June 5/19/22, 1978 Council Meeting
June 5, 1978
The regularly scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter
on June 5, 1978 at the City Hall, Smyrna, Georgia. The meeting was called to order
by presiding officer Mayor Frank Johnson at 7:30 o'clock p.m. All Councilmen were
present. Also present was Attorney Charles Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Finance
Director Gunter Newsom, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley, Inspector John Steely,
Public Works Director James David, Fire Chief Don Atkinson, Assistant Fire Chief
Hubert Cochran, Police Chief Everett Little, Parks and Recreation Director Asa Howard,
Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Sherry Reavis and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Jim Hawkins, followed by the pledge to the flag.
The first order ox business was the recognition of long term city employees. Mayor
Johnson stated he was pleasantly surprised at the number of employees with over ten
years of service and issued "Service Pins" to the following:
(over ten years but less than fifteen)
City Hall
Police -
Lucille Austin
David Farmer
John Young
James Bivins
Willouise Spivey
G. R. Galloup
Kent Sims
Tommy Harper
Larry Dunn
Ben Cantrell
Eddie Bessette
Dusty Rhodes
Fire -
Sherman Vaughn
Steve Knox
Water -
Tom Collier
Luke Butler
Leon Cantrell
Grady Cantrel.l
(over fifteen years but less than twenty)
City Hall
Fire -
Water -
Nora Proctor
Katherine Jones
Dennie Stone
Vic Broyles
Jonah Smith
Buddy Elrod
Dotty Putnam
Ike Thornton
Lamar King
Herman Wheeling
(over twenty years but less than twenty-five)
Don Atkinson
Elmer Wester
Hubert Cochran
(over twenty-five but less than thirty)
Water - George Cook James David
Thirty (30) Year Pins: (over thirty years but less than thirty-five)
Forest Bedford
Cecil HcCollum
Hayor Johnson thanked these employees for the years of faithful service to the city.
He announced that five (5) year service pins would be presented to forty-two (42)
city employees Tuesday, June 6th, in the Council room.
Bill MacKenna thanked the city officials for their support and
the 10,000 Meter Road Race held May 20, 1978. He said the race was
due largely to the go~d work of the Smyrna Police Department, Park~
and Recreation Department and the Civil Defense Department. He praised the Police
Department, stating that in his opinion Smyrna has the best Police Department any-
place. He also praised the city employees and thanked them for the service they had
given him.
Bids for one (1) 60" Lift-type Cutter for the Street Department were opened. read
and are recorded as follows:
Ward Tractor Company
Ponce De Leon Ford Tractor
Atlanta Ford Tractor Sales
Cobb Co. Tractor Company
Franklin Ford Tractor Co.
Cobb Ford Tractor, Griffin
New Sidewinder 5x5 lift-type
909 Series Ford Rotary Cutter
Model 600 RW w/stump jumper
Ford Hodel 909 Rotary Cutter
Model 906-16 Rotary Cutter
Ford Rotary Hower 908-18
(Continuation ox June 5,
1978 Meeting)
all bids be turned over to the Street Committee for action.
motion which carried 7-0.
Management Chan~e - Retail Package Beer, Golden Gallon #46, 2254 Atlanta Road.
Eva Smith Langley, applicant. Rem Bennett read a letter from Police Chiex R. E.
Little stating that an investigation by that department did not rexlectany xactors
that wou:Ld<bar the above listed applicant from obtaining the requested license. Rem
Bennett made a motion the management change be approved. Jim Tolleson seconded the
motion. Discussion followed as to whether it was necessary xor the applicant to
be present at the hearing for a management change only. Section 3-34 of the Code of
Ordinances states: "All persons applying for a new license or requesting a change
in management. shall appear bexore the governing body when the application is to be
considered." Jerry Mills stated that even though management: change applicants were
not required to attend the hearings in the past, the Code oX Ordinances reads they
should, and in his opinion we should abide by the Ordinance. Jack Shinall made a
motion the request be tabled until the next meeting and the applicant be advised to
attend. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which carried 6-1. Rem Bennett voted
not to table.
