April 1/15, 1985 Council Meeting
April 1, 1985
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter
on April 1, 1985. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding
officer Mayor Arthur T. Bacon. All Council members were present. Also present
was City Attorney Charles E. Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief R.
E. Little, Fire Chief Larry Williams, PUblic Works Director Vic Broyles, Parks
and Recreation Director Sherry Reavis, Civil Engineer Mike Hutchinson, Assistant
City Clerk Melinda Dameron, Emergency Management Deputy Director Dick O'Hara,
Building Inspector Scott Stokes, Librarian Doris Morris and representatives of
the press.
Invocation was given by Max Bacon, followed by the pledge to the flag.
Joel Ha a resident of Green Forest Subdivision complained
noise and disturbance d from dirt bike riders on private property and
the Georgia Power easement near his home. Chief' Little said it' the property was
properly posted they could make arrests, if the property owner was willing to
testifY. Mayor Bacon said the City would do everything they could to help and
appreciated Mr. Hannah coming tonight.
Dean Byers requested a parade
Cobb Center to Brinkley Park,
the permit be approved. Kathy
Byers also invited council to
day ceremonies.
permi t f'or Smyrna
beginning at 11: 00
Brooks seconded the
ride in the parade
Little League on April 13th :from
a.m. Jim HaWkins made a motion
motion which carried 7-0. Mr.
and participate in the opening
Rezoning: George C. Walker requested rezoning ot' 1284 Sunset Avenue in Land Lot
521 from Limited Commercial to General Commercial. There was no opposition from
the audience. Jack Cagle, appraiser and real estate broker represented Mr. Walker.
Mr. Cagle said Mr. Walker is the owner ot' Smyrna Cleaners and Laundry presently
located at the corner ot' Sunset and Atlanta Road. He has been at this location
for 20 years but the building has been sold and Mr. Walker's lease is up in June.
If the zoning is approved, Mr. Walker will construct a 40 x 85 building with an
attractive decorative t'ront to relocate his business. Property to the west is
currently zoned Neighborhood Shopping and the other side is zoned Limited Commercial.
To the rear of' the property is the City of Smyrna parking area. James Williams
asked Mr. Walker it' his plans had been reviewed and it' he would need any variances.
Mr. Walker said the t'inal plans are subject to the engineer's approval, but as
f'ar as they knew they would meet all requirements. Mayor Bacon read the minutes
ot' the Planning and Zoning Board meeting where they recommended the zoning be
approved. James Williams made a motion the property at 1284 Sunset Avenue be rezoned
:I:'rom Limited Commercial to General Commercial. Max Bacon seconded the motion which
carried 7-0.
License: Charles J. Vrono requested a transfer ot' the beer and wine
icense for Sizzler Restaurant, 2731 South Cobb Drive. There was no opposition
the audience. Tim King, manager of the restaurant was also present and said
has worked t'or Sizzler about 8 months at this location. Hugh Ragan asked Mr.
how he would handle problems at the location shouJ.d they occur. Mr. King
said if' someone comes in looks underage, they ask for an ID. The percentage
0:1:' alcohol saJ.es is about on weekends. and less during the week. Also, they
seldom ever sell beer or wine without :I:'ood because 0:1:' the prices. Mr. King said
since he has been there, they have had one incident involving alcohoJ. sales, and
calJ.ed the poJ.ice. Chief' Little said he had no problem with the trans:1:'er of' the
license and Bob Davis read a letter from the Lutheran Church located across the
street stating they had no obj ections to the J.icense being issued. Mr. Vrono said
he also understood that he would be fully responsibJ.e it' anything shouJ.d go wrong.
Bob Davis made a motion the transfer he approved. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion
which carried 7-0.
Charter Amendment: Jack Shinall said this was a public hearing to consider an
amendment to the Charter which has been on t'ile with the Clerk's office. The amend-
ment de:fines the boundaries ot' the City by metes and bounds, eliminating the piecemeal
descriptions. There were no or comments from the audience and Jack ShinaJ.l
made a motion the Charter ended by deleting ArticJ.e II in its entirety and
repJ.acing section 6(c) o:f Article III with a new section. James Williams seconded
the motion which carried 7-0.
