December 1/15, 1980 Council Meeting December I, 1980 scheduled meeti f Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter 1, 1980, City S rna. Georgia. The meeting was called to order ing officer Mayor Frank nson at 7:30 o'clock p.m. All Council members esent. Also present was City Attorney Charles Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Finance Director Gunter Newsom, Police Chief R. E. Little, Parks and Recrea- tion Director B ton. Building Inspector Dan Steely, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley, S tendent of Water Larry Dunn, and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Jim Hawkins, followed by the pledge to the flag. r project, Dick Justice and J. Wallace, representing the Smyrna Jaycees, Id an empty stocking road block at the intersections of Spring e at Atlanta Road on December 13th and 14th, and also on They were told to work with Pol ice Chief little on this him of the exact times they will be working. Commercial building permits were presented by Inspector Dan Steely and the follow- ing action is recorded: (1) Morrison's Inc. requested a permit to build a Morrison's Cafeteria on Spring Road at an estimated cost of $800,000. The building would be located just west of McDonald's. Plans had been approved by the State Fire Marshal and the Inspections Department. There is a problem with a Cobb County water 1 ine running through the property where they want to place the building; however. they are proposing to re- water 1 ine to at least 20 feet from the building, and Cobb County has o work with them on the shut-down and reconnections. Elbert Coalson made a mo the permit be approved. subject to the water 'line being satisfactorily relocated. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. requested a permit to renovate restrooms at their hospital at a Road, at an estimated cost of $35.000. Mr. Steely said he was to meet State Fire Marshal tomorrow and expected to receive his approval of the Max Bacon made a motion the permit be approved subject to the approval of Marshal. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Is asked Inspector Steely what the regulations were concerning public acilities in business establishments. It was the general consensus that re required in all business for employee use, but public restrooms were not required unless the business dealt directly with the public. John Steely said there was a 50 foot right-of-way at the end of ve through to Reed Road and the City could never cut the road through. we quitcla this right-of-way to the two property owners on each n Steely made a tion this property be divided equally between Robert A. and Linda Bookhammer. Land Lot 385, lot 16, and Connie M. Byrd, Land Lot 15. Edgemoore Woods Subdivision, subject to their granting easements to ; the quit claim deeds to be prepared by Attorney Charles E. Camp, and any and all cost to be paid by the two property owners. The motion was seconded by Jim Hawkins which carried by a 7-0 vote. made a motion the minutes of November 3, 1980 be approved as submitted. econded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. lson made a motion the minutes of November 10, 1980 be approved as sub- im Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. ns made a motion minutes of November 17, 1980 be approved as submitted. on seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. stated he had a request from Ass istant Parks and Recreat ion DH:cector Sherry lock Memorial Drive and a part of Church Street during the Christmas Music and the Christmas Tree lighting ceremony on Thursday, December rry Mills made a motion to block Church Street from Atlanta Road to King and Memorial Place from Atlanta Road to Church Street, from 7:45 p.m. to on Decembe , 1980. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a An invitat was extended to everyone to attend this program. ) Director Bill Johnston reported they were sponsoring ram again this year and a seminar on Christmas ornaments. tmas Tree and the Music Festival will be December 11th. had s has hot cleaning John the City. in Ward 7. If someone in 1 contact the owners Council to get this star is a part a business, and the i r wards Elbert r I s p of some of the the sale is we have been unable to lice Department is going . and hopefully the bus will set for December 15, 1980. bids on the have a sale se I I then lson res. these p at the next 1 months ago Gunter sion has been made. get together and discuss them, meeting. handed out Ison asked that some Shinall reported requesting proposals Eva Study will go out to three engineering companies requesting these proposals be in by January 15, 1981, which gives which prepare them. Jack also all Council members to and Senators and urge passage of Revenue Sharing. and if they are not received we will really be in a bind. Sewer System We are days in their funds are Hawkins said Streets had Irman of the zed to sign the seconded the motion plat for Cumberland by City Engineer Ji Zoning Board, and he that it can be recorded carried by a 7-0 vote. located at t and motion the