Commercial building permits were submitted by John Steely and upon his recommen-
dations the xollowi.ng action is recorded:
(1) The Cobb County Board ox Education requested a permit to build a parking lot
at Griffin Hiddle School. The plans met all requirements. Elbert Coalson made a
motion the permit be approved. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(2) Smyrna Hospital requested a permit to renovate the intensive care unit at the
hospital. Plans had been approved by the Fire Marshal. Jerry Hills made a motion
the permit be approved. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(3) Qua:Lity Partitions requested a permit to remodel 3266 South Cobb Drive, a part
of Grant City, for a Sunshine Department Store. Plans met all the ordinances but
had not been approved by the Fire Marshal. Jerry Mil.1s made a motion the permit be
approved. contingent on approval of the Fire Harshal. Rem Bennett seconded the
motion which carried 7-0.
Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance: Rem Bennett made a motion we amend the zoning
ordinance, Section 402, by adding sub-section 402.7.1 "Boardinghouse." Bill Darby
seconded the motion. After discussion, Jack Shinall made a motion this item be
tabled for further study. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Jim Hawkins made a motion the minutes of May 1, 1978 be approved as submitted.
Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Jim Tolleson made a motion the minutes of Hay 15, 1978 be approved as corrected.
Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Jerry Hills made a motion the minutes of Hay 18, 1978 be approved as submitted.
Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Jim Tolleson advised the cost of poles for security lights for Phase II of King
Springs Park was inadvertently left off the contract. He made a motion $2,046.30
be approved for the purchase of these poles. Jerry Mills seconded the motion.
Finance Director Gunter Newsom advised this cost would be paid from the maintenance
parks budget. Vote on the motion was 7-0.
Parks Committee report: Jim Tolleson introduced Asa Howard as the new Director of
Parks and Recreation. Assistant Director Sherry Reavis reported that Cindy Cochran,
a membeJ;:' of Smyrna Parks and Recreation Department's Track program for over three
years, will be featured on national television soon and has set her sites on the
1980 Olympics in Moscow. Cindy has set records on the county, state and national
levels. Jim Tolleson made a motion the City of Smyrna award Cindy an "Outstanding
Citizens Award." Jim Hawkins seconded the motion and the vote was 7~0. The
presentation will be at the next council meeting on June 19, 1978. Asa Howard
advised June was Park and Recreation month, this is GRPS week at Six Flags, the
tennis tournament was June 12th, the water carnival June 14th and summer classes
and day-camp start June 19th. Sherry reported Church Street Pool could possibly
be ready to open this week.
Bill Darby the Finance Committee would meet on Tuesday
week to go over the budgets.
(Continuation of June 5. 1978 Meeting)
Bill Darby stated he had a request from Kenneth Sumner, 3292 Creatwood Trail, to
erect a tower :Eor a ham radio. The tower would be 80' high and he asked for a
variance from 30 feet. Bill Darby made a motion the variance be granted. Jerry
Mills seconded the motion for discussion. Hr. Sumner said he was a member of the
Walker County Civil De:Eense, knew all the federal rules and regulations regulating
ham radios and towers. and everything would be in order and meet requirements.
Mr. Sumner said he understood he would be required by the city to get a permit
before erecting the tower. Vote on the motion to approve the variance was 6-1.
Jim Hawkins voted against.
Fire Committee:
Jim Hawkins asked the committee to meet with him immediately after
Water Committee: Jack Shinall advised the letter to the citizens advising them of
the changes in the water ordinance had not been mailed due to the court ruling;
therefore, the effective date will be July 1, 1978 instead of June 1.
Police Committee: Elbert Coalson said he attended the Mock Disaster scene on Spring
Road last week and was impressed with the fast and efficient way the disaster was
handled. He commended the Police, Fire. Civil Defense Rescue Units and Parks
departments for furnishing the vehicles and victims, and the Smyrna Hospital for a
job well done. Jim Farley, Director of Civil Defense called out the response time
to the scene, caring for the victims, loading and time of arrival at the hospital.
