May 5/19, 1986 Council Meeting May 5, 1986 Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the ing was called to order at 7.30 o'clock p.m. Max Bacon. All Council members were present n the hospital. Also nt was City Administrator Charles E. camp, sistant City Clerk Melinda he press. minister of the Smyrna Church of Christ, report. Doris Morris gave a library report. Appeal Lori DD Rand. stated that ed and charg urt and fined $35 conviction. January 31st with speeding and has since at approximately 10.30 a.m. Miss 60/45. She was found guilty in requested a hearing before council sworn in along with arresting officers Chris Cowart and Sgt. to council the radar log used by the department along icate of calibration for the instrument used that day as well showing that he was authorized to use the equipment. Sgt. e morning of Januar 31st he was running radar at the intersection Dri imarily concerned with east-bound traffic. east with the one in the left lane traveling Brown said he radioed ahead to the chase car traveling 60 miles per hour. Sgt. Brown also ight hand lane which Miss Rand had passed was they were the only two east-bound vehicles led Miss Rand over on Village Parkway where t be tested. Sgt. Brown said he then tested she was cited. Sgt. Brown said the calibration ore he went on duty, as is their normal procedure that when he received the call to Village Parkway where she he accelerated to approximately 55 miles pulling away from the police car. and was per observed Miss turning left. hour and her Rand's Officer vehicle had turned onto Spring Road from Atlanta Road and knew way and had no reason to be traveling that so conflicting stories between the two officers accuracy of the radar if it was necessary after duty. Mr. Camp said the officers are est the machines before and after duty, to se. Miss Rand said she was not speeding; speed limit. Miss Rand said she did not ad in the right lane and also did not car she saw was Officer Cowart when he Rand if she had had her speedometer checked recently. had, but she didn't bring the certificate because the judge indicated it would have no bearing on the case since there only 2-5 miles per hour. motion the Recorder's Court decision carried 6-0. General Commercial to RM-12. the audience in ition. tments, Inc. had r d this g office. The property is apartments. A variance John Pattereson said rezoning to construct surrounded by DeVille will also be required rear yard said this of the withdrawn not Joel Jim Hawkins which is the been continued twice The applicant, S&L of the addi tional withdrawal request a motion the zoning reque>st the motion which carried 6-0. item on the additional requested required required be withdrawn, (C) request - side and rear yard setbacks at 3366 Atlanta motion the without request for Jim Hawkins S&L Mortgage and Investments seconded the motion which ( D) request - front yard setback at 677 Concord Road. is representing Jim Wallace yard setback from 50 feet constructed on Concord Binns and Jim Wal she raised her all the room we can Enterprises to 45 feet There were sworn in opposition on Concord Mr. of the property the into the right of way on is a prefabricate>d and far. When the encroachment the error was found through a Steak House sits much farther back was buil t on setback, The steel and roof columns the they place a cons on After to a motion the variance motion which carried be 6-0. subject (E) side at 2381 Ventura Road. said that Mr. RiChard Ripley of in order to extend The addition will be 1 ine . The adj acent an After Jim is on a zero would be an addi tion of appeal. make it difficult addition Brooks asked about the trailers parked they use them on construction jobs them look as possible lot is not but Mr. area with asphalt. working runoff when the paving is comple>ted. be used primarily for stor;;.;ge. They felt to the property and the most feasible dis<;:ussion, Kathy Brooks made a motion seconded the motion which carried 5-1, opposed. (F) South and wine license request JP's 2620 John to known T. EJ;"ooks, Sr. has requested newly opened restaurant, more aCijacent to the requirements. The a license recently and west investigation for was of the Brooks. was opposed and was said the restaurant is in by Mr. already open, help his busines$. A portion of the building a dance floor and records from the Big Band said most of his customers are elderly people unger crowd. Also, he understood our ordinance well over the 60% requirement. Mr. Brooks said restaurant business all his life and held liquor licenses state. Jack Shinall asked Mr. Brooks if he was d in that area. Mr. Brooks said he has heard Park from Mr. Stoner and others but because play did not think it would attract younger people have the same problems. Jack Shinall stated the at this location had hurt, rather than helped was approved. someone ople as guards becau use service not opposed to Mr. Brooks getting the license rrence of the situation at McArthur's Park with and not eat. Since there appears to be a lot of he did not see how it could be controlled. Jack type of controls he would use. Mr. Brooks said r to check people going out and he would also and out. However he did not intend to use anticipate