October 6/20, 1980 Council Meeting
October 6, 1980
held pursuant to t-.ne Charter
meeting was called to order
.m. All COuncil members
, City Clerk willouise
E . Little, Ass' t. Fire Chief
Johnston, Building Inspector Dan Steely, Civil
Public Works Director Jim David and representatives
of the press.
The pledge to the Flag was led by two Boy
declaring October 12-18, 1980 "International Alpha
the signed Mstrtha Curtis, teacher
Chambers, ,.,ho teaches Mabry Middle School.
Tom Char:ron, candidate for District Attorney was recognized.
n:ak:e a p::>int of personal priviledge. He stated
this rrorning that he thought was for the Tuesday
ished today, and he apologized to Mayor and Council
Hickory Circle stated that he was Chairman of
and had worked closely with the City for many
He expressed his appreciation to Council for
lly he oould see no alternative but to increase
He said he was aware of the drastic cuts in the
Council not to forget the invest::rnents we have
into the city are interested in three things -
He asked that if all possible, to please leave the
in the budget.
that 1042 Concord Road be rezoned from Future
be used for a sales office. There was no
Board recommended this property be rezoned.
est had been p:roperly advertised and made a
seconded the rrotion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Concord Road be rezoned
by an insurance agency.
recomnended this property
at 1302 COncord be rezoned
vote was 6 for and 1
awned the property.
Beer/Wine Pack.age LicE'nse, 777 Food
ant. Jim Hawkins asked Mr. Bang if he
the legal age law and if he checked ID' s .
ce, the legal age law and he did check
E. Little stated an investigation by his
, other than language difficulty, that would
the license requested. Jim Hawkins made a rrotion
if Mr. Bang' s inability to fluently speak and
causes t:rouble, he cannot use this as an excuse for
Mills seconded the rrotion which carried by
a 7-0 vote.
were present by Inspector Dan Steely and the following
South Cobb Drive requested a permit for an addition
app:roved by- the Fire Marshall and the
reCCll't1fl:lellded they be app:roved. John Steely made
Coalson seconded the rrotion which carried by-
minutes of September 8, 1980 be approved as submitted.
carried by a 7-0 vote.
as submitted.
October 6, 1980 - COntinued
Jerry Mills made a rrotion the minutes of Septerriber 24, 1980 be approved as submitted.
Max Bacon seconded the rrotion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
Elbert COalson read the following statement: "I have been a merriber of the Smyrna
City Council for over 10 years and during this time I have been luclcy enough to have
never had to vote for a tax increase. Doring this time I have been able to vote for
decreases in the City's millage rate because the city didn't need to have as high
a millage rate as it did. Because I was able to vote for cutting taxes when the
city didn't need rroney, I believe I should propose and vote for a tax increase when
it is necessa:r:y. The city has been able to cut the millage rate consistently since
1958 and needs to, for this fiscal year, set the millage at 14 mills, VV'hich is a two
(2) mill increase over the last year's rate. I therefore now n:ake the following
rrotion: I rrove that the City of SJn.Yrna' s ad valorem tax millage be set at 14 mills
for the tax year 1980. I further rrove that upon adoption of this rrotion, the City
Clerk be ~ered to certify this millage ra"t.e to Cobb County, as well as the
State Revenue Department of the State of Georgia." John Steely seconded the rrotion.
Jerry Mills read the following statement: "Several weeks ago, I resigned as Chairman
of the Finance Committee of the City of Srnyrna. There were two reasons that I resigned
as Chairman of the Finance Committee. The first was that several members of
the Council had stated that they did not believe the figures in the budget
supplied to them by the Finance Committee. This being the case, I felt that
another member might be believed rrore readily and therefore, should serve as
Chairman of the Finance Committee. The other reason is as I have stated before,
that I had told the voters in my 'Ward whE'n I ran for office this last time that
I would not vote to raise taxes in the City of Smyrna. This promise created
a difficult personal problem for me as to what was the right thing to do. Do
I stick by my promise not to raise taxes and harm the City, or do I vote for a
millage increase that I know is necessary to keep Smyrna a healthy, strong city.
