June 6/20/27, 1977 Council Meeting
June 6. 1977
The regularly scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the
Charter on June 6. 1977. The meeting waS called to order by Mayor Arthur T. Bacon
P.M. All Councilmen were present. Also present was City Attorney Chuck
'ty Clerk Willouise Spivey. Controller Ron Egger. Police Chief Everett Little.
Chief Don Atkinson. City Inspector David Granade. Parks & Recreation Director
Silver. Public Works Director Jim David and representatives of the press.
Invocation WaS given by Homer Kuhl. followed by the pledge to the Flag.
No citizens reports.
The first order of business waS the request for a building permit at 2512 Spring
Road for an Amvet Center. tabled at the May 16. 1977 meeting. Arthur Greenburg
who applied for the permit in order to open a bingo operation was present. Mayor
Bacon advised the application for the permit would be improper for the purpose
stated if it is not a duly chartered Amvet Post and stated that unless Mr. Greenburg
could come forward with the Charter. issued under the State and National by-laws. he
would entertain a motion to deny. Jerry Mills made a motion to deny the permit.
seconded by Elbert Coalson. opening the floor for discussion. Jerry Mills asked to
see the Amvet Charter. and Mr. Greenburg presented the Post Charter. dated February
4. 1977. advising the State and National Charters have not been issued as yet. He
said he had a letter stating the State Charter would be issued and that Mr. Rhine. the
Administrative Officer. had applied for the National Charter. Col. Rhine was present
and said the Charter had been applied for within the last two or three weeks. In
answer to questions by Jerry Mills concerning the Amvet by-laws. Mr. Greenburg said
they did have twenty-five signatures. although the by-laws only called for ten.
enabling them to form a Post in Smyrna. but they were not all from the Cobb County
area; also they would hold meetings twice a month. Jerry Mills said that he had
visited one of the Amvet Post and one Amvet Center. and in the Amvet Center signs
were not posted as to hours the members would meet. only the hours to play bingo.
Col. Rhine said he was only interested in promoting the Amvet organization in Georgia.
was not interested in getting involved with gamblers from any other community. He
said Mr. Mills evidently was interested in finding out if Mr. Greenburg was connected
with any gamblers. and that he himself had called the Atlanta Police Department and
the GBI concerning Greenburg. and both sources were negative. Mr. Mills stated they
had not produced the signatures authorizing a Charter. also the National Organization
in Washington. D. C. had no record of their applying for a Charter for a Post in
Smyrna. Col. Rhine said the National Charter had not been requested. as the next
meeting of the State Executive Committee would be held June 17th and at that time all
ications for Charters would be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval.
if the Georgia Executive Committee approves the application the National Committee
will a Charter. Col. Rhine said that when two Amvet Posts meet together. they
Amvet Center. Rem Bennett asked why they were applying for a permit
Charter was approved.
1 Simon. Inspecting Auditor for the Amvets. was present and stated a Charter
ly had not been issued for a Post in Smyrna. had not been cleared through
the State Executive Board yet. In answer to a question from Jerry Mills. Mr. Simon
stat did inspect the Amvet Centers. he took his ordemfrom the SCC. State
Exec Board. and if they thought a Post was not up to par. they instructed him
to investigate. Mr. Simon stated that since the Amvet Centers were new the State
Executive Board had not had an opportunity to discuss them on the floor. and that only
one Center had been approved to date. Rem Bennett asked Mr. Simon if it was customary
to ask for a permit before a charter was issued. Mr. Simon said it was possible
they would be denied a charter if they found it was not opening for Amvet purposes.
In answer to a question by Elbert Coalson. Mr. Simon said anytime they get two Posts
together it is called a Center. Mr. Simon said the Amvets Corporation is strictly
a charitable organization and that all members were issued cards.
