October 2/16, 1978 Council Meeting meet~ng of Mayor and Counc~l was held pursuant to the Charter C~ty Hall, Smyrna, Georg~a. The meet~ng was called to order Frank B. Johnson at 7:30 o'clock p.m. All Council mem- resent was C~ty Attorney Charles Camp, City Clerk Director Gunter Newsom, Police Ch~ef R. E. Little, and Recreation Director Asa Howard, Assistant Works Director J. E. David, Civil Defense Director of the press. Invocation was given by Jim Hawkins, followed by the pledge to the flag. J. P. Sorrells of Valley Drive, stated city workers tore up a portion of h~s yard ~n mak~ng some repairs. He was promised the yard would be restored to its original state, and this had not been done. Mayor Johnson asked Public Works Director J. E. David to take care of this problem as soon as possible. Mayor Johnson advised the request for a liquor, beer and wine pouring license for Chec Chapman's Supper Club. 715 Concord Road, had been withdrawn, per request of Jack T. Hurt, the applicant. . the date of October 16. 1978, was the date set to ion of Recorder's Court filed by Ralph Breakey. Rem 'on wh~ch carried by a 7-0 vote. hitch fairway mower and (1) 30" power driven reel mower were opened, read and are recorded as follows: Blalock Mach. & Equipment Peachtree Mower Co. Lawn & Turf, Inc. Fairway Mower No b~d $2,300.00 $2.185.00 No bid $1.550.00 $1,461. 00 Reel Mower Jim Tolleson made a motion bids be turned over to the Parks committee with authority to accept or reject. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion wh~ch carried by a 7-0 vote. Commercial building permits were submitted by Inspector John Steely and upon his recommendation the action is recorded: (1) Greene. Smith & Davis Professional Association. representing William N. Davis, owner of property located at the corner of South Cobb Drive and Cherokee Road requested a variance to build within one foot of the property line. This structure would be an addition to the existing building which is on a lot measuring 72 x 150 x 114 x 120. Elbert Coa made a motion the variance be granted. Bill the motion. Rem t made a motion to amend the original motion "subject to receipt of a letter from the adjoining property owner did not object to the variance being granted." Jerry Mills seconded ~on which carried by a 6-1 vote. Jim Hawkins voted against. Vote on the maln motion carried 6-1. Jim Hawkins voted against. requested the a Ward 3 be defer intment of the Parks and Recreation Commission to a later date. e a mo Tolleson minutes of September 11, 1978 be approved as sub- the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Mills made a motion the minutes of September 18. 1978 be approved as sub- Jack Shina11 seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. ds be requested for material to resurface all tennis ins seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. Revenue Sharing funds. Howard reported the 5th Annual Halloween Carnival tober 31st from 6:30 unt~l 9:00 p.m. Adult Griff~n and Nash M~ddle Schools. King Springs 8. The GRPS Golf Tournament is October 24, unc~l to attend the tournament ~n order to over the state. had met with a computer programmer-operator meet with full Council. The meet~ng w~ll (Continuat~on of October 2, 1978 Meet~ng) be 6 on Wednesday. October 4th. Bill for 7-0 a mot~on we roll days. Jerry for $250,000 with Comme~c~al Bank the motion which carried by a The some the on Pasadena reported a committee w~th State off~c~als about street and found the number to be resurfaced could cut. will meet with Cobb officials Wednesday and try work out can pay the county to do the paving of all the approved streets. for allotted by the state. The replacing of the water ma~ns and curbs Place has been completed. thanks and thanked the Smyrna Fire Department for the quick they did at h~s home today. He reported only smoke damage, neighbor and a fine fire department. Rem see asked Jerry M~lls to out the blinking light on Reed Road to is do~ng the job effect~vely. Rem also reported cit~zen$ ~tl Ward 7 were concerned with the school atldhe recommended a comm:ittee be appointed