December 5/19/29, 1977 Council Meeting ar scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter er 5, 1977 at City Hall, Smyrna. Georgia. The meeting was called to order ng officer Mayor Arthur T. Bacon at 7:30 o'clock p.m. All Councilmen were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles Camp, City Clerk Willouise Finance Director Gunter Newsom, Parks and Recreation Director Lee Silver, g Inspector David Granade, Police Chief Everett Little. Fire Chief Don nson. Director of Public Works Jim David and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Elbert Coalson. followed by the pledge to the flag. Jack Shinall thanked and commended Chief Little and the Smyrna Police Department for the efficient manner in which they handled the call and apprehended the burglar who entered his home today. Rem Bennett made a motion that in order to promote and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the Citizens of the City of Smyrna. and to create an ordinance to provide for a ive Flood Plain Management Program. as set out in Section 1910.3 (d) of isaster Protection Act of 1973, the Code of Ordinances of the City of Smyrna be amended. by deleting Section 6-3 in its entirety and adding the revised Article 6-3 to Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinance. a copy of which will be on file in the office of the City Clerk. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Commercial building permits were submitted by David Granade and upon his recommen- dation the following action is recorded: (1) Taco Bell requested Plans met the requir made a motion the permi was unanimous. a permit to erect a building at 2721 South Cobb Drive. of the Fire Department and the city codes. Rem Bennett be granted. C. O. Canada seconded the motion and the vote Jerry Mills reported that Powder Springs Street. at the creek. was undermined and in danger of caving in. He had contacted Cobb County about a bridge at this location but noth could be at this time. Jerry made a motion that approval be given to build wall under street at this location. at a cost of approximately $1400.00. to be paid f State Grants Funds. C. O. Canada seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Jerry Mills stated that he, and he thought the majority of council. had checked out the request of Mrs. Mary Childs. 3015 Clifton Road. that the city build a wall on the rear of her property. Jerry said he could not See where the wall was needed and made a motion the request be denied. Rem Bennett seconded the motion and the vote was six to one. Jim Hawkins voted against the motion. Gunter Newsom gave a report on the Industrial Park Study. Presnell-Kidd & Associates had advised him a draft report of this study would be delivered by December 9. 1977. This study will perform a cost benefit analysis and the feasi- bility analysis of developing two sites within the city as industrial property. We presently have an the property on Matthews Street and have paid a total of $3000.00 Pres Associates report this property has marginal potential as an industrial site; however. it has greater potential as a public use site. The positive aspects te as industrial property are that water and sewerage tly can be developed cheaply and the market price for 1 la antly higher than the purchase cost. The negative aSpects are i om major highways. that it has no rail access. and at this time the 1 sites in the county presently developed that can absorb most of the antiCipated industrial development for the next five years. The greatest potential s property seems to be as the future site for the city public works depar as based on the following factors: (1) 8 to 10 acres in one site. (2) it is located within l~ miles of the present municipal complex. (3) the cost of developing this site would be minimal. (4) this site can easily be buffered from existing development and (5) this type of use should not be incom- patible with existing and probably future land uses in the area. Mayor Bacon stated we need to make a decision on this study before the end of this year. Committee reports: Jim Tolleson commended the Smyrna Firemen for starting a lotting a few minutes each day to call and talk with a Senior Citizen. ay of doing something for the citizens. as well as keeping up with their needs. orted the Certified City's program was progressing. Green Brothers ill provide the plan and the First Bank & Trust will help in buying shrubs (Continuation of December 5. 1977 Meeting) for the tria~gle at Atlanta Road and Memorial Drive. Also. the bus shelter at Belmont Hills will be painted and shingled like the one on Atlanta Road at Spring Street. Bill Darby asked for discussion on purchasing turkeys for the employees for Christmas. He said there were 211 employees and the cost would be between $1500 and $1800. After discussion Bill Darby made a motion that Gunter Newsom be instructed to go ahead with the purcha~e of turkeys for all full-time employees. C. O. Canada seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Elbert coalson r~ported the Smyrna Community Theatre made a profit on their last production and urged everyone to support them. C. O. Canada reminded everyone of the Lighting of the Christmas Tree on Tuesday night. he thought the City of Smyrna's Mayor and Couucil<W'ereunderpaid going to ask that the salaries be raised for the next administra- with the beginning of the fiscal year. July 1, 1978. Mayor and tion, On motion by Jim Hawkins. seconded by Jim Tolleson. the minutes of November 7. 