Bonnelle C. Bowie
into the City of
property be annexed
requested annexation of 3399 Pinetree
Smyrna. There was no opposition. Max
to become a part of' Ward 2, the legaJ.
Drive in
Bacon made
April 1, 1985 - Continued
having be",n read and made a part of the March 4, 1985 minutes. Jack Shinall seconded
the motion Which carried 7-0.
Variance: Mary D. Latham requested a variance on the front yard setback for an
addi tion to her porch at 2284 Old Spring Road. There was no opposition. Ms. Latham
said she called the Inspections Department to ask if she would need a permit to
enlarge her f'ront stoop and was told she would not. When they started work and
put a roof over the porch the inspector came by and told them they would have
to stop Scott Stokes said they were putting a roof' on the porch which connected
to the house and it encroached into the f'ront yard setback. Max Bacon told Ms.
Latham that her letter should have stated the hardship involved, which is now
one of' the requirements. Jack Shinall said that basically the hardship requirement
was directed more to new constructiO!l; mul ti-f'amily, commercial, etc. Kathy Brooks
said the Latham' s were trying to improve their property and apparently there were
some mist;lnderstandings between both parties. Jim Hawkins said they were now asking
people to show proof' of' a hardship when asking f'or a variance and wou:Ld like f'or
Ms. Latham to provide such a letter tomorrow to attach to her application. Hugh
Ragan stated Ms. Latham did have letters :from two adjoining proper.ty owners stating
they had no objection to the Kathy Brooks made a motion the variance
be approved. Jack Shinal:L seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Variance: Jack N. Halpern request",d a variance to allow an additional building
at South Cobb Plaza, 2552 South Cobb Drive. There was no opposition. Herb Singer
was also present and stated he was one of' the principals involved in the business
they were trying to locate there. Mr. Singer said that Section 507 of' our zoning
ordinance allows only one building and its customary accessory bui:Ldings on any
:Lot. Their plans were to build a drive-through hamburger kiosk in front 0:1:' the
shopping center. There has been a f'oto-mat building in f'ront 0:1:' the shopping center
f'or some time and f'el t the kiosk proposed could be viewed as a customary
accessory building, allowable under Section 507. In addition, they were asking
:I:'or a reduction on the f'ront setback from the 50 f'eet required to 20 f'eet and
stated that the 50 f'oot setback could create a hardship in terms of' traff'ic :I:'low
and f'or their customers. Fo:Llowing a lengthy discussion, Jack Shinall said
he had serious questions about the variance, and especially the setback,
and made a motion the request be tabled to the April 15th meeting. Bob Davis seconded
the motiOn carried 7-0.
Ermentrout requested a variance on f'ront and side setback
Glen Apartments at 1978 Cobb Parkway. Colin Barker,
and said that apparently their engineering f'irm had made
pJ.aced the stakes. The two buildings in question are already
did not discover the error until their f'inal survey was made
said they a reduction in the side setback of building
is adj the back parking lot 0:1:' an existing of'f'ice
a reduction in the t'ront setback of' building #4 to 41. 63
rear of' Circuit City. There was some discussion about the
provided with the application; i. e., letter explaining the hardship
the two adjoining property owners. Mr. Ermentrout said that as
af'ter visiting the:r:nsp",ctions Department, he had provided everything
If' the variance was not approved it would be a severe hardship on them
buildings are already constructed and they had their closing scheduled
Max Bacon said he had some problems with approving the variance
the letters :I:'rom the adjoining property owners and a letter explaining
Af'ter further Bob Davis made a motion the variance be
15th. Max Bacon the motion which carried 7-0. Mr. Barker
of the denial since they have their closing scheduled
and stated it would place an extreme hardship on them to have to
the ClOSing again.
far as
since the
in two
called f:or a 5 minute recess.
reconvened, made a motion the variance be approved
that letters :I:'rom both adj oining property owners be provided
defining the haPdShip, no later than 5: 00 p.m., April 2nd.
of $500 f'or each building be assessed, totaling $1,000, also
later than 5: 00 p.m. on April 2nd. Jim HaWkins seconded the motion
4-3, with James Williams, Kathy Brooks and Jack Shinall opposed.