Jerry Mills said the application for the building permit was in the name of Arthur
Greenburg and not the Amvets. and it led him to believe this will be a gambling
place. not an Amvet Center. Mr. Greenburg said he explained the plans in a letter
Mayor and Council. Jerry said Mr. Greenburg submitted a ruling from the IRS as
areas of the Amvets organization would be tax exempt and that Amvet
listed. Mr. Greenburg said a Center was only two posts. meeting
eenburg said they were legally recognized by Congress. and in order
permit he was being put on the stand to prove who he and the Amvets
t told Mr. Greenburg to come back after he has the Charter and Council
o him. Jerry Mills advised Mr. Greenburg that Mr. Sanchez of the National
had asked us to hold everything until he could check things out. Police
stated he had received a call from a Mr. Sanchez. National President in
(Continuation of June 6. 1977 Meeting)
Washington. about 4 o'clock today. He stated he did not know the people involved
nor abo4t: the plans being submitt""d, and requested that this body pl-e.ase withhold
any action onaIJ.ything under the name of Amvets until the National office could
make an.:investigation to determ:ine whether or not this was a bonafide operation.
Mr. Sanchez asked that this information be passed on to Mayor and Council. Homer
Kuhl asked the following questions: (1) Is the Amvet Center owner of the land in
question. and (2) is the Amvet Center the tax payer on the property? The answer
to both questions was no. Homer Kuhl stated that by answering these two questions
no. the building permit application is in violation of the ordinance. since it lists
Amvet Center as property owner and tax payer, being signed by ArthUr Greenburg.
Mayor Bacon called for a vote on the motion. which carried by unanimous vote to
The of business was tbe request by Shell Oil Co.. 2995 Atlanta Road. for
a Jim Stone. an. independent dealer, stated he wanted to convert
the bays independent food st:ore and use a console computer. with dead
switches at pumps, allowing him to operate both the food store i3.nd the gas pumps
with one elllployee. As our ordinance stands it would require one employee operating
the food store. a second to tend the pumps. He stated he could not afford two
employees. Homer Kuhl said we had one of the better self-service ordinances in
the state and he was not in favor of changing it. Bill Darby made a motion to
approve the permit and waive the ordinance. C. O. Canada seconded the motion. Bill
Darby $aid we had a couple of stations operating in the city with one man operating
both the pumps and carwash. During discussion it was decided that if anyone was
in violation of the ordinance theY should be cited. A representative of the Shell
Oil Company spoke in favor of the operation as requested by Mr. Stone. Vote on
the to approve was one to six. Bill Darby voted for. Jim Tolleson, Jerry
Mills, Homer Kuhl, C. O. Canada. Elbert Coalson and Rem Bennett voted against the
called for discussion on the Tournament Guidelines at King Springs
C. Porterfield. representing the Wills Booster Club. objected to Rule
states the Parks and Recreation department must be compensat:ed at a rate
per hour for park supervision and utilities, including light!'> and con-
cession stand. Mr. Porterfield .stated he thought that if this rule was going to
be imposed, it should be done during the winter and everybody live with it through
the He said one tournament had already been held and another was scheduled,
The Wills Boosters Club requested this rule be waived for any
until the end of the ball season. C. O. said that
charge for supervision and utilities, we still break even.
said he would like to see the guidelines adopted as of 1, 1977.
said each tournament meant thirty hours work for park . and if
were not adopted now. he would have to ask Mayor to
pay for park employees. Bill Darby made a guidelines
. waiving the fees for the Wills and Jaycees from
on, the guidelines would apply as written. Jim the
the vote was five for and two against. Homer
the motion. Bill Darby, Jim Tolleson. C. O.
Bennett voted for. The approved guidelines are as
King Springs Park Tournament Guidelines
must furnish A.S.A. or N.B.C. approved umpires wi
years experience and hold current membership in an active
of three
2. A supervisor employed by the Smyrna Parks and Recreation Department must be
in attendance throughout the entire tournament.
and Recreation Depa.rtment must be compensated at a
hour for park supervision and utilities. This includes
cession stand.
and con-
4. 00 security deposit must be paid five days prior to the tournament.
deposit is refundable fOllowing a satisfactory inspection facilities
at the conclusion of the tournament.
the limited amount Parking available. the
a Crew to the park:ip.g lot to supervise traffic.
pa)::'king lot throughout: the tournament. Parking
double parking is not allowed.
. yellow
(Continuation of June 6. 1977 Meeting)
6. Al~ night games must be scheduled to be completed no later than 10:30 P.M.
No inning will start after 10:30 P.M.
