05-18-2020 May 18, 2020 Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes - SIGNEDMonday, May 18, 2020
City of Smyrna
Meeting Minutes - Final
City Council
2800 King Street
Smyrna, Georgia 30080
7:00 PM Smyrna Community Center I Large Gym
Smyrna Community Center Large Gym 1200 Village Green Circle SE
Parking and entrance to meeting on Powder Springs Street Side of Building
Roll Call
Present: 8 - Mayor Derek Norton, Councilmember Glenn Pickens, Councilmember
Austin Wagner, Councilmember Travis Lindley, Councilmember Charles
Welch, Councilmember Susan Wilkinson, Councilmember Tim Gould and
Councilmember Lewis Wheaton
Also Present: 1 - Scott Cochran
Call to Order
Staff: 13 - Tammi Saddler Jones, Heather Peacon-Corn, Roy Acres, Jennifer Bennett,
Joe Bennett, Richard Garland, Russell Martin, Kevin Moore, Kristin
Robinson, Jared Sigmon, Landon O'Neal, Tina Monaghan and Chris Addicks
Mayor Derek Norton called the May 18, 2020 Mayor and Council Meeting to order at
7:00 PM.
Invocation and Pledge:
Pastor Shell Osbon, Life Church Smyrna Assembly of God (4100 King Springs Rd)
delivered the Invocation and led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Agenda Changes:
There were no agenda changes.
3. Mayoral Report:
Mayor Norton noted that this was the first in person meeting in quite some time. He
asked everyone in attendance to keep 6 foot distancing and wear face masks and
thanked staff for putting together an arena to be able to safely hold public hearings.
All City buildings remain close however staff has started back in staggered shifts.
Parks remained open the entire time with the exception of the equipment. Sports
Fields were opened and bathroom facilities opened as well. Tennis courts will open
along with bathrooms. Library will have curbside service to serve customers. The
Recycling center will open by reservation only starting on Saturday, May 29th.
Meetings will continue to be held in the large gym. The pools will remain closed and no
opening date has been set. He asked that everyone continue to wash your hands
frequently and wear masks when in busy areas such as grocery stores.
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He concluded his report by wishing Campbell High School graduates all the best. �...
4. Land Issues/Zonings/Annexations:
There were no land issues/zonings/annexations.
5. Privilege Licenses:
There were no privilege licenses.
6. Formal Business:
A. 2020-167 Public Hearing for the Fiscal Year 2021 Proposed Budget
City Administrator Tammi Saddler Jones provided the background information. The
FY 2021 Budget is scheduled to go before Mayor and Council for approval at the
Monday, June 1st meeting.
Budget Officer Jared Sigmon began the budget presentation with a Powerpoint
presentation. The process began in November with the Capital Improvement Project
(CIP) budget. Total proposed budget is $105,954,598. He explained the
increase/decrease and percentage change from a large overview. Revenues versus
expenditures and transfer toff in cash reserves. $500,000 from cash reserves was
used to balance the budget which is a requirement. Expenditures will exceed revenues
by $3 million dollars due to Windy Hill SPLOST project. This has been anticipated for.
Comfortable recommending the budget because infrastructure projects are expensive.
Some reserves have been used but will be built back up in upcoming fiscal years.
COVID-19 estimated impacts include 20% reductions in key revenues such as title ad
valorem tax and hotel/motel tax. Real property tax should increase but collection rate
reduced due to COVID-19. 2016 SPLOST receipts are averaging 19% over original
projection but will budget for original projection amount. Using cash reserves and
hotel/motel fund to balance budget. Property taxes are the majority of our general fun
revenues. Charges for services is the next highest followed by other taxes, etc.