approval to Work longer hours at Mill Pond Village, due
Mr. Jones said they are approximately 4 months behind schedule
they be allowed to work until 10:00 p.m. They are probably 2,000 to
3,000 yards t'rom the nearest residence. Mr. Jones said if the police department
did get any complaints they would be glad to stop work. Hugh Ragan made a motion
the 'Work hours be extended t'rom 6: 00 a.m. to 8: 00 p.m. > Monday through Saturday,
until September 1, 1985. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Charles K. Morehead requested permission to work after 6: 00 p.m. and on Saturdays
at Lakewood Ot'~ice Building at 1955 Lake Park Drive. Mr. Morehead said the construc-
tion was noisy and ntly they have created some problems for residents in
the area. They are schedule because ot' bad weather and a great deal ot'
rock excavation they did not anticipate. These are commercial buildings that must
have concrete slabs. The concrete is poured during normal hours but it has to
be :I:'inished as it cures and dries. At times they may be t'inished at 8: 00 p .m.
and other times it may be ll: 00 p.m. Mr. Morehead said they would like to have
approximately 10 working days to pour concrete and be allowed to work late to
~inish. There were 5 res in opposition. Mr. Morehead said he would be willing
to limit any type of heavy nt to reasonable hours and they should be t'inished
wi th earth work, weather ting, in 2 to 3 weeks> which is now being done
during regular work hours. only maChinery that would be used at night would
be one piece o~ equipment to finish the concrete.
Elaine Faith represented those opposed and said the noise had been constant Monday
through Saturdays, and sometimes on Sunday. Mrs. Faith said she had small children
that need their sleep at night and asked that they not be allowed to work after
8:00 p.m. In response to a question from Max Bacon, Mrs. Faith said they ~elt
the hours of' 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. would be reasonable on Monday through Friday
and on Saturdays, f'rom 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
John Jones with City Group said the 10 pouring'> days would not be consecutive.
Mr. Jones suggested they be allowed to work until 8: 00 p.m. and f'rom 9: 00 to 6: 00
p.m. on Saturday, from now to September 1st. On the concrete :finishing days they
would like to work until 10: 00 p.m. Mr. Jones said they could notif'y the residents
3 days in advance when they would be finishing concrete and the machines would
be cut of'f at 10:00 p.m.
Following a lengthy discussion, Bob Davis made a motion the hours be extended
to allow work f'rom 7: 00 a.m. to 8: 00 p.m., Monday through Friday and :I:'rom 9: 00
a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. In addition, that they be allowed 10 W'orking days
to pour and finish concrete and on these days they be allowed to work until 10: 00
p.m. provided they notit'y the Inspections Department of the pouring days at least
one day in advance. The permit will be in aff'ect until September 1, 1985, but
will be reviewed in 2 weeks as it applies to the concrete pouring days. James
Williams seconded the motion Which carried 7-0.
Commercial Building Permits: Commercial building permits were presented by Inspector
Scott Stokes and recorded as follows:
l) Sharon Baptist Church at 3405 South Cobb Drive requested a
a new roof at a total estimated cost of $16,000. Jim Hawkins
permit be approved SUbject to approval ot' the City Engineer
Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
permit to install
made a motion the
and Fire Marshal.
2) Trinity Baptist Church at 3133 Atlanta Road
a one story addition at a total estimated cost ot'
the permit be approved SUbject to approval of the
James Williams seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
requested a building permit f'or
$75,000. Max Bacon made a motion
City Engineer and Fire Marshal.
3) Brawners Hospital at 3180 Atlanta Road requested a building permit t'or construction
of' a new building at a total estimated cost of' $420,000. Hugh Ragan made a motion
the permit be approved subject to approval of' the City Engineer and Fire Marshal.
Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
4) Smyrna
Concord Road
the permit be
James Williams
Bank & Trust requested a building permit f'or new construction at 888
at a total estimated cost of $775,000. Kathy Brooks made a motion
approved subject to approval of' the City Engineer and Fire Marshal.
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
A roval of'
be approved as
s: Jim Hawkins made a motion the minutes of March 4th and 18th
ubmitted. James Williams seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Max Bacon made a motion
be approved for April 20th,
the parade route f'or the Jonquil City Spring
SUbject to approval of' Chief' Little. Jim Hawkins
April 1, 1985 - Continued
which carried 7-0.