He also reported the Explorer Troop was having a flea market at Grant City this
Inspections Committee: Rem Bennett said we did need to have a zoning classification
for a boardinghouse and he thought it would have to come under RMIO. He urged all
council to read the proposed amendment and be prepared to act at the next meeting.
Hayor Johnson advised that Chol Ki Min, Operator of the Smyrna Market, 3350 South
Cobb Drive, was found guilty in Recorder's Court on June 1, 1978 of selling beer
to a minor. This act was in violation of the Code of Ordinances, Section 3-63;
therefore, his malt beverage license is being suspended, effective June 6, 1978,
until such time as a show cause hearing can be held to determine if the suspension
will be permanent. The date for the show cause hearing was set for June 19, 1978.
Mayor Johnson read a letter from Chol Ki Hin, appealing the decision of Recorder's
Court, Docket #33473, June 1. 1978. June 19. 1978 was the date called out to hear
the appeal.
Hayor Johnson reminded Council of the CHA Quarterly meeting at George's Restaurant
on June 13th and the Jonquil Breakfast on June 21. 1978.
There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 8:44 p.m.
June 19, 1978
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held at City Hall. Smyrna.
Georgia. on June 19, 1978. The meeting was called to order by presiding officer
Mayor Frank Johnson at 7:30 o'clock p.m. All Councilmen were present except Bill
Darby who out of town. Also present was City Attorney Charles Camp. City Clerk
Willouise , Finance Director Gunter Newsom, Police Chief R. E. Little, Fire
Chief Don Inspector John Steely, Director of Public Works Jim David,
Parks and Recreation Director Asa Howard. Assistant Parks & Recreation Director
Sherry Reavis, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Jim Hawkins, :Eollowed by the pledge to the flag.
Presentation of Disti shed Citizen's Award: Mayor Johnson recognized Cindy
Cochran and presented her Distinguished Citizen's Award. He congratulated
Cindy on her record as a "Track Star" and assured her the City of Smyrna, her
city, would be pulling for her all the way in her efforts at the 1980 Olympics to
be held in Hoscow. Cindy is the daughter of former councilman Earle Cochran.
a.m. at
Pete Brown. representing the Smyrna Jaycees, requested a
the 4th of July. The parade is scheduled to commence at 10:00
Cherokee Street, proceed up Cherokee to Atlanta Road, south on
Jonquil Shopping Center. Jerry Hills made a motion the permit be
(Continuation of June 19, 1978 Meeting)
Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
Hearin~A:pl'eal of Decision of Recorder's Court, Chol Ki Min, Smyrna Harket:
FurmanSrnith, Attorney for Hr. Min, swore in Chol Ki Min, Mrs. Chol Ki Min,
KyungHiu, interpreter Rev. David'Chai, Smyrna Detective Lt. David Farmer and
SteveB"ggay., Attorney Smith asked the witnesses be sequestered. Mayor Johnson
stated> that on May 19, 1978, Chol Ki Min, owner of the Smyrna Market, was observed
selliugbeer to a minor and on Hay 20, 1978, Chol Ki Min was issued a citation,
Case ff33473, requesting that he appear in Recorder's Court and wascfined $200 for
violating Section 3-63 of the Code of Ordinances. Hr. Min pleaded "not guilty"
in Recorder's Court and this meeting is to hear his appeal of the court's decision.
Attorney Smith said the defendant pleads not guilty. Mayor Johnson asked Lt.
Farmer to state what happened on Hay 19, 1978, resulting in these charges being
made Chol Ki Min. Lt. Farmer stated they had received several complaints
from that alcoholic beverages were being sold to minors and acting on
orders from the Police Chief he set up surveillance on Friday, May 19, 1978. At
around 7:30 p.m., Steve Buggay and two other persons, Steve Hooper and Cecil Westbrook
entered the Smyrna Market. Steve Buggay walked to the back cooler and picked up a
Miller's six-pack, walked to the cash register and purchased the beer from Mr.