Public Safety is the largest part of general fund expenditures followed by general
government and then public works. Benefits include a 495k increase in health
insurance and 377k increase to retirement contributions. 40k for class and
compensation study. 38k for police officer retention bonuses. 454k contingency
including 310k merit raises and 144k unallocated. 185k for traffic signal optimization,
175k for body worn and vehicle mounted cameras, new park equipment, cleaning, LED
lighting retrofit at Library. E-911 fund is a special fund that includes are our 911 center
which responds to emergency calls within the city. Requires an annual subsidy each
year to make up where fees to do not cover. HoteUmotel fund is a tax we get when
people stay in our hotels. Declines due to COVID-19. WateNsewer fund includes
usage charges as well as base rates. There is an annual increase from Cobb County
water authority which is usually passed onto customers. Proposed fee changes occur
in many different departments including City Clerk, Community Development
Environmental Services, Fire, Human Resources, and more. (Page 25 of budget book)
Finance Director Kristin Robinson spoke about debt obligations. TAD obligations now
have a lower interest rate which will help us pay this off sooner. $12,427,537
scheduled for FY21 which will come from TAD fund, general fund, TA VT, SPLOST,
and previously committed funds. 7.6 million for Windy Hill bonds and next year it will
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Meeting Minutes - Final May 18, 2020
be 7.7 for the Windy Hill bonds. Old debt is getting paid off and put behind us with
each passing year. Increase of 129k compared to FY2020 adopted. General
Government— automation of inspection scheduling and electronic plan review are 67k
and 150k. Desktop computer upgrades are 46k, youth services remodel at library is
60k and adult services remodel at library is 80k. Some of these relate to being ADA
compliant as well as lighting. Parks and recreation — Park signage 20k, playground for
2-5 at Tolleson for 30k, maintenance areas at Tolleson and Chuck Camp for 50k,
pond bank stabilization for 100k. Public safety— fire training conex boxes 75k,
structural firefighting gear 159k, water pipe replacement at jail 40,500, police station
improvements 75k, and police laptop computer refresh 42, 500. Public works — misc
carpet replacement 20k, HVAC replacement 106k, Brawner Hall improvements 100k,
detention pond maintenance 100k, replace underground sanitation cans 30,750,
Sanitation carts 56,200. FY2021 general fund CIP total is $1, 407,950. Projects will
not begin until the funds have been collected. Most projects don't start until November
when we are sure we have the funds in place to do so. Nothing in this fiscal year for
E-911 but there are updates in 2022 and 2023. Water/sewer CIP for FY 2021 is
$3,330,000 and includes infrastructure, meters and dials, drainage, fire line meters,
and other misc things. Storm water CIP is $1,407, 950 is funded by the monthly storm
water fee and includes a .07 increase in January. Over next five years, there was a 2%
increase budgeted. 2016 SPLOST— will stop collecting 1 % sales tax in December
2021, if approved future SPLOST would begin in January 2022. Due to the increased
cost of Windy Hill, we may have to look at alternatives to fund the completion of the
project. Vehicle replacement and additions — 18 vehicles at a cost of $1, 262, 575.
Two new vehicles... one in Community Development and Environmental Services. The
rest are replacements of existing vehicles. New personnel requests — one which is a
part time museum assistant at the impact of $34,147. There were more requests for
personnel however they were removed to save money due to COVID-19. Position
would start in October. 19 requests for full time employees were submitted.
Reclassification requests recommended— 1 in admin, 1 in buildings, 1 in comm
relations, 1 in env services, 2 in fire prevention, 2 in library, 1 in main and shop, 2 in
parks, 1 in police, and 1 in sanitation. Full budget impact is $56, 000. Merit raises are
budgeted at %z fiscal year and require subsequent approval by Mayor and Council.
2.5% increase for certified paramedics and 3% increase for sworn public safety
personnel. The budget book can be found on the City's website. Click on
finance/budget tab and it will take you to it. Also have access to previous budgets.
Budget adoption schedule — May 18th is the formal presentation and public hearing,
May 28th is the final review, and June 1st for final approval.
Mayor Norton opened the public hearing at 8:07pm.
Councilmember Gould thanked the Finance Department for their presentation
Councilmember Wagner asked for some clarification on the health of the City's
reserves. Ms. Robinson explained that there is an $18 million fund balance which
gives the city several months' worth of operations. It is recommended that you have
two months, but the city has 5 months.
Mayor Norton closed the public hearing at 8: 1Opm.
B. 2020-176 Approval of the 2022 SPLOST Project List
The background for this agenda item was given by Ms. Saddler Jones.
Councilmember Susan Wilkinson expressed concerns that S. Cobb Drive will not get
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served if combined with downtown.
Mayor Norton said the projects were grouped together to allow for more flexibility when 6.
it comes to funding. He is committed to working on S. Cobb Drive which has been
neglected in the past.
Councilmember Travis Lindley made a motion to approve the 2022 SPLOST Project
List. Councilmember Tim Gould seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Gould and Councilmember
Nay: 1 - Councilmember Wilkinson
2020-177 Approval of the 2022 Special Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST)
Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Cobb County and authorize the
Mayor to execute any related documents.
Ms. Saddler Jones offered some explanation on the agreement to be voted upon.
Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch made a motion to approve the 2022 Special
Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Cobb
County and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Councilmember
Tim Gould seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Gould and Councilmember
Nay: 1 - Councilmember Wilkinson
2020-168 Approval of the Re -appointment of Ward 3 resident, Joan Stuart, to the
Smyrna Hospital Authority. This is a four year term that expires
Councilmember Travis Lindley made a motion to approve the Re -appointment of Ward 3
resident, Joan Stuart, to the Smyrna Hospital Authority. This is a four year term that
expires 5/31/2024. Councilmember Susan Wilkinson seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
E. 2020-174 Approval of the Re -appointment of Ward 4 resident, Linda Smith, to the
Smyrna Hospital Authority. This is a four year term that expires
Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch made a motion to approve the
Re -appointment of Ward 4 resident, Linda Smith, to the Smyrna Hospital Authority.