1977 were approved as submitted. by unanimous vote. On motion by Jerry Mills, seconded by C. O. Canada. the minutes of the bid opening on November 10. 1977 were approved as submitted. by unanimous vote. Jim Hawkins made a motion the minutes of the special meeting on November 16, 1977 be q.pprpved as submitted. C. O. Canada seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Jim Tolleson made a motion the minutes of November 21. 1977 be q.PProved as sub- mitted. Bi.ll Darby seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Jerry Mills made a motion the minutes of the special meeting on November 21, 1977 be approved as submitted. C. O. Canada seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mayor~acon asked council to meet after the meeting to discuss the zoning with Attorney Camp. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m. ************************ December 19. 1977 was of Chief Don press. sch~duled meeting of Mq.yor and Council was held at City Hall, Smyrna, 19. 1977. meeting was called to order by presiding officer at 7:30 p.m. All Councilmen were present. Also present Chuck Camp. Attorney Al Cochran, City Clerk WillouiseSpivey. Director Administration Gunter Newsom. Building Inspector David Granade. Fire Atkinson. Director of Public Works Jim David and representatives of the was given by Elbert Coalson. followed by the pledge to the flag. Presentation of the award to Frank Gardner was cancelled. since he could not attend the meeting. stated he thought it was time to take action on the R1,Jff case. He, Attorneys Al Cochran and Charles Camp met with Mr. Ruff and Attorney Dupree last week and discussed curb cuts and the cut-off of the point of the two streets. The the curb cuts would be the state's responsibility. Mayor Bacon stated the City had advised C91J~cil to rezone the property. Rem Bennett said;:;gi'HiiSSffSiiiili he was against rezoning. that the first request to rezone was made before he ~ came 9~ council. he did not agree with the judges decisions, had learned you could thinks we capable planning and zoning board, that the this zoning times. the city twice, that the property needs and he was against rezoning. Elbert Coalson asked what rezoning was and a motion the Ruff property be rezoned as re- tracts A and C rezoned from R-12 to 0 & I. tract B rezoned from R-12 to (Continuation of December 19, 1977 Meeting) NS. Bill Darby seconded the mot~on. Jim Hawkins stated that he was going to vote to rezone the pr rty because, as he saw it. the city has two options. The first option is to rez as requested, the second is to do nothing. If we do nothing the courts w likely declare the property free from any zoning and there will be no ons at all. He said he personally detested having to go along w~th the ju but thought the ci~y would come nearer protecting the people by complying wi court order. Jerry Mills stated he would vote for the rezoning for the same reasons, to protect the people. If he thought it would do any good he would go into contempt of court tonight. but if the majority did that, Mr. Ruff could do anything with the property and he would vote for the rezoning, but his vote would be under protest. Bill Darby asked the City Attorney if there was any way we could expedite getting the increased value of this property on the Cobb County tax digest, since he understood it usually takes in eXCeSS of a year to get the assessments changed. and we need the tax dollars. Attorney Camp answered that there testimony that the value of this property. if rezoned. would .000. and h the only thing necessary would be a call to the county tax asseSsor. He did not think the current court order would effect an individual parcel assessment. Jim Tolleson said we had been backed into a corner and he would vote for the rezoning but did not want to. Vote on the motion to rezone the Ruff property was six for ~nd one against. Rem Bennett voted not to rezone. Jerry Mills made a motion a copy of the Court Order of the Super~or Court of Georgia. R. L. Ruff, Sr. vs. City of Smyrna, be made a part of these minutes. C. O. Canada seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mayor Bacon asked Attorney Al Cochran what he thought our chances were on the Lindwall property Attorney Cochran said a suit had been filed by Lindwall and was now in c personal opinion was this suit is even stronger than the one we had tigated on the Ruff property. The reasons being that the Lindwall prope situated on busy Spring Road. is adjacent to property already zoned 0 & I and Hamby and Ruff d~cisions. He feels that if coun~il does not rezone th y as requested, ix will end up in the same kind of litigation as the e and the ultimate results will be the same. Jim Hawkins, referring to f the August 15th meeting. stated several residents of Carolyn Drive ning of this property would depreciate the value of their property and asked Attorney Cochran if this would have any bearing on this case. Mr. Cochran said the