Max a motion that Bank Street be closed on
to 11: 00 t'or the Jonquil City Spring Festival arts
Kathy Brooks seconded the motion Which carried 7-0.
April 20th
and crafts show
8: 30 a.m.
and dance.
Max made a motion that West Spring
p.m. to 2~00 p.m. ~or the Jonqu~l City
Ragan seconded the motion Which carried 7-0.
be closed April 20th from
Festival ugly dog contest.
Bid Award: James Williams said that 3 bids were received on the t'irst phase or
the sewer rehabilitation and they been reviewed by Welker & Associates. The
low bidder on this proj ect is Construction at $940,750.50. James Williams
made a motion the bid be Lovern Construction. Jim HaWkins seconded
the motion which carried 7-0. Ja.ck Shinall said he was still gett:ing complaints
about the sewer line put in at Stone Creek and Powder Springs Street and asked
Jim Belk check into it.
Request f'or Bids: Jim Hawkins made a motion bids be requested for bleachers and
a new bridge at Cobb Park to be opened the next meeting. Jim said these are budgeted
items. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Attorney read the entire speed zone ordinance submitted
approval. Max said he had not had time to completely review
pertaining to the streets in his ward and would like to review it
be:l:'ore approving. Chiet' Little said that any deletions or changes
w.ould make those streets ineligible :I:'or radar use. Arter discussion,
made a motion the ord:inance be tabled to the next meeting. Jim Hawkins
motion which carried 7-0.
Max Bacon sa:id that David May with Audio-Tech was here
would notice the big improvement in the sound system.
special election tomorrow on the 1% sales tax.
Max also
Reavis said King
f'or booth
arted today.
would open April 15th;
the Spring Festival and
also, they
swim lesson
said the Finance Committee is still working on budgets
Little League parade and opening day
meet on April 13th; King Springs Pool
ceremonies April 13th; all-comers
opens April 15th; next council
With no f'urther business, meeting adjourned at 9:42 p.m.
meeting of'
meeting was
T. Bacon.
was City
Little, Fire
Mike Hutchinson,
and Council was held 15, 1985 at
to order at 7: 30 o' clock by presiding
members were eJCcept :for Hugh
E. Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey,
Williams, PUblic Works Director Vic
Sherry Reavis, Clerk Melinda
Farley, Building Scott stokes,
Doris Morris and representatives of
given by Jim Hawki:l)$,
by the pledge to the flag.
Kathy Barton
20 di:t':j;'erent
council and
Rape invited everyone the Jonquil
with Keep America Beauti:t'ul Week.
this weekend including a wo:manless wedding
invited members
celebrate the
Mens Club, on Saturday,
to attend a Rose
the :first phase of'
27th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
park sponsored
by the
Bacon made a motion the City Attorney be authorized to contact NIMLO regarding
problem with a report back at the first meeting in May, if possible, with
cost not to exceed $500. James Williams seconded the motion which carried
Validation of' Signatures:
E. C. Rackley as rollows:
Attorney Camp read an application for annexation by
We the undersigned, who constitute sixty percent (60%) or the electors resident
in the area described below and who constitute sixty percent (60%) of' the owners
0:1;' the land area by acreage of the area described below, which is unincorporated
and contiguous to the City 0:1:' Smyrna, hereby apply to have said area annexed into
the City 0:1:' Smyrna und ons 0:1;' the Code of Georgia Annotated, Sections
69-904 through 69-912 ( Acts 1966, Pages 409, 410, 411, 412, 413;
1971, 399; 1976, Pages 1011, said property to be annexed being described
as follows, to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 444 of the 17th District,
2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia, being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at an iron pin at the southwesterlY intersection of Daniel Drive
and Atlanta Road (SR 3) running southerly along the westerly right of way
oj:' Atlanta Road, south 28 degrees II minutes 37 seconds east a distance of' 480.23
feet to an iron pin set; thence north 88 degrees 07 minutes 01 seconds west a
distance 0:1:' 519.24 feet to an iron pin :I:'ound; thence north 01 degrees 51 minutes
57 seconds east a distance of 220.00 feet to an iron pin set at the south right
0:1:' way line of Daniel Drive; thence north 04 degrees 32 minutes 55 seconds east
a distance of 17.56 reet; thence north 12 degrees 39 minutes 39 seconds east a
distance of 102.21 feet; thence north 27 degrees 33 minutes 23 seconds east a
distance of 40.55 feet; thence north 69 degrees 13 minutes 27 secondS east a distance
0;1;' 40.40 ;l;'eet; thence grees 45 minutes 00 seconds east a distance of
205.45 feet to the s intersection of Daniel Drive and Atlanta Road
and the point of B 3.63 acres as shown on plat of' survey prepared
by Douglas R. Middleton, Land Surveyor, dated 6-18-73.
