January 1978 Ridgeview Institute WRlTt;.RS \:HFH!.CT OlAL Johnson 30080 Re Inc. Johnson : D::trectors , of wLth to Cou3truc- be,ar- oul::- to center of f~'rh:e Ci ty the perfor- the statutory fo11owing del'a",:!.t, and title EO bond refunding 'I the 'fh:1s sha1.1 bs known as Cobb- the Sect:1ou operste ten eI.ementS Ceutere" wh:1ch are of ~ner uecessary eo eo-m:1'ty !faueaI. iieaI.th .bal.:! 6. 8. tha c~:1ty JUtTl:CLE U: Board D:1rect:ore proper'ty" and Board be four CWo equal. to the three may t:he euuuel. eha11 ba wom ahal.1 he e1acted At: each annual. woae t:e~ haVe At: the e:xp:lrat:lou of of t:be .y1aws for Section occurs in the :Board U: she11 be f:l11ed w:lt:bou:t ~ers of for thet: purpose. The the of next: ennua1 of:the ~ere* of the Boerd tbe anuua1 el.ect::lou Harcb and Dec_ber. of the the 1.eet recO'rded address O'f ths Ths the requea t: of of .uch Sect:1an S. member. af th. Board trauilllect:1an of D:1rectar. she11 th. ab.ence tbe teu mey 1eseer n~er _y adjaurn the the terM CWo t:1me" CWo of the Board the Che:1~ of tbe :Board" the Pres1.den.t" :1u aff:1ce. The purpose of eech tha or by to each d:1rector. At of the Board of ol:' a V:1ce Pres:1deot Sect:1oe ,. the Che::t~e Sect::toe 8. . The of D:tl:'ectc:n,s mey th:1ak propel:'; :1n ordeT to protect ::teterest and one or more of the d::trectors vote of two-th:1rds for that: purposa. :U1: Off:1cere Board and aha1.1 the e1ect: e Pree:1den.t from BoaTd own n~er of the iIlIecret:ery Boerd of D:1:rect:orilll,. a any per1.od -" or those of .ha11 be to r-.ova1. of the whole Board D::trect:ore. by the Boerd of the off::tcilllr th... Cha:1~u of the Board oj: of the Board D::trect::orilll from t::1.DD to t:1DD Che1.~ of t:he Board the Board of of a et: the iIlIha11 al1 ,. Prea:1deut: iIlIbe11 t:he of He iIlIha11. pree::tde at: exerc::t.e such dut::1ee ae ere eha11 heve :1uact:::tve of the compauy over or other theu ,. execute de11.ver bonds preecr:1bed from t:1me- the or the ,. eha1.1 a11 eUDe:1d:lar:lae the Board o~ D:lreetoTs v::tee pree:1dent: of eba11 en the and ::tn VT:lt:ln3 by eoy ~eT iIIIu:me :In a benk", and a report I"uade mey De w::tthdrawn and 'Il'Ouebere h:le and the a11 the $ of h:le aud Pree:ldant. caee mey of tha pereou, conduct: a11 ree01ut:::tone DOt: ot:herw::tee of t:he:1r appo:1ut:ment on comI'Ad:tteee; to fura:1eh copy vot:e under W:leh t:be not::1ce of the :Board D::tTectors corpoTat1.uo" end tbe bne:1uese edvanee :In the :interest: 01:' of the the The SeeraTe1:Y eha11. s. aha11 ba duty t:o at:t:end a11. of e11 ;> of COmm:1 t: tee of the the and a11 of t:he an ,annua1 the xv AdB1u::tstrat1ve Off1eer 1. D::trectore appo:1nt: and menellliillll!ent:,. w:1th on menta1 opsrat:1one. a for the above and be re1avant: a. and tan!! p1ana of ,. Prea:1dant: and lloerd for rev:1_ stetliillll!ents for approval; of eare and ataudards an:d f:1nanc:1s1 procedurae,. . " and po1:le:1ee" work:lng ::tncurance and commun::tty; w!tb the of t:hen two end end ehou1d or metllbere of ~ere. mey a1i111o eppo::tnt Board ..y chaterm::tne and wb:1ch beve by Board The ..y e1eo repreeen t:1ng the med:1ca1 adv:1ae met:tere w:l11 funct::1on of D:1rect:ors wi11 e1ect be and inc1ude the the Medica1 Staff Rea:! tb Znc Joint: mouth1.y .:1nutee f'o1.1ow:1ng end b. To :In J:nst:ltut:e pstients rece:1ve c. the 1:ust.:::ttute or pat.::1ent: ..dica1- the of the act overa11 operet::1on of work . to aesure that a11 exceeded; stet:e of' A11 of the ..Dberill! of by any cotmldtt:ee eucceeding such ect:lon :Board of Directors; affected by eny euch A Me1Cl:1i;:a1 St:aff be aubmt:ted Oft ttUi1l concerning naMee of and pert:a:1n:1ng t:o she11 ::tnc1.ude and/or rev:1ewed ::tn :Local. profesl!l:1oft Hed:1ca1 be A11 end cheracter be the Admin:l8trator~ pert:lnent the the completed appl1cat:ion :ite th:1i11! report~ the profeas::tonei competence~ eha11 deterM::tne practitioner and en eppraiaal practitioner hAilll estebliahed of staff prectitioner. a recommendat:1on that the :in t:hat: the appointee the the te~ ~ of credentia1a. thet the ths By:l~e~ asreAilll to c1:ln:ice1 or not the epp1:leant: mattera the and Committ:ee to tt:ee re. of rejection it~ ie edverse clin:1ca1 cert:if:ied she11 DS h_ exerc:ieed t:he havs his the By1aws the report: and :it: sbs11. If tbe tbereon of cert:U':1ed he1d :1n to we:1ved t:here has been w:1t:b the pract::tt:::toner D:1rect:or~e tbe matter back sha11 etate the reeeoue TecOll'lim&ndat:iou add:1t:iona1 next raa:u1ar meet:ina: documentat:ion :in tbe matter, the a decie:1on e:it:ber . or reject h:im for a de1::tneet:ion of the s contrery tbe subm:it: end the of a Medica1 upon resppoint:ment c1:1nicel .U:t:endance et with Reau1et:ione" hie cooperation for his ~ '> attitude tovard '> echedu1ed Mad:1cal. Staff such ~ Artic1e of sha11 :1mmunitiee and Art::ic1e VI. aba11 be 1::tcanead to are 1 act::lon on appo::tnt:ment or w::tth the de1:1neat:lon No app11canl: eppeal S t:ld' I' mus t: be By1awe Directors. Board staff' and v:n: add any :major:1t:y of the Boerd" pro'ldded :1nc1uded :in the not:ice of or OF MENTAL OF DIRECTORS INC A of ilea1th Center 218 Cobb- of the # at necessary act. of Cor- the construction The were the directors C and W. and M. Fink was absent. A 1aw- was offered was t THE CITY SMYIO!iIA . sa:1d was