During these pqst few weeks, I have struggled long and hard with myself as to
what was the right thing for me to do as a member of the Smyrna City Council
abi:'1 the Council merriber f:rom Ward 3. I have made my decision that the right
thing to do is to vote for a 2 mill increase. I am voting for this because I
know that in order to continue providing good services to the citizE'ns of Smyrna,
the extra rroney is needed. The basic culprit is the same one that everyone else
has --inflation. With the cost of gas and everything else going up that it
was necessary that the city raise its millage in order to cover it's cost.
Another reason I am voting for this is that I believe we will be able to reduce
taxes again in another year or two when some of the effects of our annexation
p::llicies start being felt. Next October 20th, the City will have annexed over
1400 acres of prime land during the last 16 rronths. This land will help diversify
Smyrna's econorqy and imp:rove our tax base, as well as improve job opportunities
for Sl:rlyrna residents and other residents of South Cobb County. This decision
'Was not an easy one for me as it was not for any other Il:1el'I1ber of this council.
Most of you have read a great deal in the pqper about the discussions and de-
liberations of your Mayor and Council concerning a possible tax increase, as
well as the adoption of the fiscal year 1981 budget. There have been some
negative cornmE'nts and positive ones, and carrrnents reacting to comments. These
comments in some cases have helped infonn the people as well as council members
but they also, I believe, have caused council to become divided. I believe
that it is time for all of us, myself included, to be p::lsitive in our comments
as well as our outlook. This is difficult to do when times are tough, but it
is also necessary. I think it is time for all elected officials to pull together,
to pt:J.t aside our individual interest and work as one toward keeping Sl:rly:l::na a
financially sound city as well as encouraging growth. I pledge myself to join
with the rest of the council to any spirit of unity that might be developed. I
pledge myself to continue vvorking as hard as I know how for the benefit of Smyrna.
I also pledge myself to insist that this sense of unity and cOIT1!l13nality of
purpose exist with elected officials of the City of Smyrna. There also 'Was a
third, and very }?ersonal reason I resigned f:rom the Finance Committee. My doctor
informed me that if I did not relieve myself of sorre pressures I would not live
another year. I chose to give up the finance committee as I had been under a
lot of pressure. These are the reasons I resigned from the Finance Committee, and
not from statements in the newsp.:iper."
Elbert Coalson stated as long as he had served on council he had never seen anyone
as Chairman of the Finance Committee work as hard as Jerry had, and he had wo=ied
about it. Jerry has worked hard on annexations as well and he asked everyone
to remember him and his physical condition in their prayers.
Jack Shinall said he also Jerry's statement and said there were many
nights they had vvorked late on the budget. He said he did not believe that the
tax increase was being p.:issed for the reasons, that it would only be a stop-
gap measure and vvould not allow the continue to prosper. Jack made a
rate until it could be reviewed for another forty-
r lack of a second.
this had been pt:J.t off long enough. We have already
so bad that it's starting to hurt the citizens.
on on council that 'Was in favor of
was right, and not what would be
favor voting for a tax increase but
Jim Tolleson
cut until it couldn' t
but felt it was the r
long dra'WIl out affair and the budget had been
any rrore. He didn't want to vote for a tax increase
Mayor Johnson said this
several sessions wi
felt it was
as it was to rerrove
budget had been gone over line item by line item in
He said he supported the tax increase and
supp::>rt a tax increase when needed, as much
it 'Was no longer needed.
Vote on the rrotion
by a 6-1 vote.
and John Steely
the millage rate from 12 mills to 14 mills carried
Max Bacon, Jerry Mills, Jim Hawkins, Elbert COalson
Shinall vote against.
request of Elbert COalson, Finance Director
said this was an extremely tight budget,
. . tures are cut to a bare minimum
It will be necessary for everyone
y to end up in the black in FY81. The budget
FY80, taking into account double-digit inflation
for those employees earning a merit increase.
roughly reviewed and during this
and possible solutions set forth.
ons will be implemented during the
these solutions, other assumptions were utilized
are essential to the implementation and should be
of this budget. These assumptions are as follows:
be set at 14 mills.
continue its licy of reviewing all personnel vacancies
controls be closely followed and
endorsement of Mstyor and Council.
business license system be implemented for calendar
receive the full
That a gross
t proposed
concerning vehicles and vehicle use be implemented.