to work w~th School Board. Subd~vis~ons are go~ng up and the schools ~n that area are already over- Mayor Johnson sa~d he had met w:i.th School Board member Sam Wh~tfie]_d made h~m aware of rap~d growth ~n that area. Mayor Johnson asked a letter to the School Board requesting their assistance and ask perm~ssion to meet with the entire Board. Jerry M~lls reminded Mayor and Counc~l that Smyrna was host~ng the CMA monthly meeting on October 10th at 7:00 o'clock, and urged everyone to attend. Johnson reported that Rem Bennett had asked to be relieved as chairman of Department, effect~ve today, and he himself would chair this the present time. as reminded Counc~l Cobb Chamber of exemption will be Newsom and w~llou~se of the meeting Fr~day morning at 8:00 a.m., October off~ce. The local opt~on sales tax and the He asked the entire Council, as well Sp~vey to attend. There no further business. the meet~ng adjourned at 8:08 o'clock p.m. ************************ October 16. 1978 The scheduled meet~ng of Mayor and Counc~l was held at C~ty Hall, Smyrna. October 16. 1978. The meeting was called to order by pres~d~ng officer Mayor Frank Johnson at 7:35 o'clock p.m. All Council members were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles Camp. C~ty Clerk Willouise Spivey, F:inance Director Gunter Newsom, Police Chi.ef R. E. Little. Public Works Di~ect6r Jim David, Bu~lding Inspector John Steely, Parks Superv~sor Bill Johnson and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Counc~lman J~m Tolleson, followed by the pledge to the flag. member of the cooperation for grant~ng the H~gh School. Board of Educat~on. expressed h~s appre- by the C~ty of Smyrn;'i. He also thanked deed for the property located beh~nd the stadium a motion Parks and by a 7-0 vote. forward to serving Yeager, 730 P~neh~ll Dr~ve, Smyrna. be Commission. Jim Hawkins seconded the mot~on . Yeager thanked Mayor and Council and stated he on the Comm~ssion. Recorder's Court by AttortleY off~cer" and asked Breakey was Johnson for h~s (Cont~nuat~on of October 16. 1978 Meet~ng) Police officers Sanford Stakely and John Everett were g~ven the oath Camp and their statements were heard. After a lengthy d~scuss~on on made a motion the decis~on of Recorder's Court be upheld. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion wh~ch carr~ed 6-1. Jerry Mills absta~ned. Mayor Johnson advised Mr. Breakey he did have the r~ght to appeal to the Cobb County Superior Cour t. Jack Shinall made a Pouring l~cense at Dematto. Bil request for a Management change for a Malt Beverage Cobb Drive. be approved for Charles J. mot~on wh~ch carried by a 7-0 vote. Jerry M~lls made a mot~on the property located in LL 561. known as horne Street. from R-15 to Limited Commercial. Rem Bennett the mot~on. ng and Zon~ng Board recommended th~s property be nd it ~s to be used as a ch~ropract~c off~ce. Vote on the mot~on carr~ed by a 7-0 vote. erty located ~n LL 559. known as 1323 Concord ted Commercial. This rezoning was recommended and ~s to be used as an insurance office. which carr~ed by a 7-0 vote. B~ll Darby made a mot Road be rezoned from by the Planning Jim Tolleson seconded the Commerc~al build~ng permits were presented by Inspector John Steely and upon his recommendation the following act~on ~s recorded: (1) Crown Central to self-serv~ce had approved the plans. Jerry M~lls seconded the Corporat~on requested a perm~t to convert one island ~on located at 3246 Atlanta Road. The F~re Bureau Elbert Coalson made a motion the perm~t be approved. mot~on wh~ch carr~ed by a 7-0 vote. s Brothers eh~nd the ely $26.000. The made a mot~on the perm~t be carr~ed by a 7-0 vote. uested a permit to erect a new commerc~al metal Id~ng located at 2158 Atlanta Road. at a cost of F~re Bureau had approved the plans. Elbert Coalson approved. B~ll Darby seconded the mot~on which (3) Abuck Build~ South Cobb Dr~ve . Inc.. requested a perm~t to erect a new bu~lding on ngs Shopp~ng Center. at a cost of approx~mately $125,000. the Bu~ld~ng Inspector and the F~re Bureau. Rem permit be approved. Jerry M~lls seconded the motion vote. Bennett made a moti which carr~ed by a Dr. Artress. whose off~ce ~s on Belmont C~rc1e. stated he would l~ke to have a home moved next to his bu~lding to use as an off~ce. Th~s would be a ffice for approximately two years. He was adv~sed to contact the Inspector. tter from D~ c~l was read f Public Works James E. David. addressed to Mayor and to become a part of these minutes. It reads as follows: "The Public has requested ons er W~ 1 informat tment has an employee by the name of Donald Bacon that ce w~thout pay, Sect~on 13 Page 24 Personnel Rules d Bacon request that he be granted absence of leave November 30. 