October 5/19, 1981 Council Meeting
October 5, 1981
lar scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter
r 5, 1981 at City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock
by pres i ding offi cer Mayor Frank Johnson. All Council members were present.
present was City Attorney Charles Camp, City Clerk vIillouise Spivey, Police
Chief R. E. little, Fire Chief Hubert Cochran, Parks and Recreation Director Bill
Johnston, Assistant Public Works Director Vic Broyles, Building Inspector Dan Steely,
Civil Defense Director Jim Farley and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Jim Hawkins, followed by the pledge to the flag.
and presen
Mayor Johnson read a proclamation in support of PTA membership week
it to Jessye Coleman Council President Alice Surber. Ms. Surber
Betty Smith, State PTA Membership Chairman and Pinky Gilbert, Council
Chai rman.
Rezoning: Mayor Johnson read a letter from Mildred Scott requesting that her
application for rezoning of property on Ridge Road from R-20 to RD be withdrawn at
this time. Max Bacon said there seemed to be a lot of questions about this rezoning
and he was approached several weeks ago by some citizens in Cedar Cliff Subdivision
to s the rezoning. He had never committed himself one way or the other, but
the some rumors going around that he was pushing for it. Max said he had
o d to one person in the subdivision who was against the rezoning but he
had an open mind, and the rumors were totally unfounded.
Jerry Mills asked Attorney Camp to give the legal requirements for withdrawal of a
zoning application. Mr. Camp said a zoning application can be withdrawn within 72
hours, for any reason, and it cannot be resubmitted for one year.
n Re orts: (1) Mike Gloyd of Atlanta Office Machines located outside the
ated he had a problem with an ordinance regarding a business license that
he ad been cited for. The citation was issued for doing business without a license
at his typewriter repair service on South Cobb Drive. Mr. Gloyd said that although
the business signs were up, he was still in the process of moving into the building
when was cited. Mayor Johnson advised Mr. Gloyd that he was in violation of a
ce and had been cited, so he should go to court and appeal that decision
r and Council if he so desired. Mr. Gloyd said he felt the ordinances
ing enforced fairly. He had a list of businesses that had contracts with
the of Smyrna, and they did not have business licenses in the City.
(2) Pete Dover of 629 Burbank Circle represented a group of citizens to protest the
use of sensitizer burglar alarm systems by three businesses on Cherokee Road. Mr.
Dover said these alarms go off at all hours of the day and night. He felt the
business owners should either put the alarms in good repair or change over to
another system. Mr. Coalson said this was in his ward, and he had already talked
to l\1r. Dover and Chief little about the problem. They are in violation of the City
ordinance and Mr. Coalson asked City Marshal Dan Steely to check into it and report
back to Mr. Dover.
(3) Al Sorenson from Ward 1 said he had been concerned with our police department
for several years and had seen too many good employees leave because of low pay.
He spoke in favor of raises for policemen and firemen. Mayor Johnson said at the
last meeting all employees had received a 7~% pay increase, which amounted to a
12~% increase over the last year. Our starting salaries are probably higher now
than Cobb County.
in: C. E. Flowers and Carman and Alice Wright applied for rezoning of property
ed on Woodruff Drive from Neighborhood Shopping to Office & Institutional. Mr.
Tom Wilder of the Georgia Lung Association and Wit Carson represented the applicants.
There was no opposition to the rezoning request. Mr. Wilder said they were seeking
the rezoning for construction of a 2-story office building which would be used solely
by the Georgia Lung Association. Jim Tolleson said the Planning and Zoning Board
had unanimously recommended the rezoning and made a motion it be approved. Jim
Hawki ns seconded the motion whi ch card ed by a 7-0 vote.