any problems. Also, he had the to anyone. Jack Shinall said this was a difficult decision to make since this is a proven pr and is still a problem with loitering, cruising., etc. in and a ant area of police need. Jack said he could not, in recommend approval and since this is a privilege license made denied. Hugh Ragan seconded the motion which carried 6-0. (G) 1005 C wine oad. ring license request La Paloma Mexican Restaurant, said that a restaurant on Shop invest tions people, with Luis A. Salinas had requested the pouring license Cherokee Road in the building formerly occupied by Donut. The building meets distance requirements Salinas was favorable. There was no opposition. Brooks, Mr. Salinas said the restaurant will spaces. Mr. Salinas said he retired from Coca- this is his first restaurant. He understands our of alcoholic beverages and the youngest employee will be no music or dancing. Also, they anticipate and wine sales. Brooks made a motion the license be approved. which carried 6-0. (H) Home occupation license - 1880 Shenandoah Lane. In the absence of be tabled to the 6-0. Jerry Mills, next meeting. Joel Jack Harrell Shinall made a motion seconded the the license motion which request carried (I) Request to extend working hours at Oakley Downs development. said that Ken Minchew has asked that construction hours 8.00 p.m. Monday through Friday, with Saturday work 9:00 There was no opposition. Steve Minchew represented Oakley a motion the hours be extended to 8.00 p.m. Monday Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Jack Shinall h carried 6-0. be a.m. Downs. through seconded signatures to annex property at 2284 Belmont Circle. the application for annexation by RiChard L. williams as at 2284 Belmont Circle. We of the the unders igned , who area described the electors percent (60%) resident of the constitute below and sixty percent (60%) of who constitute sixty area by contiguous to the City of 69-904 4.12, 413; 19 described area described of Smyrna, the provisions of -912 (Georgia Laws 1976, Pages lOll, l012; to wit: is unin- have said of Georg ia 1966, Pages property or parcel of Se>ction, Cobb and being in Land Lot being more the 17.th described to iron pin along of BEGINNING. intersection of the southwest corner -way) and Belmont Circle (being along the westerly right of iron pin set; thence westerly found; thence northerly a distance the southerly right of Woodl.and of way a distance of feet to FOR THEIR HANDS AND CITY OF SMYRNA. SEALS, AND THEREBY of 60% of the electors resident in the WILLIAMS. MAXINE yVONNE WILLIAMS described of the of the holders land area of the above title, acreage: made a 2, 1986. motion the Joel Harrell be val idated and the motion which hearing use of building at King Seventh to had for requested a storage and 12' portable activities allowed by our ordinance for a to come back after that with Mr. Anderson earlier he classrooms it will the church them to ensure motion the temporary and building carried 6-0. temporary time for indicated primarily our (C) John said the City's no IBM system 34 and it is said he proposed system and eliminate accounting department, can be purchased 36 uses RPG-II which and capable of utilizing budget and will be of $56.871 also personel and printer for the per$Onal through salary savings and other areas made a motion the IBM system 36 be $56,871. Bob Davis seconded the motion iSI for purposes, ingly purchase of duplicate every State easy - Continued inal phase have $1,599 Fund. f the renovation in the administrative secured from three firms. Hugh Ragan 94 be awarded to Conso~idated Carpet, Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which a building permit for a shell office/warehouse 'mated cost of $1,172,000. Hugh Ragan made subj ect to approval of the Fire Marshal and rell seconded the motion which carried 6-0. uested a building permit for a shell office/ware Way at a total estimated cost of $719,000. Hugh it be approved SUbject to approval of the Fire Department. Joel Harrell seconded the motion which at the $10,000. of the seconded on Interiors Parkway at permit be Department. d a building permit for tenant finish at 5000 estimated cost of $22,000. Hugh Ragan made a subject to approval of the Fire Marshal and seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Properties ted at 2 made a er, In which building permit for a pool cabana rk Drive at a total estimated cost of 't be approved subject to approval ent and Fire Marshal. Joel Harrell (E) Moran & Company requested a building permit for tenant finish at 4600 Highland Parkway at a tota~ estimated cost of $20,000. Hugh Ragan made a motion the be approved subject to approval of the Inspections Department and Fire halo Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 6-0. building permit for construction of an office/ware- at a total estimated cost of $l14,800. Joel it be approved subject to approval of the City tment and Fire Marshal. Jim Hawkins seconded the City would be having their auction May 31st and equipment be declared surplus and sold at auction. LIBRARY Phonograph (Serial #33364) ~ 1 ID #F61DC ID #CCYl4 22 (Sanitation #18) 12793 (Water #l2) D177530 unusable pieces of fire hose 4886 (Police 