January 7/10/21, 1980 Council Meeting January 7, ~980 The first meeting of the new year was held January 7, ~980 at City Hal~, Smyrna, Georgia. The meeting was ca~~ed to order by presiding officer Mayor Frank B. Johnson at 7:30 o'clock p.m. All Counci~men were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Finance Director Gunter Newsom, Police Chief Everett Little, Fire Chief Don Atkinson. Di.rector of Parks and Recrea- tion Asa Howard. Public Works Director Jim David, Building Inspector Len Williams, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Rev. Bud Abbott of the First Baptist Church, followed by the pledge to the flag. The first order of business was the reappointment to the Planning and Zoning Board, for those whose terms expired December 31, ~979. Jerry Mills made a motion that Bill Wood be reappointed to the Planning and Zoning Board, representing Ward 3. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jack Shinall requested the appointment of the Board member representing Ward 5 be deferred to the next meeting. Elbert Coalson made a motion that George Griffin be reappointed to the Board, representing Ward 6. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Mayor Johnson stated that Allen Potter had been serving as the Mayor's appointee, as well as Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board and it was his recommendation that Allen be reappointed. Bill Darby made a motion that Allen Potter be reappointed as the Mayor's appointee, seconded by Jim Hawkins. Vote on the motion carried 7-0. Jerry Mills reported the Finance Committee had reviewed the audit proposals opened at the last Council meeting and made a motion that Mayor and Council engage the firm of Pate and Shiver for the City audit for fiscal year 1.978-79. Pate and Shiver submitted the lowest cost proposa~ for these audits and is well qualified. in that it has over 15 local government clients and over 75% of its professional staff are Certified Public Accountants. Pate and Shiver's proposal for this audit was not to exceed $5,000 and no more than $200-$300 for out-of-pocket expenses for the Local Public Works Grant. Elbert Coalson seconded the moti.on which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jerry Mills made a motion that Mayor and Council adopt the fiscal year 1979-80 City of Smyrna budget as submitted. and subject to any revisions necessitated by the Revenue Sharing hearing to be he~d on February 4, 1980. TILis budget includes a 5% increase in the Merit system pay plan to go into effect on January 10, 1980. By the passage of this budget, Mayor and Council will also be adopting the follow- ing policies: 1. The millage rate for ca~endar year 1979 wi~l be set at 12.00 mills. 2. Water rates for the City of Smyrna, effective January I, 1980, will be increased by 27% and the sewer rates by 50%. 3. The sanitation rates for reSidential, condominium and commercial customers be increased by $1.00 per month, effective January 1, 1980. 4. That the Mayor and Council adopt the attached bond schedule as the band schedule for the City of Smyrna. 5. That the City increase theix tax on wine from 28<;: to 80<;: per gallon, effective February 1, 1980. 6., That the City adopt an inspection fee schedule for heating, air condition- ing and plumbing permit inspections. 7. That the City adopt the attached formula for computing bui~ding permits and that the City raise taxi permits from $4.00 to $5.00, journeymen plumber, master e~ectrica~ and master p~umber cards from $3.00 to $10.00. 8. That the City raise its sign permits for unlighted 8-square foot signs from $5.00 to $6.25 and from 25<;: to 35<;: for each square foot of unlighted space over 8 square feet; and that lighted signs 8 square feet and under be increased from $7.50 to $9.25 and from 50<;: to 60<;: for each lighted square foot over 8 square reet. Jack Shinall seconded the motion. Elbert Coalson stated he would certain~y have liked to make the 5% increase to the Merit system pay plan retroactive to July, 1979 for city employees, but the funds just were not available. Jack Shinall explained the water and sewer rate increases were made necessary by the increase to the City from Cobb-Marietta Water Authority and Cobb County, and the increase approved tonight is exactly the same as the increase passed on to us. Even with the increase, we have the lowest water and sewer rates of any city in Cobb County, and even Cobb County itself, by approximately $3.00 per month on an average consumption of 6,000 gallons. Vote on the motion to approve the budget carried by a 7-0 vote. (Continuation of January 7, 1980 Meeting) Jerry Mills made a motion the minutes of December 3, 1979 be approved as submitted. