August 3/17, 1981 Council Meeting
August 3. 1981
r scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter
3.1981. at Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30
.m. by presiding officer Mayor Frank Johnson. All council members were
Also present was City Attorney Charles Camp. City Clerk Willouise Spivey.
Chief R, E. Little. Acting Fire Chief Hubert Cochran. Public Works Director
Jim David. Parks & Recreation Director Bill Johnston. Civil Defense Director Jim
Farley. Building Inspector Dan Steely and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Councilman Jim Hawkins fol1olt1ed by the pledge to the flag.
zen Re orts: (1) Jim Dewer of 113 Belmont Circle requested a variance to allow
hi 0 erect a chain-link fence in his front yard. Mayor Johnson said this variance
would have to go before the Planning & Zoning Board and be properly advertised
before coming before council for a decision. Mr. Dewer also requested that a street
light be installed on Belmont Circle and Elbert Coalson made a motion the street
light be approved. John Steely seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Attorney Camp advised Mr. Dewer to check his deed and be sure there were no restric-
tive covenants in the subdivision to prevent him from installing a fence in his
front yard.
(2) Smyrna Athletic Association requested a parade permit for their opening day.
August 22nd beginning at 10:00 a.m. The parade will leave from Belmont Hills and
proceed to King Springs Park. Elbert Coalson made a motion the permit be granted.
Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
(3) The Oakdale Lodge #736 requested permission to hold a bucket brigade on
August 15th at the intersections of Spring and Atlanta Road. and also Spring at
Hargrove. with proceeds going to the l\1asonic Children's Home in Macon. The lodge
representative was advised to check with Chief Little to be sure it would not present
any problem with the police department.
tation: Civil Defense Director Jim Farley said James David Hale had served
ty for 6 years as Rescue Chief for Civil Defense and was now resigning. Jim
presented Mr. Hal th his badge. patches. etc.. and expressed his appreciation
for his many years service to the City. Mayor Johnson read a proclamation
honoring Mr. Hale and his wife Donna and presented it to him.
ion: Jim Tolleson made a motion that property belonging to A. P. Dodd.
in Land Lot 707 be annexed into the City of Smyrna and become a part of
1. the legal description having been read and made a part of the minutes of
20. 1981. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Rezoning: A. P. Dodd requested rezoning of property just annexed. from R-20 to
RM-12. There was no opposition. and Jim Tolleson made a motion the property be ..
rezoned as requested. John Steely see onded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Annexation: Elbert Coalson made a motion that property located on Pat Mell Road,
Land Lot 348. belonging to M. Eugene Barnes. be annexed into the City of Smyrna to
become a part of Ward 6. the legal description having been read and made a part of
the minutes of July 20. 1981. There was no opposition. Jack Shinall seconded the
motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Hear~: Mr. John Smith representing Glendale Enterprises and Alton
senting Smyrna Dairy Queen were present along with Mr. James Pressley
Enterprises and Mr. Howard Ashworth with West Lumber Company. This
for the purpose of determining ingress and egress from South Cobb Drive
to the new construction of West Lumber Company. Alton Curtis stated the plans which
had been approved by Council for West Lumber Company encompassed a portion of
property which had been previously granted to Smyrna Dairy Queen. The plans indi-
cated the property in question would be used as a driveway for West Lumber Company.
Mr. Curtis said his client had a valid addendum to his lease and wanted to protect
his property which was given to him for parking purposes.
Mr. Smith said he acknowledged that the property. being 15' wide by 150' long.
had been leased to the Dairy Queen to be used for parking for their customers and
other parties in the area. They had inadvertently failed to show that on thei r
initial presentation to the City. Mr. Smith said their proposal was to move the
area over 3 feet closer to the property line. and once there it would remain
d throughout the remainder of the leas~. After the parking area is relocated
leave 22.8 ~et of unemcumbered right of way for the driveway to West
Company. There is also an additional 15 feet of driveway for Fair's Restaurant
they have always been allowed to use. Jim David said he felt a 22 foot right
way would be sufficient to handle the traffic. Mr. Curtis reviewed the plans
Continued - August 3. 1981
and he would rely on the word of the professional eng it was correct
and would accept their proposal. Camp said that commercial driveways were
regulated by the State in Section of the Code. and said in this case the
City would not have the right to ate the driveway since it came off a State
road. as long as there was i egress to the property in which the building
permit had been issued. Jim made a motion the new plat as presented and
agreed upon by the parties present be approved. Jerry Mills seconded the motion.