4887 (Police (Polic 167238 (Polic 3H730678 (Police #886) #887) 37 ) 38 ) MCS) equipment be declared surplus. Bob Davis seconded Jack Jim a motion the mir:\1,Jtes of April 7 and 21 be approved as submitted. the motion which carried 6-0. like are to speak of the theY would the City to contact the of the property. could annex the Department of that the of the understood Mr. he would have information. audience and asked about the status of prope>rty in view of a recent newspaper their portion. Mr. Bow~e said he would commissioners and ask what their intentions Bowie also wanted to know if there was any portion. Max Bacon said already concerning the article was his not be sold. Also, would and that would be to do. because ours Max get back in touch he had Brooks a list of upcoming events Parks and said the city is cOntip'Lling for the gOOd job they to grow and are doing. commended the Community Jim at R. E. Little for Baptist Church. Jim Jim also the use of are using the Sunday having our police said he was said this an and a credit law enforcement service. accomplishment for He was honored and over 50 with business. meet at 9.54 p.m. May 19, 1986 Council was held May 19, 1986 at to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by Council members were present. Also Patterson, City Clerk WillO'Llise Spivey, City Clerk Melinda Dameron and repre- giv$n by Jim followed by the pledge to the Nothing to report. Reports were made from Finance, Fire Department, and Emergency Management departments. Public (A) Rezoning J;"e>quest 7.57 acres on Spring Road at Campbell Road from Future Commercial to General Commercial. There were Camp. appl and two months work. containing 20,000 ehopping design would of Campbell and the Road. Mr. Crim Transportation Campbell Road. His and representatives from both sides repJ;"esented RCC Investment and said since February they had attended two planning hearings and the hearing tonight is the Crim said they were propoeing a Shopping square feet with a major food etore, of other retail shops. Mr. Crim p:t:'esente>d have built in several different locations The develoPme>nt plan also includes present location to intersect with be moved from location plan had been the State knowledge they favorable to the also conducted a traffic study and their center of this type is not a signif~cant traffic traff ic already in the area to generate sales. t and there ~s a very big demand for ing would be extensive and Mr. least 2 years to ensure a quality cost involved in relocat~ng the They felt the relocation of the road would ion and would be much safer. more Davis as property it is now. I children who walk from Argyle. Mr. Crim along Campbell Road, where there are none uses they had considered for the property. be a 3 to 4 story office building but didn't for that type development. They did not and felt the need was there for a shopping water runoff and Mr. Crim said water would be ponds and the runoff would not be any greater spoke for the oppositon and said they were 'dential development of Ward I. This property by R-20 and RM-12. The property in question and the residents felt it would place their the road is relocated the crosswalk will away before they can cross. They felt a of the traffic even more difficult and tential crime area, having an environmental also concerned with water runoff after ffic from tractor/trailers and construction ts would prefer residential development 'ng center. Mr. Crim said they would prefer not to move Campbell Road and leave it as is, but this is an accommodation they are willing to make to the City. said he would like to compliment the people the manner in which they worked with city helpful and have supplied all the information essionallly and are as good a developer to e did, however, have some reservations about Commercial. The property is almost completely ty and is in the area of Spring Road which addition to the zoning not being compatible Commercial is just too high and intense he was also concerned the increased cause diminishing of public safety created for the children that go public health factors dealing with water causing flooding for some of the homes, which zoning was also denied January 23, 1985 from the information gathered tonight it improved. is then made a motion a General al use, the request of Jim Hawkins seconded the motion. he could not support the motion to deny for the following the November 1984 was approved and March 1986 by two different zoning minutes be groups of zoning on the Zoning Board first hand knowledge in of 1984 the and voted children's by the city council on February 10, 1986 in the traffic count. owners of Countryside Condominiums adjacent uses were made, such as where the dumpsters This agreement would protect the condominium 6) by 7 ) Road something nearer 90 It is their be enhanced as degrees. This was judgment Campbell agreed to that the Spr ing could be tied by the property 5) of were the the on of zoning signs SlIlypna. March 24, 1986, by the owners back to Zoning notices were posted on April 2,1986 were These speculative if a made by the zoning Board and stipulations were to protect zoning. They stipulated that shopping center is not built all relocation