7. Tournament sponsors must furnish their own bases.
8. Tournament sponsors are responsible for total cleanup during and after the
event. This includes kitchen and cooking facilities, trash pickup. bathrooms
mopped and c~eaned. etc. Failure to comply with these stipulations will mean
the forfeit of the $50.00 security deposit.
9. Tournament officials are responsible for maintenance. lining. and upkeep of the
playing fields throughout the tournament.
10. In the event of inclement weather. the Parks department staff person on duty
will have the final say as to whether or not play will continue. Games will be
called if in the judgement of the staff person. continued play would endanger
participants or the condition of the playing field.
11. Tournament sponsors will be responsible for the conduct of all participants and
spectators in attendance. There will be no alcoholic beverages in the park and
all city ordinances will be obeyed.
12. Tournament sponsors wi~l be held responsible for all property damages incurred
during and immediately after the scheduled event.
13. Only scorekeepers and authorized personnel will be allowed access to the up-
stairs scorekeeping area and kitchen facilities.
14. The $10.00 per hour compensation fee must be paid to the City of Smyrna at the
conclusion of the tournament.
C. O. Canada made a motion we reimburse from the Genera~ Fund the amount to be paid
two supervisors who work the two tournaments not covered under the guidelines. Jim
Tol~eson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Commercial building permits were submitted by David Granade and upon his recommen-
dations the following action is recorded:
(~) Quantum Electric Company requested a permit to erect an office building com-
plex at the corner of Elmwood Drive and Corn Road. Plans met the requirements of
the Fire Marshall and he recommended they be approved. Jim Tolleson made a motion
the permit be granted. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
(2) Opal McLarty requested a variance in order to build a carport onto her home at
964 Magnolia Drive. A ~etter was submitted from the adjoining neighbor which read
as follows: HI have no objections to my neighbor, Opa~ McLarty, 964 Magnolia Drive.
building a carport. It must be well built as of the same quality as our homes
already built. At no time now or in the future may it be enclosed as a room. It
must be at least four feet from my property line." Signed Mildred S. Barrett.
974 Magnolia Drive. C. O. Canada made a motion the permit be granted. Rem Bennett
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
On motion by Rem Bennett seconded by Jim Tolleson, Section 14-40 of the Code of
Ordinances. City of Smyrna. Georgia. is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section I (a) This ordinance is enacted in accordance with the Plan designed for
the purpose, among others. or promoting the health and general welfare of the
community to establish reasonable and ascertainable standards for the regulation
and control of pawn shops or similar places where money is advanced on goods or
other effects. or merchandise of any kind is taken in pawn. Also similar places.
better knwon as "Swap Shops." that buy. sell and trade new and used merchandise
from and with an individual or individuals.
Vote on the motion was unanimous.
On motion by Homer Kuhl. seconded by Jerry Mills. the Industrial Development
Feasibility Study was awarded to Presnell-Kidd Associates for $13,500. Vote on the
motion was unanimous.
Ms. Laurie Reeves. representing the Smyrna Federated Woman's Club. was present to
explain their project for raising funds for the Smyrna Library expansion. Mayor
and Council endorsed the project and the first fund raising effort will be a band
concert at King Springs Park on August 28, 1977, rain date of September 11. 1977.
This project will be coordinated by the Smyrna Federated Woman's Club. Smyrna Parks
and Recreation Director and the Smyrna Library personnel.
(Continuation of June 6, 1977 Meeting)
On motipn by C. O. Canada. seconded by Homer Kuhl. the minutes of May 2. 1977
council meeting were approved as submitted. by unanimous vote.
On motion by Jim Tolleson. seconded by Bill Darby. the minutes of the May 7. 1977
council meeting were approved as submitted. by unanimous vote.
On motion by Jerry Mills. seconded by Homer Kuhl. the minutes of the May 16. 1977
council meeting were approved as submitted. by unanimous vote.
Rem Bennett made a motion the discusSion on appointing a Director of 'Finance and
Adminlstration be tabled until the next meeting. Jim Tolleson seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous.