Hin. He left the store, traveled south on South Cobb Drive to King Springs Plaza
at which time he was pulled over by Lt. Farmer. Hr. Buggay had a drink in his hand
at the time he was stopped and he was placed under arrest as a minor being in
possession of beer. On Hay 20, 1978, he went to Smyrna Harket and issued Chol
Ki Hin a citation and explained the charge being brought against him, which was
selling alcoholic beverages to Steve Buggay, a white male, 16 years of age. Lt.
Farmer stated that when he stopped Steve Buggay he llad on his person a valid Georgia
Drivers License. A patrol car was called to the scene and Steve Buggay was trans-
ported to the police station and released to his parents. Lt. Farmer stated he saw
the transaction of money for the sale of the beer from outside the store. After
receiving a written complaint in Harch, Officer HcBerry advised Chol Ki Hin of the
complaint and told him the store would be under surveillance. Attorney Smith said
at this time he raised a constitutional question to the entire prosecution on the
grounds that it appears to be selective enforcement of the particular ordinance
in question as he could find no other prosecution for selling beer to a minor and
the only revocation of a license for that reason. He said he had reason
to believe it is the only store placed under surveillance for selling beer to a
minor and it is his contention that this is being done only because Mr. Hin is of
oriental extraction and is not a citizen. Hayor Johnson advised Hr. Smith that
police records were confidential and there was no way he would be advised if other
businesses were under surveillance. In answer to Hr. Smith's question, Lt. Farmer
stated he was standing in the parking lot of Smyrna Harket when he observed the
sale. Attorney Smith drew a diagram of the intersection of Smyrna Hill Drive and
South Cobb Drive. showing the location of the Parts Store and the Smyrna Market and
entered it as evidence, document ffl. He asked Lt. Farmer to indicate by a mark
on the diagram which way the detective car was facing, also where he was standing
when he witnessed the sale. Attorney Smith also entered three pictures as evidence,
documents 2, 3 and 4, and asked Lt. Farmer to identify them. Lt. Farmer advised
he did not arrest the defendant immediately because he had orders to make more
cases against the defendant. Lt. Farmer told Hayor Johnson he did not go in the
store for fear he would be recognized. He did not know Hr. Buggay but when he
entered the store he appeared to be a minor and that is why he was stopped. Hayor
Johnson questioned Steve Buggay as to what happened the night of May 19, 1978.
Hr. Buggay stated he went to Smyrna Harket to purchase some beer. He had bought
beer once before. He said he was sixteen years old and was aware he was not
purchase beer, but all his friends got it there. He said he had no
his drivers license. He was not asked for an ID, only if he was
years old, and he told Hr. Min he was eighteen. He paid for the beer, got
and started south on South Cobb Drive and was stopped by Lt. Farmer at
Plaza. He was not positive who took his money, Mr. Hin or the son
Mayor Johnson said the license was issued to Chol Ki Min and he was
for his employees. Steve Buggay said he had not been contacted by
on behalf of Mr. Min. Attorney Smith cross examined Steve Buggay. In
to a question, Steve BuggaY said he had not talked with anyone other than
about this. He had not talked with Lt. Farmer since the night of the
in Recorder's Court, neither has his parents. Steve said he
Recorder's Court J{yung Hin sold him the beer on the night of
1978, that he was not positive, they look so much alike. Hr. Smith said
in Recorder's Court Mr. Buggay testified it was nei't':her Chol Ki Min or
Hin that sold him the beer. but another employee. Steve Buggay said he
was not positive. Attorney Smith call.ed for a brief recess to confer with
at 8:52. Chol Ki Min was called to testify. Hayor Johnson
if he understood the charges made against him and the seriousness of
(Continuation of June 19, 1978 Heeting)
the violation. He stated he did and that he always checked drivers licenses to be
sure the customer was eighteen. unless he knew the customer and knew he was over
All his employees are familiar with the Ordinance on selling beer to
He said he never knowingly sold beer to a minor, but it is possible he did
when the store was crowded on Friday or Saturday nights and the young people all
come in xrom the skating rink. He did not remember seeing Steve Buggay in the
store. Hr. Hin said he remembered a Smyrna policeman coming into his store in Harch
and warning him the city had had a written complaint that he was selling beer to
minors and that his store was under surveillance. He said he informed his employees
of this warning. Mr. Hin said he had a drivers license and fully understood how to
determine the age ox a person by looking at them. He immediately told Mayor Johnson
his age after looking at his license. Jack Shinall gave Mr. Hin a slip of paper
with dates and asked him if a person with this birth date, 9/25/60. would be sold
beer. Mr. Min said no. Mr. Hin said that since his licenses were suspended on
June 6, 1978. he had removed the beer from the cooler and stored it out of view of
the customers. Hr. Hin, realizing he was under oath, said he had not sold any beer
since receiving the notice his licenses were suspended. In answer to a question
by Elbert Coalson. Mr. Hin said he had never been treated badly by a citizen of
Smyrna. Hr. Hin told Mr. Smith this store was the sole support of him and his
family. and 40% of that income is from beer sales.