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final May 18, 2020
This is a four year term that expires 5/31/2024. Councilmember Travis Lindley
seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
2020-169 Approval of the Re -appointment of Ward 5 resident, Bonnie Berry, to the
Smyrna Hospital Authority. This is a four year term that expires
Councilmember Susan Wilkinson made a motion to approve the Re -appointment of
Ward 5 resident, Bonnie Berry, to the Smyma Hospital Authority. This is a four year
term that expires 5/31/2024. Councilmember Austin Wagner seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
G. 2020-170 Approval of the Appointment of Ward 6 resident, Laura Searcy, to the
Smyrna Hospital Authority. This is a four year term that expires
Councilmember Tim Gould made a motion to approve the Appointment of Ward 6
resident, Laura Searcy, to the Smyrna Hospital Authority. This is a four year term that
expires 5/31/2024. Councilmember Lewis Wheaton seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
H. 2020-175 Approval of the Re -appointment of Ward 4 resident, Miller Davis, to the
Smyrna Housing Authority. This is a five year term that expires
5/31 /2025.
Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch made a motion to approve the
Reappointment of Ward 4 resident, Miller Davis, to the Smyrna Housing Authority.
This is a five year term that expires 5/31/2025, Councilmember Travis Lindley
seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7 - Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
2020-171 Approval of the Appointment of Ward 6 resident, KC George, to the
Smyrna Housing Authority. This is a five year term that expires
5/31 /2025.
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City Council Meeting Minutes - Final May 18, 2020
Councilmember Tim Gould made a motion to approve the Appointment of Ward 6
resident, KC George, to the Smyrna Housing Authority. This is a five year term that
expires 5/31/2025. Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7- Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
2020-172 Approval of the Appointment of Ward 7 resident, Tim Christie, to the
Smyrna Housing Authority. This is a five year term that expires
Councilmember Lewis Wheaton made a motion to approve the Appointment of Ward 7
resident, Tim Christie, to the Smyrna Housing Authority. This is a five year term that
expires 5/31/2025. Councilmember Tim Gould seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Aye: 7- Councilmember Pickens, Councilmember Wagner, Councilmember Lindley,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Gould
and Councilmember Wheaton
Commercial Building Permits:
There were no commercial building permits.
Consent Agenda:
The consent agenda was read aloud by City Administrator Tammi Saddler Jones.
Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch made a motion to approve the consent
agenda as read aloud by City Administrator Tammi Saddler Jones. Councilmember
Glenn Pickens seconded the motion.
The motion to approve was carried by the following vote:
Approval of the May 4, 2020 Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes
Ward / Committee Reports:
Councilmember Glenn Pickens asked everyone to continue to stay safe.
Councilmember Austin Wagner asked everyone to stay safe. Social distance and do
things in a smart way. Concerns about ballot boxes and early voting. We are working
to improve this for the November election since we cannot do anything at this point for
the June election.
Councilmember Travis Lindley thanked City staff for a job well done on traffic calming
issues in Ward 3. Encourage everyone to follow CDC guidelines.
Councilmember Charles "Corkey" Welch spoke about the budget and how we are
navigating unchartered ground. We need to be very careful of how and when money is
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spent. Hold off on spending until November when we will better know what money
there is to spend.
Councilmember Susan Wilkinson thanked Kevin Moore and other staff that are
working on traffic calming and safety issues. She reminded everyone that Monday is
Memorial Day and even though the service has been cancelled, remember those who
Councilmember Tim Gould thanked those that volunteered to serve on the various
boards. He also spoke about the budget and the great job that they did trying to put
something together. Challenges include that residents may not get their requests filled
until funding is available. Appreciates being able to meet together but to adhere to the
emergency order which will be in place until June.
Councilmember Lewis Wheaton said we are not out of the woods so please exercise
caution and practice beyond recommendations whenever possible. Congratulations to
those that are graduating whether it be high school or fifth grade.
City Administrator Tammi Saddler Jones mentioned Memorial Day is a holiday and City
offices will be closed.
City Clerk Heather Com spoke about purging old records and working towards
electronic records retention.
10. Show Cause Hearings:
11. Citizen Input:
12. Adjournment:
There were no show cause hearings.
No one came forward to participate in citizen's input.
Mayor Norton adjourned the May 18, 2020 Mayor and Council meeting at 8:29 PM.
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