June 1/15, 1981 Council Meeting Attorney Fi re Chi ef Di Fa ed meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter t Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 esiding officer Mayor Frank B. Johnson. All Council members except for Jerry Mills, who was out of town. Also present was City Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey. Police Chief R. E. Little, Acting Hubert Cochran, Public Works Director Jim David, Parks and Recreation 11 Johnston. Building Inspector Dan Steely. Civil Defense Director Jim representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Councilman Elbert Coalson. followed by the pledge to the flag. Mayor Johnson stated a small reception had been held earlier this evening, honoring retiring Fire Chief Don Atkinson and presented Chief Atkinson with a plaque from Mayor and Council in appreciation of his 26 years of service to the City. There were no citizen reports. Jim Hawkins made a motion the zoning ordinance amendments adding sections 707.1 and 707.2 be tabled to the next meeting. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. Attorney Ken Nix representing Post Villages Northwest requested rezoning rty located in Land Lots 707. 708. 734 and 737 as follows: Parcell. 6.21 acres from General Commercial to RM-12; Parcel,2. 12.9 acres from Light Industrial to RM-12; and Parcel 3.21.58 acres from RM-12 to Office & Institutional. Mayor Johnson stated the Planning and Zoning Board had unanimously agreed that the re- zonings be granted. and there was no opposition. Jim Tolleson made a motion the rezoning request be approved. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. Rem Bennett requested a front yard setback variance of 3 feet on Lot 12. . Cumberland Corners. due to the engineering firm moving one of the stakes on the lot. Elbert Coalson made a motion the variance be granted. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. n s: (1) Bids on the installation of lighting at Jonquil Park Were opened. recorded as follows: Ask-Kay Electric AAA Electrical Cant. & Eng. L Lighting Co. L&L ighting Maintenance $3.250 $2.020 $2.500 $1.550 John Steely made a motion the installation of lighting be awarded to L&L Lighting. being the low bidder. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. (2) Bids for two lease cars for the Parks Department were opened. read and recorded as follows: 1980 Ford Fairmont 1981 Ford Fairmont Beaudry Ford Wade Ford $5.400 ea. not available $5.400 ea. John Steely made a mati back to full council. these bids be turned over to committee with a recommendation rt Coalson seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. (3) Bids for two 1981 F800 Ford dumptrucks were opened. read and recorded as follows: Alternate Bids: Harry White Ford. Inc. Municipal Sales $16.595.00 ea. $16.849.34 ea. $16.568.96 ea. $16.264.34 ea. $16.499.34 ea. (Fontaine body) $17.543.04 $16.924.97 Capitol ford Truck Sales Wade Ford Steely made a motion these bids be turned over to committee. for a recommen- back to full council. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. (4) Elbert meeti made. has 1 a bids received at the May 18, council tabled again until roofing repairs can be Mayor Johnson stated that Chuck Holmes ng to locate a set of plans to help him structurally. Vote on the motion to table these e seconded the lding and is di ng was bui 6-0. Resolution: Mayor Johnson read a resolution supporting the 1% Local Option Sales Tax referendum on June 23rd as follows: "WHEREAS: The governing bOclY of Cobb County has called for a 1% Local Opti on Sales Tax referendum to be hel d June 23. 1981; and WHEREAS: Local Option is a replacement tax. and would help relieve the burden on property owners of operating our county and city government by dispersing this responsibility to citizens of surrounding areas and tourists as well; and WHEREAS: Proceeds derived from said tax revenues will allow both the City of Smyrna and Cobb County to substantially reduce its millage rate for real and ad valorem property taxes to its citizens; and WHEREAS: The Mayor and 1 of the City of Smyrna believe>that the implementation d sales tax revenues and resulting property tax reduction. will be advantageous to the great majority of the City residents; now THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Mayor and Council of the City of Smyrna hereby unanimously approve a 1% Local Option Sales Tax proposal and will call a town meeting to discuss and answer questions on the issues presented." made a motion the