Jack 1 said he had been approached by several people in the area about the
safety involved and asked that West Lumber try to hold the heavy truck traffic to
a minimum. Vote on the motion to approve the plat carried by a 7-0 vote.
Mr. Tom Lawrence West Lumber Company requested a variance
ordinance. on copy area. Mr. Lawrence said they wished
amendment to the ication for variance in order to more
conform with the ordinance. approval for a sign 12' x 13' instead
of 18' x 20' as was originally These signs are manufactured for the
company On a massive basis and a different size would require a different
set of plans and forms. Mr. Lawrence said the other request was for a variance
on the hei ght to 48'2' feet. wh i ch waul d all ow a 3 foot cl earance of the Dai ry Queen
of Smyrna Oai ry Queen
supports for the si
. Jerry Mills made a
Lumber Company time
Department. Max Bacon
from the pl ans presented tonight. it looked
ing a parking space. Following further
the request be tabled to the next meeting
submit their amended application to the
seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
of Vi ctory Cab Company requested approval of a rate The
is $1.00 for the first 1/8 mile or fraction thereof for
or fraction thereof. The proposed new rate would be .00 for the
or fraction thereof. and 20~ for each 1/5 mile or onal fraction
The would same $8.00 per hour rate. These new rates
as used by the Ci anta. and would be used in Marietta as well
areas. Mr. said approximately one-third of the cabs are
and the rest are owned by Victory Cab. The rate increase will apply
to any car with a Victory Cab sign on it. Following discussion. Elbert Coalson
made a motion the rate increase be approved. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion
which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Mr. Al Ethi er
present scale
each 1/8 mile
fi rs t 1/5
ls made a motion the final plat submitted by Reed Konigsmark for duplexes
Avenue at Reed be approved. John Steely seconded the motion which carried
Code would apply to
Section 2819-B &
d our Fire Code did not have any provisions
apartments or retirement homes. This proposed
ly-sprinkled buildings only. Max Bacon
C. 2820-C of the Code be amended as follows:
definition: Fire walls shall be self-supporting
on. extend through and thirty-six (36) inches
combustible roofs. and shall extend not less than ei (18) inches
the roof overhang. walls need not extend th resistive
decks. Fire walls shall ve (12) inches thick five
solid or of approved blocks for a four re block.
roof shall project around the ends of the wall. There
unprotected openings in fire walls. (Ord. of 6-2-75)
Hate"ls. motels. or apartments less than'seventy-five (75) feet in height.
are fully provided a total automatic sprinkler system as per
Fire Protection on Standard 13 may not be required to
contain fire walls as s paragraphs (a) and (b) above.
on Association
bei ng doors. as remote
door shall lead to an
two (2
one hundred
Fi re
. both
to lead
1 i vi ng
Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Shinall made a motion the qualifying dates for the City election be set for
31. 1981 through September 4. 1981. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which
d by a 7-0 vote. (See minutes of August 17. 1981)
Elbert Coalson made a motion that Dusty Bennett be appointed Superintendent of
the election. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Jim Tolleson made a motion the minutes of July 6. 1981 be approved as submitted.
Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Elbert Coalson made a motion the minutes of July 20. 1981 be approved as submitted.
Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
ial Buildin Permits: (1) John & Lamar Dickson requested a permit for an
a of three new buildings to Dickson Shopping Center at an estimated cost of
$75.000. Plans had been reviewed by the Fire Marshal and Inspections. John Steely
made a motion the building permit be approved. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion
which carried by a 7-0 vote.
(2) King Springs Village. 4040 King Springs Road requested a building permit for
the construction of 192 units at a total estimated cost of $5.770.000. Plans
had been approved by the Fire Marshal and Inspections Department. Jack Shinall
made a motion the permit be approved. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which
carried by a 7-0 vote.
State c
Re orts: (Parks) John Steely said the Smyrna Connie Mack team won the
ionship and would play in the National championship in Virginia.
(Civil Defense) Elbert Coalson read a letter from Jim Farley along with a list
of items to be surplused and sold August 22nd. Mr. Farley also requested that
proceeds from the sale of this equipment be made available to the Civil Defense
Department for their use. Elbert Coalson made a motion these items (list to be
made a part of these minutes) be surplused and the proceeds used for the purchase
of items for Civil Defense. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a
7-0 vote.
(Water) Jack Shinall said we are having a water shortage. especially in the south-
west area of the City and we should conserve as much as possible.