and improvements of Campbell to protect the residents. School be replaced and was agreed to by 9 ) be that the property in question should Campbell Road protect the local residents. of the rezoning conditions and other things that would this rezoning had no bad affect. influence my vote to vote against were that I would be oppositon borderline bribe that 1 explain courts. I want to say I made my all parties involved as zoning the State DOT, the traff ic study of Smyrna such as services versus Argyle School. Nothing was present the rezoning in my opinion. This is to the facts that is what he as he was concerned~ done a lot of good Bob Davis on this, because facts presented. analyze do . Hugh judgmental. community. he thought Jim call or talked to any like he was being vote his personal on the motion to deny the residents in any and what zoning carr ied way. was 5-2, (B) Rezoning request Commercial. 0.9 2865 Highland Drive from R-15 to Limited requested a large Bob Davis Limited off the Spring Road. A removed. Mr. there curb to place of 2865 Highland Drive for a chiropractic opposition and the spokesman was sworn Camp if the house would meet all setback zoning. Mr. Camp said it would not: line of the adjacent property owner and would be required unless the existing he did not intend to tear the house the zoning is approved will convert it Spring Road rather than Highland Drive. aJ.ong the property line of the adjacent Road said residents in the area on Spring Road and of mi9.king it even more The Drive and they also were that the residential naighborhood They felt the zoning would destroy were this next Dr. to the Continued made a motion the zoning be denied because irements for Limited Commercial. This property esidential areas and a change in classification Jerry Mills seconded the motion to deny so recommended that the Community Development include a certification with each zoning application setback requirements. side yard setback for proposed office building on variance on the south side yard setback from truction on Old Concord Road. There was no oppo- parcel is adjacent to the Pizza Inn on one on the other side. He proposed to build and the topography of the lot will make variance. Kathy Brooks said she felt this to the area and made a motion the variance the motion which carried 7-0. (D) Request for beer and wi.ne package license Road. Jim Wallace Station on Concord an ar radios la oblem would was approved. a license to sell packaged beer and wine at the Concord Road next to Ryan's Steak House. Mr. Brooks ge of retail sales with Ji.m Wallace and also holds package licenses at other locations. in the 200 foot radius of the location, but Waivers were also signed by those property ed. There was no opposition from the audience to be made a part of the minutes, from ircle in opposi ton. Mr. Ransbotham' s letter with young people loitering, eating, drinking night in the parking lot of Ryan's. Mr. Ransbotham worsen if a package license for this location gave council an option on whether or city limits should be considered and issue a license based upon the waivers. Jim se be denied, based upon the fact that there radius. Hugh Ragan seconded the motion which Jack Shinall opposed. lll3 Matthews Street. Don Chilton requested training program sa pat ion license to operate a sales management St.reet.. There was no opposition. Jerry Mills tion he received, it has been found that Mr. business in a residential area and in violation admitted he did owe the city whatever fees ma,y started operating there two years ago in the business expanded and since then he has rented s operating the business from there. residential area and he was opposed to issued in the Ci.ty. Jerry said he felt owners in the area. Mr. Chilton said like to correct that but due to next to impossi.ble to relocate since of the day and night from allover the world. area with the neighbors and no one has objected Mills made a motion the license be denied by Jack Shinall. Jack Shinall then amended Mr. Chilton to find a place to relocate his main motion carried 7-0. May 19, 1986 - Continued (F) requ<=>st 1880 Shenandoah Valley Lane. said th<=> applicant.s license be tabled to carried 7-0. the unable to be next meeting. here Joel tonight Harrell and made a seconded the FORMAL BUSINESS: (A) Validation of signatures to annex 0.21 acres in Land Lot 276. 0.21 read the appJ_ Land Lot 276 by W. S. and D. S. Caswell, to annex percent (60%) of the owners of the below, which is unincorporated apply to have said area annexed of the Code of Georgia Annotated, Acts 1966, Pages 409, 4l0, 4ll, said property to be annexed being All District, as tract or parcel of 2nd Section, Cobb land lying and County, Georgia, being in Land Lot 276 of being more particularly the 17th described iron pin wi th the 00 of 60. east, minutes right a Mell Road south right of way of Pat Mell Road of way of Frank Lane; thence north along the south right of way of Pat to an iron pin; thence south 01 degrees of 150.00 feet to an iron pin; thence west, a distance of 60.00 feet to an Frank Lane; thence north 01 degrees 44 150.00 feet to an iron pin on the south of BEGINNING. THE UNDERSIGNED FOR SET THEIR HANDS AND THE CITY OF