The surrrnary of this
budget is:
Water ReVE'nlle
State Grants
E & C
106 000
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
he had
the budget with the following
and :Recreation resulting in
o take care
,000, (3) The
our parks
of $3
maintenance and/or
for one
to have
NO capital
for a
depqrtment by one
peak periods, for
in the Fire
The remaining
repqirs and also minor needs
the budget. (1) In Parks and Recreation
to corne
continue the adult
Employees, effective , 1980.
for discussion. he had
of the
said he simply
of the $3,
duties. Jerry said
the capital
swim or track coaches
the fact that it is to find
coach. As far as the associations
be fine if they could it,
the associat:ions and
had pt:J.t :in many hours
for maintenance
and equipment is
could raise this kind
of overtime
the curbing program, and
be shifted since
capital e~itures for the Water
prcibC!hJ.yqpgway with that if necessary.
the additional proposed cuts in this department would corne. from the
of at least one employee.
the Inspections
We now have one
and Inspections
said this seems to be a peak season
who working part-time between the Water
not see how they could stand the cut in that
of two
the Fire Department
to have a certain
not need to be
any problem with it,
of this portion of
and was not
not vote to support
him for
6, 1980
a cost of
raise for city errploy-ees, not. because of vvhat we
they had been working on this before the
Mills stated the Revenue Sharing portion
at this time as a public hearing is re-
1 made an amendment to the
ng portion of the budget not be adopted
. c hearing is held. Jerry Mills seconded
to the main motion carried by a 7-0 vote. Vote
budget, with Item 5 being renegotiated at next
until such
the rrotion.
on the main
meeting carried
Mayor Johnson stated that we have not received any
that Revenue funds would be
e was set for October
indication from
this year. The date for
(Parks) John Steely stated our Parks Depari::11:JE;nt had received
people would get out and see vvhat we have in this city,
dollars were being used. John said Bill Johnston
grx:x:l job on the Senior Citizens Center dedication
John said there was some talk of Cobb County
would like to openly support the location
gs. It would serve Cobb County at its
it would be unfair to locate it in East Cobb
to be at Fair
best at that location,
County .
(Police) Chief Little thanked Mayor and Council for their support and cooperation
and pledged the of his depari::rnent in spite of some unfavorable news-
paper articles
reminded everyone of the Blood Drive on October 13th.
volunteers would be CPR courses this week
the Red cross office in lYlariet"ta.
Elbert thanked COuncil for the hard work put into the budget, and for the work
that they would continue to do.
nove on to do away with parks. He had a proposal
fully back this budget with no qualms What-
had put into it but did take offense at
Jack said
the sewer increase
appears that about
SaJ:rle:, so it appears
than normal water bills, due to
did a survey and it
went down and 20% stayed the
to be working.
he hoped to have a package put together for
licenses fees to and by Friday
License Conmi ttee meet' so tl:1.ey could have
make a personal remark concerning his statement
wa.s running for He said it was purely
no real fact it up. At the time he said
condition and apologized for the statement.
Smyrna Cable TV was sponsoring S:rn:yrna' s first
to Mayor and COuncil to come by on October
p.m. for this telethon for Calvary Children's Home.
be there; just drop in and be on tl:,e show a few
to contribute to the children's home.
occasions in an attempt to
met with the Chief
three separate days.
terns. J\Ilax said he had
t be in the best interest
Continued - October
a pack.age plan for Council to. consider.
House on October
meeting on October
at 9 :09 p.m.
20 1980
and Council was held on
was called to order by
All Council Il:1el'I1bers were
City Clerk Willouise.Spiv~y,
Director Bill JOhnstOn,
Director Jim Farley,
Little and representatives
20, 1980,
given by Counci1rnanElbert COalson, followed by the pledge to
Coalson a&iiseCl that: Lt. Jimmy Tidwell of the Fire FJ::'evention
a heart attack and Fire Chief Don Atkinson's daughter had
surgery this week, and. called on everyone to remember them in their
of the SIT(Yrna Athletic Association
but was concerned about statements
not factual. He if council
current association He
budget and a addressed
June 25, 1979. Myers said
welcome to attE'lld the Board
why he made these c<:::l'(!:)rUents, Mr.
in response to a ne\N$paper article
the SAA which were not correct.
that he had worked with the SAA
said his remarks at the last
in Smyrna and not just the SAA.
a ~velOJ:ment Authority for the City of
be approved:
experiencing significant growth
next fe\N years;
all the citizens of
that this development be controlled and
of SIT(Yrna;
Authority in the of
aforementioned purposes;
the City of Smy:r:na has a need for
the City of smyrna and it Phall
and responsibilities as set forth
of Georgia Annotated.