Also, all that tract or cel of land lying and
District, 2nd Secti Cobb County, Georgia,
more particularly described as f'ollows:
Land Lot 444
Atlanta Road
3) ,
BEGINNING at the center
of Daniel Drive, said
30 feet on either s
or 480.23 feet to the
line or Atlanta Road (SR 3) at the south intersection
being a strip 0:1:' roadway 60 :I:'eet in width, lying
center line; running thence southeasterly a distance
ity limits.
Witness the signature or 60% of' the electors resident in the area described below:
Witness the signature of
his legal representative,
60% of
title holders
the land area
0:1:' the
f'ee simple title, or
described by acreage:
Kathy Brooks made a motion the signatures be validated and the public hearing
set for May 6, 1985. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
e. J.
res: Attorney Camp read an application for annexation by
We the undersigned, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the electors resident
in the area described below and who constitute sixty percent (60%) or the owners
of the land area by acreage of' the area described below, which is unincorporated
and contiguous to the City hereby apply to have said area annexed into
the C:ity oj;' Smyrna under the s of the Code of Georgia Annotated, Sections
4 through 69-912 (Georgia Laws, Acts 1966, Pages 409,410,411, 4l2, 413;
, 399; 1976, Pages lOll, 1012, said property to be annexed being described
as rollows, to wit:
the 17th
All that tract or parcel
District, 2nd Section, Cobb
0:1:' land
:lying and being in Land
Georgia, and being more
Lot 333 of
April 15, 1985 - Continued
described as follows:
BEGINNING an iron pin located the intersection of the northerly right of'
way of' the Seaboard Airline Railroad (which right of' way is 120 f'eet at this point)
wi th the easterly right of' way of' Cooper Lake Road (which right of way is
50 feet at this point); thence north 07 degrees 34 minutes east along
the easter:ty right of' way o:f North Cooper Lake Road a distance :t35. 9 f'eet to
an iron thence running north degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds east a distance
o:f 601.0 to an iron pin on the east land lot line of Land Lot 333;
thence south 01 degrees minutes east along the east land lot line of'
Land a distance of 76.6 to an iron pin located on the : northerly right
of' way of the Seaboard Airline Railroad (which right of' way is 120 :feet at this
point); running south 84 degr'l'?es 29 minutes 30 seconds west alOng the northerly
right of' way of' the Seaboard Railroad a distance of' 624. Of'eet to an iron
pin and of' beginning. Said tract containing 1.48 acres and designated as
Tract 6B as per plat o:f survey f'or Cousins Properties Incorporated by Watts &
Browning, Engineers, dated October 15, 1970, revised November 6, 1970, and revised
December 7, 1970.
of' Land
All that tract or parcl'?:t
District, 2nd Section, Cobb
an iron pin at the common to Land Lot 334, 333, 387 and 388, :.
south 89 degrees minutes east along the north land lot line
a distance .7 f'eet to an iron pin at the corner common
387, 388, 406 thence running south 01 degrees 41 minutes
along the east lot line ot' Land Lot 388 a distance ot' 644.1
iron pin located on the northeasterly right oj;' way of the Seaboard
(which right of w.ay is 220 feet at this point); thence running
along the northeasterlY right o:f way o:f the Seaboard Airline Railroad
403.9 f'eet (the chord oj;~ which is 401.52 f'eet on a magnetic bearing
39 minutes 30 seconds west) to an iron pin; thence running
northerly right of' way of' Seaboard Airline Railroad a distance
chord of which is 281.21 t'eet on a magnetic bearing o:f south
mi'l'lutes west) to pin; thence running south 84 degrees 29
west along northerly right of' way oj;' the Seaboard Airline
distance of' 640.2 iron pin located on the west land lot
Lot 388; thence 01 degrees 41 minutes west along the
of' Land Lot distance ot' 630.2 t'eet to an iron pin and
Said tract 17.56 acres and designated as Tract
o:f survey f'or Cousins Properties Incorporated by Watts & Browning,
October 15, 1970, revised November 6, 1970, and revised December
of' land
lying and
being in
and being
Lot 388 of'
the 17th
7 as
7, 1970.