SMYRNA. SEALS, AND THEREBY signat.Ure of the representative, s/w. S. CASWELL & D. S. CASWELL title holders the land area of the fee simple title, above described by acreage. Kathy Brooks made set for June 16, Jim Hawkins was out a be validated and seconded the motion vote was taken. the which publ ic hear ing carried 6-0. (B) of signatures 2.80 acres in Land Lot 333. by C. J. Fouts to annex 2.80 acres development. sixty percent (60%) of of the described below, which hereby apply to have said area annexed ions of the Code of GeOrgia Annotated, Laws, Acts 1966, Pages 409, 410, 411, 1012; said property to be annexed being of and being in Land Lot 333 of the 17th Georgia according to the survey for Jack in Plat Book 70, Page 129, Cobb County described as follows: right the Lots a distance distance Cooper Lake land lot line of Land Lot 333, said 09 seconds west a distance of 353.8 lot line of Land 333 from the running thence south 00 degrees 12 208.2 feet to an iron running thence .6 feet to an iron pin easterly Road; running thence north II degrees 06 pin on 00 May 19, 1986 - Continued easterly right of way of an iron pin; running thence distance of 572.9 feet to an North Cooper Lake north 88 degrees iron pin and the SET THEIR HANDS AND SEALS, AND THEREBY o THE CITY OF SMYRNA. signature of representative title -holders the land area record 60% of of the fee simple title, above described by acreage: a mo 1986. signatures be validated and the public hearing seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Brooks e bed received .00 be n which ca were recently requested for the purchase cab and chassis in the Parks Department. and Kathy made a motion the low bid Truck Equipment. Jim Hawkins seconded were recently requested from a number for fiscal years 1986/87, 1987/88 and & Wilson but their estimate of total only about one-half of what the other the second low bid be $36,000. Kathy Brooks seconded ciates requested a springs School at motion the permit be and Fire Marshal. building permit to enclose a total estiamted cost of approved subject to approval Jack Shinall seconded the ssociates requested a huilding permit to enclose Hills School at a total estimated cost of motion the permit be approved subject to approval and Fire Marshal. Jack Shinall seconded the ssociates requested a building permit to enclose Elementary School at a total estimated cost made a motion the permit be approved subject to Department and Fire Marshal. Jack Shinall seconded a building permit for interior finish at at a total estimated cost of $67,000. Hugh be approved subject to approval of the Inspections Joel Harrell seconded the motion which carried 7-0. permit for tenant finish at 2300 $70,000. Jerry Mills made a motion to approval of the Inspections Department and the motion which carried 7-0. a building permit for construction at Road at a total estimated cost of $150,000. t be approved subj ect to approval of the and Fire Marshal. Joel Harrell seconded a building permit for remodeling at Cumberland Way at a total estimated cost of $lO, 000. permit be approved SUbject to approval of the Fire Marshal. Joel Harrell seconded the motion Suite 1500 the permi t be and Fire Marshal. Joel permit for tenant finish at 5500 cost of $32,500. Jack Shinall subject to approval of the Inspections Harrell seconded the motion which carried (H) 7-0. (I) Lake the Fire Company requesteci a permit for tenant finish at 2300 at a total .;>stimateci coast of $35,000. Bob Davis made a motion subject to approval of the Inspections Department and Mills seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Company requesteci a total approved subj Davis seconded the motion building permit for tenant finish at 2300 of $75,000. Jerry Mills made a motion of the Inspections Department and which carried 7-0. be Jack requested a total approved Shinall permit for tenant of $70,000. approval of the motion which carried 7 at 5000 made a the requesteci a building permit for total est imated cos t of $ 2 0 , 000. Bob subject to approval of the Inspections 1 seconded the motion which carried 7-0. at 2300 a motion and (A) design Hens our present courtroom is not large enough to station needs additional off ice space and building courtroom and office that authorized to of the Jerry Mills ic court like to judge. Jim with des ign the motion and for the proceed seconded at for Chief R. over 50 E. Little was again honored years in law enforcement and Jim R. to also also thanked Don Pope>, Pastor of Smyrna Baptist Church for recognizing Jim said they did appreciate Chief Little and looked forward to work fOllowing a bout with pneumonia. Jim said he was act:ion taken tonight on plans for the court room. also said that R. forward to the is definitely an asset to the City and improvements. lud:icrous for counc:il interior tenant f :in ish and couldn't be made. to have would be to take meeting said the pools are gett:ing ready to open and season passes are the budget Hugh said meetings. is he gpqd shape would like to and they are meet briefly :in the tonight final w:ith stages council also thanked his brother in law, for the cards and prayers dur:ing the illness Burruss. bus:iness, meeting ourned at 9:53 p.m. 1986 - Continued