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. John Steely made a motion the minutes of December 17, ~979 be approved as submitted. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Elbert Coalson made a motion the minutes of December 29, 1979 be approved as sub- mitted. Bi1.~ Darby seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Mayor's Statement: Mayor Johnson stated that on behalf of the Mayor and Council representing various wards of the City, it had been their pleasure and opportcmity to serve this fine city. We've done it without fear or favor and have demonstrated our to work for our city and be a team that could cause our city to remain one of the great towns in Georgia, and one of the gre~test cities in Cobb County. Also. in the years ahead we will experience some hard times financial~y. It's expedient on our part to be as careful with dO].lars that our taxpayers render 80 that each one of our citizens receive their benefits for that dollar. It will be our ~esponsibility to spend your money as wisely as we know how, and I think that woUSLd be my charge here tonight. I don't think we can make any real promises for the next two years. because money is going to be foremost on the ~ist: of our problems. We have tonight, adapted one of the tightest budgets that this city has' ever'adopted. I don't mean to be negative in tone, because I think our negativism can be turned around into a challenge, and that is what we have accepted here tonight. We are going to do a good job for you; I know collectively we are all charged to do that and that's exactly the way we intend to see it carried out. If we make any mistakes, it will be mistakes in judgment. and we will work in every way we know how to make sure that our judgment is always our top priority to the best, most efficient government that we can, for our city, I thank you for 'this opportunity, an behalf of these men, who have served you the last two years. Mayor Johnson recognized ex-Mayor Arthur Bacon and ex-Mayor .lohn Porterfield in the audience. Mayor Johnson the last four other things. opportunity of because of it. thanked Councilman Bill. Darby far the work he has done for our city years and said he looked forward to seeing him move ahead in same Before stepping dawn, Bill Darby expressed his appreciation for the serving this city and that he felt he was a better person now Meeting adjourned. FRANK B. JOHNSON, MAYOR .lAMES M. HAWKINS, WARD 4 ELBERT R. COALSON, WARD 6 CITY CLERK do solemnly swear that I will well and the City of Smyrna far the ensuing term, the Charter and Ordinances of said City without fear or favor, and in all my actions as for the best interest of the said City. So help and sworn to before day of January, 1980 Court ATTORNEY do solemnly swear that I will well and of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said , without fear or favor, and in all my actions believe for the best interest of the said City. and sworn to..before day of January, 1980 COURT RECORDER as will of my act as do solemnly swear that I will well and of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said , without fear or favor, and in all my actions I believe for the best interest of said City. So before 1980 MAYOR'S OATH OF OFFICE do solemnly swear that I will well and City of Smyrna for the ensuing term. and the Charter and Ordinances of said City to the fear or favor, and in all my actions as MAYOR best interest of the said City. So help me God. ~- Subscribed and sworn to before 7th day of January, 1980 COUNCILMAN do sol.emnly swear that I will wel~ and the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to without fear or favor, and in all my actions as believe for the best interest of the said City. So help (Seal) sworn to.before of January, 1980 Court COUNCILMAN do solemnly swear that I will well and the C~tY of Smyrna for the ensuing term, the Charter and Ordinances of said City to fear or favor, and in all my actions as for the best interest of the said City. Sa help Councilman Max Bacon (Seal) COUNCILMAN do solemnly swear that I will well and the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City without or favor, and in all my actions as for the best interest of the said City. So help (Seal) me this to before January, 1980 urt COUNCILMAN do solemnly swear that I will well and the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City without fear or favor, and in all my actions as for the best interest of the said City. So help (Seal) me this 7th sworn to before