assisted by
is a
stated he had
not think the
invited us to a
attorney pre$ent.
my.. personal
we can
interest at heart,
tax-wise than
this tonight
had beE'll talking
is already
mainly because
of SIT(Yrna.
we are
this for
six nonths. Jim Hawkins said he thought it would be a duplicate service. Jerry
the Smyrna would vvork together with the Marietta-Cobb County
venture. Jim Hawkins said Marietta-O:::>bb
could' get started quicker, and although
. SmYrna, they will still be
probably the biggest industrial pqrk in
who have done industrial develop;nents
a p:rofessional way for us, and I would
said they would work
I think the people we
Board, but I feel some
the Board. Jim
t it off until the
about what is going
y had agreed to do
Jim Tolleson said he understood the
do it for us, or we would appoint
us. Jerry Mills said
not make any appoint-
but he did not know
that if he was not sure
aid we had the expertise
with experiE'llQe and
have home-town on the Authority and people
heart. Jim Hawkins said we p:robably had some
, but not with experience, and if they
t be different. Following a question
ple to fill this
Mayor Johnson said it
f appointees, and
very highest
ter a period of
At the present time I tJ1e Cobb County
from the SJn.Yrna area serving on the
seven years; however, it has only
they have become active. In fact, industrial
active in of funding, tax free
It is a very they have, and the
Cobb COunty ce for the Boardl
get into would actually administer
nl aids and
I because the
bring. industrial growth into Cobb County.
1 Authority has the expertise by virtue
we could gain that experience ourselves.
try-seeking endeavors
us lege of client pqrticipqtion
Develop;nent Authority. This tract of land will be
at is in the county, and I
Chamber of Com:nerce and Cobb Industrial Authority
or out of the country the opportunity to
an industrial site. I think the one question
le and previous to this, is do we
Authority would be nore beneficial to
ctively involved, living here, and having
. eat way. Certainly, the expertise
gained by the County Develop-
big question. From the standpoint of the
in the same manner. Jim Tolleson agreed,
We should wait a week or UNO and discuss
viewed that too, as being a question and
Mr. Mills and see whether the possibility
be done now. Jim Tolleson said he would
gs coming on the Cobb County Industrial
t some of it. Mayor Johnson
e Board by way Brock rroving, but
or promised to ry Mills said
y Miles Willis, East Cobb
a local person appointed, but
not anyone area that serves
ed by- a 5-1-1 vote. Voting for was
all, John Steely' and lI/fax Bacon. Jim Hawkins
Tolleson abstained.
W:xXlrnere-Jacksonville, Inc. rElC{Uested annexation of property,
Land Lots 404, 461, 403, 462, 475, 534, 391, 402, 463, 474, 535,
392, 401, 464, 473, 536, 616, 460, 476, 533, 547, 607, 608, 545, 393 544,
609, 681, 688, 390, 689, 752, and 753 of the 17th District, 2nd CObb
County, Georgia as described in Exhibit "An and advertised in the Smyrna Neigh-
bor Newspaper on October 2nd and October 9th, and on file in the office of the
Clerk, City of Smyrna (a copy of said Exhibit "A" being attached and made a
part of these minutes) .
Mayor Johnson asked if there was anyone present in opposition to the annexation.
One man f:rom the audience said he was in opposition and Mayor Johnson asked if
he would speak for the g:roup, if there was more than one present. He said he
would allow for discussion from op1J9sition from one party outside the city limits.
He then asked if there were people present who would be in favor of the annex-
The Clerk read the application for annexation as follows: "We the under-
signed, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the awners of the land area by
acreage of the area described below which is unincorporated and contiguous to
the City of b!riyrna hereby apply to have said area annexed into the City of Smyrna
under the pmvisions of the COde of Georgia Annotated, Sections 69-904 through
69-912 (Georgia Laws, Acts 1966, Pages 409, 410, 411, 412, 413; 1971, 399;
1976, Pages 1011, 1012, said property to be annexed being described in Fxhibi t
Mayor Johnson said this was a public hearing to determine if the City of Smyrna
should enter into the annexation of this piece of property, and if we had any
op]?Osition to that, it would be heard at this time.