Committee .Reports: Jim Tolleson reported the Certified City's Ward by Ward Clean-
up program as follows:
Ward 1 Week of June 13th
Ward 2 Week of June 20th
Ward 3 Week of June 27th
Ward 4 Week of July 4th
Ward 5 Week of July 11th
Ward 6 Week of July 18th
Ward 7 Week of July 25th
Anything carried to the street will be picked up or hauled away.
Bill Darby read a request from the Smyrna Jaycees for a Parade permit for 10:00
A.M.. 2nd. The parade will start at Grant City, turn north on South Cobb Drive,
right on Cherokee Road, right on Ward Street to Nash School. Bill Darby made a
permit be approved. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was
Bill Darby
made a motion to amend Section 8-8. Code of Ordinances. Clty of 'Smyrna
Be it Resolved that Section 8-8 of the Code of Ordinances. City of
Georgia. is hereby amended to read as follows:
bonds shall be posted in amounts. if cash. and in multiples
if signed. bOnds. as shall be established by the Chief of
of the Recorders Court of the City of Smyrna upon filing
thereof with the Clerk of the City. subject to approv;;tl or re-
vision by'Mayor and Council at any regular or called meeting. In any event said
schedule shall be maintained in the office of the City Clerk with dates of revision
posted thereon and shall be as fully effective as if spread upon this code.
of the defendant to appear for the first court
court to forfeit bonds in the full
hour post bond $100.00. maximum
On any second offense. defendant must appear in court.
in revocation. accident. drag racing. and excessive
must appear in court. Arresting officers shall determine necessity of appearance
in court of defendants on cases not made mandatory herein. All ordinances in con-
flict herewith are hereby repealed."
shall be
.. driving
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Bill Darby made a motion to waive bid requests for a new lavatory and commode. also
the closed circuit the police station, and authorize Chief Little
the purchasing agent to purchase at the best prices. Homer Kuhl
motion and the vote was unanimous.
asked Attorney Camp to clarify a question on street
annexed into the city. is the adjoining street also
the annex was to the center of the street. A motion was
the part of Concord Road adjoining the Bowen property. Rem
After discussion Rem Bennett moved to amend the motion to
Concord Road from the Bowen prOPerty to South Cobb Drive be
The motion was withdrawn when the Attorney asked for time to
this subj ec t .
? He ad-
Homer Kuhl
read - that
the city.
a budget
department at
at the
with the police
7:00 P.M. tomorrow.
next meeting.
taken on
(Continuation of June 6. 1977 Meeting)
Homer Kuhl reported the Lynch versus the City of Smyrna
next week. Our offer to settle for $3500 was refused.
and it was agreed the case would be tried and hopefully
than $9000.
suit was on the docket for
They are asking for $9000
the award would be less
Homer Kuhl read a letter from the Georgia Commission for the National Bicentennial
Celebration addressed to Mrs. Katherine Jones. Librarian. Smyrna Public Library.
commending her for the Smyrna Library's "American Bicentennial Babies~' proj ec t,
honoring all babies born in Smyrna in 1976. They also presented her with a
Certificate of Official Recognition. We commend Mrs. Jones and the library staff
for this outstanding contribution to the Bicentennial celebration.
Homer Kuhl made a motion the employees lounge be moved across the hall.
Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
C. O. Canada reported that Cindy Cochran. daughyer of ex-councilman Earl Cochran
had brought great recognition to our city by setting a new national track record.
She has also broken two or three state records so far this year. She ran 220 yards
in 25 seconds. Mr. Canada made a motion the Mayor honor Cindy with a letter of
commendation. Rem Bennett seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
C. O. Canada made a motion that bids be requested for a 15 passenger van for the
Parks and Recreation department. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote
was unanimous. Bids will be opened at the June 20th meeting.
Mr. Canada advised the July 4th festival will be held on July 2nd. one day only.
Rem Bennett made a motion the request for a retail pouring license management
change for Lums Restaurant. Robert J. Swift. be approved subject to the FBI check.
Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was six for and one against. Homer
Kuhl voted against the motion.