Courthouse. a town on the p the business the program he thought a committee meeting was held attended, and he made the following ld Monday night to in our business opposed to the merit. Some points lid points. As a result , in which the Mayor and several recommendation: from the Ie. It personally, had not is meeting, Counc il members "It ion of the the business license s further study. It is also nt a committee of Smyrna license schedule." and Permit Committee that . namely the gross recei recommendation of this businessmen and Councilmen ed be that furthe r study tab the our -to Jim whi the recommendations be approved. a 7-0 vote. Jerry Mills seconded the motion Jim a Bu also stated that InspeCtor Dan Steely has received his Inspector. and commended Dan for the good job he has done. ification as Jerry Mills stated he wa~ concerned about the delay In the construction Boulevard, through properties, and thought a meeting should be set Commissioners to try work something out on their part. Jerry said had been held up starting construction and it was costing him as ity. Mayor Johnson he certainly concurred, but thought we should new Commission itself. John Steely and Jack Shinall both said meeting should set now. Elbert Coalson said we promised Mr. Will iams Ip build the we should do it and not wait longer. Mayor State contract returned and he antic would have weeks, and suggested wait until it is received going to He has been on this. trying to get it dead center. thought we meet with the Commissioners and get the details when we receive the contract, we can go. Jerry said he thought we to meet with the Commissioners how, and asked the Mayor to set up said that si we have a $30 a meeting to week. Je m ght be overs to delay the gross deficit, and asked ts. Elbert advi had reviewed the water Jim Hawkins said he thought business Ison if he ca I ling a receipts t should (Employee Benefits) Max Bacon said that since Christmas Day and New Year's Day both fall on Thursday this year, he recommended city employees be given both Thursday and Friday as holidays, for this year only. The Fire Department employees would be given one (1) shift off and the Chiefs of the Fire and Pol ice Departments would work up their schedules. Max made a motion the Fridays after Christmas Day and New Year's Day be given to city employees as holidays, Fire Department personnel working on shifts to be given one (1) shift, for this year only. John Steely seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jim Tolleson stated that Saturday he passed by the triangle at Spring Road and Hargrove and the trees were gone. Several months ago, Turner Advertising made an application to the county to erect a sign at that location--not a sign, but a bill- board. The City of Smyrna had an agreement with Cobb County to use this spot for the Welcome to Smyrna sign. The county understood this triangle was owned by the county, and notified us that Turner Advertising had applied for a permit. They gave us some time to run a title, which we did, because we could not understand why this little triangle was not bought by the State when the street was widened. The title run showed there was a private owner of this triangle. In my opinion, I ike a bunch of rogues, they came in over the weekend and cut trees down after the permit was granted. and I am mad about It. There is nothing we can do about it legally, but we want Turner Advertising to know we don't like it and I intend to do everything I can to keep them from having that billboard. They are ugly, and the City does not need them. In answer to a question, Jim said the billboard was one of the largest that Turner Advertising has. (San i tat ion) liners until 7-0 vote. Jim Tolleson made a motion to extend the date for receiving bids on the next meeting. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a The CMA Christmas Meeting will be December 9, 1980 and the next wi 11 be December 15, 1980. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. ************************ The regular meeting of Mayor and Council was held December IS, 1980 in the Council Chambers of Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding officer Mayor Frank Johnson. All Council members were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles Camp, City Clerk Willoulse Spivey, Police Chief R. E. Little. Fire Chief Don Atkinson. Director of Public Works Jim David. Parks and Recreation Director Bill Johnston, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley, Sui lding Inspector Dan Steely and members of the press. Invocation "'1as given by Elbert Coa,lson, followed by the pledge to the flag. Reports: Mayor Frank Johnson introduced Virginia Morgan and Gene Weaver Smyrna Athletic Association Irlho presented a trophy to Mayor and Counci I. Ms. Weaver was in charge of the 85-pound SAA Roadrunner football team cheerleading team and they recently won the Georgia Youth Cheerleading Competition, which is a statewide event. Mr. Morgan introduced her cheerleaders and thanked the City of Smyrna for their cooperation and use of their parks. rotest