Mr. Ed Praytor, President of Association, mailing
address Mableton, Georgia, a ci ti rporated Cobb County. Mr. Praytor
thanked Mayor Johnson for giving h' op]?Ortuni ty to speak and also the council-
mE'n for their attention to our concerns which we have expressed from time to time
about this annexation. Mr. Praytor said he thought it was good talking about
lines of com:m..:mication that we all understand each others points of view. I
understand your ]?Oint of view and hope that you understand mine and the points
of view of the people I am speaking here for tonight. I am representing my
civic association plus the Nickajack Homeowners Association, the subdivisions
of Laurel Cliffs and Lake Laurel, subdivisions of Kenwood; the Oakdale Civic
Association and the 200 attendees at a September meeting VV'hich was called at
Griffin Middle School to discuss this annexation. I am also representing the
Cobb Community Preservation Association whose chief concern is the roads access
to this property which they feel is inevitable. For purposes of background, as
rrost of us know, the p:roperty in question, the 1,000 acres, is for the develop-
ment of the HighlandS Industrial Park, vvhich has been described in very compli-
mentary terms by Mr. Neal Littman vvho I see is here tonight and my personal opinion
is that he is sincere in his desire to create a very good type of office and
indus"t.rial complex, if he has the financial resources to do so. Certainly the
people who live around and adjacent to the property who are in the subdivisions
and rnerribers of the civic associations that I mentioned earlier would support
this sort of development if it were done responsibly; that is, the developer
felt an obligation to the community, if it was closely regulated by the governing
bodies involved, and if the decisions that were made regarding the pmperty were
sE'llsitive to the concerns of the people that are most directly affected. I think
that most would agree that the best ]?Ossible development of this kind occurs when
there is a balance of power bei:::'iA7een the developer, vvhose interests are primarily
financial, the government, vvhose interests are often financial but are often
tempered by the desires of their constituE'llcies and the public, who must have some
kind of representation in the bodies that are n:aking the decisions regarding the
pmperty. I ask that you, the City COuncil, reject this annexation request because
it is in the best interest of the community, not just Smyrna, but the entire area,
that the control, that is the government control over the development of this
property, be within the purview of Colli County, rather than the City of Smyrna.
I would like to take a few moments to submit to you my reasons for believing that
this is true. I was very interested in the comments of Councilman Havlkins earlier.
I must say that I feel he is very and that he has put his finger on a
very important in saying that experience is very, very i:mp:::lrtant in regulating
th,e development this size. Should you appoint an Industrial Development
Autho no matter how sincere and how dedicated the people that live in this
area d be on that authority, would be learning their jobs. I submit to
you that the place and time to learn is not on a 1,000 acre multi-million dollar
20, 1980
of the county rrore than anything that
s too important. The same kind of logic
rceroent matters. I think it's important to note
in zoning and zoning enforcement between your
'n1at is, currently has seven full-
z rsonnel. Contrast
understand staffed completely by part-
:<,;omng, industrial development,
resources of the county
of investigations that
act that should you
and protection over
be to put certain physical
the property, which would be a drain upon
e kind of income, which I am sure you are
This means that Cobb County, in my opinion
the people that I have talked to for the last bNo rronths
governing authority with the capacity to
development, and I think that if you look
agree with me. I think that COuncilrnE'll Hawkins
est with us when they expressed their concerns.
inessmE'll. Another issue is political repre-
is being annexed, the people most directly
there are excluded specifically f:rom representation on
S'Llre that each of you want to do what is best in your jobs,
opinion bebNeen you and me as to what's
t'f1.ese other subdivisions that live
your constituencies in the city of E>myrna,
in this process; that is,
this kind of development.
ty. This develoj:JI1Bnt has
ucceed. will have to have entry
to be built. It will have to have water,
submi t to you that in establishing an Industrial
f Smyrna, that you will simply insert another
of government; that is, bNo development
trying to cooperate with one another to try to
s development, when one would rrore than suffice.
doing our ha:ne'itlork on this development since
many others have, a grave concern about the
You might want to consider the implications of an
t stand" the test of law. In summary, I would like
. dea to annex this property because Smyrna doesn't
representation is lacking for the people
that cooperation is necessa:r:y with Cobb
that you would not want to annex something,
had not been followed in the annexation. It · s
terplay bebNeen the developer, the government,
Speaking for the people that live
work with the developer, we are certainly
, but we are not willing to work with the City
't feel that it's a good ea. Thank. you for your
be glad to entertain any tions that you have at
this council. I am
but there might be
best for my subdi v'
around me.
time .
citizens of this city also pay county taxes, and
a little help from the county. Mr. Praytor said
d be forthcoming in whatever they were asked
Jim for his kind remarks but stated he hoPed he had
was oPflOsed to this annexation. He said he had
about the flOSsibilities of this annexation.