Rem Bennett made a motion the request for a malt beverage pouring license manage-
ment change for Peking Garden Restaurant. Peter Cha. be approved subject to the FBI
check. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was six for and one against.
Homer Kuhl voted against the motion.
Rem Bennett urged the Finance Committee to meet once more to see if anything
be worked out to build the swimming pool and pavilion at King Springs Park.
would like the park to completed if at all possible.
Citizens Reports - Ken Travis stated he was going to build a home in Smyrna and
was informed by the permit department that he would have to purchase a general
contractors license to build his own home. He voiced his disagreement with this
procedure to Mayor and Council. Inspector David Granade stated the Southern Building
Code defined a contractor as anyone who engages in constructing a building of any
kind for a profit. and his interpretation was that his profit would be the money he
saved in building his own home. Attorney Camp did not agree with this interpretation
and said the ordinance would have to be amended if Mr. Travis is considered a general
contractor. Mr. Travis was advised to contact the building inspector tomorrow.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
The regularly scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held June 20, 1977 at
City Hall. Smyrna, Georgia. The meeting was called to order by presiding officer
Mayor Arthur T. Bacon at 7:30 o'clock P.M. All Councilmen were present. Also
present was Attorney Chuck Camp. City Clerk Willouise Spivey. Controller Ron Egger.
Police Chief Everett Little. Fire Chief Don Atkinson. Director of Parks and
Recreation Lee Silver. City Inspector David Granade, Director of Public Works Jim
David. Director of Civil Defense Jim Farley and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Homer Kuhl. followed by the pledge to the Flag.
No Citizens Reports.
(Continuation of June 20. 1977 Meeting)
Revenue Sharing expenditures was postponed until. next
when all the budgets.will be approved.
Frank Gardner. Chairman of the Certified City Committee. gave a report on
activities thus far. stated the committee had
and made survey. They have
by Georgia September. 1975. They
discrepancies was elearly cleanup operations; ward by
was begun is working. Another problem lack of
public buildings:i.n the city. Many of these will be
when the long range program begins. He thanked Mayor Council as
well as the department heads, for their cooperation. Jim Tolleson expressed his
thanks to the cOIlITllittee and stated we were still trying to get a street sweeper.
Mrs. Henry requested property located at 1326 Coneord be rezoned
to General Commercial. Bill Lucas. Mrs.
wanted to purchase Property and build a tire stated
metal. with a brick front. that he could ad-
161 foot frOntage and the driveways Concord
, spokesman for the opposition to this a
signatures the zoning. Bill Darby made the permit
since there was a across the street. seconded
During discussion said he did not proper
this type business it does not comply with the Land Use
and Zoning Bo.,;j.rd recommended this zoning be denied. Elbert
he misunderstood the motion and withdrew his second~ Homer Kuhl
to deny the zoning. Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote
and one against. Bill Darby voted against the motion.
requested property<located at 725 Burbank
to Limited Commercial. Mr. Baldwin stated
residence into a real estate office. florist shop or a
Zoning.Board recommeJ:lded this rezoning be denied.
the opposition. Elbert Coalson made a motion the
stated by the Planning and Zoni.ng Board. Rem
the motion and the vote was unanimous.
to convert
for a van for the Parks and Recreation Department. . read and are
Trade City GMC
$7,717.06 - 1978 model. delivery
12 to 16 weeks
Day's Chevrolet
No Bid
C. O.
rejected. due to the length of delivery
and the vote was unanimous.
Bids were>opened for (1) 1977 LN800 Ford Chassis for the Sanitation Department,
read and are recorded as follows:
Peach State Ford
Capital Ford Truck
Jerry 1'1ills made a motion the bids be turned over to cOIlITllittee with authority
to act. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
advi.sed the wrecker service contract expires July 8. 1977. He
of three. Canada. Bill Darby and Rem Bennett to work
E. Little up guidelines for the new wrecker
permits were presented by City Inspector David Granade and
the foll<::x\>iring action is recorded:
and Peggy M. Adkins requested a building permit to build a duplex at
Homer Kuhl a motion the permit be granted, Bill Darby
motion and the vote unanimous.