Kyung Min was called to the stand. He stated he was employed at the Smyrna Harket
and is twenty-one years old. He said he was aware of the policy of the store that
they could not sell beer to anyone under eighteen years of age and he always
asked for their ID. He did not know Steve Buggay before the trj_al and did not
remember selling him any beer. He had never sold beer to a minor to his knowledge.
Jack Shinall showed the same slip of paper, with the birthdate of 9/25/60 to Kyung
Hin and he also said this person would be a minor. This paper was entered into
the records as evidence, document C-l.
Mrs. Chol Ki Hin stated she was familiar with the Ordinance on selling beer to
minors but that she did no selling other than produce. She had seen her husband
and sons checking drivers license many times. Jerry Mills asked Mrs. Min if she
checked drivers licenses and she said that she did not because she only helped with
the produce. Hayor Johnson called for a brief recess at 9:26 p.m. Heeting re-
convened at 9;33 p.m. Mayor Johnson called for a motion on whether or not the
decision of Recorder's Court would be upheld. Elbert Coalson made a motion to
uphold the decision of Recorder's Court. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which
carried 6-0.
Show Cause Hearing - Chol Ki Min. Smyrna Market - License Revocation, Section 3-63:
It was agreed the testimony heard in the previous hearing would continue in this
hearing subject to recall of the witnesses. Mayor Johnson advised that on June 6,
1978, the Malt Beverage license for Chol Ki Min. owner of the Smyrna Harket had
been suspended due to violation of the Code of Ordinance Section 3-63. selling
beer to a minor. The purpose of this hearing is to determine if the suspension of
the license will be permanent. Hr. Hin had been found guilty in Recorder's Court
and fined $200.00 for violation of Section 3-63.
Cecil Westbrook, witness for the city, was sworn in by Attorney Charles Camp. Mr.
Westbrook said he was fourteen years of age and a student at Wills High School. He
stated he did not have a drivers license. He. along with Steve Buggay and Steve
Hooper went to Smyrna Harket on the night of Hay 19. 1978. He and Steve Hooper
bought and paid for a canned coke and Steve Buggay bought beer. He stated that Steve
Buggay showed some kind ox ID, not a drivers license. and purchased the beer. He
testified they lext the store, went south on South Cobb Drive and was stopped by
Lt. Farmer. who asked for ID's. Cecil was cross examined by Mr. Smith. He could
not describe the ID card shown by Steve Buggay, other than it was white with some
blue on it.
Steve HOOper, witness for the city. was sworn in by Attorney Charles Camp. Steve
said he was fourteen years old. He stated that on the night of Hay 19, 1978. he
Steve Buggay and Cecil Westbrook went to Smyrna Harket. He and Cecil bought a
Pepsi and Steve Buggay bought beer. He stated that Steve Buggay did show some sort
of identification, a paper or card, but that it was not a drivers license. They
leXt the store, went south on South Cobb Drive and was stopped by Lt. Farmer. In
answer to Jim Tolleson, Steve Hooper said there was no conversation between Steve
Buggay and Hr. Hin except when Mr. Min asked for identification and Steve showed
him the white card or paper. When they left the store Steve Buggay opened one can
of the beer and was drinking it when stopped. He said the ID card was white but
did not have any blue on it. In answer to a question by Jerry Hills, Steve said he
had not been contacted by Mr. Smith, Hr. Min, or anyone representing Mr. Min. The
(Continuation of June 19. 1978 Meeting)
answer was no.