Bid Opening: Bids for a copy machine for Public Works were opened, read and recorded
as fo 11 ows :
American Photocopy of Atlanta
A.B. Dick
$ 2,195.00
$ 4,270.00
$ 2,495.00 ($6,995.00 alternate)
$ 4,995.00
Jack Shinall made a motion these bids be turned over to committee with a recommen-
dation back to full council at the next meeting. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion
which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Sidson the renewal of employees heal th insurance were opened, read
as follows:
American National Insurance
Life, AD&D $ 1,088.50 (Monthly cost, prices
Medical $17,763.52 good until 12/1/81)
Dental $ 2,526.44
Maternity $ 1,158.26
Life $ 985.86 (Monthly cost)
AD&D $ 109.54
Dep. Life $ 58.96
Medicare $ 8,760.40
Add. for Dep. $12,234.20 (per employee)
Medicare $ 82.50 (supplemental-per employee)
Medicare $ 27.52 (dependents)
Dental $ 7.84 (employee)
Total estimated monthly premium: $25,982.90
Camp rel1 ens i ve
Med i ca 1
Employee Total
Dep. Life
$ 8,781.64
$ 76.38
1,190.16 (Estimated monthly premium)
7 ,393. 1 2
Total estimated monthly premium: $19,343.52
PRUDENTIAL Emp. Life $ .379 (Monthly rates per employee)
AD&D $ .078
Dep. Life $ .343
Emp. Medical $ 37.48
Dep. Medical $ 72.16
Medicare Supp. $ 27. 19
EQUITABLE Emp. Life $ .39 per $1 ,000
AD&D $ .06
Dep. Life $ .33 per fami ly
Emp. Health $ 41.80 per employee
Dep. Health $ 80.49 per family
Medicare $ 31.20
Denta 1- Emp. $ 5.76
Dental-Dep. $ 11.30
Medicare $ 8.65
7-0 vote.
a motion these bids be turned over to committee with their recommen-
full council. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a
made a motion we request bids for termite control for all city buildings
at the next council meeting. Jack Shinall seconded the'motion which
7-0 vote.
Variance:. Nick Kipreos requested a variance at 860 Concord Road to build within 40
feet of the right of way instead of the required 50 feet. Mr. Kipreos said he had
purchased building for a restaurant and needed the variance to allow him to
expand for more seating room. There was no opposition, and Jim Hawkins made a motion
the variance be granted. John Steely seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Control Data Corporation requested a zero-foot side yard vg.riance from
required. David Bleakman with Patterson Engineering Company represented
Corporation. Jim Tolleson read a letter from the Building Inspector
ing he could not see any problem with the variance and the Fire Department also
not foresee any problems. The property line would be used as a common parking
area to be y Cont'rol Data and Sons of Italy restaurant. A letter was also
presented ns of Italy stating they had no objecti on to the vari ance. There
was no oppositon and Jim Tolleson made a motion the variance be granted. John Steely
seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Commercial Building Permits: Building permits were presented by Inspector Dan
Steely and upon his recommendation the following permits approved:
(1) Munich West, Old Spring at Spring Road, requested a permit for construction at
a total estimated cost of $140,000. Plans have been reviewed by the Fire Marshal
and Insp ctions Department. Mayor Johnson said this property has not been annexed
into the ty and the building permit should be presented again after the final
annexation hearing on October 19th.
(2) Williams Enterprises, 1295 Hawthorne Avenue requested a permit for construction
of a ne ce building at a total estimated cost of $270,000. Plans have been
reviewe the Fire Marshal and Inspections Department. Jim Hawkins made a motion
the permit be approved, seconded by John Steely. Vote on the motion carried 7-0.
John Steely made a motion the final plat for Unit 2 of Falling Waters be approved.
Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Presentation of Audit: City Clerk Willouise Spivey stated the audit was presented
last Thursday by Wallace Pate and reported the General Operating Fund has come from
a $215,000. deficit to a black figure of $79,382. The Water Revenue, E&C and Sinking
Funds have also come from a red figure last year.
Minutes: Elbert Coalson made a motion the minutes of September 1, 1981
as submitted. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Jim Tolleson made a motion the minutes of September 21. 1981 be approved as submitted.
Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
orts: (Parks) Bill Johnston reminded everyone of the Fall Festival
Jonquil Park.
(Finance) Elbert Coalson said Wally Pate had done a tremendous job auditing for
the City and made a motion he be retained. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which
carried by a 7-0 vote.
(Civil Defense) Jim Farley said we had a power failure several days ago and the
emergency generator failed to start because the batteries needed replacing. Cost
of the batteries, installation and other repairs will total approximately $1200.