of Jan;uary, 1980 COUNCILMAN do solemnly swear that I will well and o the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term. the Charter and Ordinances of said City to fear or favor, and in all my actions as the best interest of the said City. So help (Seal) me and sworn to before 7th day of January, 1980 COUNCILMAN do solemnly swear that I will well and o the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term. enforce the Charter and Ordinances of sai.d Ci.ty to without fear or favor, and in all my actions as for the best interest of the said City. So help (Seal) Elbert R. and sworn to before 7th day of January, 1980 Court COUNCILMAN I, truly John Steely do solemnly swear that I will well and demean myself as Gouncilman of the City of Smyrna for the ensuing term, will fa~thful1y enforce the Charter and Ordinances of said City to ability, without fear or favor, and in all my actions as as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So he~p (Seal) me and sworn to hefore 7th day of January, 1980 .Court January 7, 1980 The incoming Councilman Max Bacon was called to take his seat and the first meeting of the new administration was called to order. Mayor Johnson introduced all the members of the Council. Judge George H. Kreeger administered the oath of office to Mayor Frank Johnson. Judge Kreeger then administered the oath of office to six of the seven Councilmen: James E. Tolleson, Ward 1 Jerry MillS, Ward 3 James M. Hawkins, Ward 4 Jack Shinall, Ward 5 Elbert R. Coalson, Ward 6 John Steely, Ward 7 Ex-Mayor Arthur Bacon administered the oath of office to his son, Max Bacon, attested to by Judge Kreeger. The first official act of the new administration was to appoint the Recorder's Court Judge, City Attorney and City Clerk. Upon the recommendation of Mayor Frank Johnson. Jerry Mills made a motion that Wi~~ouise Spivey be reappointed as City Clerk, seconded by John Steely. Vote on the motion carried by a 7-0 vote. On recommendation of Mayor Johnson, Elbert Coalson made a motion that Charles E. Camp be reappointed City Attorney. Jack Shinal~ seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. On recommendation of Mayor Johnson. Jim Hawkins made a motion that C. V. be reappointed Recorder's Court Judge, seconded by John Steely. Vote on motion carried by a 7-0 vote. Reeves the Judge George Kreeger administered the oath to: C. V. Reeves Charles E. Camp Willouise Spivey Recorder's Court Judge City Attorney City Clerk Upon the recommendation of Mayor Frank Johnson, Jerry Mills made a motion that Elbert Coalson be reappointed Mayor Pro Tem. Jim Hawkins seconded and vote on the motion was six for and one abstention. Elbert Coalson abstained. Jim Hawkins made a motion that the 1980 residential and commercial business license schedule be adopted at the same rates as 1979. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Commercial building permits were presented by Inspector Len Wi~liams and upon his recommendation the fo~lowing action is recorded: (1) 1948 Cobb Parkway, Plumtree Apartments, requested a permit to repair $30.000 in fire damage. Plans had been approved by the Fire Department and the Inspection Department. Jim Hawkins made a motion the permit be approved, seconded by Jim Tolleson. Vote on the motion carried by a 7-0 vote. (2) Southern Bell Telephone Company. 1369 Spring Street, requested a permit to remodel their building, at a cost of $40,000. Jack Shinall made a motion the permit be approved, seconded by Jim Tolleson. Vote on the motion carried by a 7-0 vote. Jerry Mil~s made a motion that four notes in the amounts of $80,000, $200.000, $250,000 and $200,000 be rolled over for a period of ninety days until tax revenues are received. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Mayor Johnson announced the following committee appointments: Inspections Jerry Mills, Chairman Jim Hawkins & ,Jack Shina~l Jerry Mil.ls, Chairman ,John Steely & Jim Hawkins Jim Hawkins, Chairman Max Bacon & John Steely John Steely, Chair.man Max Bacon & Jack Shinall Jack Shinall, Chairman Elbert Coa~son & Jerry Mills Finance & Administration Purchasing Streets Parks and Recreation Water (Continuation of January 7, 1980 Meeting) Fire Ji.m Tolleson, Chairman Jack Shinall & John Steely Po~ice & Civil Defense Elbert Coalson, Chairman Jim Hawkins & Jerry Mills Public Works, Garage and Construction Jack Shinall, Chairman Max Bacon & Elbert Coalson Employees Benefits and Insurance Max Bacon, Chairman Elbert Coalson & Jack Shinall Library Jim Hawkins, Chairman Jim Tolleson & Jack Shinall Sanitation Max Bacon, Chairman John Steely & Jim Tolleson Announcements: Neighborhood Watch Program. January 9th at 8:00 p.m., City Hal~; the Jonquil Breakfast at Fair's Restaurant on the 16th; the GMA Mayor's Dayan January 20th and 21st and the next Council meeting on January 21st. Jim Farley asked permission to request bids for an air pack for the Civil Defense department, which has already been budgeted. Elbert Coalson made a motion that bids be requested for the air pack, seconded by Jack Shinall. Vote on the motion carried by a 7-0 vote. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. ************************ A special called meeting of Mayor and Council was held January 10, 1980 at City Hall. The meeting was cal~ed to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding officer Mayor Frank Johnson. All Councilmen were present. Also present was City Clerk Willouise Spivey. The purpose of the meeting was for the residents and owners of FOXIlloor Apartments and surrounding property owners to discuss with Mayor and Council the recent closing of Lave Street Extension and to ask their reconsideration of this action. Mr. John P. MacNaughton was the attorney representing Foxmoor Apartments and read a letter from C. J. Sanford, Fire Marshal, addressed to the Mayor and Council as follows: '~ith regard to the item on the agenda of the meeting of the City CounciJregarding the closing of the Love Street entrance to the Foxmoor Apart- ments, I strongly recommend that the street entrance be left open. These apart- ments were built before the adoption of any fire codes; therefore, there are no firewalls or fire stops. There are only a few fire hydrants within the complex; indeed there is only one fire hydrant at the Love Street entrance to the complex which is necessary for fire line supply to the back buildings. TILe fire codes, as written, do not grant this office to require the comp~ex owners to instal~ additional hydrants. firewal~s, or fire stops. Therefore, in the interest of safety I strongly recommend that the Love Street entrance at Foxmoor Apartments be left open." Hr. MacNaughton stated he was not here tonight to really discuss the legality of the closing of the street, but the practicality of the closing in regards to safety, fire control and easy access. They are sensitive to any problems they may be causing any neighbors and want to talk about ways of correcting these problems. Jerry Mills explained that in accordance with the City Charter, the City has the right to open or close any street it desires. The main reason for the closing of the street was, it is too narrow. A petition was presented to Council from the Surrounding property owners requesting the street be closed. A considerable amount of money is involved in widening the street and he felt that what they were really saying in the petition was to close the street, not spend the money to widen it. (Continuation of January 10, 1980 Meeting) Mr. MacNaughton stated the owners of Foxmoor might be willing to bear the expense of widening the road, but he felt it 'tvould be inappropriate to make such an offer prior to the outcome of the meeting tonight. Jim Hawkins stated he was the person responsible for sponsoring this action and that he was aware of the problem before he was elected to office, by talking to people in the area. They asked him then to look into it, and he was contacted later by several residents in the area asking for help again. They had several serious problems with the street. Jim stated in his opinion, the street is nothing more than an extended driveway. From information received, when the apartments were built they simply asphalted up to the street and joined onto it, and it was never a legally opened street. It is impossible for a fire truck to get into the complex with cars parked as they are. As a compromise to all con- cerned, a padlocked gate was erected with a key given to the Fire Department. The gate was installed, but was completely torn down before the next morning. On two other occasions, the padlock on the gate was cut off. It seems the residents are not really concerned with the fire safety, but the convenience of having the street open. Jerry Mills stated residents on Love Street had also complained about people walking from the apartments coming onto their property and littering streets and yards. Mr. MacNaughton replied he felt that should be a police problem, and not a problem that would involve closing the street. Jerry Mills requested the following sections from the Georgia Code Annotated be recorded and made a part of these minutes: Authority as to Streets; Sections 95A-5, 95A-6, 95A-83l, 95A-844, 95A-901, 