Hr. Smith had no questions of this witness.
Mr. Smith moved to reopen the evidence the previous hearing and set aside the
Mr. Hin, on the groun<isof new evidence that Steve Buggay did show
This was not brought out in the testimony of Lt. Farmer and he
that Mr. Hin did not intentionally sell beer to a mino:r. but was
presentation of an ID card. Attorney Camp stated that any new
discovered by the defendant as he would be the one person with
the actual transaction. Hr. Smith stated that Hr. Hin did not
Buggay being in the store or the transaction. The citation was
twenty-four hours of the actual sale, but Hr. Min did not remember.
said he would still like to move to reopen the evidence to include the
testimony of Steve Hooper and Cecil Westbrook. Mayor Johnson told Mr. Smith we
would continue thi,g hearing but if he wanted to make the motion to reopen the
appeal of. the decision of Recorder's Court after this Show Cause hearing. he would
be allowed to do so.
Steve Bu~~aywas called to the stand. Mayor Johnson asked Steve to restate what
he did when he went to Smyrna Harket on May 19, 1978. He said he went into the
market, looked at the candy rack, went to the cooler and picked up an eight-pack
of beer, walked back and put the beer on the counter and paid for it. Mr. Min
asked him :if he was eighteen and he said yes. Mr. Hin put the beer in a bag, he
picked it uP. walked out the door and got into his car and drove down South Cobb
Drive. Johnson asked to see Steve Buggay' s drivers license but he d:id not
have them with him. He said his date of birth was October 21, 1961 and that date
was on his license. In answer to Jim Hawkins question, Steve testified that he
did not show any kind of identification and was not asked for any when he bought
the beer. Mr. Min asked if he was eighteen and he told him he was.
was recalled. Jerry Mills asked Lt. Farmer if, while observing
. he saw anything resembling an ID. Lt. Farmer stated that
Lt. Farmer also stated that at the time of Steve Buggay's arrest he
searched him, two other officers searched him. and there was no other identification
on him, only his drivers license.
AttorrteySmith presented a copy of Commendation from the Department of the Army to
Chol KiHin.for outstanding and superior performance. Rev. David Chai, Hr. Hin's
pastor stated it had been a great joy to know Hr. Hin in the Church and he is
highly respected by the members. He spoke well of Mr. Hin and said if Hayor and
Council saw fit to give him a second chance that he would work closely with him
and felt sure that he would be a good member of the community. Attorney Smith
said that Mr. Min's career was at stake. he has no previous convictions and a fine
record in He feels that if there was a violation it was not intentional
and would be due to not being familiar with American customs and American identi-
fications~ He urged Council to return the license to Hr. Hin as he feels he will
be doubly careful and no violation will occur in the future. Heeting recessed
at 10:34 p.m.; reconvened at 10:43.
Mayor Johnson stated all the testimony has been heard and he called for a motion
onwhet::b.er t;he su.spension of the licenses would be permanent. Jerry Mills made
a motion Mr. Hin's license be suspended until July 1, 1978. and effective tonight,
June 19, 1978, he be put on twelve months probation and twelve months from this
date if charges or violations have been brought against him. probation will be
lifted~ Hawkins seconded the motion. After discussion. the motion carried
6-0. advised Mr. Min that his license would be held until July 1.
1978 and on that date he could again sell beer. He also stated that he believed
the reaSOn Council was lenient was there was some possibility he did not understand
the seriousness of the violation. He asked Rev. Chai to counsel Mr. Min and be
sure he understands.
Management Change .~ Golden Gallon #46 ~ Eva Smith Langley: Rem Bennett made a
motion the m..'l.n{igement change for the Golden Gallon Malt Beverage License request
be brougP.t; off table. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Vote
on the.original motion to approve the request was 6-0.