Elbert Coalson made a motion this expenditure be approved. to be paid from the Contin-
gency Fund. John Steely seconded the motion. This generator serves the police
station and main fire station and keeps the telephone lines open when a power failure
occurs. Vote on the motion carried 7-0.
Jim Farley said $1500 had been approved from Revenue Sharing to repair the rescue
truck and was allocated for the fi rst quarter expenditures. Jim requested that he be
authorized to put the vehicle in the shop for repairs., since there is only one in
the area qualified to make repairs on these military-type vehicles. Mr. Farley was
told to go through the Garage Committee for authorization.
Jack Shinall made a motion a 4-way stop sign be placed at the intersection of Timber-
land and Parkwood. Jerry Mills seconded the mozion which carried 7-0.
Jack Shinall made a motion the estimate of $1002 for sidewalk repairs on Powder
Springs Street be approved. The sidewalk being replaced is between Wayland Court and
Rosalyn Lane, made necessary because the street is actually higher than the sidewalk.
Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 6-1 vote, with Jim Tolleson opposed.
Jim Hawkins made a motion for approval of 372 feet of curb and gutter on Church Street,
to Clifton Road. The estimate for this work is $959, to be paid from State Grants.
Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Jim Hawkins said the air conditioning at the Library had been out for quite some time
and.when it was checked this week, it was discovered that the heat does not work either.
Jim made a motion that bids be requested for a new neating and air conditioning unit
for the Library, to be opened at the next meeti ng. Thi s expenditure has 0.1 ready been
approved in the Revenue Sharing budget. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried
Continued - October 5, 1981
Jim Hawkins
from Concord
for over
help in this
sai d the cpunty has begun cons tr'ucti on of s i dewa 1 ks on Ki ng Spri ngs Road,
Road to King Springs Park. Jim said he has been working on this project
and thi s was one of his goal s as councilman. Jim thanked Wi t
present and all the county commissioners, and also Max Bacon for his
(Streets) Jerry Mills reminded all council that their priority lists for paving
under the LARP program needed to be turned in right away.
Jerry Mills read a letter from himself to the Mayor and Council concerning the
merger of the Smyrna Fi re Department wi th Cobb County as fo 11 ows :
"Gentlemen: We have been considering a merger of the Smyrna fire department and
the Cobb County Fire Department for almost a year. I believe it is vital that we
move on this proposal NOW.
Our fire department personnel want to merge. The Fire Chief of Cobb County wants
to merge. Several county commissioners have told me informally that they favor
merger of the departments. The last two Cobb County grand juries have recommended
This merger will produce several benefits to the citizens of Smyrna immediately:
1 .
We will have better fire protection; better and more versatile equipment
and shorter response time.
We will eliminate confusion as to which department covers a particular
We will have lower insurance rates; down from Class 6 to Class 5.
Our firemen will be better paid and have more career opportunities; more
incentive to continue to train and improve their capabilities.
We will be able to raise the pay of our police officers without increasing
on a
WAITING FOR? Now I realize that there is some reluctance to embark
new plan during an election campaign. Most of us would rather not "rock
until after election day. But we really cannot afford to wait.
If we are going to merge during the coming calendar year we need to make a commit-
ment to CObb County now so the Fire Chief can include the added functions in his
1982 budget. (The 1982 Cobb County budget is being developed NOW)
It costs us $776,409.00 per year (1981) to operate our fire department. Inflation
wi 11 push that figure up agai n next year. It takes fi ve mi 11 s to generate
$776,409.00 in the city of Smyrna; Cobb County's fire district tax is 3.6 mills.
Cobb County wants the City of Smyrna to share the cost of operation for the first
year, and theY are asking us to commit $550,000 for that purpose. This seems fair
enough, in light of the fact that we will spend about $800,000.00 for fdre protection
next year if we do not merge the departments.
If we accept the offer of Cobb County, we will still have a saving of substantial
proportions; enough to enable us to raise the pay of our policemen to levels that
wi 11 be competi ti ve in the area without a tax increase. In fact, after the fi rst
year, after we have paid our one-time share of $550,000.00 for fire operations, we
will be able to reduce the tax rate by 3.6 mills and still have enough to sustain
the higher salaries for our police officers.