95A-I017, 95A-1210. Tena Griffeth, resident nEnager of Foxmoor, in response to a question from Mr. Coalson stated there were two other entrances to the apartments, on Medlin Street. During discussion. Mr. MacNaughton stated that the cars being parked at the street was the apartment owner's problem, and they would rather deal with that problem and do whatever had to be done to accommodate their tenants, than have the road closed. Mr. Holloman represented the homeowners in the area and said basically, a~l the facts have been mentioned tonight. Even if the apartment owners did away with parking completely around this area, there is an area 10 or 12 feet wide that has a culvert that would be a problem if the road was widened. Also, many times there have been people moving in or out of the apartments between ~O:OO p.m. and 2:00 a.m. disturbing homeowners on Love Street. The main thing is the safety factor involved, and this has been their concern, along with the nuisance problems. Further, if the City had an adequately equipped width street a~l the way through and the City constitutes it as a street, they would not have the right to come here and ask that it be closed. The removal of the parking area would not serve the purpose for safety factors as we have mentioned before. Jim Hawkins stated he would not be in favor of the City expanding the road since the road serves only one purpose, the ci.tizens of Foxmoor Apartments. Jerry Mills also said he would not be willing for the City to spend the money to widen the street, which in his estimation would cost between $10,000 and $15,000. Mayor Johnson stated it appeared to all concerned that it would be agreeable to widen the street. if the apartment owners would bear the expense and asked Mr. Hawkins to work with Mr. MacNaughton and the apartment owners and report back to Council. Mayor Johnson also suggested that the Foxmoor Apartment owners present a proposal to the City outlining everything they would be willing to do that would prevent the . closing of the street. Jerry Mills requested that Section 47 of the City Charter concerning the opening and closing of streets be made a part of the minutes. Jim Hawkins stated he would obtain an estimate for the widening, curbing and installation of drain pipes and leave it with the resident manager, but he felt there would be two property owners involved and asked Mr. MacNaughton to check into that. Further. he felt the gate is a fair compromise from a safety standpoint. He recommended the gate be padlocked again, and if the lock is cut that it be barricaded permanently. After further discussion, it was agreed that Jim Hawkins would work with Mr. MacNaughton in an attempt to reach some agreement within the next 30 days. The City will also move the gate back approximately five feet so that it will not hinder cars parked there, and will be kept locked. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m. The scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held at the City Hall, Smyrna, on January 21. 1980. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Frank Johnson at 7:30 o'clock p.m. All Council members were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Director of Finance and Administration Gunter Newsom. Police Chief R. E. Little, Director of Parks and Recreation Asa Howard, Assistant Director of Public Works Vie Broy~es. Assistant Fire Chief Hubert Cochran, Building Inspector Len Williams, Director of Civil Defense Jim Farley and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Jim Hawkins. followed by the pledge to the flag. Mayor Johnson recognized Rick Priegel and other members of the Smyrna Jaycees. President Priegel introduced the Board of Directors and read a letter addressed to Mayor and Council commending them for outstanding service and effective leadership the They presented a plaque which read "MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, SMYRNA, GEORGIA. in Appreciation of Your Outstanding Service and Effective Leader- ship. Smyrna Jaycees 1979-80." Jaycee Jim Sparks, Chairman of Governmental Aware- ness project. read a letter stating the goal of the Governmental Awareness project was two-fold. First, seek to educate the members concerning the governmental processes which effect them, and second to encourage public awareness and interest in our city government. The letter also requested a copy or access to the Code of Ordinances so that they may become knowledgeable of its contents and relate this information to all members of the C~ub. Mayor Johnson thanked the Jaycees for the plaque and praised the organization as a whole, especially the Smyrna Jaycees. He assured them they had the City's .support and that they would have access to the Code of Ordinances at any ti.me. Jerry Mills advised that every five years the contracts between the City and the Georgia Power Company, covering all outdoor lighting, street lights, traffic signals, flashers and park lighting, should be renewed. Jerry Mills made a motion Mayor Protem Elbert Coalson be authorized to sign the three contracts. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 6-0 vote. Jim Tolleson. Max Bacon. Jerry Mills, Jim Hawkins, Jack Shinall and John Steely voted for. Elbert Coalson abstained. Mayor Johnson stated that since he was an employee of Georgia Power Company, he would rathe~ not sign the contracts. Variance request: Charlie Fouts requested a side yard variance in order to build additional stalls onto the existing building located at 2899 Atlanta Road. He stated the adjoining property was owned by Standard Oil Company and it would take several months to receive a reply from them. Public Works Director Jim David advised he could no)t see that the proposed building would create any problems to the adjoining property owner. Mr. Fouts said he had talked with Mr. Holbrook, leasee of the Standard Oil property, and he had no objections to the variance. John Steely made a motion variance be approved, and requested the letter from J. E. David be made a part of the minutes. It read as follows: "January 17, 1980. To: Mayor and Council, City of Smyrna; From James E. David, of Public Works; Subject, Variance 2899 South Atlanta Road. I have dis- construction of a building an this property with Mr. Charles Fouts. In my upon walking over property I cannot see that this building would create any problems to the adjacent property owner ( Standard Oil) in any way. In order to contact the Standard Oil Service Station owner, it would probably take several months to obtain a definite answer. There is now a low Cyclone fence on the north property line of Standard Oil running east down to rear of property. Construction of a building on above site would certainly improve the property on the south end of present building. If I may furnish additional information, please contact me." Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Commercial building permits were presented by Bui.lding Inspector Len Wil1.iams, and upon his recommendation the fallowing action is recorded: (1) the John County Board of Educat requested a permit to erect concrete seats in at Campbell High Schoo~. Cost of construction is approzimately $50,000. made a motion the permit be granted. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion. (Continuation of January 21, 1980 Meeting) Jack Shinall made a motion to amend the original motion and waive the permit fee, since this was for the Cobb County Schoo~ System. Jerry Mills seconded the motion to amend, which carried by a 7-0 vote. Vote on the main motion carried by a 7-0 vote. (2) Bernard Halpern, owner of property located at 2460 Atlanta Road, requested a building permit for Jonquil Broadcasting Company (WYNX) to erect four (4) towers and a building at this location. Plans had been approved by the Building Inspector and Fire Marshal. Elbert Coalson made a motion the permit be approved. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Elbert Coalson advised that it may be possible that the Civil Defense department can secure a used generator from the Federal government, which would be loaned to WYNX, and in case of emergency the station would broadcast messages. The station would be glad to participate in this project and they would be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the generator. Validation of signatures: Opal W. property located in Land Lot 593. Jones requested annexation of 9.969 acres of The application was read as follows: "We the undersigned, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the electors resident in the area described below and who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the owners of the land area by acreage of the area described below, which is unincorporated and contiguous to the City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have said area annexed into the City of Smyrna under the provisions of the Code of Georgia Annotated, Sect.ions 69-904 through 69-912 (Georgia Laws, Acts 1966, Pages 409, 410, 411, 412, 413; 1971, 399; 1976, pages 1011, 1012; said property to be annexed being described as follows. to wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 593 of the 17th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia and being 5.978 acres as per plat of survey by All South Engineering and Surveying Co., Inc. dated Apri~ 4, 1979 and being ffioreparticularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin at the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly right-of-way of Matthews Street (30 foot right-of-way) and the southerly right- of-way of Whitfield Street (30 foot right-of-way); running thence south 1 degree 53 minutes 49 seconds east along the westerly right-of-way of Matthews Street a distance of 610.94 feet to an iron pin at the intersection of the westerl.y side of Matthews Street and the northerly right-of-way of Walker Street (30 foot right- of-way); running thence southwesterly and westerly along the northerly right-of-way of Walker Street and following the curvature thereof a distance of 413.98 feet to an iron pin; thence north 0 degrees 37 minutes 26 seconds east a distance of 240 feet to an iron pin; thence north 89 degrees 22 minutes 33 seconds west a distance of 15 feet to an iron pin; thence north 0 degrees 37 minutes 26 seconds east a distance of 423.37 feet to an iron pin on the southerly right-of-way of Whitfield Street; running thence north 87 degrees 18 minutes 51 seconds east along the southerly right-of-way of ffi.itfield Street a distance of 394.25 feet to an iron pin and the point of BEGINNING. Also, all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 593 of the 17th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia and being 2.991 acres as per plat of survey by All South Engineering and Surveying Co., Inc. dated April 4, 1979 and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin at the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly right-of-way of Matthews Street (30 foot right-of-way) and the southerly right- of-way of Walker Street (30 foot ..right-of-way); running thence south 3 degrees 1 minutes 56 seconds east along the westerly right-of-way of Matthews Street a distance of 250.63 feet to an iron pin; thence south 87 degrees 17 minutes -,li7 seconds west a distance of 379.26 feet to an iron pin; thence south 86 degrees o minutes 27 seconds west a distance of 176.21 feet to an iron pin; thence south 87 degrees 40 minutes 12 seconds west a distance of 67.15 feet to an iron pin; thence north 1 degree 57 minutes 55 seconds west a distance of 194.52 feet to an iron pin on the southerly right-of-way of Walker Street; running thence north 85 degrees 10 minutes 28 seconds east along the southerly right-of-way of Walker Street a distance of 210.53 feet to a point; thence continuing along the southerly right- of-way of Walker Street and following the curvature thereof a distance of 412.97 feet to an iron pin on the westerly right-of-way of Matthews Street and the point of BEGINNING. WHEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREUNTO SET THEIR HANDS AND SEALS, AND THEREBY MAKE SAID APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SMYRNA. Witness the signature of the recordt_it1:e holder.s oftha fee s.imple title. or -:h_is representative, of 60% of the land area above described by acreage: W. JONES" (Continuation of ,Tanuary 21, 1980 Meeting) Jack Shinall lnade a motion to validate the petition, and set the date of hearing as February 18, ~980. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Validation of signatures: Bruce A. Bergherm, M.D., Towers requested annexation of 5.3 acres located in application was read as follows: representative for the Smyrna Land Lots 530 and 551. The "We the undersigned, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the owners of the land area by acreage of the area described below, which is unincorporated and contiguous to the City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have said area annexed into the City of Smyrna under the provisions of the Code of Georgia Annotated, Sections 69-904 through 69-912 (Georgia Laws, Acts 1966, Pages 409, 410. 411, 412, 4~3; 1971, 399; 1976, Pages 1011, 1012; said property to be annexed being described as follows, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots 530 and 551, 17th District, 2nd Section. Cobb County, Georgia. and being more particularly described as follows: To find the true POINT OF BEGINNING, begin at an iron pin on the southwest side of the right-oT-way of South Cobb Drive (State Road 280) where said right-of-way intersects with the north line of Land Lot 551, proceed thence south 37 degrees 05 minutes east 365.00 feet al_ong the southwest right-of-way line of South Cobb Drive to an iron pin; thence south degrees 55 minutes west 254.50 feet to a point; thence north 82 degrees 05 west 