(Employee Benefits) Max Bacon made a motion that we request bids for employees
hea insurance. to be opened by the first meeting in October. Jack Shinall
sec ded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Max Bacon read the names of employees appointed to serve on the Employees Insurance
Committee as follows: David McKenzie.Fire Department; Nora Proctor. City Hall;
Vic Broyles. Public Works; M. L. Brown. Police Department; Doris Morris. Library;
Sherry Reavis. Parks & Recreation; Dick O'Hara. Civil Defense. Max said there
would be a meeting with this committee at 4:15 p.m. on August 6th.
(Sanitation) Jim Tolleson said there was still some confusion about the trash
pickup schedule. For the past few months we have been picking up light trash
the first 3 weeks. and heavy items the last week of the month. For the remainder
of the year. we will be picking up light items the first 2 weeks. and heavy and light
items the second 2 weeks of the month. The county requires us to separate material
by weight and this is the reason the citizens are asked to separate items to be
picked up. The county has also increased our tonnage rate from $3.75 to $5.75.
which will require an additional $21.000 to our budget for trash pickup. Jim said
he would like the Sanitation Committee to meet and put some information together
for proposals on commercial and residential trash pickup. It will probably be
October before the proposals are ready to mail.
With no further business. meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
August 17. 1981
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held August 17. 1981 at
Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order by presiding officer Mayor
Continued - August 17. 1981
Protem Elbert Coalson at 7:30 o'clock p.m. Mayor Frank Johnson was on vacation.
All Council members were present. Also present was City Clerk Willouise Spivey.
City Attorney Charles Camp. Police Chief R. E. Little. Acting Fire Chief Hubert
Cochran. Public \tJorks Director Jim David, Parks and Recreation Director Bill
Johnston. Civil Defense Director Jim Farley and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Councilman Jim Hawkins, followed by the pledge to the flag.
Mr. W. E. Hamby represented R. L. Ruff. Sr.. in his requested for re-
appriximately 8.6 acres on Concord Road at Hurt Road, from 0&1 to RTD.
requested that the zoning application be withdrawn. to be presented at
John Steely made a motion the application be withdrawn. seconded
Shinall. Vote on the motion carried 6-0.
Farmer of Oak Forest Dri ve protested the wi thdrawa 1
by R. L. Ruff. John Steely explained that when the
ied for again it go before the Planning and Zoning Board, be
just as i this time. Attorney Camp stated that a
could withdraw his request at any time prior to the action taken
Council. and they could not be denied that right.
Mr. Ray Houston said he was also opposed. and the average person could not read
the legal ads for rezoning.
Lester Pruitt of Oak Forest Drive said the survey for the Ruff property was dated
1972 and suggested that an updated survey be made.
Revenue Sharing Proposed Use Heari ng: Jerry Mi 11 s read items requested by depart-
ment heads from the Revenue Sharing budget as follows:
Administrative/Data Processing: Air Conditioner Replacement
$ 7,150
Library: 537 Books to be selected @ 14.00 = $7.520
100 Reference books@ 40.00 = $4.000
580 Doubleday Guild & Plans @ 5.40 = $3.134
35 Magazines to be renewed = $1 .000
70 Phonograph records @ 6.00 = $420
Pamphlets for vertical file = $300
Air conditioner replacement = $7.150
4 - 1981 Chevrolet police pursuit vehicles
2 - Motorola Mobile 4-channel radios & sirens
2 - Whelen Strobe light bars (8029)
3 - Motorola 4-channel walkie talkies MT500
$ 7, 1 50
$ 1.500
$ 3.400
$ 1. 100
$ 2.550
$ 6.000
$ 7.500
$ 2.700
$ 8,000
Civil Defense: Repairs to rescue truck 33-R-23
New automobile
Parks & Recreation: - Fairmont station wagon
Water/Public Works: Copy machine
- Dump truck (replace #9)
1 - Garbage truck complete w/packer
1 - Low boy trailer - 30 ton
3 - Economy pickups
Tapping machine (2)
These requested items have been approved by Mayor and Counci 1. There were no
questions or comments from the audience concerning the use of these funds.
Hugh O. (Buddy) Scoggins requested rezoning of property located in Land
. 3271 So. Atlanta Road. from L1 to RTD for the construction of six 6-unit
and two 5-unit buildings. These will be two and three bedrooms with
baths with floor for each unit ranging between 1100 to 1750
The price range be $50,000 to $75.000.