(Continuation of June 20, 1977 Meeting)
(2) Amtere Corporation was granted a permit to install a building in Cobb Center
December 16. 1976. This permit has expired and they are now asking the permit be
renewed. with permission to erect the building at another site in Cobb Center.
Elbert Coalson made a motion the permit be granted. Rem Bennett seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous.
(3) Sally C. Kelly of 1794 Cimmaron Court requested a side yard variance in order
to enclose a carport. A letter was presented from the adjoining neighbor which
read as follows: "It is my understanding that Sally C. Kelly of 1794 Cimmaron
Court, Smyrna, Ga. has applied for a building permit to enclose her carport. I
further understand that the building as it is presently erected does not meet the
side yard set back requirements. being only six feet from the adjoining property
rather than the required ten feet. As the abutting property owner. I have no
objection to the carport enclosure." Signed: Mrs. William Hopwood and William
H. Hopwood.
(4) George B. Hans~ Jr. requested a permit to move a building, purchased from
Woodland Products, onto a lot owned by the C&S Bank and located at 2461 South
Cobb Drive to use as an office for a used car lot. A letter was submitted. signed
by Peggy Smith, which read as follows: "Be it known that I. Earl Smith of Earl
Smith Floors agree to allow the use of my rest room and facilities to the car
lot at 2461 So. Cobb Drive." Elbert Coalson made a motion the permit be approved.
Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
(5) Welcome
Bourne Drive
be granted.
All Baptist Church requested a permit to remodel a building at 460
to use as an activity building. C. O. Canada made a motion the permit
Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
(6) U. S. Petroleum Corporation requested a permit to construct a self-service
automotive fuel center at 3815 South Cobb Drive. Plans had been approved by the
Fire Department. Elbert Coalson made a motion the plans be approved. Jerry Mills
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
(7) Nance Brown requested a variance in the King Springs Plaza Shopping Center
but it was postponed until the police check was completed on the manager.
(8) Amvet Corporation applied for a building permit at 2520 Spring Road for an
Amvet Center. Jim Tolleson said they had continued to remodel without the permit.
It was brought out the traffic is too bad at this location to have this type
business. Jim Tolleson made a motion the permit be denied. Elbert Coalson seconded
the motion. Homer Kuhl said he did not want bingo in the city but thinks we must
e the permit. After discussion. C. O. Canada made a motion the request be
until the next meeting to allow more time to investigate. Jerry Mills
seconded the motion. Vote on the motion was six for and one against. Jim Tolleson
voted against the motion.
On motion by Rem Bennett. seconded by Jim Tolleson, Chapter 6. Article II,
Code, Section 6-10, Appendix K. Sub Section (e) of the Code of Ordinances,
of Smyrna was amended to read as follows:
Sub-Section (e) Plan-Checking Fees - "When the valuation of a proposed addition
exceeds $1.000.00 but is less than $5.000.00 there shall be no plan-checking fee.
When the valuation of the proposed residential construction exceeds $5.000.00 the
plan checking fee shall be $20.00. When the valuation of the proposed commercial
construction exceeds $5.000.00 said plan-checking fee shall be equal to one-half
of the building permit fee as set forth in Section 107.4." Vote on the motion was
Mayor Arthur T. Bacon advised that Roy Free's term on the Civil Service Board has
expired. C. O. Canada made a motion Roy Free be appointed co the Civil Service
Board for a term of six (6) years. Homer Kuhl seconded the motion and the vote
was unanimous.
Due to the first Monday in July falling on the 4th of July, the next council
meeting was changed to the first Tuesday. July 5, 1977.
July 5. 1977 was the date set to hear the appeal of David W. Mulks of the decision
of Recorder's Court on June 16. 1977.
Attorney Camp read the ordinance creating the position of a Finance Administration
Director. After discussion, it was delayed until the next meeting.
(Continuation of June 20. 1977 Meeting)
C. O. G#I'il",dam",de a motion to closgSanford Place on July 11th through July 15th
until 10:00 P.M. during the Pony League District Tournament. Bill
Darby seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
C. O. Canada made a motion one-way street signs be put up on Sanford Place.
Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Homer a motion that resolutions be signed by Mayor Arthur T. Bacon en-
city to apply for two federal grants. Rem Bennett seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous.
reported he had reSEarched the annexation code and checked with
's office on the annexation of streets. Streets are annexed
according to the type of annexation and the laws are not too plain.