resolution be adopted. Jack Shinall seconded the carried by a 6-0 vote. The date and time for a town meeting will 1 ater. made a motion that council be authorized to sign an agreement between Smyrna and Homeland Properties for the purpose of dedica~ing Park Drive c thoroughfare. John Steely seconded the motion. Jim Tolleson amended state the street would be dedicated as per plat dated May 15, 1981, foot width. John Steely seconded the amendment. Vote on the amendment a 6-0 vote. Vote on the main motion carried 6-0. stated an emergency situation had arisen at the tennis courts at King where some of the lighting ballasts needed replacement. The work Lynn ng Company at a cost of $709.90, and John made a motion payment be approved. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried 6-0. stated he had been approached by Public Service Company sing benches throughout the Ci ty. and i Thomas asked them to explain their proposal. was their ng there had been a lem with the former owners th company, by many benches in the They were willing to resolve that and work by allowing council tell them where they wanted the benches placed, the type of ads that would be used. They are insured. and the City ess in case of any injuries. They would like to the t areas. parks. etc. Initially. public service messages would be sides until such time as advertising space is sold; then the commer- sing would go on the th public service mes ning John Steely said it would be illegal to benches of ways. he did not we should commercialize and we to charge a for each one. Jack Shi we have other company in city utilizing the right felt same in this Attorney Camp said we could h a non- franchise for this ce. and a classification would be estab- the Ordinances Planning and Zoning Board. Mayor Johnson Committee together with Mr. Thomas and Mr. Jones for r request. Elbert Coalson made a motion that the request by Steven A. Sandmann to appeal the decision of Recorder's Court be heard at the June 15. 1981 council meeting. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Mayor Johnson said he had received a request from Barry Teague of Post Properties to close the dead-end of Corn Road. People have been going through the dead-end and it has caused some problems at their apartment complex on Spring Road. Mayor Johnson said the area was inspected by the Fire Inspector and Police Chief. and they could see no reason why the road should not be closed off. Jim Tolleson made a motion that Corn Road be closed at the dead end. and that Post Properties be allowed to erect a swinging gate with proper reflectors. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. Quit Claim Deed: Jim Tolleson made a motion that the City quit claim that strip of property which joins the property of Raymond C. Parks of 2614 Spring Drive and John E. Bailey of 2598 Spring Drive and Brenda Lane dead end, abutting Post Properties. A letter has been received from Post Properties. stating they have no objections. This str f property is 150' x 150.8'. described in a special purpose drawing by Trenholm ker. PA dated May 20. 1981. and is to become a part of these minutes. Mr. Parks and Mr. Bailey will share the property equally. and will share the cost of filing the deeds. title search. attorney fees, surveys. and any other related cost pertaining to the quit claim deed. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. Quit Claim d: Jim Tolleson made a motion that a piece of city-owner property 50' x 150' . oi ni ng the property of James E. Lenahan of 2492 Spri ng Ori ve and James Toops of 2474 Spring Drive. and described in a special drawing dated June 1. 1981. be quit claimed equally to Mr. Lenahan and Mr. Toops. This property abuts Post Properties and a letter was received from Post Properties stating they had no objections. Further. Mr. Lenahan and Mr. Toops will share the cost of all filings. deed search. attorney fees. surveys. and any other related cost pertaining to the quit claim deeding of this property. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. Commercial Building Permits: Lincoln Properties requested a permit to construct a 4-story office building at a total estimated cost of $3.160.000. Plans have been reviewed by the Building Inspector but because of an error on the way they were stamped, Dan Steely recommended the permit be approved subject to a corrected copy of the plans being submitted. and approved by the Fire Marshal. Jim Hawkins made a motion the building permit be approved. subject to plan correction and approval by the Fire Marshal. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. Jim Hawkins made a mati Steely seconded the mot the minutes of May 4. 1981 be approved as submitted. John which carried by a 6-0 vote. Jim Tolleson made a motion the minutes of May 18, 1981 be approved as submitted. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 5-0 vote. with Max Bacon abstaining. Commi rts: (Parks) John Steely stated the lighting at Cobb Park needed repla for the last 3 years we have been overpaying on the utility bills at this park. The City recently received a reimbursement check for $12.000 on the overpayment. which went into the General Fund. These utility bills and overpayments were paid from the Parks and Recreation budget. John made amotion that $7.000 of this money be allocated for material and installation for the relighting of Cobb Park baseball field. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 5-0 vote. Jim Tolleson was out of the room when the vote was taken. John Steely made a motion that two separate bids be requested to purchase these fixtures and install them. to be opened at the July 6th council meeting. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. John Steely expressed his appreciation to Jim David and Oan Steely for correcting the mud problem on Reed Road and King Springs Road. (Civil Defense) Elbert Coalson read a letter from Jim Farley stating the rescue truck was in the city needed replacing. The cost of rebuilding the existing would be buyi another rebuilt engine. There is one company that ializes in this hicl and their recommendation was that it be replaced with a Chevrolet 6-cy 250 cubic inch pickup truck engine. at a cost of approxi- $1500. Civil Defense estimated they would have approximately $543 left in 1980-81 budget and requested approval to expend this, plus additional funds ther source to make these repairs. Elbert Coalson recommended the request e set aside to the next meeting to give council time to discuss it. Continued - June 1. 1981 Elbert Coal Son read another 1 Department permitted to mai need for approximately 50% of the. made a motion a $25 petty cash seconded the motion which carri Jim Farley requesting 1 Defense petty cash fund which would eliminate the orders normally issued to them. Elbert approved for Civil Defense. Jim Tolleson a 6-0 vote. (Pol Atlanta. Coalson said the new police cars had been delivered and were in a motion that$5.QaO be allocated to begin the police 1 such time that a report and estimate of actual repairs from Chuck Ho:l:mes. Jack Shinall seconded the motion. Camp repairs could be made to the building without reques on the in case of an emergency on. Chief Little said an emergency; is so badly ~t will eventually cause consi to Jack Shinall said the $5.000 allocation needed to be . because does not have money appropriated for building repairs. Jim we wait for a from Chuck Holmes and then call a special ocate the necess Vote on the motion to allocate $5.000 rs failed by a 2- Voting for the motion was Jack Shinall and Voting against was John Steely. Jim Hawkins. Max Bacon and Jim Sin at we it was rotation Coalson said we needed to order new checks and it was also time city's bank accounts. Willouise Spivey stated using Revenue and there are just a few checks left General Fund. one to receive them after they are ordered. Jim ld a hasty decision on the of accounts had last time. Jack Shinall sai Revenue, E & C are at Bank & Trust now. General Fund and Payroll and Revenue State Grants at Cobb Bank & Trust. Generally ng the Water . General and Payroll Funds. After discussion. wait until the 15th council meeting to make a decision on the of these funds. Jim Hawkins reql..lestedameeting with Attorney Camp. Oan Steely and Committee after adjournment for the purpose of meeting with Mr. Jones from Public Service Displays. against the appropriation of $5.000 for to the he did not think it would remedy the si and not against making the repairs. Jim said if the pl not received next 2 or 3 days. he woul<irequest that the Mayor call a special meeting rpose of declaring the situation an emergency so that work can begin. d that today was Oon Atkinson's last day. and Assistant Chief d assume the duties of Chief of the F-ire Department. a motion a There are small children pl are numerous from several of motion which carried sign be placed at the large trees which cause a the area. and the road i ng parked on the street and the citizens in the area for the by a 6-0 vote. ng Dd ve at the to d he had Max Bacon sign. Attorney Camp stated he was it was one of the most difficult be attempting to nflux of unlawful attempting to do the same the next council meeting. the new ordinance for ever tried to draft. very lawful busi vity. He has asked for as thing. and hopefully it will d lately we have had many requests for quit cl roads and dead-end streets. He has four in his were furnished are not adequate for that purpose. t a policy in the future that a recent survey, dated required on all such The cost of the survey claim deed to be paid the property owner requesting business, meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Wi th no June 15. 