of Water Bills had gotten a permit for a sign for 871 Cherokee Trail not like, and he thought the City used selective enforcement Mayor Johnson reminded Mr. Henson he was here to appeal the er bills, not a sign permit. Mr. Henson said he had no animosity il, but they made it impossible to do business at the sign location. records did not show he owed the water bills.and an inquiry to the City's audit firm brought no reply. He did not bring any of his records and had ded only by phone and letters. Mr. Henson was advised to bring his can- hecks, etc.. to the Water Department and they would be glad to check them Inst our records. Jack Shinall made a motion to continue this hearing at the meeting In January. Jim T~lleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 The 1 not i He I Hensan sible Shina in 0 by a 7-0 .of the second water Department hause to the Le fami 1 iar with bins. He said a mot i on to cont i nue recheck all records. te. bill was 2650 Carolyn Drive. Mr. said he inue service in his name April, 1979. on May 1979. Jack Shinall Mr. holds the p r respon- ifiedthe City to discontinue ceo Jack s hearing until the first meeting January Elbert Caalson secanded the motion which carried Maltese Signs requested a variance of the sign ordinance to erect a sign on Cabb Parkway for Lake Cumberland Apartments. Jim Hawkins made a motion the variance be granted. Jim Talleson secanded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. . Walt Hapkins req of property located at 1326 Concard F.C. ta L.C. far a ceo Mr. Hopkins was present~nd said his canstruct a 2-stary building totaling 2400 feet, with 15 park ing spaces. Pl ann i ng and Zon i ng Boa rd recommended the 3-1 vote, wi th one t i on. Mr. Eugene Rice, 3046 Lee St reet was because he did not any curb cuts on Lee Street. Max Bacon made the property at 1 Concord Road located in lL 558, 17th District, County, Georgia, beginning at a point being the intersection of east side of lee Street and the south s ide .of Cancard Road (formerly Love Street) running thence east 89 degrees, 22 minutes for 80.55 feet, then south 1 degree, 30 minutes for 113.75 feet, then south 80 degrees, 29 minutes, 30 seconds for 81.03 feet to Lee Street, then north 1 degree, 21 minutes for 128.00 feet and the point of , be rezoned from Future Commercial to limited Commercial with the st that there be no curb cuts on lee Street. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Concept Warehouses, Inc. ,618 Smyrna Roswell Road requested rezan i ng fram Commercial to Office/Distribution to construct mini warehouses. The appli Peters was present and said they had 2.8 acres and planned ta build a mini starage facility of approximately 51,000 square feet. There will be one entrance from Smyrna Roswell Road and a fire exit from Hawthorne Road. The Planning and Zaning Board had recommended the rezoning. There was no oppositian. Jim Tolleson made a motion this praperty be rezoned from G.C. to O.D. Max Bacan seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Vari Robert Peters, Concept Warehouses, Inc. at 618 Smyrna Roswell Road had a variance to build an apartment/office on the premises, but asked that this issue be withdrawn. The no commercial building permits to bring before Council. Steely secanded the motion which Jim Tolleson made a mation that W. Zoning Board, representing Ward 1. by a 7-0 'late. D. John Max and by a 7-0 a motion that Dan Scoggins, 3234 Ann Raad be appointed ta the Planning representing Ward 2. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried Jim made a matian that Jack Strickland be reappointed ta the Baard to represent Ward 4. Max Bacon seconded the motian which carried by a 7-0 vate. John Steely made a motion that Gene Jernigan be reappointed ta the Board, representing Ward 7. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 'late. said he felt it ia Municipal Associa paid, in the amount .of a 7-0 vote. necessary that the City continue its membership and made a motion that annual membership dues $2,764.61. John Steely secanded the motion which Elbert made a motion that the discussion of adopting a purchas.Jng pracedures plan be tabled. Jerry Mills secanded the mation which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jim Tolleson the Cobb , , that the City approve .of the sign that on Hargrove at Spring Raad and urged them to adopt a sign ordinance (License & Permits) Jim Hawkins said his committee had met and made a motion that the business license schedule for 1981 be adopted at the same rate as 1980. John Steely seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. (Finance & Administration) Elbert Coalson read a letter addressed to the Mayor from Gunter E. Newsom, Director of Finance & Administration, tendering his resig- nation to become effective December 17. 