Attorney Camp advised the city to meet with Cobb County and work out a formal
plan on annexing streets.
Committee Reports - Jim Tolleson advised the city had had no fire losses in May.
made a motion we request bids for the installation of four (4) sirens.
to opened at the next meeting. Homer Kuhl seconded the motion and the vote
was unanimous. To be paid from Revenue Sharing funds. Bill Darby reminded every-
one of the Blood Drive. June 22, 1977 at the First Methodist Church from 3:00
P.M. until 7:00 P.M. Jim Farley, Director of Civil Defense. stated he would like
to see..thg city give an annual award to the department giving the most blood.
to be figu+ed on a percentage basis. Jerry Mills recommended this item be turned
over to the Employees Benefit Committee.
Jerry Mills made a motion that a all-way stop sign be erected at ElDlWood Drive
at Corn Road. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Homer Kuhl made a motion that Wallace Pate's CPA firm audit the city books
another year. Rem Bennett seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Homer Kuhl called a Finance Committee meeting for 3:00 P.M. Thursday afternoon.
and a Budget meeti.ng at 7: 30 P.M. Monday night.
made a motion a three~way stop sign be erected at Old Concord Road
Springs Road. Homer Kuhl seconded the motion and the vote was
C. O.
announced the Smyrn", Parks and Recreation Track Teanl members Cindy
White and Sam Hill all won State of Georgia AAU Junior Olympic
advanced to the Region III Championships at Auburn University on
and 9th. Ten local area track stars running under the Smyrna name also
advanced. Smyrna won 3rd place in Boys 10 and 11, 1st place in Boys
. 2nd place in the 16 and 17 boys division. The girls team finished
of a field of 13 teams.
C. O. Canada made a motion the city pay $55.00 for lodging. mealS. gasoline
for the Director to accompany the team to Auburn University. Jim Tolleson seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous.
The team will run this Friday and Saturday in the Atlanta Invitational Track and
Field Championships at Lakewood Stadium.
The 4th of July Festival will be held on July 2nd and the parade begins at 10:00
A.M.. the cake cutting will be at 11:15 A.M., watermelon cutting at 3:00 P.M.
and fireworks at 10:00 P.M.
Nancy Puffe, a mE;!mber of the Certified City Committee. asked if
was going to be allotted any funds. Homer Kuhl stated $1000 had been
the Revenue Sharing budget and a public hearing of these expenditures
next Monday night.
Faith Moore of Farmstead Condomi'iliums
park climbing over the
in the swimming pool,
were hitting thg fence and
be put
put down railroad ties in front
stated they were having with kids
and they were afraid someo'ile would be
pulling into the parking spaces next to
damage was being done. It was suggested
fence and Jim Tolleson said the city would
fence to act as stop bars.
(Continuation of June 20, 1977 Meeting)
Attorney Camp recommended a separate file be on record of all the traffic con-
trol devices approved in the city, to be filed in the office of the City Clerk.
Homer Kuhl asked to make a statement. He said it had been a privilege to serve
as a councilman for l3~ years for the best citizens in the State of Georgia. and
regretted he had to resign as of July 1, 1977, due to his company transferring
him to Columbus. He thanked his wife for her cooperation. also the Council.
Members of council expressed their regrets and thanked Mr. Kuhl for the good job
he had done for the City of Smyrna and stated it had been a pleasure to work with
him both as a councilman and as a friend.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:18 P.M.
A special called meeting of Mayor and Council was held at City Hall. Smyrna.
Georgia. June 27. 1977 and called to order by presiding officer Mayor Arthur T.
Bacon at 7:30 P.M. All Councilmen were present except Rem Bennett. who was on
vacation. Also present was Attorney Chuck Camp. City Clerk Willouise Spivey,
Controller Ron Egger. Fire Chief Don Atkinson and Director of Parks and Recrea-
tion Lee Silver.
Invocation was given by Homer Kuhl, followed by the pledge to the Flag.