1981 The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held June 15. 1981 in City Hall. Smyrna. Georgia. The meeting was called to order by presiding officer Mayor Frank Johnson. All Council members were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles Camp. City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief R. E. Little. Acting Fire Chief Hubert Cochran, Buil di ng Inspector Dan Steely. Publ i c Works Di rector James David. Civil Defense Director Jim Farley. Parks and Recreation Director Bill Johnston and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Councilman Jim Hawkins, followed by the pledge to the flag. There were no citizen reports. Elbert Coalson made a motion the date to hear the appeal of the decision of Recorder's Court made by Steven A. Sandmann, be rescheduled to be heard on July 6. 1981. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Annexation: Jim Tolleson made a motion the A. P. Dodd property. 10 acres located in Land Lot 707. be annexed into the City of Smyrna and become a part of Ward 1. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. A. P. Oodd requested the rezoning of 10 acres located in Land Lot 707 from RM12. There was no opposition and the Planning and Zoning Board had recommended the property be rezoned as requested. Jim Tolleson made a motion the 10 acres be re- zoned from R20 to RM12. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Pawn Shop Business License: Thelma Carter requested a business license to operate a pawn shop at 2540-C Atlanta Street (Belmont Hills). Mrs. Carter stated she had read and understood the pawn shop ordinance. Frank Johnson read a letter from Police Chief Little stating that investigation by his department did not reflect any factors that would bar the applicant from obtaining the license applied for. Jerry Mills made a motion a business license to operate a pawn shop be approved for Thelma Carter at 2540-C Atlanta Street. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Malt Bevera e License Ruben Gardner McMullan requested a retail package beer and wine 1 is business. the Chevron Gas & Grocery Store located at 2517 Spring Road in Smyrna. Jim Tolleson stated this request had been advertised and signs posted. There was no opposition. Jerry Mills asked Chief Little if all records were complete. Chief Little stated the report from the Federal agency was still pending. as they now place these requests on low priority and it would take months to receive the report. Mayor Johnson said that if the report did come back and the applicant had a record. the license could and would be pulled. Jerry Mills said he would have to vote against this request since it was so close to the apartment com- plex. Jim Tolleson made a motion a retail package beer and wine license be approved for Ruben Gardner McMullan at 2517 Spring Road. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 5-2 vote. Jim Tolleson. Max Bacon, Jim Hawkins, Elbert Coalson and Jack Shinall voted for. Jen'y Mills and John Steely voted against. Bid Opening: Bids for unit prices on garage items were opened, read and recorded as follows: Jonquil Ti re Sexton Tire Howard's Fina PASSENGER TIRES & PICKUP TRUCKS HR 70 x 15 Police Special H 70 x 14 White Letter (Detective) LR 78 x 15 Polysteel Whitewall 7:50 x 16 LT Hiway 7:50 x 16 Off the Road G 78 x 14 Hiway Poly Tire H 78 x 15 Hiway Poly Tire 7:00 x 15 LT Off the Road HR 70 x 15 Po1ysteel 8:25 x 20 Hiway 8:25 x 20 Off the Road 9 :00 x 20 Hiway 9:00 x 20 Off the Road 10 :00 x 20 Hiway 10:00 x 20 Off the Road 44.05 47.41 61.82 33.33-38.95 37 . 15- 42. 52 24.02 26.43 32.38 40.84 66.55 78.42 83.40 89 . 51 100.39 115.58 101.00 63.20 56.99 59.91 29.70 31. 83 49.72 59.11 97.11 118.13 113.33 137.81 147.06 178.91 46.61 46.09 58.05 39.68 61.12 30.70 33.10 51. 52 51. 53 92.95 118.28 111 . 44 132.33 148.04 171.83 JOHN DEERE BACKHOE Front 14.5/75 - 16.1. 