162.63 feet to the center line of a creek; thence north 4~ degrees minutes west 54.07 feet to a point in the center line of the creek; thence north 81 degrees 48 minutes west 110.58 feet to a point in the center ~ine of the creek; thence south 86 degrees 25 minutes west 118.22 feet to a point in the center line of the creek; thence north 18 degrees 49 minutes west 48.60 feet to a point in the center line of the creek; thence north 17 degrees 42 minutes west 72.98 feet to a point in the center line of the creek; thence north 02 degrees 27 minutes west 67.05 feet to a point in the center line of the creek; thence north 33 degrees 49 minutes west 66.10 feet to a point in the center line of the creek; thence north 21 degrees 05 minutes east 79.68 feet to a point in the center line of the creek; thence north 28 degrees 26 minutes east 89.29 feet to a point in the center line of the creek and an the Land Lot Land Lots 529 and 552 from Land Lots 530 and 551; thence south 40 minutes east 414.00 feet to the point of BEGINNING. WHEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREUNTO SET THEIR HANDS AND SEALS, AND THEREBY MAKE SAID APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF S~ITRNA. Witness the signature of the record title holders of the fee simple title, or his legal representative, of 60% of the land area above described by a.creage: s!BRUCE A. BERGHERM. M.D., PRES. and D. A. MAGOON, SECRETARY/TREASURER" Jerry Mills made a motion to validate the petition and set the date of hearing for February 18, 1980. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Jim Tolleson stated a committee was being formed to beautify Smyrna. Larry Morris of the Forestry Department is to meet with the committee on January 29, ~980 at 10:00 a.m. The purpose is to farm two groups. One, a downtown merchants group, and the second is a group to get some green spots along the rail_road tracks from the old terminal to Belmont Hills Shopping Center. He hopes to get garden clubs and civic clubs involved. He also stated he thought some Federal Grants were available far public work and asked Gunter Newsom to pursue the search for funds. Max Bacon stated his first two weeks had been interesting; he was learning and will continue to ask questions in his effort to really get involved. Jerry Mills made Commerce i_n the by a 7-0 vote. a motion to approve the bi~l from the Cobb County Chamber of amount of $550.00. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried To be charged to Association and Dues expense account. Jerry Mills reported a $200,000 loan we had with the Trust Company Bank of Cobb County and due December 28, 1979 was paid in full; also the loan from the General Fund to Water and Sewer Sinking fund in the amount of $70.000 has been repaid. Jack Shinall made a motion bids be for the Department. This Revenue Sharing Funds. Bids 4, 1980. The motion was seconded requested for one (1) Fleetside pickup truck was budgeted and is to be paid from be opened at the regular meeting on February by Elbert Coalson and carried by a 7-0 vote. of January 21, 1980 Meeting) motion bids be requested for one (1) Hydraulic Sewer Cleaner for the Water Department. He stated last year we paid renting a cleaner. He advised we could save money on manhours This was budgeted and is to be paid from Revenue Sharing Mills the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Bids are to the 1980 Council meeting. from Chief Little asking permission for the City Dimes Walkathon to be held March 22, 1980 at 9:00 we approve this request. John Steely seconded vote. a motion bids be requested for one (1) athletic field conditioner, ~ower and the relighting of Ward Park, Phase II. These items are to be paid from Revenue Sharing Funds. The motion was seconded and carried by a 7-0 vote. to surplus the old Ward Park lights (fixtures and brackets). and sealed bids requested. Jack Shinall seconded a 7-0 vote. approve an additional $1500 for consultant fees for Citizens Center. This $1500 wou~d come out of the of this project. Jerry Mills seconded the Parks and Recreation Director Asa Howard had resigned Asa for a job well done and wished him luck Mayor and Counci~ for giving him the privilege of enjoyed the work and it had been a learning experience last billing of the water bills, and stated there would (77) acres given to the City, which was surplused by the Federal John Steely stated we needed to install a fence and which would cost approximately $50,000. Jack acreage and we should do what was necessary to keep it. meeting will be held on February 4, 1980. at 8:35 p.m. ELBERT R. COALSON, WARD 6