. Praytor eluded to in the overlapping of
oblern. Jim said this property has been
zoned for some time -- industrial and was zoned by the county. His feeling
VV'hether it is in the City of Smyrna or the
ved that also. Jim said for us to pqss up
to our lirni ts would be a mistake
en. Jim could assure Mr. Praytor
as long as he was on this council that every-
o protect the homeowners would be done and that
ver develops it to protect their best interest.
20 1980
opportunity to
he had seen the
he did know
was aware of a s.et
property when it was
care to comment on
in the zoning should
we annexed property
or as cJDse as
required to take
that. Jim stated
property it had co~
the exact zoning
to apply.
not he
our own
the same
we put
Praytor did not object t::.o the
an objection to the Cityo:E.Smyrna doing
was correct. Mayo:r: Johnson said that
siIlce he was a countyper13on~ not in the
allegiance to the count::.y than he would
representation standpoint, that
themselves around the
their citizens. They are
community as a Whole.
in some areas.
City of Smyrna
I believe this
that no one is
that there is, in.
as to what is
mine pqrticularlY if
there was one thing
the people next cO it
a piece
had no
the best
and he
such as
and that
to speak. John
located in land
City Clerk be
Jerry Mills seconded
Johnson advised
It is also a fact
At this point,
U.S. Congress in
happen to
intended to
gain the favor
States. Since they did
certainly we do not feel
puts us in a very
hold the hearing
to the expenditure
funds we will get f:rom
expendi ture to be pqid from
of expenditures to be funded
ask for a vote on anY
projected list
$ 9,500
$134,339 Total - Capital. RE:quests
a motion the Revenue Sharing budget be approved. Jim 'Iblleson
the rrotion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jim Hawkins said the budget
available to anyone upon reg:uest. There were no questions.
Jim Hawkins
bids for six hundred (600) residential
Elbert Coalson seconded the motion
conrnercial building perrni t reg:uests.
Jack. Shinall
water meters,
which carried
Jim 'Iblleson made a
at the Novauber 3, 19
a 7-0 vote.
body, to be opened
rrotion which carried by
now be out of our
one-half years.
to the lines. Jerry
ago we reg:uested bids on a jet machine and
We are spending about $8,500 a year in material
ur sewer lines. Jack Shinall made a rrotion we
machine. The approximate cost was $18,000 and
range. It would pay for itself in approximately
Mills said it would save on sa-ver aid and prevent
"t.he rrotion VV'hich carried by a vote of 7-0.
Jim advised the trash
welcome to use it.
im 'Iblleson said we were completely out of
made a rrotion to purchase 50 liners at a
ded the rrotion which carried by a 7-0 vote.
place at the city dump, and city residents are
inquiry by Max Bacon, Gunter Na-vsom advised
up for the deferred compensation and should
three weeks. Max said he had met with the
benefits for all anployees. Hopefully
now and the first of the year.
Fire Marshal Jim Tidwell had a heart attack and is in Smyrna
Atkinson's daughter is home after surgery.
council a copy of the leave policy for the Fire
ight. Max said this policy defines for
leave, vacation leave and something they
made a rrotion the following leave package
1, 1981:
administration of this leave plan shall be
Sl:rlyrna Fire Depart:rnent and shall be
amended by the Mayor and Council of the City
Firemen shall accrue
1 10 years
10 20 years
20 25 years
25 or rrore
vacation leave as
5 full shifts
8 full shifts
10 full shifts
12 full shifts
follows :
shall be scheduled in advance and approved by the
not be paid in lieu of taking vacation.
accrue to the credit to the employee only when
-pay status, such as. annual, sick, court.
period on an original appointment
of vacation leave after completing
ryment with the Fire Depart::rnent.
has been laid off or
d annual leave as of the
not a right but a privilege granted by
all be entitled to sick leave with pay
bationary period. Sick leave credit
20 1980
of one-half a shift
disability of the
; illness of a
require the employee
shall inform. his
possible and failure to do
for denial of pay for the period
Captain of
so within a
of absence.
require a doctor's
However, a doctor's certificate is
or after scheduled vacation Clays
a restricted sick leave
If a fireman is
on restricted
He will remain
calendar year does not use any sick
days he has accrued to a holiday and
Upon separation from the'City, all
and shall not be paid for
disability retirement 'or In
immediate family shall be paid for up to
Absep.teeism,de:pendabilitygn.Cl pqrticularly UYl'..varranted sj_ck leave will be
qonsidered in each ernployee'sannual review.
to year.
