January 17, 1977 Council Meeting was held January 17, 1977 at City by presiding officer Homer Kuhl. He was at the Mayor. present was Chuck Camp, City R. Little, Police Chief, Ron Egger, Controller. ion. David Granade. Building Inspector. James and representatives of the press. Elbert Coa:1son. fol:1owed by the p:1edge to the F:1ag. Residential bu next counc was not at ness license by Rhonda K. Bryant, 3150 Reeves Street, meeting. on motion by Jerry Mills. seconded by Rem the meeting. be renamed J. B. He stated it difficult Legion Drive. Jerry Mills seconded . Commander of American Legion .since the street was only one to find the Legion Post. submitted by Building action is record ector David Granade and a permit to build at the corner of Spring Road approved by the Fire Marshall's office and met exception of plumbing. Jerry Mills made a motion the the plumbing code. Rem Bennett seconded the requested a permit to remodel a portion of Grant ng track, whirlpool, indoor swimming pool and Bennett made a motion the permit be granted. Elbert the vote was unanimous. had contacted Jerry Singer's office that all the reports on the City final draft was being typed. They would day next week. A meeting will be set at the University of study had been to meet with the up. been in touch with the Department of Transportation and we information within the next week or so. we accept Ford the bid from Capito:1 Chassis The lowest bid received The decision on bids for rd Company, in the C. O. Canada seconded was not accepted due a rear loader was surplus and request bids for one (:1) used police car. 53C17854. Jim Tol:1eson seconded the motion and the vote eceived at the February 7. 1977 meeting. changing three Committee Chairmen, and was combining committee. Changes are as fo:1lows: Sanitation Jerry Mills. Chairman Rem Bennett Homer Kuh:1 Jim Tolleson. Chairman Bill Darby E:1bert Coalson Rem Bennett, Chairman Jim Tolleson Bill Darby working as committees and this effective January 18, 1977. (Continuation of January 17, 1977 Jim To:1~eson said some changes would be forthcoming very soon in the Fire Department. Jim Tolleson made a motion the City of Smyrna partition to be a part of the Certified Cities Program. Elbert Coalson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Bill Darby advised that John Fo~son. USAF Reserve had been assigned to the Smyrna Civi~ Defense Unit as Assistant Commander and Warning Officer. Another attempt wi~~ be made this Saturday to sound the warning sirens. Jerry Mills said he asked to be removed he belonged to a union at the railroad. Fire Department. he felt it best not to as Chairman of the Fire Committee because Since a union had been organized in the be the chairman of that committee. Rem Bennett made a motion to extend the rip-rap on the bank of the Street by 35 feet. The estimated cost is $1~25.00. C. O. Canada seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Rem Bennett made a motion we call for bids for installing sidewalks on McCauley Road to the new King Springs Park. C. O. Canada seconded the motion. The estimated cost is $16,800.00. A discussion fo:11owed about sidewalks on the King Springs Road side of the park. Some of the King Springs Road section is in the City, some in the County. Vote on the motion was unanimous. Rem Bennett said he had a request from Vic Broyles to erect a "No Right Turn" sign on Atlanta Road at Spring Road. After discussion Jim David was asked to check with the county on this signa~. f~ No citizens input. Mayor Bacon announced that Howard Atherton was to meet with Council about avai~able Grants to the City on January 26th at 7:00 o'clock P.M. A~so reminded Council of the ribbon cutting at Ridgeview Hospita~, January ~8, 1977, from ~~:OO A.M. to 2:00 P.M. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:06 P.M. **********************~************* ARTHUR T. BACON. MAYOR '-' ~