February 7/21, 1977 Council Meeting 1 was suant to the Charter February The s called to order by presiding o'clock P.M. All Councilmen were present. Also Willouise Spivey, City Clerk, R. E. Little, ilver, Director of Parks and Recreation, Atkinson, Fire Chief, James David, Director of of the press. followed by the pledge to the Flag. Jernigan of Ward 7 and Frank Gardner of Ward ide the city using the city's facilities. to whether they were annexed into the city, but to pay for the facilities they should be charged Lee Silver, Chairman of the Cobb County Heart Fund on igade on February 26th from 9:00 A.M. until intersections to be worked would be Hargrove Road at Spring Road anta Road. Elbert Coalson made a motion the request be seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. residential business license request by Ms. to type no fault divorce papers in her home. sion Attorney Camp asked Ms. Bryant if she er clients in any way. She stated she did not. no action be taken on this request until Ms. Bryant had con- attorney to be sure that she, as well as her clients, were legally on the 1975 Ford Custom surplused police car, read and are recorded t Auto Parts E. Cantrell $801. 00 $650.00 be turned over to the garage committee with authority Canada seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. curb on McCauley Road (2800 feet) were Contractor, Marietta Paving Co., Marietta $18,946.00 $14,000.00 bids were referred to the streets by David Granade, and upon his recommen- Drive requested a permit to build another attic space only. Plans met the building codes Department. Rem Bennett made a motion the permit ed the motion and the vote was unanimous. requested a permit to convert to self- had been approved by the Fire Department. Bennett, seconded by Jerry Mills, and Ordinance (Package) shall be the following new last sentence: 7, in no event shall the building closer than 200 feet from the ny means of measurement. and also provided to renewal of licenses granted prior to February (Continuation of February 7, 1977 meeting) Be it further resolved that Section 20-2001 of the Spirituous Liquor Ordinance (Sale by Drink) shall be amended by adding after the last sentence thereof, the following new last sentence: "Provided however, after February 7, 1977, in no event shall the building containing such establishment be located closer than 200 feet from the property line of any church, by any means of measurement, and also pro- vided this provision shall not apply to renewal of licenses granted prior to February 7, 1977." Be it further resolved that Location of Business, be of the City of Smyrna. Alcoholic & Malt Beverage Ordinance, s entirety and deleted from the ordinances Jerry Mills seconded the motion. During discussion, Bill Darby stated he was of the opinion this should not apply to property owned by a church, but to the church building alone. Attorney Camp stated the amendment referred to any parcel of land on which a church is located. Vote for the motion was six to one. Bill Darby abstained. On motion by Elbert Coalson, seconded by Jerry Mills, February 21, 1977 was the date set to hear the appeal of the decision of Recorder's Court, by Doug Styles. Vote on the motion was unanimous. The minutes of January 10, 1977 were approved as submitted on motion by Homer Kuhl, seconded by Jerry Mills. Vote on the motion was unanimous. Minutes of the January 17. 1977 meeting were approved as submitted on motion by Jerry Mills. seconded by Jim Tolleson. Vote on the motion was unanimous. Rem Bennett made a motion that City Ordinance 18-6003, Installation of Underground Garbage Cans be amended as follows: "On all residences constructed after November 17, 1976, the cost of installation of underground garbage cans as required by the City shall be paid at the time the building permit is purchased. Such payment shall be acknowledged by separate receipts from an authorized employee of the City. "The cost above referred to shall be determined annually by the Building Inspector with the advice of the Purchasing Department and consent of the Mayor and posted with the receipt books on or before February 1, of each calendar year. "The City of Smyrna, for the above fee, shall install one 30 gallon can located no more than 4 feet and no less than 2 feet from curb side. In order to relocate underground cans, the sanitation supervisor will be notified of relocation for final approval. "The cost of the liner is to be paid by the home owner, at the time he applies for water service. "If additional cans are necessary to maintain proper refuse disposal, the second can may be purchased at City Hall by persons occupying such residence. The second can will be installed only after payment has been received at City Hall." Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. Rem Bennett made a motion that City Ordinance 18-10001, of the Plumbing Code be amended as follows: An ordinance regulating the installation, including alterations, repairs and replace- ment of plumbing piping, fittings, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances which may be connected to the water or sewerage system in the City of Smyrna, providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; providing penalties for the violation thereof; and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Smyrna as follows: (Continuation of February 7, 1977 meeting) of the City of Smyrna is hereby repealed in its following is hereby adopted as Section 18-10001 na. a) Standard 1975 (Lib eto, he City of this section Georgia. ted November 1955 and amended through ss g No. 75-13526) and all amendments plumbing code is maintained in the office of the City of Smyrna and specifically made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Smyrna, b) allowed underground or in the walls of same shall be a minimum schedule 40. Plastic rigid every four (4) feet, and all arms must supported. All plastic pipe, including vents through roofs, must undergo a water test. Homer Kuhl seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Elbert Coalson thanked David Granade for having the wrecker service clean up the ole Road. He also asked that David check properties on Ventura the owners clean up their property. C. O. Phase t , in the form of a motion, to run a hydraulic