Fire Depart::l:rE'ntemployees except probationary
four full shifts ofholiClay leave. These holidays
so as not to impmX' me safety and operation of
approval of the Fire Chief and may not be carried
be scheduled
the departm:mt
over from year
sha1-1J::!egranted one full shift of
employment' during th,e calendar year,
shall be counted in the accrual of
leave for
Mills said he had no
regarding the holidays.
area that did not
work has done on
we cannot
holidays under a
12, working 24 hours on and 48 hours off.
he said he would have to vote against the
he was Chainnan of the Fire pepqrt:ment
any other city employees. Even if they
needed, and he for the
comments and has one
and he would vote
of the are
and he
the holidays, will we
Each councilman
require more
had been
motion to
Jim Tolleson, J\1ax
Jerry Mills and
r 20, 1980
the Fire Depqrtrnent be put on a four (4) day on, two
fts, the p:roPQSal he presented to the Chairman of the
looed eight holidays. Jack Shinall seconded the motion.
to the Fire Committee but the majority did
total nuniber of hours per year would be the same,
a rrotion to table this
. on which carried by a
John Steely voted for.
Jerry Mills Shinall voted against.
Max Bacon said there was an article in the pqper which said that Chief Atkinson
and Assistant Chief Cochran were probably against granting holidays for the
firemen. Max said this was not true, and if these two had not been for the
holidays, they would never have been approved.
Jerry Mills said that Ward
David stating the cost to
caving in and read a letter f:rom Jim
street was $6,017.55. Jim had talked with
Transportation about the pipe. They might
Jerry asked if council wanted to
tate, but we did have a hazardous situation.
pprove this expense to be paid from State Grants,
the State at a later date. Max Bacon seconded
7-0 vote. The cost of the pipe alone is $2 I 631.
Jim Ha'Wkins draft on the business license changes has been
made and he would 1 with the License Committee on Thursday at 6:00
p.m., at City Hall, before it is presented to full Council.
Carrrn:i ttee met on the sewer system evaluation
to come back with a recom:nendation and get underway
Elbert Coalson read an Ordinance change,
Trailers. He asked each councilman to study
ask that it be voted on at the next meeting.
13, lYlobile Homes and Travel
ordinance change and he will
Elbert Coalson said he
in the bank.
of $650,000,
$100,000, reserved for
us, out of the
had seen in the paper where we had one million dollars
what we have is $966,889, less tax anticipation loans
1954 bonds $85,000, reserved for Pasadena Blvd. project
Pasadena water project $120,000. That is $955,000,
million dollars, $11,889.
BAA for their comments and commended all the associations
with our kids. A free swim will be at King
00 to 6: 00 and Wednesday from 7: 00 to 8: 30 . The
, Noverriber 2nd. The Halloween Carnival is Friday,
at Cobb Center Mall from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.
John Steely thanked
for the good job th
October 31st
a with the Willowbrook pump station, also
Raw sewerage is being dumped into the creek. "ve
stations. He asked Jim David to check
an estimate of the cost to renovate the stations and
read a Resolution concerning the use of city vehicles, and stated
voted on at the next council meeting.
with our auditor today who stated there is $380,000
to use, $220,000 in the General Fund we are free
use, the remainder of the one million is reserved for bonds.
not forgotten about the Highland Drive pump station
county to get this problem solved.
same problem with an apart:ment complex, located
in a creek running back. of his house.
the BAA could look back. and find that he had
that has come before this board, they are a vi tal
roup, and I for one feel very bad that any
released. .M:Y child pqrticipates in the league, the
the SAA does a good job, and he thanked them for
ago the
job in
will be the 23rd and the next
at 9:06 p.m.
, WARD 1