The time to act on this proposal is NOW! I propose to make a motion week's
meeting.of the Smyrna City Council to authorize the Mayor to procede ately
to conclude an agreement to merge the two departments on or before January 1, 1982.
I ask all of you to support this proposal for the good of our city and for the
benefi t of our ci ti zens. RespectfullY submi tted, s/JERRY ~1jILLS
c/Chairman. Cobb County Board of Commissioners"
made a motion the Mayor be authorized to proceed immediately to conclude
to merge these two departments on or before January 1, 1982. Jack
the motion.
Max Bacon said he was Chairman of the Fire Committee and the intent of Jerry's
proposal was good, but we are still in negotiation with the county, and as of today,
Continued - October 5, 1981
said there was just no way the county could accept the proposal. He
d the only way they could generate the money would be to raise county
. Max said he felt this should stay in committee for further negotiations,
but the main problem now is the county does not have the available money. Jim
Tolleson asked Jerry why he had set the time limit for an agreement. Jerry said
the county was drawing their budget now; their fiscal year will end December 31,
1981. Jerry read a letter from Cobb County Fire Chief W. D. Hilton to the Cobb
County Board of Commissioners as follows:
"Gentlemen: On May 14. I was asked to present to you a proposal relating to the
merger of the Smyrna Fi re Department wi th the Cobb County system. Some of you have
asked for additional information; therefore, I wi 11 reduce to writing the "meat"
of that proposal. As you know, the Grand Jury of March-April, 1981 supported the
proposition of this merger which was stated in the presentments of the January-
February term. There has been a great amount of interest shown by the Mayor and
Council and citizens of the City of Smyrna in support of this merger.
I met with the executive body of the City at one of their regular meetings around
the first of May. Since that time they have held two public hearings in order to
get citizen input either for or against this proposal. There were no citizens at
either of the meetings who were opposed. As stated to you in the conference on
May 1 , the merger would be benefici al to the County in a number of ways, but more
prev t in the area of time and distance response, especially in the Cumberland-
Galleria area. Another benefit would be that of not being continually concerned
with the City of Smyrna annexing the high value property in that area. As related
to you in earlier letters, the annexation procedures by the cities have continually
~~~usurped fire district funds that were badly needed by this deparatment over the
past several years. I can get those figures for you if you so desire.
There are some drawbacks that the Board must consider in approaching this proposal.
The main one being the financial liability that the County must take if the merger
is completed. The present budget for the City of Smyrna Fire Department is approxi-
mately $950,000.00. The revenue to be derived through the 3.6 mill fire tax from
the City of Smyrna would only be $410,000.00. You can see that we will be about
short. I have had numbers of calls from the Mayor and Counci 1 members
ask we are with this proposal. I made a counter proposal to them for
consideration in which I asked for the City to contribute to the County fire fund
the above mentioned $550,000.00 for the first year's operation. This would still
allow them as a City to net savings of about $411.000.00. Councilman Bacon speci-
fically seemed to be encouraged by this suggestion and was to contact various
members of the Board of Commissioners to discuss this issue.
Th of Smyrna would reap a number of benefits; however, I will only elaborate
on The first thing that would occur should the merger take place is that
the citizens of the City would have their insurance classification reduced almost
immediately from a class six to class five. The City would be allowed to redeem,
at a point in time, the fire staiton located on Spring Road to be used for their
Parks and Recreation Headquarters. This could take place after we merged that
station equipment and personnel with our Station #5 equipment and personnel somewhere
in the immediate vicinity of Cumberland and Galleria.
The members of the Smyrna Fire Department appear to be 100% in favor of this merger,
including the present Fire Chief, Hubert Cochran. They can see additional benefits
as County employees over being City employees. Each employee would be merged
into the system provi ded he/she meets the criteri a to be estab 1 i shed at a future
date. As of this point I see no reason why all the employees would not be retained.
The City of Smyrna would completely and totally get out of the firefighting business.