that tract or parcel
2nd Section, Cobb
of land
lying and
being in
and being
Lot 405 of'
east a
o:f way of'
feet on a
and point
16 as
7, 1970.
at an iron pin located at the intersection of' the west land lot line
with the northeasterly right of' way of' the Seaboard Airline Railroad
of' way is 220 :feet at this point); thence running north 01 degrees
seconds west along the west land lot line of' Land Lot 405 a distance
to an iron pin; thence running south 89 degrees minutes east
401.9 feet to an thence running south 00 44 minutes
ot' 840.6 j;~eet iron pin located on the right
Seaboard Airline Railroad (which right ot' way is 220 t~eet at this point);
north 52 degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds west along the northeasterly
of the Seaboard Airline Railroad a distance at' 237.4 feet to an iron
running northwesterly along the northeasterly right of' way of' the
Railroad a distance of 240.7 :feet (the chord ot' which is 240.19
magnetic bearing of 59 degrees 19 minutes west) to an iron pin
of beginning. Saidconta::Lning 6.35 acres and designated as Tract
plat of' survey f'or Properties Incorporated by Watts & Browning,
da.ted October 15, revised November 6, 1970, and revised December
the 17th
tract or parcel
Section, Cobb
of land
lying and being in Land
Georgia, and being more
Lot 387 of
Business License: Ennis M. Mallett requested a business license for Golden Needle
Tattoo at 560 Cherokee Road. Mr. Mallett was not present and Police Chief Little
said he had advised Mr. Mallett' s attorney today that the investigatio!,l was not
complete and it would not be necessary for him to attend tonight. Kathy Brooks
made a motion the application be tabled to the next meeting. Max Bacon seconded
the motion which carried 6-0.
Mayor Bacon said that Hugh Ragan was out of town on business this week.
Residential Business License: Barry Sharp requested a residential business license
:for Sharp Transfer, 2556 Cotton Street. Mr. Sharp said he was the owner/operator
of the truck used for his business and would use his home only ror paperwork.
Mr. Sharp said he needs se because he hires people to work :l"or him at
his two accounts in Jon Fulton Industrial Boulevard but these people
would not be working at his home. Bob Davis asked Mr. Sharp i:l" he was j;'amiliar
with the home occupation ordinance and he stated that he was. Bob Davis asked
what kind of' vehicle would be parked at his home. Mr. Sharp said he had a Volvo
singleaxle truck which to a regular size parking space, and also a
1979 Grand Prix. He h :from the apartment owners and always parked
the tractor in a space him by the complex. Jim Hawkins told Mr. Sharp
that he was not in vio of any law by doing paperwork in his home and could
not understand why he needed the license. Mr. Sharp said the license would make
his business easier because of occasional claims he has to handle and for tax
reasons. Aj;'ter t'urther discussion, Bob Davis made a motion the license be approved,
seconded by James Williams. Jim HawkinS said he would vote against the motion
because he did not believe Mr. Sharp needed the license. Vote on the motion carried
5-1, with Jim Hawkins opposed.
Variance: Jack N. Halpern requested a variance to allow more than one building
per lot and reduce the front setback t'or a hamburger kiosk at South Cobb Plaza.
Jack Shinall said since this was tabled at the last meeting they had done a lot
of work and j;'ound kiosks in every shopping center. Mike Hutchinson said he had
contacted Cobb County about their requirements and they allow the kiosks and have
no restrictions such He also had information from Clayton County that
basically said the same Mr. Halpern said they would like to withdraw the
request to reduce the setback. There was no opposition and Jack Shinall
made a motion the granted with the stipulation that Mike Hutchinson
review the parking re there is adequate parking and that the trat'j;'ic
flow would not be imped Hawkins said we should get the zoning board to
study this and possi our ordinance to conform with the county's. Jim
Hawkins seconded the m carried 6-0.