Citizens Reports - C. J. Fouts presented plans for a warehouse to be built on
Atlanta Road. Fire Chief Don Atkinson said the plans met the requirements of the
State Code but were not stamped by a Certified Engineer. and they could not be
approved without this stamp. Mr. Fouts said they would get the required stamp
this week and asked for a temporary permit in order to lay the foundation of the
building. Homer Kuhl made a motion to issue a permit to lay the foundation only.
Jerry Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Lee Silver invited Mayor and Council to take part in the July 4th festivities by
sharing in the cake cutting at 11:15 A.M. and the watermelon cutting at 3:30 P.M.
Lee Silver. Director of Parks and Recreation. along with members of his staff,
presented Councilman H uhl with the departments "Gold Certificate." Lee
stated that when he sta to work with the City of Smyrna in 1974 he started
giving these certificates to very outstanding persons only. The one presented
to Mr. Kuhl was the 7th award given. Mr. Kuhl thanked Lee and his staff for the
outstanding job they have done in the Parks and Recreation Department.
Sharing expenditures was held. Homer Kuhl stated
two groups. the Senior Citizens and the Certified
requested funds. The restrooms the Senior Citizens
d and other requests have been included in
ed through June of 1978 total $265,000. The
is for $244.286. Homer Kuhl made a motion the proposed Capital
Revenue Sharing Funds. be approved as presented. in the amount
Canada seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
1be public hearing on the Revenue
that in the first public hearing
City Committee. were and
budget for this year
Expenditure Budget,
of $244,286. C. O.
Homer Kuhl presented the General Fund operational budget as follows:
Civil Defense
A motion was made by Homer Kuhl to approve the budgets as submitted. Jerry Mills
seconded the motion. Mr. Kuhl stated this was a balanced budget and we will have
a small amount in contingency. A 7% salary increase. plus additional personnel
and equipment is included. Vote on the motion was unanimous.
(Continuation of June 27. 1977 Meeting)
The Department budget in
Kuhl and he moved that it be approved as
motion and the vote was unanimous.
of $885,529 was presented>by.Hpmer
presented. Jim Tolleson seconded the
The total 1977-78 budgets are as follows:
Operating Budgets, General Fund
Water Department
Revenue Sharing
Mr. Kuhl expressed his appreciation for the cooperation he received from the
committees and all the department heads in preparing these budgets.
Mayor Arthur Bacon stated that whe;n Homer Kuhl resigned on June 20th. no action
was taken and he recommended council accept his resignation as of July 31. 1977.
since he would not be moving until August. Mayor Bacon also advised he would
appoint Bill Darby as Finance Chairman. Jerry Mills made a motion to accept the
resignation of Homer Kuhl as of July 31, 1977. Bill Darby seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Kuhl said he would be working with Bill Darby
and the lfinance Committee and would help in any way he could.
Mayor Bacon said that on the night of July 11th he would like for Mayor and
Council to honor Homer Kuhl and his wife Georgia, with dinner in Atlanta. Mayor
Bacon will be at the GMA convention at the Atlanta Hilton and he asked that all
councilmen bring their wives and meet in his hotel room.
Jerry Mills said he was going to bring a coffee pot to City Hall in order to have
coffee for the c:Ltizens of Ward 3 and his visitors. He is going to buy the coffee
and aSked permission to use city electricity.
Meeting adjourned at 7:57 P.M.
A special meeting of Mayor and Council of the City of Smyrna
having been ca::U.ed for 8 :30 P. M., Ju1y 5. 1977 at City Hall
at the City of Smyrna for the purpose of discussion and approval
to borrow not more than $200.000, to be deposited in the General
And notice of time. place and purpose of said meeting having been
waived by Mayor and each councilman:
Motion having been duly made and seconded. the following reso1ution
was unanimously passed:
"Be it resolved that the Mayor is hereby authorized to borrow a sum
not to exceed $200,000 at the lowest interest rate then available
for a period not to exceed 120 days. and in no event to be repayable
after December 30. 1977.
And further. be it resolved that said sums shall be deposited in
the General fund of the City. to be repaid from and upon receipt
of 1977 ad valorem taxes."