10 Ply Rating Rear 18.4 x 28. 12 Ply Rating 82.38 395.28 150.68 393. 86 Sexton Tire Howard's Fi na FORD BACKHOE Front llL x 16. 8 Ply Rating Rear 16.9 x 24, lO Ply Rating 2000 FORD TRACTORS Front 6:00 x16 Farm Tire Rear 13.6 x 24 Farm Tire 46.50 302.22 49.18 273.88 24.96 118.37 26.40 11 7.96 WH HE TRACTOR Front .5 Hiway Rear .5 Off the Road 122.69 114.21 285.80 220.30-283.89 285.76- 300. 13 162. 12 162. 12 lO :00 R15TR 114.66- 1 30. 70 254.39 1 84. 1 2 The ng bids for unit prices on labor and repair charges were also read: Jonqui 1 Ti re Sexton Tire Howard's Fina Jimmy's Gulf LABOR TO REPAI R TRUCK TI RES Front 1000x20. 900x20. 825x20 Rear" " " 9.00 9.00 12.00 12.00 12.50 12.50 LABOR TO MOUNT TRUCK TIRES Front 1000x20, 900x20, 825x20 Rear H Ii II 9.00 9.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 7.50 auto 00 off each more than each time) 7.00 4.50 2 . 00 ch g . tire 2 . 00 ch g. tire & mount 2.50 balance LABOR TO REPAIR BACKHOE TI RES Front Rear 7.50 17.50 8.00 18.00 lO.OO 10.00 TO R FORD TRACTOR Front Rear 7.50 14.50 8.00 18.00 10.00 10.00 R WH HE Front Rear 12.50 12.50 8.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 LABOR TO REPAIR LOWBOY TIRES 12.50 12.00 10.00 REPAIR 8.00 18.00 (4 thru 7) TO REPAIR AIR , CARS & PICKUPS, 12.00 20.00 15.00 1 5 . 00 Jack 1 made a motion the bids study and interview with bidders. by a 7-0 vote. turned over to the garage for further Coalson seconded the motion which carried Jim Hawkins the proposed additions to the zoning ordi- n sed in the newspapers and made a motion the Residential Duplex District classification be approved as follows: Article VI. Section 601 of the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Smyrna shall hereby be amended to add a district known and designated as RD (Residential Duplex) District containing two (2) dwelling units per lot. and RD-4 con- taining Triplexes or Quadriplexes. Arti to area a rea of of two ( of 30 requi remen feet, and other Yard and Hei Re uirements, Section 801 shall be amended for RD Res tial Duplex District with a minimum lot .500 square feet; maximum two (2) units per lot; minimum floor per unit minimum lot width of 75 feet with a maximum height f 35 ; maximum lot coverage of 35%; minimum rear yard ide yard of 7.5 feet; and with minimum front yard setback to a major throughfare of 50 feet. minor throughfare 40 throughfares 35 feet. Arti le VIII Re ui rements, Section 801 shall be amended to a des r RD-4 1al Triplexes or Quadriplexes) with a minimum lot area total of 17.000 square feet; maximum four (4) units per lot; minimum floor area of 700 feet per unit; minimum lot width of 100 feet with a maximum height of (2) stories or 35 feet. Maximum lot coverage of 35%; minimum rear yard 30 feet; minimum side yard of 10 feet and with a front yard setback requirement adjacent to a major throughfare of 50 feet. minor 40 feet. and other throughfares 35 feet. ticle VII shall be amended by adding Section 707.1 to read. Section 707.1, Residential D lex Distri s) and RD-4 (Residential Triplexes or Quadriplexes). The intention 0 n establishing the RD District is to promote and provide for the development of two (2) family dwellings at a low density and within any RD District the following uses shall be permitted: (707 . 1 . 1) (707.1.2) (707.1 .3) All uses permitted in the RAD residential district. (Ord. of 12/29/77) Two-family and multi-family dwellings. (Ord. of 12/29/77) Residential group projects in accordance with the provisions of Article X. Section 1013. (Ord. of 12/29/77) ( 70 7 . 1 . 4 ) Commun unit plans in accordance with the provisions of Article X. Sect n 1014. (Ord. of 12/29/77) Jerry Mills seconded the motion to add the Residential Duplex District classification to the zoning ordinances. which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jim Hawkins made a motion the addition of the Residential Townhouse Oistrict classi- fication be approved as follows: The Zo Ordinances of the City of Smyrna shall be amended so as to add District D (Residential Townhouse District) which shall permit a maximum of ten (10) dwelling units per acre. shall be amended so as to add a designation for TO strict) with a minimum lot area per unit in square feet of 80.000; maximum six (6) units in a row; minimum floor area of 900 square feet per unit; minimum lot width of 20 feet, 30 feet for an end unit, with a maximum height of 2 1/2 stories or 35 feet; maximum lot coverage of 30%; minimum rear yard of 40 feet outside development and 30 feet inside development; minimum side yard of 35 feet outside development and 10 feet inside development (except if building contains no more than two units. then the side yard may be reduced to 8 feet inside the development). with 0 feet for attached units; minimum front yard setback requirements from a major through fare of 75 feet, 50 feet to a minor throughfare. 