They could exert their attention and efforts toward other areas of City government
that have more pressing needs. As I stated to you in the meeting mentioned above,
of the 14 mills that the City is charging their citizens for City taxes, over 9
mills is going for fire prozection alone. The citizens would be charged 3.6 mills
and could have their city taxes reduced by up to six ,mills if the City so desired,
or they could be reduced less than that and allow the City more money to expand
other services that they need.
If the Board intends to pursue this merger proposition, this department along with
Personnel and Finance would need at least two .months lead time in order to get all
the accurate figures on total cost. In the meantime, I will be waiting to hear
and no further action will be taken by this office until that time.
Continued - October 5, 1981
Commissioner Wit Carson was in the audience and following a question from Max
Bacon, said he did not think it was possible to merge these two departments by
January 1,. 1982. Jim Hawkins said he hoped we would hold off on negotiations with
the countyul1til after the first of the year, with the new administration becaUse
this was something that wouldaff13ctthe City for many years. Jim said he did
not think.a lame duck Mayor and Council should handle this; he thought it was being
handled propery through committeei:lnd should stay there. Commissioner Carson said
this had caught him by surprise. His understanding was that Mr. Bacon was repre-
senting the City and Mr. Paschal the County, in negotiations, and felt this action
tonight might be a little premature.
Fol discussion, vote on the motion failed 3-4. Voting for was Jerry
Mills, inall and Elbert Coalson. Opposed was Jim Tolleson, Jim Hawkins,
Max Bacon and John Steely.
Attorney Camp stated that legally, he did not think we could simply give up our
fire department and tell the County it was up to them to provide protection for
our citizens.
Jim Tolleson said the grading on Pasadena Blvd. had begun, thanks to the efforts of
a lot of people.
Jim Tolleson said that when garbage cans were left sitting out, it
the can had a hole in it and trash would not be picked up until a new
was purchased.
that 21 city
The Fall Festi
being resurfaced by the under
October 10th, and the next council
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
OctOber 19, 1981
scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held October 19, 1981 at
Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding
Frank Johnson. All counci 1 members were present. Al so present was
Charles Camp, Police Chief R. E. Little, Acting Fire Chief Hubert
and Recreation Director Bill Johnston, Water Department SuperVisor
lding Inspector Dan Steely. Civil Defense Director Jim Farley and
of the press.
was given by John Steely, followed by the pledge to the flag.
cense s
a person appl i
sued a 1 i cense
of other business owners on Cherokee Road
recently opened on Cherokee Road called the
of the nature of the business which
c, operating hours of the business; th
come in. There is loud talking and laughing,
unwillingly exposed to the noise. There
giving the store an adul~bookstore
located in the front part of the business.'
license of this establishment. Jerry Mills
Department should check th€!Ol.lsiness
to council with their recommendation if
could not deny a person a legitimate
of legitimacy until proven otherwise. A
having a show cause hearing and giving the
Camp said the issuance of the license was
are concerned, that is somethi that we
this was in his ward and unaware
was surprised that Mr. would
s such as this. Mayor said
a specific category for parlor
in the absence of a category,
a general commercial category.
Continued - October 19, 1981
(2) Sue Brissey of Havilon Way asked how many acres of land had been annexed into
the City during the last four years and said she was under the impression that the
purpose of annexation was to broaden the tax base. Ms. Brissey said her taxes
have increased 91.14% during that period of time and wanted to know how much money
this land has paid to the City. Jim Tolleson said we expected to receive approxi-
mately one-half million dollars from the Post Properties development alone, within
the next 3 or 4 years, but it can't be done overnight. John Steely said if we were
able to annex property that was already developed we would be able to see immediate
results, dollar wise. It is much earier to annex raw land before development begins,
because it is cheaper to develop in Smyrna.
Anne Jim Tolleson made a motion that 1.20 acres located in Land Lot 631 on
Sp et, the legal description having been read and made a part of the minutes
of September 21, 1981, be annexed and made a part of Ward 1. John Steely seconded
the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Elbert Coalson made a motion the rezoning request by Gene Barnes for
located on Pat Mell Road be tabled to the November 2nd meeting, until such
the property can be posted and readvertised. Jack Shinall seconded the
which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Va Concord Square Shopping Center requested a variance on the required number
o spaces, from 352 to 323, due to the configuration of the land and necessary
si ding. Mr. David Rowe of Akin, Flanders & Rowe, represented the builder.