Alan R. Bellsouth Mobility, Inc. requested a variance on
500 j;'oot setback I' and also to raise the height of their tower on
Corn Road from 80 :feet j;'eet. Bob Davis said he received a letter from Mr.
Perry requesting that t tabled to the May 6th meeting because he had not
been able to obtain approval :from the adjOining property owners. Bob Davis made
a motion the variance be tabled to May 6, 1985. James Williams seconded the motion
which carried 6-0.
David E. Barnett requested a variance on the rear yard setback for
an to his home at 2734 Parkwood Road. There was no oppositon. Mr. Barnett
was present and said he would like permission to build a den onto the rear of
his home. Jack Shinall this was a unique situation because this house was
built on the very back f the property, making it almost impossibJ.e to
add onto without a variance. Jack said Mr. Barnett had letters from the adjoining
neighb they had no objections and he also had personally talked to
the area. Jack Shinall made a motion the variance be approved.
the motion which carried 6-0.
rcial Buildin Pe
cott Stokes and recorded
Commercial building permits were presented by Inspector
1) Carlson Georgia
1955 Lake Park Drive
motion the permit be
Marshal. James Williams
Corporation requested a building permit for tenant space at
at a total estimated cost of $150,000. Jim Hawkins made a
approved subj ect to approval o:l" the City Engineer and Fire
seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
2) A-B Dick requested a building permit for tenant space at
at a total estimated cost of $450,000. Jim Hawkins made a
approved SUbject to ap City Engineer and Fire
seco!,lded the motion whic
4300 Highlands Parkway
motion the permit be
Marshal. Jack Shinall
3) 3mYTUa Hospital, 3949 South
addition to the building at a
a motion the permit be approved
Marshal. James Williams seconded the
Drive requested a building permit for an
estimated cost of $60,000. Max Bacon made
to approval of the City Engineer and Fire
motion which carried 6-0.
Ordinance Amendment:
wine license is not
proposed amendments:
Bob Davis
enough to
advertising f'ees for liquor,
newspaper cost and read the
beer and
That Section 3-14(d) be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
Sect. 3-l4. Filing original application; form; contents--Spirituous liquors.
(d) Upon :J;'iling of the application for a spirituous liquor license with the license
department, the City shall require the applicant to deposit a PTocessing fee as
directed by the governing body to cover the expense of advertising, investigation
and processing of' the application and said f'ee is not refundable.
That Section 3-15(c) be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
Sect. 3-l5. Same--Malt and vinous beverages.
(c) Appli<;ant :for a malt beverage or..wine license shall deposit a f'ee as directed
by the governing body to cover advertisement costs.
suggested the word
ordinance amendments
Camp. Jack Shinall seconded the
be changed to
approved with the
which carried 6-0.
"pay. " Bob Davis made
one change suggested by
Bob Davis made a motion the application
and beer and wine application fees at
which carried 6-0.
t'or liquor
each. Max
licenses be set at
Bacon seconded the
Bids f'or bleachers and a bridge for Cobb Park were opened, read
as follows:
Leisure Lines
$3,176 Bleachers
$3,497 Bridge
Stadiums Unlimited
$2,542 Bleachers
No bid on bridge
$2,440 Bleachers
$ 4,287 Bridge
Dominica Recreation
$3,620 Bleachers
$2,937 Bridge
Jim a motion the bids
their back to council
the motion which carried 6-0.
turned over to the
the next meeting.
Parks Committee with
Jack Shinall seconded
Only one bid
and recorded as
was received
Northwest Insurance Agency
Jim HaWkins made
a recommendation
carried 6-0.
a motion
back at
be turned
to the Insurance Committee
Bacon seconded the motion
Speed Zone Ordinance: Jim Hawkins made a motion the speed zone ordinance be approved
as originally submitted to the State. James Williams seconded the motion which
carried 6-0.