50 feet other roads and 25 feet inside development. Article VII. Use Provisions, shall be amended so as to add Section 707.2. TO (Multi-Famil Oistricts). The intent of this section in establishing TO districts 1S to and provide for development of single-family attached dwellings in a row or group. each house separated from adjoining houses in a row or group by architectural style, changing of facade. offsets. and by fire- walls or fire separations where ownership of each dwelling unit is in fee simple. Within any TD Residential District, the following uses shall be permitted: (707.2.1) All uses permitted in the RAD residential district. (Ord. of 12/29/77) (707.2.2) Two-family and ly dwellings. (Ord. of 12/29/77) (707.2.3) Residential group projects in accordance with the provisions of Article X. Section 1013. (Ord. of 12/29/77) 2 4) Community unit plans in accordance with the provi X. Section 1014. fOrd. of 12/29/77) of Article the motion to approve the addition of the Residential Town- classification to the zoning ordinance. Vote on the motion carried 7-0. (1) John Steely said the Parks Committee had recommended that the ums Unlimited for $3.756 be approved for the purchase of bleachers. approved in the Revenue Sharing budget and the committee further recommen- $256 be paid Revenue Sharing funds remaining from the John made a motion the bid from Stadiums Unlimited be seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. (2) be the the Parks Committee recommended that the bi d from1tJade Ford purchase of two lease vehicles at $5.400 each. and made a motion Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. said Wade Ford was the low bidder on two dump trucks for the Street .34 each and made a motion the bid be accepted. to be paid and Revenue Sharing. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which vote. Wal ter B. Hendry requested annexation of property located Road at Sherwood Road. The application was read as follows: undersigned. who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the owners of the by acreage of the area described below. which is uninc;orporated contiguous to the City of Smyrna. do hereby apply to have said area annexed into the City of Smyrna under the provisions of the Code of Georgia Annotated. Sections 69-904 through 69-912 (Georgia Laws. Acts 1966. Pages 409.410.411.412.413; 1971. 399; 1976. Pages 1011. 1012; said property to be annexed being described as follows. to wit: tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 381 of the 17th ct. 2nd Section of Cobb County. Georgia and being more particularly bed as follows: at an iron pin at. the intersection of the s of Concord Road with the northeasterly right of way running thence in a southerly direction along the line of Sherwood Road and following the curvature thereof of 267.5 feet to an iron pin at the intersection of the of way 1 i ne of Smyrna Hill Dri ve; runni ng thence in an northerly right of line of Smyrna Hill Drive to an iron pin; thence north 20 degrees 323.21 feet to an iron pin on the southeasterly Road; running south 64 degrees 58 minutes of Concord Road for a distance . the i of the southeasterly right of way line th the terly ri ght of way 1 i ne of Sherwood Road BEGINNING. right.of of Sherwood y ri ght dis- on THE UNDERSIGNED SET THEIR HANDS AND SEALS. AND THEREBY MAKE SAID APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SMYRNA. signature of the record title holders of the fee simple title. representati of 60% of the 1 and a rea above described by s/W. B. HENDRY made a motion the s July 6. 