3211 Howell
opposed. due to existing congestion
already on Atlanta Road. Ms. Davis also
Continued - August 17. 1981
felt the land. located next to Campbell High School. should be made available to
the School Board for expansion which she felt would ultimately be needed. It was
explained to Ms. Davis that the City Council has no jurisdiction over the schools
or any decisions made by the School Board. Mr. Coalson read the minutes from the
Planning and Zoning Board meeting where they unanimously recommended the rezoning
of this property. Mr. Scoggins said he had approached the School Board over two
years ago about buying the property. and they were not interested.
Bill Lucas of Bill's Tire. also adjoining the property. stated he was not opposed
to the rezoning.
Mr. Scoggins said these would be high-quality homes built in strict conformance
with the ordinance and assured council he would have no need to ask for variances
later. There is very little drainage problem and he did not anticipate having to
install any major drainage.
Bob Bison of Dunn Street questioned ingress and egress to the property. buffer
zones. and asked if a traffic light would be installed. Mr. Scoggins said 50' had
already been donated to the State Highway Department hoping that some day the road
would be four-laned. It would also be up to the State to determine if a light
was needed at the intersection.
Max Bacon made a motion the property be rezoned from LI to RTD. Jerry Mills seconded
the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote.
Variance: The request by West Lumber Company for a variance from the sign ordinance
and tabled August 3rd was presented again by Tom lawrence. an officer with West
Lumber Company. Mr. Lawrence said he had gone over these plans with the adjoining
lease owner and property owner. Their first request was for a variance on the
copy area. with the top portion of the sign being 156 square feet and the bottom
portion 136 square feet. The other request was for a variance on the height. to
47 feet. to eliminate blocking the other signs next to it. Mr. Lawrence said their
store would not be clearly visible from South Cobb Drive and he felt they would
need a sign this size to let people know they were there. Bogey Stoner of the
Smyrna Dairy Queen said he had no real objections to the size of the sign. After
further discussion. Jack Shinall made a motion the variances be denied. Jim Tolleson
seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote.
Variance: Jim Tolleson made a motion the request by Afton Downs to build 1.000
square foot units be tabled. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a
6-0 vote.
Jack Shinall said the qualifying dates for the City election set at the last meeting
were not within the State law and made a motion that the qualifying dates be reset
to September 14. 1981 beginning at 8:30 a.m. and closing on September 18, 1981 at
5:00 p.m. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote.
Jim Tolleson made a motion the first meeting in September be changed to September
1st. the first Tuesday. due to the Labor Day holiday. John Steely seconded the
motion which carried by a 6-0 vote.
There were no commercial building permits to bring before council.
Committee Reports: (Public Works) Jack Shinall said that several weeks ago we
opened bids for tires and service on city vehicles and bids were received from
Jonquil Tire. Sexton Tire and Howard's Fina. The low bidder was Jonquil Tire
Service. and Jack made a motion that the bids from Jonquil Tire be accepted for a
period of one year from today's date. Any changes from these prices or quotes
must be brought back to Mayor and Counci 1 for approval. All statements must break
out material and labor and itemize all costs. A letter should also be sent to
the vendor confirming these agreements. Jack said the Public Works Director and
City Clerk should check all prices and purchase orders would not be paid if prices
were other than those quoted. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by
a 6-0 vote.
(Parks) John Steely said there would be a softball game between Winkenhoff-McCurdy
and Smyrna Hospital onAugust 23rd at King Springs Park.
John Steely said the mud problem on King Springs Road had still not been corrected
and school would be starting soon. Cost to correct the problem would be about $300
and John made a motion that this small portion of King Springs Road at South Cobb
Drive be sidewalked before school starts~ to be paid from State Grants. Jerry Mills
seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote.
Continued - August 17.1981
Jerry Mills said the
they should do that
Jerry Mi 11 s
declared s
the police station
sidewalk on King
letter from Jim Farley requesting that the
and sold at the auction August 22nd:
van type. for work truck. with drawers
gallon. Artie Boy. steel with galvanized liner
items were donated to Civil Defense. and Mr. Farley
auction with the proceeds to go back into the Civil
tional equipment:
e budget
recei ver
radio receivers
ectronic calculator
and receiver set
made a motion these i
from the above menti
seconded the motion whi
declared surplus and sold
items to be returned to Ci
rried by a 6-0 vote.
from Kingstowne Apartments
help from the Board of
cost involved to sidewalk
about 200 feet.
we also need s
had been unable
d to give an
Road. which
Jim Tolleson
meeting with them soon
. Spivey had been in contact with city
use independent garbage collectors. They
information will be put together for a
be surplused and sold at
carried by a 6-0 vote.
laneous garage items which also needed to
automobile parts and Jack made a motion
auction August 22nd. Jim Hawkins seconded the
business. meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.