1978. I have g~ven Donald Bacon my cons~deration of above request. If I can furn~sh contact me. Thank you." Is made a motion Donald Bacon be granted a leave of absence, without the period October 30. 1978 through November 30, 1978. J~m Tolleson seconded the mot~on which carr~ed by a 7-0 vote. Committee ~n the Elbert Coalson asked the Pol~ce Comm~ttee to meet w~th him Pro-tem's off~ce immediately after th~s meet~ng. Shinall read a letter from James David ask~ng approval to ~nstall a new on South Cobb Drive, midway between Church Street and Concord Road. t had been made by the Fire Department and Mr. David recommended it be A motion was made by Jack Shinall. seconded by Jerry M~lls. that a t be ~nstalled at this location, at a cost of approximately $800, to from the E&C Fund. Vote on the motion was 7-0 to install the hydrant. (Continuat~on of October 16, 1978 ~eeting) the rel~ef for w~th a group of Senior G~tizens to try and sanitation charges. He read the "WHEREAS, the cost of liv~ng is ~ncreasing at a staggering rate, and WHEREAS, this rapidly increasing cost of living has the greatest negat~ve ~mpactupon the elderly, and WHEREAS, the City of recently raised their sanitation charges from $2.00 per month to $3.00 per month, and WHEREAS, th~s ~ncrease wasest.ablished to help offset the increased cost of operat~ng a sanitat~on system. and WHEREAS, Mayor and Council of the City of Smyrna desires to help the Sen~or C~tizens fight the effects of inflation, now be it resolved that the City of Smyrna establish rate to apply to who qualify for VII, Section I, IV of the Charter of the will be set at $2.00 per month. This rate shall be in the effect~ve date of an ~ncrease ~n the homestead exempt~on for Citizens." a spec~al Smyrna. effect until the Sen~or a mot~on the above Resolution be approved. B~llDarby seconded carried by a 7-0 vote. Attorney Camp said he wanted to go on no legal ruling on th~s act~on, at this t~me. also reported the Mar~etta Daily Journal carried an ed~tor~al today 1978 Cobb County Tax Digest will probably be factored by the State, make it look like the City ~s raising taxes. He wants to go on record against th~s. B~ll Darby made a motion we borrow $200,000 until 1978 tax money is rece~ved. Jerry M~lls seconded the mot~on which carried by a 7-0 vote. Bill stated several occurred at the intersection of Hayes Drive KingSpr~ngs Road. and he was afra~d the s~tuation would get worse with the open~ng of King Spr~ngs Park. B~ll made a mot~on three-way StOp s~gns be erected at this ~ntersect~on. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by a 7-0 vote. x-eport;ed the Halloween.Carn~val is October 31st from 6:30 until volleyball ~s in the.th~rd week of play. J~m also .x-eported the of King Springs Park may be delayed and asked B~ll Johnson to relate of the meeting with contractors and arch~tect. Bill reported tennis courts and bu~ld~ng complete by November 18th. sw~mming not be completed before mid-December. During brought be better to delay the opening until spr~ng. A def~n~te dec~sion later. Jack Shinall recommended no part of the penalty clause be the the pool out it w~ll waived. advised a "Meet on October 17th. Cap~tol on October October 31st at Cobb the Cand~dates" forum would be held at the Cobb hear~ng on annexation would be held at the Annual Halloween Carnival will be Center. There being no other bus~ness the meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m. *****1e*'"it:******1-:********* tion of October 16, 1978 Meeting)