1981. John be validated and the date of public hearing seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 stated a loan of $4;:;0.000 was due June 30.1981. and made a motion Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Elbert Coalson said a 1981-82 budget of $5.957.940 had been pre- thanked the City Clerk, Budget Committee and department heads for their Elbert made a motion the 1981-82 budget of $5.957.940. which does not include Revenue Sharing. be approved. Jack Shinall seconded the motion. Following a question from Jerry Mills. John Steely said the Parks budget would be hard to live with after making ny cuts in that department. If they should have any emergen- cies such as repla a pump at one of the pools. the money would have to come from someone else's bu 0 make the repairs. The cuts made in parks maintenance means they will not be plant any grass or fertilize. Jerry Mills said more money had actually on maintenance last year than what they are requesting this year. and it realistic to make cuts on maintenance and repairs for facilities where the City has several million dollars invested. Jerry said this was not a budget, when you know ahead of time the money you request will not be sufficient and felt it should be studied further. John said they were not making cuts in places where they knew additional uld have to be approved at a later date; it was the only places where they to cut. In addition to maintenance. they also made cuts in their programs and hosted activities. Jim Tolleson said Bill Johnston had made the cuts in his. budget and felt he had done an admirable job. Jim also stated the items which had been cut were non-essential and he felt council should go along with it. Jerry Mills asked Bill Johnston if he could maintain the parkS on the money he h ted. John Steely said he would answer for Bill. and the answer was no. Jerr he thought the budgets were good. but he hated to vote for a budget that he knew would not be adequate. Elbert Coalson said he hoped the City employees d receive a cost of living raise before the next budget. because we are losing t of good e loyees because of low salaries. Jack Shinall stated that if any rtment he had submit budget knowing they would need to request additional at a later date. he like for them to withdraw their budget request at time. Jim Hawkins s e department heads had had ample time to prepare budgets and study nd he was in favor of supporting the budget as sub- d. Mayor Johnson re was no more money to be distributed, and if the t was reworked it have to be within the amounts of money already requested. said this was an election year. and everyone knew that if 25 or 50 citizens showed up at a meeting protesting the lack of maintenance on parks that council would find a way to approve Elbert Coalson said he did not care if it was an election year -- he had an obl ation to the City and would vote his convictions regardless of how it hurt him politically. Jerry said $40.000 a year was spent for park rangers and if possible, maybe these jobs could be cut and the money allocated for maintenance. Elbert Coalson said Bill Johnston was the professional hired to run the parks department. and felt he would be more knowledgeable in where to make cuts than anyone else. After further discussion, Mayor Johnson called for a vote on the motion. Jerry Mills said he would like to make an amendment. Mayor Johnson said he had already called the question and asked for a vote. Vote on the motion to approve the 1981-82 budget carried 5-2. Jim Tolleson. Max Bacon, Jim Hawkins, Jack Shinall and Elbert Coalson voted for. Jerry Mills and John Steely voted against. Rotation of Accounts: Elbert Coalson said at the present time the Water Revenue. E&C and Sinking funds were at First Bank and Trust; the General Fund and Payroll fund at Trust Company; State Grants and Revenue Sharing at Cobb Bank and Trust. Elbert made a motion the funds not be rotated at this time and remain as is. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Commerci Church Builders requested a permit to make an of Trust Company Bank on South Cobb Drive by installing an automatic teller. P e been approved by the Fire Marshal and Inspections Department and Dan Steely recommended it be approved. Jim Hawkins made a motion the permit be approved, seconded by Max Bacon. Vote on the motion carried 7-0. on said it had been brought to his attention that the Board members was less than that of the Planning and Zoning Board members. Jim made a motion to raise the salaries of the Civil Service Board members from $15 to $20 per meeting. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion. Willouise Spivey said there was $500 in the City Council budget which could be transferred. Jim amended his motion to state that $500 be transferred from the City Council budget to the Civil Service Board for salaries. Vote on the motion carried 7-0. Max Bacon said he had been receiving complaints from residents on Roswell Street concerning the speed limit. With a recommendation from Jim David, Max made a motion the speed limit on Roswell Street from Crumley Drive all the way to the railroad tracks be reduced from 35 to 25 miles per hour. John Steely seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Continued - June 15. 