1980. Mr. Coalson said he appreciated Mr. for the goop that he has done the City and he has been an asset, and made a mo n that the resignation be accepted. John Steely seconded the motion which carried by a ]-0 vote. Jim Tolleson said he would like to give authority to the Mayor to discuss the number of days severance pay due Mr. Newsom and make his recommendation to Council. John Steely said that his accumulated sick leave and vacation would amount to approximately 30 days, and Jerry Mills made a motion that Mr. Newsom be given 30 days pay from the date of res.ignation. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. (Police) Chief Little reported a date for the sale of surplus equipment has not been set, but it would have to be on a Saturday. The sale must be advertised in the newspaper in a sufficient size and type to be easily read and understood. Elbert Coalson made a motion that bids be let for four (4) new patrol cars for the Police Department to be paid from Revenue Sharing funds.. Jerry Mills seconded the motion. Chief little said it would be January or February before we would know who had the State contract, and didn't feel we could hold out that long on ordering. These cars were approved in the 1980-81 budget. Mayor Johnson asked Chief little to check with the State and determine the status of the contract letting. Vote on the motion to submit bids carried by a 7-0 vote. (Parks) John Steely thanked Bill Johnston and Sherry Reavis for the fine job they did at the Christmas Tree lighting and also Noel Roberts for the music program. John Steely made a motion that we request bids for two used vehicles for the Parks Department, to be opened the second meeting in January. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried by a ]-0 vote. John Steely said he had received a complaint about the speed limit on Concord Road being raised to 45 miles per hour. John said you cannot travel safely at 45 miles per hour on Concord Road from South Cobb Drive to Atlanta Road. John said he had already written the State concerning the speed limit on North Cooper lake Road. Concord Road is not in his ward, but asked the councilmen within that ward to look into the situation. Jim Hawkins said the speed limit was raised to 45 to enable the Police Department to use radar on that road. Chief little said the Department of Transportation makes a survey of roads where we would like to use radar and then they check the average speed on that street to determine what they think is a safe speed. nts: Next Council meeting January 5. 1981 and the Jonquil Breakfast on r 17th which is being sponsored by our city. Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m. ICKORY OF OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS. made BO'\AIEN:> I . , publ she THIS ,> rat it the laws of" prine of"f"ice State 0 Georgia, ounty 0 Cobb, ered havi in Cobb County, Georgi W I ESSE'rH " " sa c ion is ON of' the s LL certain 1.3" racts n Lots 244" 2 1 b ng a s bdi, sion parcels 0 land s tuated, and 3 6 of" the 17th Dis ri " Ceorgia" b more parti u'lar Lots 1 through 20 inc ive, as per p at by s ered Land and rec _____; Cobb County Records, and it i to the interest benef"it and advantage each and every shal ove des in vi :> INC. doe hereby set up" 1 s protective to apply 1 persons owning sai lots, or any of' them, these protective covenants shall become ef'f'ecti with the land and shall be binding 0 through STERLING G. BOWEN, INC. until h time said covenants may be Ie or in as re er nd dec er ate 11, i :0 b t~ 1 sslve slgned by ma,) ori ty of' 1 s has been recorded, agree! to change oovenants in whole or in part. AND LDING No lot shall be used 11 be erected, h 1 n s have ro t~te quality or e w:tt;h on \'li th re pee to graphy wal. I eree ed, nearer to any s et t n mi imilarly approved. Approval shall COMMI All P and writ a , " , J..,~ :L 1 w ee: BOWEN A o t ee 1 deai i a 1 lans and ecifications submit ed. SI The ground rloor area or main story porches and garages, shall feet one- tory dwelli . not han one-s r 5 et. i all b located on r nearer to tide stre setbac on the record s be o 1 nearer or o t t o f'e t to ~ t shall c dere as a part f' a jXlg, , his shal not b cons rued to permit any portion f' a on a lot to encroach upon another lot. EASEMENTS: Easements f'or ins lla ion and maintenanc ili served as shown on and within en f'eet around the peri~~ter 6f' di NUISANCES: No noxious or of'f'ensive aotivity shal be any lot, nor 1 b done th e t~ " '" ly. No o i p to c any lot e ept one prof'essional s gn square f'oot" two polit al signs not more han ve plac wit;hin months 0 the respec ive sign of' not more than f'ive square f'eet advertising f'or sale or rent. or Signs used by a builder to during the construction and sa es period. No animals" livestoc or kind shall e ra.i ., kept on any lot" B or other househo B be t prov::tded that they are t" bred nt ned f'or any c ia oses. lot 1 b f'or rubbIsh. 'Trash. garb 0 tary A orage h ondi on. s 0 Pub 4 al -'- i t shall ained ueh Any pure er t' a constructi ot' a residence on b c wI !:lin Lf months such syt t have 36 hs al truc ext ime may be grante by any uch s mus b 1 o Lot n s 01' s .. o syst i i. be ("Hrlners 1 the 1_ tal an1tary 1 e c t 1t10n to as s ot' $75 .00 per to Lake H lIs Subd1vis10n s:}tgt 1 0 sha 1 be by proceed erso o or t 01 " its he t STERLING G. BOWEN,