Jim Hawkins said when the property was originally zoned in 1979 for Mr. Donald Plunkett,
he had agreed to several things; number one that a buffer zone be placed between the
property and the street at Brown School to hide the back of the shopping center, and
number two that no tractor-trailer trucks be allowed on Brown Circle. Mr. Rowe
said that on his site plan they had eliminated the curb cut in the back and would
allow right hand turns only so that traffic can come off Concord Road and turn right
into the shopping center. When they unload, they will make another right hand turn
on Circle back to South Cobb Drive. Jim Hawkins said he had originally
ainst the rezon and thought it would be inconsistent of him to now vote
fo s variance. Jim leson made a motion the variance be granted. Jerry Mills
seconded the motion which carried by a 6-1 vote, with Jim Hawkins opposed.
Varia Mr. Leon Bizzell of 1185 Pinehurst Drive requested a rear yard variance
ruction of a carport. There were several people in the audience opposed
to the va ceo Mr. Bizzell said he was building the carport tQ get his cars off
the street and did not have any plans for a business there. His request was to
vary from the 5 foot requirement to within approximately one foot of the property
line. Mr. Bizzell did not have a letter from the adjoining property owners stating
they had no Objections. Mr. Bizzell said the carport had been started months and
months go, and at that time his neighbors had no objections. The reason for putting
it at particular spot was due to the slope of his lot and any other location
would require a good bit of grading. Attorney Camp said he felt sure the Smyrna
Heights Subdivision had protective covenants which would restrict a building that
close to e property line. Those restrictions, whatever the council decided, would
prevent h from building there. Attorney Camp said Council should consider the
covenants on property in zonings, or in granting variances.
Haze Edwards of 1175 Pinehurst Drive objected, stating this construction would close
a ditch that drains water all the way from Concord Circle to the rear of Mr. Bizzell's
property. Mr. Edwards said to his knowledge, the variance was never posted; he read
about it in the paper.
Mr. LIf. L. Beavers said he owned property adjoining Mr. .Bizzell and he had no
objection to the construction, but felt he should comply with our building code.
Jim Hawkins told Mr. Bizzell it was the normal course of action for council in granting
a variance to take into consideration the feelings of the neighbors who would be
affected~ and they are not obligated to grant variances from the Code. In this case
there were objections, and Jim made a moti on the vari ance be deni ed. After further
discussion Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
a re
of his
c 1 os e
drafti ng
Business License: Mr. Leon Bizzell of 1185 Pinehurst Drive requested
iness license for an aerial photography business. There were
ed. Mr. Bizzell said he needed to operate or direct his business out
which would be strictly telephone work. There would be no signs, no
fico Mr. Bizzell said his business had been slow, and he wanted to
tlanta office. He has another office at the airport and all mapping or
work would be done at that location.
Continued - October 19, 1981
Mr. T.
there was no
of Pinehurst Drive said the paper stated the business license
studio whic;hhe would object to. He, and the others present
reason. Mr. Ledbetter said he had no objections, as long as
traffic or outside activity.
in this
said the home occupation license ordinance itself prohibits any
on from having anyt.raffic or outside advertising, signs, or retail
ordinance was written to protect the other homeowners, and felt it would
Mr. Bizzell also had a letter f'l10m 14 of his neighbors stating they had no objection
to the dential license. After further discussion Jim Hawkins made a motion
the 1 be approved. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which carried by a
7-0 vote.
Commercial Building Permits: (1)
requestE!d.apermit for expansion.
been i'ipproVed by the Fire Marshal
a motion. the permit be approved.
Smyrna Tire Company, 2690 South Cobb Drive
at a total estimated cost of $55,000. Plans have
and Inspections Department and Ja~k Shinall made'
John Steely seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(2) Munich West requested a building permit for new construction on Spring Street,
for property annexed tonight for a Cilr repair service. The total estimated cost of
construction is $140,000. Plans have approved by the Fire Marshal and Inspec-
tionsDepilrtment and Jerry Mills made a motion the permit be approved. Jim Tolleson
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
at .a
Steel, 1772 Corn
estimated cost of $50
Department and
seconded the motion
requested a building permit for an addition
Pl have been approved by the Tire Marshal
made a motion the permit be granted.
ed 7-0.
