06-01-2020 June 1, 2020 Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes - SIGNEDSMY NA
Monday, June 1, 2020
City of Smyrna
Meeting Minutes - Final
City Council
2800 King Street
Smyrna, Georgia 30080
7:00 PM Large Gym, Smyrna Community Center
*** REVISED AGENDA 6/l/2020***
Smyrna Community Center Large Gym 1200 Village Green Circle SE
Parking and entrance to meeting on Powder Springs Street Side of Building
Roll Call
Present: 8 - Mayor Derek Norton, Councilmember Glenn Pickens, Councilmember
Austin Wagner, Councilmember Travis Lindley, Councilmember Charles
Welch, Councilmember Susan Wilkinson, Councilmember Tim Gould and
Councilmember Lewis Wheaton
Also Present: 1 - Scott Cochran
Call to Order
Staff: 12 - Tammi Saddler Jones, Roy Acree, Joe Bennett, Tyler Addison, Richard
Garland, Russell Martin, Penny Mocen, Kevin Moore, Landon O'Neal,
Kristin Robinson, Jared Sigmon and Tina Monaghan
Mayor Derek Norton called the June 11 2020 Mayor and Council Meeting to order at
7:00 PM.
Invocation and Pledge:
Tim Gibson, International Gospel Outreach Church (1101 Windy Hill Rd) delivered the
Invocation and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda Changes:
Mayoral Report:
Mayor Norton announced that there would be an addition to the agenda. A resolution
against racism which will become item 6A under formal business.
Councilmember Lewis Wheaton made a motion to approve the addition of the
Resolution Condemning Racism to the formal business portion of the agenda.
Councilmember Tim Gould seconded the motion.
The motion to amend the agenda was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
Mayor Norton gave a summary of the Governors recent changes and updates regarding
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final June 1, 2020
COVID 19. He then went on to explain the changes and openings that will occur within
the City specifically. He explained that playgrounds will be opening as well as sports
fields, etc. Pool will open shortly although no opening date is currently available.
Wolfe Center will remain closed at least until June 12th. Staff is back working full
time in the office beginning today. Staff is preparing city facilities to reopen in the next
few weeks including City Hall and Brawner Hall. Library has computer access by
appointment beginning this week. All meetings will continue to take place in the large
gym to allow for social distancing.
Land Issues/Zonings/Annexations:
2020-13z Public Hearing - Zoning Request - Z20-003 - Modification of site plan
and building elevations for a 75-unit senior living facility - 3.10 acres -
Land Lot 606 - 4225 E/W Connector - OneStreet Development LLC
Councilmember Tim Gould made a motion to table Zoning Request - Z20-003 -
Modifcation of site plan and building elevations for a 75-unit senior living facility - 3.10
acres - Land Lot 606 - 4225 ENV Connector - OneStreet Development LLC to the June
15, 2020 Mayor and Council Meeting at the request of staff. Councilmember Travis
Lindley seconded the motion.
The motion to table was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
Privilege Licenses:
There were no privilege licenses.
Formal Business:
A. RES2020-04
B. 2020-185
Resolution 2020-04 Condemning Racism.
Mayor Derek Norton read the entire resolution aloud for everyone to hear.
Councilmember Lewis Wheaton spoke about the importance of addressing such a
critical issue.
Mayor Norton spoke of a peaceful demonstration that happened the day before and
how honored he was to be able to take part in that.
Councilmember Lewis Wheaton made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-04
Condemning Racism. Councilmember Susan Wilkinson seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget _
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final June 1, 2020
City Administrator Tammi Saddler Jones provided the background information. The
Public Hearing for the FY 2021 proposed budget was held on May 18, 2020. The total
budget, as proposed, is $105,954,598. The General Fund budget is $53,871,625,
Special Revenue Funds are $4,311,759, Capital Project Funds are $23,682,547,
Internal Service Fund is $1,262,575 and the Enterprise Funds are $22,826,092. I as
the City Administrator along with the Finance Director and her staff recommend
approval of the proposed fiscal year budget to begin on July 1, 2020.
Councilmember Charles "Corkey"Welch thanked those that worked so hard to put a
budget together during these unusual times. He added that he wants to add to the
motion that any new hires must go before Mayor and Council before moving forward.
Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch made a motion to approve the adoption of the
Fiscal Year 2021 Budget with the stipulation that all new hires must come before and
be approved by Mayor and Council for approval. Councilmember Travis Lindley
seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
C. ORD2020-04 Approval to amend Section 2-1 of the City Code by adding an updated
code of conduct for elected officials.
`7 A brief summary was given by Ms. Saddler Jones. The previous version of the
ordinance has not been updated for since 1977. Best practices by the Georgia
Municipal Association and other professional organizations recommend a
comprehensive code of conduct for elected officials. This ordinance amendment
updates the previous version and sets guidelines specific to elected officials. Approval
of this ordinance change is recommended.
Councilmember Travis Lindley talked about how being a newly elected official and
going to the training really brought the importance of such a document to the forefront.
Councilmember Susan Wilkinson had some concerns and questions for the City
Attorney in reference to the Code of Conduct to be voted on. First being that Mayor
and Council should not use their position to force staff to chance their professional
opinion. City Attorney Scott Cochran explained that it means not pressuring staff to
make a certain decision or recommendation. Once the recommendation is made, it is
up to the elected officials to vote however they feel. Her next point was helping support
her constituents when it comes to matters that happen with the county which surround
much of her ward. Can she go to the meeting as a representative of her constituents.
Attorney Cochran explained that an elected official cannot speak on behalf of the city
without being appointed to do so by Mayor and Council. Ms. Wilkinson could speak
on behalf of herself but not act as a representative of the city as a whole. Ms.
Wilkinson stated that she wished there would have been more discussion on the code
of conduct before the vote including citizen input. She is honored to serve the citizens
of Ward 5 and read off some other things that were included in the GMA model that
she would like to see added to the city's document at some point.
Mayor Norton noted that the issue has been thoroughly discussed and that many of the
elements mentioned by Councilmember Wilkinson were already included in the charter
as well as the oath taken when sworn into office.
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Councilmember Travis Lindley made a motion to approve to amend Section 2-1 of the
City Code by adding an updated code of conduct for elected officials. Councilmember
Tim Gould seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
D. RES2020-03 Resolution to apply to the Georgia Smart Communities Challenge to
pursue grant funding and to fund the community match.
City Administrator Saddler Jones gave explanation to Mayor and Council. The Georgia
Smart Communities Challenge 2020 call for proposals and is now open, and
communities interested in receiving up to $100,000 in grant funding provided by the
Atlanta Regional Commission's (ARC) Livable Center's Initiative (LCI) , sponsored
research provided by Georgia Tech researchers, and additional assistance in Smart
Community planning on the topic of Mobility, are encouraged to apply for this year's
opportunity. As part of the City's application for the Georgia Smart Communities
Challenge, a Resolution is needed to declare the City's intent to apply for the grant and
agree to fund the 20 % ($25, 000) match and voluntary 20% in kind match. Funds from
the Georgia Smart Communities can help the city plan for a "smart" and technologically
advanced future by planning for or completing a pilot project. Staff recommends
approval of the resolution.
Councilmember K'heaton noted that this is a great opportunity to allow municipalities
to put into effect some large changes in the area of transportation that might not
otherwise come to fruition. Pedestrian and biking safety are important to citizens and
the grant would go toward improving this.
Councilmember Lewis Wheaton made a motion to approve Resolution to apply to the
Georgia Smart Communities Challenge to pursue grant funding and to fund the
community match. Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
E. 2020-178 Approval of Appointment of Charles "Corkey" Welch to the Cobb
County -Marietta Water Authority (CCMWA) to serve a four-year term
beginning August 15, 2020
Mayor Norton spoke as to why he felt that Councilmember Welch was the most
qualified person for the appointment.
Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch abstained from the vote.
Councilmember Travis Lindley made a motion to approve the appointment of Charles
"Corkey" Welch to the Cobb County -Marietta Water Authority (CCMWA) to serve a
four-year term beginning August 15, 2020. Councilmember Susan Wilkinson seconded
the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final June 1, 2020
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould and Councilmember
Abstain: 1 - Councilmember Welch
2020-179 Approval of the Appointment of Ward 1 resident, C.J. Wilkes, to the
Smyrna Hospital Authority. This is a four year term that expires
Councilmember Glenn Pickens said that Mr. Wilkes will be a great addition to the
Smyrna Hospital Authority.