No commercial building permit request.
Rem Bennett recommended no action be taken at this time on amending the zoning
ordinance to include a boardinghouse classification.
Reporting for Jim Tolleson. Asa Howard reported
and the Church Street Pool is in operation.
(Continuation of June 19, 1978 Meeting)
Streets Sanitation Committee: Jerry Mills advised that Gunter Newsom had
we take bids on 1500 garbage can liners. It seems there is only one
company who manufactures these cans and they will not make a run of less than'
1500. at the cost of $10,500. Jerry Hills made a motion bids be requested for
1500 garbage can liners to be opened at the next council meeting. Jim Hawkins
seconded the motion. During discussion Gunter said he had exhausted every option
he could think of to avoid the large purchase. He had contacted other cities using
the same size can and they all had a good supply. The motion carried 4-2. Jim
Tolleson and Rem Bennett voted against. Gunter Newsom was requested to continue
to search for an alternative.
Finance Committee: In the absence of Bill Darby, Jerry Mills gave the report.
Jerry stated that he and Jack Shinall had been working on the budgets almost daily.
They, along with the Finance Director. have made some cuts already and have come
up with some ideas for more revenue. The following figures are not final and
are for your information only:
Total revenues (incl. transfers)
Expenditure request (6/19/78)
Excess Expenditures over Revenue
The following increases are not recommendations, merely ideas for you to be
thinking about:.
$1.00 increase in sanitation pickup
$1.50 increase sewerage charge
Employees contribution for dependent
coverage of insurance
7l,500 ($35,750 to E&C Fund)
The $261,967 deficit, minus the $168,000 additional revenues, would still leave a
short fall of $93,967. He also stated it cost the city approximately $100,000
a year for trash pickup once a week. We could save money if we want to go to
twice a month pickups. Jerry stated the last two years the city operated over
budget and this year they were trying to continue services and reduce the cost to
taxpayers, yet operate within the budget. He asked all councilmen to study their
departments and come back to the Finance Committee with their thoughts and ideas.
Water: Jack Shinall stated the city was operating with a deficit in the sewer
department. The county is charging us more to treat the sewer than we are charging
the customer. This is the reason for the suggested increase listed above. Jerry
Mills stated the sanitation department last year lost approximately $30,000.
Jerry Mills made a motion we have a called council meeting Thursday evening at 6:00
p.m. to go over and approve the budgets, also to set the tax millage for 1977.
Jack Shinall seconded the motion. Hotion carried. Rem Bennett will be on vacation.
Jim Hawkins said the meeting of the fire committee would not be held tonight
to the late hour.
Jim Hawkins made a motion we appoint Hayor Frank Johnson as the voting delegate at
the GMA Convention in Savannah, and Elbert Coalson as the alternate. Jerry Mills
seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
Jack Shinall advised a chart had been worked up on water and sewer charges in the
other cities if anyone wanted to see it.
Meeting adjourned at 11:17 p.m.
June 22, 1978
The special called meeting of Mayor and Council was held June 22, 1978 at City
Hall, Smyrna, Ceorgia. The purpose of the meeting was to approve 1978-79 budgets
and set the millage rate of 1977. Those present were: Mayor Pro-tem Elbert
Coalson, Jerry Mills, Jim Hawkins, Jack Shinall, Finance Director Gunter Newsom.
(Continuat~on of June 22, 1978 Meeting)
City Willou~se Spivey. Jim Tolleson was late. Hayor Johnson was out for
business reasons, Bill Darby and Rem Bennett were on vacation.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro-tem Elbert Coalson at 6:00 p.m.
Invocation was
Jim Hawkiris, followed by the pledge to the flag.
Elbert Coalson stated the meeting was called to discuss and approve the budgets
but the Chairman of the Finance Committee was not here. Jack Shinall made a
motion the meeting be adjourned due to the importance of the items to be considered
and the meeting be set up at a time full Council can attend. Jerry Mills seconded
the motion and the vote was 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 6:14 p.m.
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