court rulings were ,that if the zoning would benefit the owner and not harm the community as a whole, it must be rezoned. Mr. Hawkins asked Mr. Cochran if we have a case on any of the following four reasons given when the was denied, ( ty does not meet the Zoning Ordinance required set the required (3) it does not comply with the Future Land Use and (4) it will f st an area that is already a problem. Mr. Cochran that if you have Ordinance, or any ordinance. that has a prov~sion effectively c the land. for any reason, it is inverse condemnation and 1 st down. The Hamby and Ruff decisions are "landmark" and are he must draw on for his opinions. Even though he may not agree with th sions. he does respect them because they have been spoken from the highest court in the state. motion the Lindwall property at the corner of Spring Road from R-15 to 0 & I. C. O. Canada seconded the motion. should fight this zoning and try to preserve the Vote on the motion to reZone was five to two. Jim voted against the motion. Elbert Coalson made a and Carolyn Drive be Rem tt said he nances e d Rem Bennett Commercial bu~lding permits were presented by David Granade and upon his recommen- dation the following act~on is recorded: (1) A request from Western Electric Company, 1369 Spring Street, to construct a temporary loading platform at the front door of the building. Mayor Bacon instructed David Granade to go to this site. check out the plans, and action would be taken on the request at the meeting on December 29th. Elbert Coalson made a motion Court. made by Daryl H. Ray. and the vote was six to one. to hear the appeal of the decision of Recorder's on December 29th. Jerry Mills seconded the motion Jim Tolleson voted against the motion. a special meeting for December 29. 1977 at 7:30 p.m.. and asked try to think of anything that needs to be cleared up by this (Continua~ion of December 19. Me~ting) reports. Jer:j'Cy a letter from the Depart- the following streets curbed due to drainage 880 and 895 Powder Springs Street. a total of 288 at a . also at 340 and 351 Smyrna Powder Springs Street. a total of 380 of $1140.00, the work to be scheduled after the first of the made a moti-on t:bese two items be approved. C. O. Canada and the vote was six to one. Jim Tolleson voted against the be paid from 5t:ate Grants Funds. asked the Civil Defense Committee to meet with him immediately after this Attorneys Al Co Ghran and Chuck Camp for the decision was disappointing. they our Judges were also bound by laws and on the tried. to go by them. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. ************************ December 29. 1977 call~d meeting of MaYOr and Council was held at City Hall, Smyrna, December 29, 1977. +'be meeting was cal]_ed to order by presiding Arthur T. Bacon at 7:30 o'clock p.m. All Councilmen....w~re present. Attorney Cha.Fles Camp, City Clerk Willouise $piyey. Parks Lee Silver. Building Inspector David Granade. Director of Gunter1'lewsom. Police Chief Everett Little.. Fire Chief Public Works Director Vic Broyles and repres~ntatives of given by Jim Hawkins. followed by the pledge to the flag. was driving a milk truck out When he turned off Austell for his delivery, he was increase his speed. Officer Bailey was in in behind him. catching him after he had the Waffle House. In opinion the in that distance. Bailey Poole Road at 65 miles hour. After motion the decision of s Court motion. Vote on the five to O. Canada voted against the motion. by David Granade. <::onstruct ct. loading platform Street. David reported he which showed it and will be in use He asked Council to make the permit. Jim Tolleson made a. motion the the motion and the vote was unanimous. Qnly request front the over ar~port on would like a lengthy of the to make a decision was Mayor on this next meeting. asked if Council to minutes up a new Zoning (5) member board be changed of the SeVen wards. b~ apProved, and changed and act on the zoning 12, 1977 Public Appeals, he (7) member board. a motion the 1402. Establishment as follows: amendments. the amend- stated from th.e Zoning Board of "A of Zoning consist of seven (7) a term of three years, two hereby established. Said Board shall two (2) of whom shall be appointed for appointed for a term of two and (Continuation of December 29. 1977 Meeting) three (3) appointed for one year terms. Members shall be paid $20.00 per meeting. None of the members shall hold any other public office or position in the municipality. Members shall be removable for cause by the appointing authority upon written charges and after public hearing." Jim Hawkins seconded the motion and the vote carried by a six to one vote. Tolleson voted against the motion. Jim Mayor Bacon stated that Ridgeview Institute (Smyrna-Cobb Mental Hospital) re- quested we apprOve a Resolution enabling them to issue more ReVenue Bonds in order to buy land and erect more buildings. The Resolution was read in full by Attorney Camp. Jerry Mills made a motion the Resolution be adopted. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion. During discussion Bill Darby said he did not understand why the hospital would be tax exempt. Attorney Camp said that with the issuance of more bonds. it would be longer before the city had any control over the hospital. Jim Hawkins then made a motion to dismiss the former motion. Rem Bennett seconded the motion and the vote was six to one. Jerry Mills voted against. A motion was made by Jim Tolleson. seconded by Rem Bennett. to table action on the Resolution. Motion carried by a five to two vote. Jerry Mills and Elbert Coalson voted not to table. A meeting will be set up with Directors of the hospital in an effort to get more information and insight into the hospital and its operations. C. O. Canada made a motion to annex into the city 77.472 acres. surplused by the U. S. Government and given to the city. property being located in Land Lots 518. 563 and 590 and is contiguous and becomes a part of Ward 1. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The rezoning of the Lindwall property was discussed and Attorney Camp read the Court Order. signed by Judge Ravan. as fallows: Richard L. Lindwall, Plaintiff vs. Mayor and Council, Defendants ORDER It being made to appear to the Court that the governing authority of the City of Smyrna. Georgia, has taken action rezoning the property described in the petition from R-15 to 0 and I, and that this is the only relief prayed for by the plaintiff in the above and foregoing case; The action of the Mayor and Council of the City of Smyrna. Georgia, in rezoning the property from R-15 to 0 and I is hereby made the final judgment of this Court. inasmuch as the Mayor and Council of the City of Smyrna. Georgia, have satisfied s of the plaintiff's petition. SO ORDERED. this 21st day of December, 1977. JUDGE. COBB SUPERIOR COURT COBB JUDICIAL CIRCUIT PRESENTED BY: Ben F. Smith, Attorney for Plaintiff Jim Tolleson made a motion to reconsider action taken on December 19. 1977. when Council zoned the above property. since it was done without posting or readver- t Bennett seconded the motion. Jerry Mills said he was against re- twas zonedd due to the fact Mr. Lindwall had filed suit c rezone was based on the Ruff Court ruling. also the the case was even stronger than the Ruff case. In Darby's q if we were bound by this court order. Attorney aid the courts no slature had no set procedures. therefore he was not sure if it d have been advertised. but in his opinion, this was Mr. Lindwall's p Jim Tolleson said the correct way would be to readvertise and inform the people. He stated 37 residents of the neighborhood were ready to file a class action suit against the city because they feel it was zoned illegally. After further d n the motion lost on a four to three vote. Jim Tolleson. Jim Hawkins tt voted to reconsider. Jerry Mills. Bill Darby, C. o. Canada and Ison voted against. (Continuation of December 29, 1977 Meeting) all the Planning and Zoning Boards and laws. made> a motion to for lack of a second. he had received permission to Memorial Drive. Work should begin Under beautify the triangle at this week. Bill Da~PY stated the railroad crossings were in bad shape and in need of repairs and suggel?ted a letter be written to L & N Rai_lroad. Jim Tolleson the Certified City Committee had already contacted the Railroad about this problem. asked from Council to change the specifications on police cars to a lower horse In his opinion we can buy cars as cheap. a bid basis as we can through the State contract. He said we deal of trouble with the last Fords and he would like to i_nvesti- cars and have bids the automobile companies. He asked change the request bids as soon as possible. a motion Police Little be given authority to change the for new police cars and request bids for four (4) cars. bids to be from all companies. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion and the vote was said he needed to meet with the Street committee. There were rumors highway was being planned through Ward 7 to Cobb General Hospital. original plans were that the highway would go Hurt Road and he would work with him in trying to keep it from going through Ward 7 area. Charlie Jones has been contacted and is going to help. C. O. Canada stated the Parks and Recreation Department buys approximately 1000 softballs per year and in the have ordered a few at a time. The Association specifies a certain ball must be used, and we can buy them much <;::heaper if we buy the years on a bid basis. C. O. Canada made a ask for bids for 1000 softballs. bids to be opened on January 23rd. seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. the second meeting in January should be changed the f01:irth Monday in order to attend Mayor's Day, made a motion to change the date of the second meeting in January 16th to January 23, 1978. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion and the Therepeing no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. made a motion the meeting be reopened. C. O. Canada seconded the the vote was unanimous. Mayor Bacon said we had received a letter County Board of Education's attorney, requesting a quit-claim deed roadway running from Ward Street through school property to Wayland Court. After discussion. C. O. Canada made a motion any action on>t:his request be delayed, pending an indepth study of the property lines. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:33 P. M. WILLOUISE C. JIM TOLLESON, WARD 1 'J