Max Bacon said t'or several months he has had an on-going problem with the Seaboard
Railroad passing track constructed behind Argyle Estates and as of today, the
problem is worse than ever. The track is at Ann Road, and the railroad is using
it :for an extra yard with engines Tunning constantly. Max Bacon made a motion
the City Attorney be authorized contact the National Institute of Municipal
Law (NIMLO) and the available to them in a solution
to problem. Max said he not think this was an isolated case and this
organization reviews ordinances and problems from allover the country.
April 15, 1985 - Continued
BEGINNING at an iron pin set at the corner common to Land Lots 334, 387, 333
and 388, thence running north 00 degrees 22 minutes west along the west land
lot line of' Land Lot 387 a distance of 435.3 feet to an iron pin f'ound at the
north right of' way of' Nowlin Drive; thence continuing along the west land lot
line of Land Lot 387 a distance of 223.7 f'eet to an iron pin f'ound; thence running
south 89 degrees 52 minutes east a distance of 530.0 f'eet to an iron pin set;
thence running south 00 degrees 12 minutes east a distance of 657.4 f'eet to an
iron pin found at the nd lot line of Land Lot 387; thence running south
89 degrees 41 minutes w ong the south land lot line of' Land Lot 387 a distance
of' 530.0 feet to an iron pin at the point of beginning. Said tract containing
8.0 acres as per plat of survey for C. J. & Betty Fouts by A. O. Carlile, Registered
Land Surveyor, dated March 30, 1971.
Witness the signature of 60% of' the electors resident in the area described below:
Witness the signature of'
his legal representative,
of the
fee simple title, or
described by acreage:
60% of
ti tIe holders
the land area
Max Bacon made
for May 6, 1985.
a motion the signatures be validated and the public
James Williams seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
Committee Reports: (Inspections) Kathy Brooks said that Mike Hutchinson was
working on some changes in the ordinance and procedures that would soon be presented
f'or adoption.
Kathy Brooks said she had a report last Saturday that the
on Cherokee at Old Spring was testing an orange colored
speed on Burbank Drive and asked Chief' Little to look into it.
auto paint store
a high rate of
car at
the Finance Committee has narrowed the applications
to 16 and they hoped to begin interviewing no later
the budgets have gone back to the Department Heads
of the committee chairmen and members to work with
down to a realistic figure that we can live with.
(Finance) Jack Shinall said
for City Administrator down
than April 29th. Jack said
and asked the cooperation
them in getting the budgets
that the City of
property by the
was not good for
Marietta felt
our cities
they had been hurt by the
Jack said the precedent
but congratulated them on
set by
Jack Shinall said
de-annexation of'
the legislature
some action.
(Parks) Sherry Reavis said the Parks and Recreation offices have moved to the
gray house at the corner of' King and Bank. Sherry reported on the upcoming Spring
Festival with activities including live entertainment, barbecue, craf't fair booths
and softball tournaments. Also, King Spring Pool opened tonight and registration
for swim classes has begun.
Jim Hawkins read a letter addressed to the Mayor and Council from the Pony League,
inviting them to their opening day ceremonies April 20th at Cobb Park.
Max Bacon said a drainage pipe on Walker Court at Spring Street needs replacing
and has been approved under the CDBG grant. However, if' the work is not completed
soon we may lose the funds appropriated f'or this proj ect. Max said the material
for the job was on hand but would like to bid the installation due to manpower
shortage in the Public tment. Max made a motion the rules be suspended.
Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Max Bacon made a motion proposals
be accepted for the installation of the pipe, to be returned at the May 6th meeting.
James Williams seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
Max Bacon said that Mary Ann Lasseter, Coordinator f'or the Clean City Committee
just had her first baby and wished her well.
Jack Shinall asked Vie Broyles about the last paving done under the LARP program
and stated they had not done a very good job. Vie said the City does not have
much control over that; the paving and inspection is handled through the State.
Vie said he could contact the inspectors to see when they could be back to finish
April 15, 1985 - Continued
(Library) Doris Morris said this was National Library Week through April 20th
and asked everyone to visit the library.
Bob Davis said the permit to
Lake Park Drive has worked out
with the homeowners in the area.
and the
hours for
qevelopment on
worked together
Announcements: King Springs Pool
Jonquil City Spring Festival April
20th; next council meeting May 6th.
opens today; Jonquil
19th through 21st; Cobb
Breakfast April
Park opening day
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m.