1981 bids be requested for street department. on that bids be reques remainder of the year. a 7-0 vote. Jim Hawki ns read a proposed amendment to the .ordi nance by addi ng ) . #6. as fo 11 ows : certifiGation that documents containing agreements . including s#wer. water. right of way lines. and any areas deed covenant for common use of all property .owners are nspections Department and Engineering Department of the City been furnished to all counci 1 members and it would be brought meeting to be voted on. expl ained that<the county was chargi ng us abOut 20% more for we are charging for a gallon of water. which explains the Revenue budget. Total billing for water and sewerage is per month. on that the. <Jedi cation of sewer accepted and that the Mayor be itsattaclJedto the owners of the them of th.e City I s. acceptance and and pipes Contained therein. This and property belonging to Felix Cochran. Jim to s ignthese documents after review by explained the easement and stated that most ngs the City normally does in the course of the motion carried 7-0. rough seconded Attorney. items lation and read a to mai from Architect Chuck Holmes listing the structure and use of the police department 1. - $4,500 ashing -$500 and weatherstrip joi nts - $2,000 conditioning in basement area - $8,000 wall s - $6.000 new carpet - $4.000 for compliance with fire codes - $3.000 llaneous repairs - $2.000 4. 6. 7. 8. iS$30.0ao. The 1 etter further these repai rs re and a more in-depth study should lems Jim Hawkinssai d he would 1 i ke to decl 1. 2 and that work can commence and then request bids on ining stated we had five proposals on reroofing wh not been never officiqllyrequested bi ds. Bi ds been Jim Hawkins made a motion that the r of ng of the windows and weatherstrips be emergency ttee be given the authori ty to contract award feel is best qualified. Jerry Mills motion. moved the original motion be amended to include i 7, painting for compliance with the fire code, for a total of $ ,aOOlA/hich is in John Steely seconded the amendment. Vote on the amendment and main ed 7-0. Bids on (4) cameras for the were opened. read and recorded as follows: Northside Electronics $325 each $55 additional for wide-angle lens $50 trade-in for old cameras a $1~79~ $2,096 ng installation made a motion the cameras be purchased from Northside ics. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. John Steely said a citizen in his ward had asked about installing a barbed-wire fence to keep kids out of the yard. John said he was not in favor of it. and read Section 22 of the City Charter which says the Mayor and Council shall have the right to exercise authority regarding the placing of barbed wire fencing within the City. John Steely said the air conditioning had gone out at the Senior Citizens Center and he had one bid on replacement. John said he would like to declare this an emergency. and accept the bid of $9.347 from Cobb Heating and Air. The existing unit can be rebuilt for $4.204 and would be guaranteed for one year. John said the Parks budget had $9.940 unexpended from 1980-81 and made a motion the bid from Cobb Heating & Air for $9.347 be accepted to replace the unit. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion. Max Bacon said he agreed we needed to do something. but felt we should have at least one other bid. After discussion. the motion and second was withdrawn. John Steely then made a motion that the replacement of the air conditioning unit be declared an emergency and the Parks Committee authorized to secure bids and take such steps as necessary to repair the emergency. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. John Steely read the schedule for the 4th of July festivities at King Springs Park. Mayor Johnson reminded everyone of the referendum for 1% Local Option Sales Tax on June 23rd and urged them to vote. There will be a town meeting tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. where the Mayor and Council will attempt to answer any questions the citizens may have about the sales tax. Elbert Coalson made a motion that Jack Shinall be appointed as the voting delegate for the GMA Convention in Savannah. with Jim Hawkins the alternate. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by a 5-0 vote. with Jack Shinall and Jim Hawkins abstaining. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. OR