannot prohibit
paving in front of the building, but we can require a IO-foat buffer off the street
right-of-way to be maintained in grass. Jim said the Building Inspector has
assured him that the buffer strip requirement will be enfOrced.
Jack Shinall said the committee had discussed improving the water line in
, wh i ch is a 2" 1 to Brawn Schoo I. It will be the i r recommendat ion
next meeting that bi be requested an improving the water line on Brawn
Continued - May 17, 1982
that one year
cutback in Federal
appl I ed for a sewer study
funds, but hopefully we wi
that had
a final
El said he had received a letter from someone in his ward concerning
in the paper that Marietta had received $4,421.000 in Federal funds
1975 and wanted to know if Smyrna was receiving their share.
Mr. Coalson said Cherokee R.aad is in worse condition and the pavement extremely
roug h
and Mr.
will be
Coalson said a child had recently been hurt crossing the bridge from Glendale
Belmont Hills School, and the bridge is in bad need of repair. Also. a
about to fall aver the brIdge. The bridge is owned by the School Board
Coalson asked Ms. Spivey to notify them of the needed repairs. The tree
removed by the City.
(L i b rary)
Doris Morris reported an activities taking place in the Library.
said he had recei
a train derailment~
able to contact
calls from citizens in Ward 1 on Saturday
corn and soybeans were strewn and beginning
lraad officials today and they are in the process
(Parks) Sherry Reavis said the City pools would officially open an Saturday, June
5th. Admission faT 4-years and older will be $1.00.
Jim David there was st ill some question concern i ng
on bids Just opened. Jim Hawkins made a motion the
to the Finance Committee with a recommendation back to full
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Jonquil Breakfast; on May 19th; Chamber of Commerce Barbecue at
24th; next council meeting an June 7th.
With no further business. meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
determined by the Mayor and Council
that there exists an urgent
proper public health facilities
the City of Smyrna; and
Authorities Law 1964,
Code Ann. 8 88-1801, et seq.),
1 Authorities Law"), which was
of Georgia, creates for any
hin the State a public body corporate
the "Hospital Authority" of such
a board of
ore than nine members to be appointed
of such municipal corporation; and
and Council of the City of Smyrna,
that there is a need
a Hospital
n the City of Smyrna in order to
proper health care
of the City of Smyrna; and
City of Smyrna,
have determined that
ary that the Hospital Authority of
activated immediately to
with the powers granted to it
Sherry Marks
Jack Hembrough
Stanley P. Sullivan
Cecil B
Martha Akins
E:-::S '"
SOIl. r
of the Hospital Authority at its next
of the three persons named
in lieu of such selection, shall fallow the
by Section 88--1803 of the Hospital
to filling any vacancy an such Board.
D, that the Board of the Hospital
ority herei
and exercise its powers
the terms and provisions
of the Hosp
ies Law as it now exists and as it
migh thereafter
of Smyrna
that the City Clerk of the City
immediately to the Department of Human
Resources of
a certified copy of this
resolution in
with the mandate set forth in Section
88-1803 of
Authorities Law.
that this resolution shall be
effective immediately upon its adoption by the Mayor and
Council of the City of Smyrna and from and after such adoption
the Hospital Au
ity of the City of Smyrna, Georgia shall
be deemed to be duly created and activated.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any and aLL resolutions
in conflict with this resolution be and the same are hereby
3rd day of Nay
e f c
p sage