study on ark, at a cost of approximately $500.00, to be paid from Mills seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. a Recreational Survey was being conducted by the Parks This survey will be conducted annually. of the Finance Committee sometime this week. of the Street Committee next Wednesday at 5:00 P.M. had started work on the installation of equipment ley and South Cobb Drive, also the emergency light A tracer has been put on the equipment, Chief had requested a school flasher light, north of a Road. He made a motion this flasher light be with Cobb County erecting the signal. Rem Bennett vote was unanimous. chart in Public Works. (Chart to be made supervisors had resigned and would not be the reorganization be approved. Jim Tolleson unanimous. on a safety program. They he hours to meet with employees. The committee insurance company. or other safety personnel, all safety rules. This program is being accidents, thus reducing the insurance rates. made application for a speed detection device Department of Public Safety. Some signs must be purchased. to check their wards and if signs need updating, Little advised him the Police Department needs city st with authorization they have been is not le. probably the best procedure signs and signals, as to their location, and spreading them on the minutes. (Continuation of February 7, 1977 meeting) Jim the thanked everyone who participated in the Terri Myer's Police Departments. especially were The been being hired and the Fire had He stated a training had been Work Guide Book, to be completed within wage scale had been posted, and the ~OO P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Jim stated the City Program. He stated committee of five. has not been selected ified categories and he would like to have a deed to the First and the church was unanimous. Church on Jerry Mayor Bacon annol,J.nced council was to meet with representatives from the University of Georgia on Tuesday at 4:30 P.M. No citizen input. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. ************************************** February 21, 1977 and Council was held was called to order by Bacon at 7: 30 0' All Councilmen were City Attorney, Spivey, City Clerk, Ron of Parks R. E. Little, Police Chief. David Granade. Inspector, Vie Broyles. of the press. 1977. at fficer present Controller, Don Director of Invocation was given by Homer fOllowed by the pledge to the Flag. Thomas and asked had pleaded should not have been in court. Attorney three appearances. had talked with a councilman with had been reached. advised she did not. since the officer Camp advised that a case could of business was Styles. Sgt. J. , was not present to postpone the hearing agreed. appeal of the of the Cobb County illness. Mayor Bacon until the next meeting, 's , who Styles if 1977, to motion to on March of the decision of s Court Bennett seconded the motion and the for be rezoned property be rezoned to outside displays. Rem Ware. Sr., requec;ted to Shopping. Shopping. limited Bennett seconded the motion at made antique vote was the motion to Smyrna check. Homer and subject was Road for (Continuation of February 21, 1977 meeting) seconded the motion. Vote on the motion was six voted against the motion. by David Granade and upon his recommen- de rec the plumbing plan and a granted. Jerry Mills seconded a permit to construct a building at 2221 now on the property, originally Sandy's, will be the permit be approved, subject to major changes c study. Homer Kubl made a motion the permit be the motion and the vote was unanimous. re- in (2) at 1114 was advised to present his for their recommendations. sted a zoning variance in order to build a duplex met the building code. After discussion, Mr. Adkins plans to the Planning and Zoning Board, February 28th, er Committee had recommended that outside city residents, pay Cobb County rates. He made a motion the city county rates, effective the next billing date. Jim the vote was unanimous. afternoon with officials of the Highway g. He stated we need to have a hearing with March 2nd. rtment personnel will be He called t for 7 :00 P .M., March 2, attend. A letter will be mailed to all property owners. est bids, to be opened March 14th, for a truck tt seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. cubic yard C-250A Rear Loader was requested. explain the bids received January 10, 1977. Vie ce Systems, Inc. for a Loadmaster, but he was afraid He recommended we buy the E-Z Pack as the dealer, located in Cobb County and has assured him that parts at all times. Jerry Mills made a motion the bid for r Kuhl seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. .16. light at Wisteria Lane and South Cobb Drive was in for Atlanta Road was on order. requested for construction of Phase II of King of bathhouse, swimming pool, tennis courts and at 2:00 o'clock P.M., March 29, 1977, at City Hall. and the vote was unanimous. ate of the next council meeting be changed from March councilmen attending the National League of Cities 6-8, 1977. C. O. Canada seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. eson stated that Frank Gardner, Linda Wells and Nancy the Certified City Committee. Other members will be Marietta Police Department had requested the assistance of the t during the March of Dime Walkathon on March 26, 1977. Approval was given. equipment be purchased from Revenue Sharing as follows: (1) Air-Hammer Rescue Set, $225.00. o-ton Come Along with chain, $215.00. (1) e, $75.00, for a total of $750.00. C. O. vote was unanimous. igns were disappearing from Ward 1 at an amazing caught destroying or stealing these signs, that (Continuation of February 21, 1977 m~eting) the much. that next to workers wi th this was the insurance on v~hicles and buildings will be that safety this week. at Homer of the financial Committee for out this week, and a meeting Rem Bennett reported ther~ was fee. and that each be closed. of businesses who the cut-off date. and if the fees are their will had talked reaqy to people and , one from Lee into th~ city. He would not come C. O. the Homer with and stated tax payers, on these we would get ago of Lee Street, stated be ann~xed, but he was of county residences, action. morning at on Atlanta City HaLL at Company on at 8:30 P.M. ~<