Councilmember Glenn Pickens made a motion to approve the Appointment of Ward 1
resident, C.J. Wilkes, to the Smyrna Hospital Authority. This is a four year term that
expires 5/31/2024. Councilmember Travis Lindley seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7- Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
G. 2020-180 Approval of the Appointment of Ward 7 resident, Stacy Levine, to the
Smyrna Hospital Authority. This is a four year term that expires
r- 5/31/2024.
Councilmember Meaton said that Ms. Levine is an active member of the community
and will be a great addition to the Smyrna Hospital Authority.
Councilmember Lewis Wheaton made a motion to approve the Appointment of Ward 7
resident, Stacy Levine, to the Smyrna Hospital Authority. This is a four year tens that
expires 5/31/2024. Councilmember Tim Gould seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7- Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
7. Commercial Building Permits:
There were no commercial building permits.
8. Consent Agenda:
City Administrator Tammi Saddler Jones read aloud the consent agenda for Mayor and
Councilmember Tim Gould made a motion to approve the consent agenda as read
aloud by City Administrator Tammi Saddler Jones. Councilmember Charles "Corkey"
Welch seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final June 1. 2020
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
2020-181 Approval of the April 30, 2020 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes.
2020-182 Approval of the May 14, 2020 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes.
2020-183 Approval of the May 18, 2020 Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes.
2020-188 Approve the scheduling of a Special Called Planning and Zoning
Meeting to occur on June 29, 2020 at 6:001PM in the Smyrna Community
Center Large Gym for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing for
Planning and Zoning items, previously on hold due to COVIDI9, and to
post notice immediately in all public notice locations.
Ward I Committee Reports:
Councilmember Glenn Pickens was glad the City took a stand against racism. This
resolution is a first step to having conversations to move closer to ending injustice.
Councilmember Austin Wagner was proud to see those that came out to Taylor
Brawner and had a peaceful demonstration against racism. He reminded everyone to
vote in the primaries and hold everyone accountable.
Councilmember Travis Lindley said it was good to see people in the audience. He is
proud to be a Smyrna resident and to be able to start the dialogue about racism which
is a first step. He attended the event which was a peaceful demonstration and feels it
was a call to order to get to work.
Councilmember Charles "Corkey"Welch echoed the thoughts of those who spoke
before him and thanked people for coming out to the meeting.
Councilmember Susan Wilkinson reiterated the importance of taking a stance against
systemic racism. She is proud to be a part of the new council that is talking about
these types of issues. She thanked staff for all of their work on speeding and traffic
calming issues.
Councilmember Tim Gould said we are blessed to be able to set an example for Cobb
County on how to listen and loam to understand and to reflect on the lives of others.
Mayor, council, staff and residents can all do their part.
Councilmember Lewis Wheaton said it is difficult to remember we are in the middle of
a pandemic as well as a state of grief and struggle. Be mindful of others, be mindful
of yourself, and stay safe.
City Administrator Tammi Saddler Jones shared election information from the Cobb
County elections website including the locations where voting would occur in the city.
This information can also be found on the city website.
City Attorney Scott Cochran echoed what everyone already said. These are interesting
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final June 1, 2020
times where we can learn and grow and to make the community better.
Mayor Derek Norton thanked staff for all their hard work in keeping the City running
smoothly through these interesting times.
10. Show Cause Hearings:
11. Citizen Input:
12. Adjournment:
There were no show cause hearings.
Mr. Alex Backry, 3459 Shawnee Trail, wanted to make Council aware that not one food
employee in any of the grocery stores in the city had contracted the virus. He
suggested that the city have a hot line to answer questions as well as to hear
suggestions. The dog parks should never have been closed because there is no
evidence that anyone has contacted the virus outside. It was his opinion that the last
Mayor and Council meeting was not advertised and that the city needs more open
Mayor Norton added for the record that all the city's meetings have been properly
advertised as required by law.
Ms. Linda Langston, Cumberland Townhomes, came to speak about a fence down that
needs repairs and painted. She is desperate for her neighborhood to look nicer. She
wanted to know if the city could add another no dumping sign with a fine in the area as
well since there is always so much trash along the road? She stated that she has
called the marshals for help in the past but doesn't seem to be able to get any results.
Mayor Norton said he was more than willing to meet with her. City Administrator
Tammi Saddler Jones said she would schedule a cold sweep and would also meet with
Mayor Norton adjourned the June 1, 2020 Mayor and Council meeting at 7:47 PM.
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