Inc. requested a permit for construction of a medical center on
Drive, betWeen Sexton and Potter Realty Company, at a total estimated
,000. Plans have been approved by the Fire Marshal and Inspections
and Jim Hawkins made a motion the permit be approved. Jerry Mills
motion which carried 7-0.
Inc. requested a
Dri ve at a total
be approved,
the motion which
construction of a new office building
cost of $1,400,000. Jim Tolleson made a
to approval by the State Fire Marshal. Jim
carried 7-0.
made a motion that the impounding fees, in accordance with Section 4-29
of Ordinances, be set at $25.00 with a $4.00 per day boarding fee.
the same as Cobb County's. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which
7-0 vote.
carri ed
motion that bids be requested for replacement of the heating
at the Library, to be paid from Revenue Sharing funds and
council meeting. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which
(Sanitation) ,Jim Tolleson made a motion that $4,000 be appro-
purchase of 100 underground trash units. Jim Hawkins seconded the
motion which carried 7-0.
(Insurance) Max Bacon said the committee had reviewed the bids on the employee's
health insurance but had not yet made a decision on which policy they will recommend
for adoption.
(Inspections) Jim Hawkins asked for a meeting with Inspector Dan Steely and the
Inspections Committee following adjournment.
Jack Shinall made a motion the low bid of '$2195 from American
accepted for purchase of a cOpy machine for Public Works Department,
from Revenue Sharing. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
sa i d th at
that it was just
a flashing caution
to study the i
a resident in his ward, had
Street. The study by
ible to place a light th
the same intersection.
on and see if a caution
a red
she has
ked the
Continued - October 19, 1981
Jack Shinall said several months ago the State had made some recommendations
concerning the crossing light at the school on Concord Road, as well as recommen-
dations for Birch Street at Powder Springs. Jack asked the Street Department to
take another look at their recommendations and see if they would still be feasible.
(Police) Elbert Coalson read a letter from Chief Little requesting authorization
to purchase four (4) vehicles, either under the State contract or by requesting
bids. These vehicles have already been approved in the 1981-82 Revenue Sharing
budget. Mr. Coalson made a motion we request bids on four vehicles and also get
the State contract prices. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Elbert Coalson said that beginning October 1, 1981, the City of Smyrna would have
the highest paid starting salaries for policemen and firemen in the County, with
our starting salary now being over $'1,000.
(Civil Defense) Jim Farley said the new batteries for the emergency generator
have been purchased and were in place. The City should receive matching funds
for the cost.
Mr. Coalson said the police station and court room had been painted, and looked
(ParkS) John Steely reminded everyone of the annual Halloween Carnival at Cobb
Center October 31st.
(Streets) Jerry Mills said we were having a speeding problem on South Cobb Drive
near King Springs Road, causing a problem with people trying to get in and out of
Smyrna Towers, Smyrna Hospital and Ridgeview. Jerry said he would like to ask the
State to drop the speed limit from 55 to 45 in that area, and asked if anyone
objected. Mayor Johnson said he had recently attended a meeting with officials
from the State Department of Safety along with one county commissioner and some
people from that area, and they had received a negative response. The problem is
that people are using the north-bound turn lane as a through lane, creating three
north-bound lanes. Jerry restated his request to ask the State to study the inter-
section and give any recommendations they may have.
With no further business. meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
9 128
3 704
We, the duly appointed election Managers to conduct this election, declare the
following results:
We. therefore, certify to the Mayor and Council of the City of Smyrna, the
e 1 ecti on of: and run-off:
Run-off required between Arthur T. Bacon and Jerry Mills
Max Bacon
Elbert R. Coalson
Run-off required between Marcy M. Eisenburg, Jr. and
Sa rah M. Jones
They have received a majority of the votes cast.
Managers to conduct this election, declare the
1 ,997
Mayor and Council of the City of Smyrna, the
ty of the votes cast.
rd 2
i-Ja rd 3
Wa rd 5
Ward 7